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Iran helps Venezuela in its time of need

We need to improve our presence in Western Africa. We need to improve our ties with Sierra Leone, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, etc. Iran has many supporters in Nigeria already. If we want to conduct serious business with Venezuela, we will need strong presence in Western Africa.

US has strong influence on Western Africa and we may spend money without building up relationship.
US has strong influence on Western Africa and we may spend money without building up relationship.
That's a risk we must take because we need them. Otherwise our cargos to Venezuela won't be safe. The US, Europe and Israel had a strong influence and presence in Lebanon. But see what happened there. The situation in Western Africa is pretty similar. And the power structure is even simpler.
Hopefully we will see something good. The year 2020 has been a rather terrible year so far, we need something to help lift the mood.
We need something very big to regain the lost reputation and damage for the past 5 months. A high valuable assassination or some fancy weapons will certainly help.
That's a risk we must take because we need them. Otherwise our cargos to Venezuela won't be safe. The US, Europe and Israel had a strong influence and presence in Lebanon. But see what happened there. The situation in Western Africa is pretty similar. And the power structure is even simpler.

We can offer a tech transfer that US never offers. That works better than money and you will be needed forever.
Do you even read what I write? :P

We can count on Bolivia too.

They can be our puppet if we pay them better and exploit their vulnerabilities. We can spread our ideology there. They have been suppressed for decades. I'm sure many of them want a better future for their country. Where there's poverty and years of suppression, there's room for creating new militant groups. And because the power structure is simple there, it won't be too hard to do.
Yes, you talked about improving our position in West Africa. Its a lost cause with those corrupt African puppet dictators.

Same with Bolivia, Morales is toppled, hiding in Argentina and his country is run by American stooges. Its a tragedy.
Yes, you talked about improving our position in West Africa. Its a lost cause with those corrupt African puppet dictators.

Same with Bolivia, Morales is toppled, hiding in Argentina and his country is run by American stooges. Its a tragedy.
And what makes you think we can't buy those puppets and exploit them? And even create a parallel government? Why is expanding our influence in Sierra Leone more difficult than Lebanon which is much more sophisticated and advanced?

We can offer a tech transfer that US never offers. That works better than money and you will be needed forever.
Whatever they need. We can offer them education. They need that. Just few days ago, the president of Ghana was saying right in front of Macron that Africa needs to learn to survive on its own without the mercy of France or other Europeans. They want to become independent. They just don't know how.

And what makes you think we can't buy those puppets and exploit them? And even create a parallel government? Why is expanding our influence in Sierra Leone more difficult than Lebanon which is much more sophisticated and advanced?
Distance,religion,race if you ask me. The only other option is the anti imperialism which is lacking too in that region.
What you are suggesting is building a relationship from scratch, with no basis and a weak relationship with the local people.

It won't work baradar.
Distance,religion,race if you ask me. The only other option is the anti imperialism which is lacking too in that region.
What you are suggesting is building a relationship from scratch, with no basis and a weak relationship with the local people.

It won't work baradar.
You are wrong. Distance? Venezuela is much further than Africa. Religion? Sierra Leone is an Islamic country (80% are Muslims) while Venezuelans are Catholics. And Islam is well-spread throughout Africa. Race? Since when Hispanics are the same race as us? Anti-imperialism is quite strong in Africa. Even stronger than the Middle East and Latin America.

They know they are rich. They know they have extremely valuable mineral resources. They know they have gold and diamond mines. They understand they are being ripped off. They understand they need independence. But nobody helps them and they don't know what to do.

We already have supporters in Nigeria. There are even Shia people in Nigeria. They are extremely pro-Iran. When Iran entered Lebanon, Shia people were a minority of 2% or 3% maximum. Today nearly one-third of the Lebanese people are Shia. Things can change with good, long term investment.
You are wrong. Distance? Venezuela is much further than Africa. Religion? Sierra Leone is an Islamic country (80% are Muslims) while Venezuelans are Catholics. And Islam is well-spread throughout Africa. Race? Since when Hispanics are the same race as us? Anti-imperialism is quite strong in Africa. Even stronger than the Middle East and Latin America.

They know they are rich. They know they have extremely valuable mineral resources. They know they have gold and diamond mines. They understand they are being ripped off. They understand they need independence. But nobody helps them and they don't know what to do.

