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Iran is developing system similar to S-300

Iran will probbly just need to make some adjustments on range and tracking software they already have the hardware so that is 70% of issue solved I don't see why Iran would have problem considering the quality of their local engineers and researchers
Actually the U.S. had a Ballistic missile program prior to the end of WWII. The WAC Corporal missile entered service in 1944. It just was never used in the war. the corporal missile line would later become the first missiles designed to carry a nuke warhead. as far as acomplishments after the war. it wasn't how many scientists each side had that mattered more. But the political will that controled the purse strings and red tape. the russians had a more streamlined approach with approving and funding projects they deemed a national priority. The U.S. side had to justify everything to a congress wanting to scale down. Sputnik was the wake up call that made the U.S. space program a national priority. After that the U.S. leap froged the Russians culminating in the first man on the moon and later on with the space shuttle. As for the military rockets, US rockets were far more accurate then Russian. Which is why the Russians had to rely more on bigger megaton bombs to compensate.

This is cold war era propoganda that has been dispelled by credible Americans such as defence secretary Weinberger and a number of Americans after they came to Russia to examine the RD-180 rocket motors during the 1990's.

Here is statement from Weinburger that dates back to 1982:

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As for the US and Soviet Union using Nazi scientists, it is true. However, they were a small part of a much bigger picture, a handful of Germans although valuable can not take all the credit for either the Soviet or US space programs--remember both sides had thousands of people involved in their respectable space programs. The V-2 was also a valuable starting point for both the US and Soviet space programs, but again, the credit can not just go to the V-2. The V-2 was very advanced at the time but it is not like either the Soviets or Americans did not know the how to built something similar, in fact Konstantin Tsiolkovsky proposed using liquid hydrogen to power rockets back in 1903, will Robert Goddard put theory in to practice and created the first small scale liquid fueled rocket. Rockets with similar propulsion to the V-2 were built during the 1930's in the Soviet Union.

Eventually German scientists retired and both programs went on without them. Rocket technology post WWII had very little or nothing to do with Germans and or the V-2.
Iran is not going to built an S-300 equivalent. Perhaps Iran can built something comparable to a 1980's S-300 or something from the early 1990's, but Iran does not have the experience, capacity and likely funds to built anything comparable to a modern S-300. The S-300 was not created overnight, the systems has went through countless upgrades, in fact I believe there are more than two dozen variants since the late 1970's.
I dont think Iran is building B373 from the scratch. They most likely reverse-engineered S-300 for ~5 years, bought HQ-9 (S-300 and Patriot hybrid) as well several years ago. Thats what Iranians do - they either buy blue-prints or reverse engineer, add their own modifications and produce as their own. Thats why its not surprising that Iran will be able to produce S300 (or HQ-9) clones in not so distant future.

People do not understand the complexity involved in such a system. The S-300 is comprised of multiple systems, and as so it has to have data-link. For the Iranians to built an S-300 they will have to have knowledge, in seekers, propulsion, radars, data-linking, electronic warfare, ect. And again this is not something that is learned overnight. On top of that Iran will have to have a decent semi conductor industry.
Thats all true, however nothing happened overnight. Iran has extensive knowledge of S200 and Hawks for decades, figured out S-300 (whatever version they could get their hands on) and HQ-9, they might even bought license for those from China. It doesnt take that long to produce their own version knowing all this, its after all top priority for Iran, and no resources are spared to achieve the goal of indigenous high-tech SAM systems.

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