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Iran intercepts and shoots israeli drone

Common my friend, IRGC is running the war over there and training Assad's fighters. Did you forget what Hezbollah in Lebanon is? It is just a franchise for the IRGC, along with all the remaining franchises in the region, Houthis, Mahdy Army...etc. They won't last for 2 weeks without the cash, and equipment supplied to them from Tehran.

Hezbollah fighters and rank & file are Lebanese....and given how they performed in 2006 against israel's much vaunted military machine i'd say they did a damn good job :tup:

And you are absolutely right. As a source for legitimacy, Iran will of course be in a better position if KSA sides with Israeli. That will shorten any legitimacy disputes that Iran may have to go through. As a matter of fact, the whole "Marg bar Israel " slogan was not made for the sake of helping the Palestinians. It was needed for legitimacy purposes only.

there is truth to that and Iran has used populist politics to garner support not just domestically..

my own belief is that history books wont judge Iran as the aggressor in the region...hegemonic yes, but not in an overtly aggressive fashion

their proxies arent going around beheading people and destroying holy places such as Churches Shrines or Mosques
Hezbollah fighters and rank & file are Lebanese....and given how they performed in 2006 against israel's much vaunted military machine i'd say they did a damn good job :tup:

there is truth to that and Iran has used populist politics to garner support not just domestically..

my own belief is that history books wont judge Iran as the aggressor in the region...hegemonic yes, but not in an overtly aggressive fashion

their proxies arent going around beheading people and destroying holy places such as Churches Shrines or Mosques

They are Lebanese by nationality, and Franchisees by reality, of the big Franchisor (IRGC). Some observers even attribute the 2006 war to the need for setting up a legitimacy base for Hezbollah inside Lebanon. Remember, the Syrians withdrew their troops form Lebanon in 2005 for the first time since 1976, and the war took place right after that. The withdrawl was made after the Lebanese Prime Minister's assasination in 2005 at the hands of Assad and his allies. This is again was made by Hezbollah in honor of their Franchising obligations.

Are you serious when you say that their proxies are not killing people in Syria? Check it out on Google dude.
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Are you serious when you say that their proxies are not killing people in Syria? Check it out on Google dude.

People are cheap nowadays in some states of the ME.

Who is not killing people in Syria, Qatar supporting ISIS , Bandar bin Sultan who failed his job having the arms meant for FSA end up in ISIS/Nusra hands.

People will have more reason to agree with you if you use something else then people dieing.
They are Lebanese by nationality, and Franchisees by reality, of the big Franchisor (IRGC). Some observers even attribute the 2006 war to the need for setting up a legitimacy base for Hezbollah inside Lebanon. Remember, the Syrians withdrew their troops form Lebanon in 2005 for the first time since 1976, and the war took place right after that. The withdrawl was made after the Lebanese Prime Minister's assasination in 2005 at the hands of Assad and his allies. This is again was made by Hezbollah in honor of their Franchising obligations.

Are you serious when you say that their proxies are not killing people in Syria? Check it out on Google dude.

Well, if you remember the Lebanese civil war, the Israeli invasions, the civilian bombardments by Usrael since before 2000 and till 2006 of the civilians, destruction of most big cities and the heavy death toll inflected on Lebanon, the Lebanese people seemed desperate and no one came to their rescue, maybe Iran helped Hizbollah financially (since most of its weapons were western ones) and with training, we can at least say that Iran has helped stabilize Lebanon from a more than 2 decades turmoil, so it has played a stabilizing role in the whole region by doing that, and is proof enough that it is seeking stability an equilibrium in the middle east.
Well, if you remember the Lebanese civil war, the Israeli invasions, the civilian bombardments by Usrael since before 2000 and till 2006 of the civilians, destruction of most big cities and the heavy death toll inflected on Lebanon, the Lebanese people seemed desperate and no one came to their rescue, maybe Iran helped Hizbollah financially (since most of its weapons were western ones) and with training, we can at least say that Iran has helped stabilize Lebanon from a more than 2 decades turmoil, so it has played a stabilizing role in the whole region by doing that, and is proof enough that it is seeking stability an equilibrium in the middle east.

Yeah, until they complete their seizure of power on the already shaking Lebanese state. Then, they will continue to run the country on the franchise arrangement that made them who they are today. All as per the demands and requests coming from Tehran. What a win win situation. There is no free lunch in this world, and they have to pay back their debt to the IRGC through political slavery.

