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Iran issues tough warning to Turkey on Syria

Your IQ level must be off the chart
obviously Iran feels that Syria is a much more important strategic asset. Plus, nobody is making enemies. Iran and Turkey have been increasing trade EVERY year. The Israelis killed innocent Turks in the flotilla incident and raided a Turkish ship in international waters and they are still friends.

As I said before, every country is a hypocrite.

the saudis support Syrians but attack Bahrain
The Americans support Iranian protestors but not Bahrainis
The Iranians support Egyptian and Bahraini protesters but not Syrians

it's politics, get used to it.

GCC countries and Iran are also increasing trade every year....
GCC countries and Iran are also increasing trade every year....

actually they're not
Abu Dhabbi kicked out a ton of Iranian business men and it's making it harder and harder for Iranians to do business there. They're also pressuring Dubai heavily to do the same.
You insulting everyone speaks volumes of your IQ.

Turkey and Israel stopped being friends a long time ago. As secularism dies in Turkey so does this friendship.

you also have a very high IQ
contact MENSA immidiately bro. You can't let that brain of yours go to waste.
actually they're not
Abu Dhabbi kicked out a ton of Iranian business men and it's making it harder and harder for Iranians to do business there. They're also pressuring Dubai heavily to do the same.

The biggest Iranian trade partner in the world are the GCC countries FYI...
How important to the Iran-Assad relationship is it that Assad is Alawite and his government and military are Alawite-dominated? Is this a case of Shia sticking together against the Sunni states?
How important to the Iran-Assad relationship is it that Assad is Alawite and his government and military are Alawite-dominated? Is this a case of Shia sticking together against the Sunni states?

Unfortunately yes...yes it is....
you also have a very high IQ
contact MENSA immidiately bro. You can't let that brain of yours go to waste.

You need anger management buddy, though i`d suggest getting out of the house more often and breathe some fresh air, that might help you with the internet rages.
How important to the Iran-Assad relationship is it that Assad is Alawite and his government and military are Alawite-dominated? Is this a case of Shia sticking together against the Sunni states?
It is very important. It is a Lebanese shiite Ayatollah Musa Sadr and Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini decreed Alavite to be part of the Shi'a in the 1970s. Syria during the Iran-Iraq war, even supported Iran.
How important to the Iran-Assad relationship is it that Assad is Alawite and his government and military are Alawite-dominated? Is this a case of Shia sticking together against the Sunni states?

Yes it is. This is only going to increase Shia-Sunni tensions in the region. Also, Syria is Iran's only ally.
Turkey-------> NATO member, military ties with Israel, pro American, but Muslim country.
Syria---------> Anti Israel, Anti American, Against America and Israel with Iran, Muslim country.
Iran----------> Anti Israel, Anti American, Against America and Israel with Syria, Muslim country, mostly Shiite.
KSA----------> Anti Iran, Anti Syria, Anti/Pro American/Israel (you Judge)

Arab uprising!

Tunisia= Don't know much about country profile, Arab uprising from here and was succeed perfectly with less causalities, reasons and benefits of uprising are not known much, current government isn't any better than pervious.
Egypt= uprising start following by Tunisian, uprising lead by Muslim brotherhood (Mohammad???? Elbradie former chief of IAEA, an organisation of corrupted nations) lead the uprising soon after his retirement. Progress of uprising = failure. Reason and benefits of uprising = reason is mostly political, no benefit for Muslims and Egyptian as many protester being killed and demands are not fulfilled, Raffah (Gaza) border still closed, Palestinian in Gaza is still in Mercy of ARAB and ISRAEL. Ties with Israel isn't affected.
Libya= uprising start follow Egyptian's uprising, civil war broke out, thousands are killed, NATO invasion began, Gaddafi (Anti- American) will be thrown out or killed soon. Reason and Benefit of uprising= reasons are not known, loss of a Muslim country and becoming western colony.
Bahrain = Uprising start following Libyan or at same time, Reason = people want to overthrow pro American Al-Khalifah regime. Iran openly support as majority of Bahrain are Shiite Muslim. KSA openly invade the country and USA openly backing KSA as American fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain. who will benefit if uprising succeed? Majority of Bahrain and Iran otherwise American.
Syria= Uprising start following Libyan or at same time. Reason = to overthrow Anti American regime. Benefit = NATO want to intervene leading by TURKEY, America openly support the uprising in Syria and backing NATO intervention, rumours of Arm flow into Syria resulting many Syrian soldiers and civilian killed in protest.

On personal note: I have to admit that most of the ARAB people are the same stupid people of my country AFGHANISTAN where people fought with their own at RUSSIAN time. I believe ARAB are even worse since they are mostly educated.
AND ARAB UPRISING suck and undoubtedly it is created by USA and Allies.
This will not in any way cause friction between iran and turkey, besides iran-turkey relation in mutually beneficial.
i am not against any country but Iran need to think before issueing such statement. Turkey stronger then Iran, any attack on Turkey will have Nato responce,

Oh yes they are very stronger..everyone is stronger than iran, and nato? lol dont make me laugh, they have run out of bombs what they gonna do throw stones at us?
lols abi get banned he was over reacting since few days so it was expected .now please guys dont fight on every thread .
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