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Iran issues tough warning to Turkey on Syria

King abdullah is the greatest man alive in my opinion he changed this country beyond anyone can comprehend who is not living in Saudi Arabia. King abdullah is my king and role model I respect him more than people can understand .

He is by far the greatest thing to happen to the country since its establishment.
No way - You really think Abdullah is better that King Faisal? :blink:
He was a greatest and most patriotic king in my opinion...
Oh Iran is the Don of that Region....

That is why Israel doesn't want Iran accquire Nuke warheads
On a site note:
150 killed. 150 Men, women and children killed in just 1 day.
Imagine if this was happening in Israel, i wouldn`t be surprised the UN unanimously voted to attack Israel.
Funny world we live in and even worse, no one cares about Arabs unless they are used against Israel.

Yes ...Is any Muslims tells about this killing incident..If any one died in Palestine "we know what happening"....

I am already doubted about UN decesion over Syrian Issue...I think UN take decesion after some 1million peoples dies...

well any answer from Muslims
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