And be sure buddy that they will do whatever possible to weaken the National Lebanese Army. After all, no rooster would like to see another one in front of him every morning.
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Only until they gradually put their hands on all the keys of power inside the Lebanese state. Then, then they will manage Lebanon as per the requests received from Tehran. There is no free lunch any where in this world, and certainly not in politics and militarism.

And be sure buddy that the last thing they want to do is for Lebanon to have a real national army (always regarded as the heart of security and stability). Instead, they want to run this militia on franchise basis for Qassem Sulmiani and his buddies to play some nasty cheess.

Do not forget that Lebanon was a majority Muslim country run by the Christian minority since its independence and till around 2000 which created a lot of tensions in the country, today it is a more balanced state, and enjoys peace and stability no one can deny. Lebanon already has a national army, and Hizbollah is there to reinforce it if it gets overwhelmed.

You have a right to your opinion, but I dot think that Iran has military ambitions in the Area, they might have political ones, with the aim of stability in the region. Remember that they too need that stability to thrive.

By the way, there are some news that this shot down UAV took off from a base in SA...
Do not forget that Lebanon was a majority Muslim country run by the Christian minority since its independence and till around 2000 which created a lot of tensions in the country, today it is a more balanced state, and enjoys peace and stability no one can deny. Lebanon already has a national army, and Hizbollah is there to reinforce it if it gets overwhelmed.

You have a right to your opinion, but I dot think that Iran has military ambitions in the Area, they might have political ones, with the aim of stability in the region. Remember that they too need that stability to thrive.

By the way, there are some news that this shot down UAV took off from a base in SA...

For your information, most Sunni Arabs (especially in KSA and the GCC genrally) would prefer to see the Christians running the show in Lebanon rather than the IRGC’s franchisees (Hezbollah). There is zero trust in what the Iranian regime can do to the stability of the region, given the innate, possibly eternal, hatred between Arabs and Persians. After all, Hezbollah is globally classified as a terrorist organization while the Lebanese Maronite Christians were undoubtedly the modernizers of Lebanon.

Plus, the Christians and Muslims held almost an equal number back in the 1920s (when Lebanon was created), and balancing the power came after the civil war in which everybody participated: the Sunnis, Doroz,Shias, and Palestinians). There have been a zillion alliances (and counter alliances) throughout that nasty long civil war, and I don’t see how the credit can be handed over to Hezbollah here.
The credit to Hizbollah is from the 2002 and 2006, it is the civil war that brought back Muslims to the government, before that it was like medieval Europe with Christian landlords and Muslim labor in this case.
I do not know if you are Muslim or not, but the majority of Muslims world wide do not hate each other, be it Sunnis or Shia, if you think that an exception exists in KSA and the GCC generally, than it is not the case of the populations, and more of government policies. It is obvious since the US is strongly present, with bases, arms sales and has made the GCC dependent on it in more than one way, and the self reliance policies of Iran contradicts each other, but only within the context of the US influence on one part and lack of it on the other. A conflict in the middle east will not benefit any regional state but will certainly benefit the Americans back home about 10 000 miles away.
If you prefer Christians over Muslims in Muslim land than you are heading for trouble. But since I know KSA policy and the GCC's one, I am pretty sure its just your own opinion, that you are entitled to entertain as you like.
They are Lebanese by nationality, and Franchisees by reality, of the big Franchisor (IRGC). Some observers even attribute the 2006 war to the need for setting up a legitimacy base for Hezbollah inside Lebanon. Remember, the Syrians withdrew their troops form Lebanon in 2005 for the first time since 1976, and the war took place right after that. The withdrawl was made after the Lebanese Prime Minister's assasination in 2005 at the hands of Assad and his allies. This is again was made by Hezbollah in honor of their Franchising obligations.

Are you serious when you say that their proxies are not killing people in Syria? Check it out on Google dude.

the regime does.....but take a few steps back and look at the tragedies of both Iraq and Syria....who isnt killing eachother?

i dont think Hezb was involved in the assasination of Hariri even the UN tribunal could not prove that. it was an israeli job in my opinion and they did succeed at that time in dividing Lebanese on sectarian grounds

a lot of Hezb support comes from non Muslims by the way

For your information, most Sunni Arabs (especially in KSA and the GCC genrally) would prefer to see the Christians running the show in Lebanon rather than the IRGC’s franchisees (Hezbollah). There is zero trust in what the Iranian regime can do to the stability of the region, given the innate, possibly eternal, hatred between Arabs and Persians. After all, Hezbollah is globally classified as a terrorist organization while the Lebanese Maronite Christians were undoubtedly the modernizers of Lebanon.