We already have supporters in Nigeria. There are even Shia people in Nigeria. They are extremely pro-Iran. When Iran entered Lebanon, Shia people were a minority of 2% or 3% maximum. Today nearly one-third of the Lebanese people are Shia. Things can change with good, long term investment.

Almost half of Lebanese are Shiite. We have maintained good relations with Christians too. They were about 1/3 40 years ago but were under reported.
Almost half of Lebanese are Shiite. We have maintained good relations Christians too. They were about 1/3 40 years ago but were under reported.
Well, maybe. But official numbers reported them to be under 10%. Now official numbers report them to be about 35%. The situation in Nigeria is similar to Lebanon in 1980s. If you check YouTube videos about Iran, you will see many people from Nigeria supporting Iran. We have some hardcore fans in there. It's surprising, but they exist.
Well, maybe. But official numbers reported them to be under 10%. Now official numbers report them to be about 35%. The situation in Nigeria is similar to Lebanon in 1980s. If you check YouTube videos about Iran, you will see many people from Nigeria supporting Iran. We have some hardcore fans in there. It's surprising, but they exist.

We do have friends there. Good point.
در داخل کشور خودمون دموگرافی داره جابجا میشه
باید فکری برای خودمون بکنیم
You forget western sahara, also our Syrian allies enter Libyan civil war which could push us there unwillingly.
I doubt it , don't worth the trouble and conflict it make for us with turkey. Also we always condemned any sort of coupe and what right now happens in Libya is nothing but a bloody coupe

We need something very big to regain the lost reputation and damage for the past 5 months. A high valuable assassination or some fancy weapons will certainly help.
Hope it's not a rushed out oghab

And what makes you think we can't buy those puppets and exploit them? A
Our pocket is not as deep as their current masters.

We do have friends there. Good point.
در داخل کشور خودمون دموگرافی داره جابجا میشه
باید فکری برای خودمون بکنیم
What you mean by changing our population demographic?
I doubt it , don't worth the trouble and conflict it make for us with turkey. Also we always condemned any sort of coupe and what right now happens in Libya is nothing but a bloody coupe
Look, I think you understood my point wrong.
Actually I am agree with you but conflicts are unpredictable.
There is two issues that worried me first Syrian government and then Hezbollah, we can stay away from Libya which is good and wise decision but do you think Syrian government and Hezbollah think in the same way as we think. Syrian government for many reasons which it seems to be logical for them decided to be active in Libya and even send troops there. Yes it is wrong, when your country is occupied by foreigners However Surian have their own calculation.
That is multiply player game and many player are involved and each player action have reactions and consequences for all players and non-players. At this moment slowly different separated fronts in Syria, Libya and even Yemen are connecting to each other in wrong way which could damage us. Hezbollah from first day had connection with Syrian government and army and it is very hard to think about Syrian presence in Libya w/o Hezbollah presence. And Hezbollah presence there will end to Iran presence in Libya in the wrong way. Its not only Turkey to be sad against us, also Algeria could be angry from us too.

Syrian government need two things right now money and recognition inside Arab world. Siding with UAE could bring both for them and bring their good relation and business with Egypt back to good days.
It is very hard for us to convince them to not siding with wrong actors in wrong conflicts. We are unable to provide them what they need.
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Syrian government
they may do whatever that may annoy turkey. but if they bugged in their adventure its not our responsibility . if the fight get into Syrian land then we may enter it , but not before that. the best we can do for them before that is helping them with some Arm , but it will be their adventure.
by the way Syrian government is in no position to made such moves , the best they can do send some mercenary and be assured it won't be from ours.
I don't see any reason for Hezbollah to enter any conflict that is not affect Lebanon and Libya cope had nothing to do with Lebanon so they won't enter it . they are not just any rag tag militia , they are structured and part of Lebanon political structure and they want to remain relevant in Lebanon so they don't tarnish their hard earned image as being the protector of Lebanon

as I said we never ever supported any coupe and right now in Libya Khalifa Haftar is a strongman who want to overthrow Libyan government he don't have the support of Libyan people. so I can't see any reason why we most become at odd with our neighbor for an adventure in north Africa that has nothing to do with us and have no benefit for us.
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