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Iran helps Venezuela in its time of need

Three US warship and a P2 plane heading to Caribbean Sea. Likely gauging waters. The world is watching.

30 years ago US sent a ship to Iran waters in Persian Gulf and the world was watching what will happen.

Now it is the other way. Iran is sending a ship close to US. Come on Donald. Do something.
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When Chavez was in power, at one point Chavez offered to sell Venezuelan crude to China at a discount and even pay for transport back to China. China accepted the deal and sent tankers to Venezuela. Once loaded, China directed those tankers to US refineries in Texas. The reason was even though Venezuela crude is plentiful, it is not premium -- light sweet crude. As such, selling to American refineries even at low market prices was better than transporting Venezuelan heavy crude all the way back to China. China basically bent Chavez over the table and screwed him over. Good luck with the Iranians. :lol:
americans in 3 to 4 decades will be looking up to Chavez and Che as they turn their country into a socialist state in the future. Today's american youth have incredibly strong marxist tendancies - especially the intelligentsia who will inherit the country's leadership roles at some point

How does that make you feel old man?
Maduro be like why the US haven't overthrow me yet man the US use to be so good at the Coup business what happen
Iran news agency warns U.S. of any move on fuel shipment to Venezuela

DUBAI (Reuters) - An Iranian news agency close to the elite Revolutionary Guards said that there would be repercussions if the United States acts “just like pirates” against an Iranian fuel shipment to Venezuela.

A senior official in President Donald Trump’s administration told Reuters on Thursday the United States was considering measures it could take in response to Iran’s shipment of fuel to crisis-stricken Venezuela.

The oil sectors of Iran and Venezuela - members of OPEC that both are deeply at odds with the United States - are under tough U.S. sanctions. The Trump administration official declined to specify the measures being weighed but said options would be presented to Trump.

“If the United States, just like pirates, intends to create insecurity on international waterways, it would be taking a dangerous risk and that will certainly not go without repercussion,” the Nour news agency said early on Saturday.


Iran is not going to stand idle if the US will physically block Iran's ships from entering Venezuela. The message is clear: any move will draw a similar move in the Persian Gulf.
americans in 3 to 4 decades will be looking up to Chavez and Che as they turn their country into a socialist state in the future. Today's american youth have incredibly strong marxist tendancies - especially the intelligentsia who will inherit the country's leadership roles at some point

How does that make you feel old man?
I read the same damn 'predictions' about the youths -- hippies -- and the intelligentsia. History will repeat itself. The USSR collapsed. Venezuela collapsed. There will be another 'me' to remind fools -- like you -- of the failure of Marxism.
Three US warship and a P2 plane heading to Caribbean Sea. Likely gauging waters. The world is watching.

30 years ago US sent a ship to Iran waters in Persian Gulf and the world was watching what will happen.

Now it is the other way. Iran is sending a ship close to US. Come on Donald. Do something.

I am missing something, why would they do anything? Do you want a war with the US? If so, why didn't you respond in a meaningful way to the killing of your general?

Iran news agency warns U.S. of any move on fuel shipment to Venezuela

DUBAI (Reuters) - An Iranian news agency close to the elite Revolutionary Guards said that there would be repercussions if the United States acts “just like pirates” against an Iranian fuel shipment to Venezuela.

A senior official in President Donald Trump’s administration told Reuters on Thursday the United States was considering measures it could take in response to Iran’s shipment of fuel to crisis-stricken Venezuela.

The oil sectors of Iran and Venezuela - members of OPEC that both are deeply at odds with the United States - are under tough U.S. sanctions. The Trump administration official declined to specify the measures being weighed but said options would be presented to Trump.

“If the United States, just like pirates, intends to create insecurity on international waterways, it would be taking a dangerous risk and that will certainly not go without repercussion,” the Nour news agency said early on Saturday.


Iran is not going to stand idle if the US will physically block Iran's ships from entering Venezuela. The message is clear: any move will draw a similar move in the Persian Gulf.

US will not block Iranian ships, but what would Iran do in the event of such a thing? Attack innocent Arabs?

I read the same damn 'predictions' about the youths -- hippies -- and the intelligentsia. History will repeat itself. The USSR collapsed. Venezuela collapsed. There will be another 'me' to remind fools -- like you -- of the failure of Marxism.

Don't be too sure of yourself, US will not succeed in everything, that does not mean these alternative ideologies are any good. I'd say the best balance would be an Islamic-Democracy like system. Or Islamic-Monarchy like system.
Very interesting how this will play out.
Does anyone have the names of the tankers, would like to track them.

Fact 1: The international law is on Irans side
Fact 2: The zionists dont give a damn about international law

Sure, they can sabotage/stop the shipment, but if they do so Iran has many powerful options to hurt them back, we will see....

We all knew what happened months ago after the illegal seizure of an Iranian tanker.
Iran seized the british tanker Stena Impero as counter measure.
We see lately a very self confident Iran, so Trump better not play stupid games
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Very interesting how this will play out.
Does anyone have the names of the tankers, would like to track them.

Fact 1: The international law is on Irans side
Fact 2: The zionists dont give a damn about international law

Sure, they can sabotage/stop the shipment, but if they do so Iran has many powerful options to hurt them back, we will see....

We all knew what happened months ago after the illegal seizure of an Iranian tanker.
Iran seized the british tanker Stena Impero as counter measure.
We see lately a very self confident Iran, so Trump better not play stupid games

Well as far as I remember on Grace 1 they offered the captain cash as bribe to change the course:

“This is Brian Hook . . . I work for secretary of state Mike Pompeo and serve as the US Representative for Iran,” Mr Hook wrote to Akhilesh Kumar on August 26, according to several emails seen by the Financial Times.
“I am writing with good news.” The “good news” was that the Trump administration was offering Mr Kumar several million dollars to pilot the ship — until recently known as the Grace 1 — to a country that would impound the vessel on behalf of the US. To make sure Mr Kumar did not mistake the email for a scam, it included an official state department phone number.
I dunno what kind of super power is this but what this administration is doing could be just compared to bandits.
By the way Venezuela could provide escort on western hemisphere as the tanker getting closer to the country (do they have a proper navy?) but the US has no legal way to block or seize the tankers unless they opt sea piracy :
I read the same damn 'predictions' about the youths -- hippies -- and the intelligentsia. History will repeat itself. The USSR collapsed. Venezuela collapsed. There will be another 'me' to remind fools -- like you -- of the failure of Marxism.
you're kind won't last forever. the cold war is all over and the supposed threat of marxism is a fading memory
In truth trump and co. is the last stand of white american angst. his failures have caused the american right to become incredibly confused about the future - they literally have no direction ahead.

at the same time american progressives (especially the youth) have become more entrenched in marxist thought insomuch that it is more popular today than ever before among that generation

sorry old man - it's over for the US. judeo-bolshevism has won and you're just too ignorant to see it
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