Plus, the Christians and Muslims held almost an equal number back in the 1920s (when Lebanon was created), and balancing the power came after the civil war in which everybody participated: the Sunnis, Doroz,Shias, and Palestinians). There have been a zillion alliances (and counter alliances) throughout that nasty long civil war, and I don’t see how the credit can be handed over to Hezbollah here.

the Maronites were allied with Hezbollah in 2006.....but then again there have been alliances of convenience as you stated even that guy Walid Jumblatt who used to be anti Hezbollah eventually sided with them a few years back

Persians and Arabs need to bite their egos and stop playing into the hands of those who want to see Muslims divided.....you guys read the same holy book worship the same God that's all that should matter; leave the old hatred for the historians
Persians and Arabs need to bite their egos and stop playing into the hands of those who want to see Muslims divided.....you guys read the same holy book worship the same God that's all that should matter; leave the old hatred for the historians

That's a very nice humane view, but it is alomst impossible to happen. Plus, millions of Persians hate Islam to a degree that Israeli jews may not dare to do. Read the posts of some Persian mebers here and you will get my point.
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That's a very nice humane view, but it is alomst impossible to happen. Plus, Millions of Persians hate Islam to a degree that Israeli jews may not dare to do. Read the posts of some Persian mebers here and you will get my point.

Israeli Jews/international Jews despise Islam. You just don't read their posts.
That's a very nice humane view, but it is alomst impossible to happen. Plus, Millions of Persians hate Islam to a degree that Israeli jews may not dare to do. Read the posts of some Persian mebers here and you will get my point.

They might not be Muslims, there are a lot of minorities in Iran who don't like the Muslim regime there. But more than 90% of the Iranians are satisfied with it. Compare general population well being statistics of the Shah era and Iran today. you will be amazed of the achievements.Please do not confuse some people who still think and believe in the pre-Islamic Persia and the Muslim Iranians. This is just another Western plot to create divisions, since I mostly see it (being extensively used) in western media about how Iran (Persia, they still call it) was a great civilization, one of the greatest and try to falsely compare it with Modern Islamic Iran, this is nothing but propaganda for use in the western fight against Iran in particular and Islam in general, since you can see and find out that they use any possible historical fact that can create rifts and Fitna in Muslim lands. ran is not an exception , it is rather more targeted than others, mostly because of its resistance to their values.
They might not be Muslims, there are a lot of minorities in Iran who don't like the Muslim regime there. But more than 90% of the Iranians are satisfied with it. Compare general population well being statistics of the Shah era and Iran today. you will be amazed of the achievements.Please do not confuse some people who still think and believe in the pre-Islamic Persia and the Muslim Iranians. This is just another Western plot to create divisions, since I mostly see it (being extensively used) in western media about how Iran (Persia, they still call it) was a great civilization, one of the greatest and try to falsely compare it with Modern Islamic Iran, this is nothing but propaganda for use in the western fight against Iran in particular and Islam in general, since you can see and find out that they use any possible historical fact that can create rifts and Fitna in Muslim lands. ran is not an exception , it is rather more targeted than others, mostly because of its resistance to their values.

Well said. But, with the shit-for-brains populations in the ME due to decades of dictatorship/subjugation many people will fall for divisions.

Only way to unite is to unite under a simple banner. Something simply to understand for the 'simple-minded' people.
سردار جزایری در گفت‌وگو با فارس: پاسخ ارسال پهپاد جاسوسی را در سرزمین‌های اشغالی خواهیم داد/ ارسال پهپاد اسرائیلی از یکی از کشورهای شمالی ایران

General Jazayeri: The UAV range does not allow it to travel all the way from Israel to Iran and it was sent from one of the countries in the region. We are waiting for the country that collaborated with the Zionist regime to compensate their actions or else we will publicly announce that countries name.

The reporter then asks for more details about that country and General Jazayeri answers:
The country is located in north of Iran and was formerly a part of the Soviet Union.

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