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Iran has two months until Azerbaijan prescribes polo to itself

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We're settled then, thats not something I disagree, all I was saying from the beginning Turkic presence could not be ignored.

'We' (you) did nothing. You, as in your ancestors, were assimilated by Turks. So the correct statement would be: 'they settled, mixed with us, and we eventually took over their (Turkish) identity. This is how your claimed ethnicity (Turks) really looked like:



At least if I go to Persepolis and other historical places in Iran, and look at my ancestors, I see some resemblance in appearance. You on the other hand look nothing like your claimed ancestors.

I do not disagree with it, even at the first place.;)
Anyways, Azeris consider turkish people as their brothers whether we agree or disagree about some discussions.

That is probably because Azeris have been the weakest part of the Iranian people, since they easily took over the Turkic language, while other Iranians preserved their language, in despite of pressure by all kinds of non-Iranian groups.
rmi5, Do I have to say anything about his mentality or is it obvious to you ?
Completely in Persian ? :unsure:

Then how the heck can I completely understand it ? :undecided:

Its in Persianized Urdu - a language that already borrows heavily from the Persian Language ! :)

For Example if I were to say that I'd have both of your nuts crushed by having them smashed by a fat arsed kitab - We'd both know that (i) your nuts are made of Jell-O & (ii) Kitab is a Book ! :D

Apart from what people are saying here , I like some of Eqbal's poems such as these ones :

چون چراغ لاله سوزم در خیابان شما

ای جوانان عجم جان من و جان شما

غوطه ها زد در ضمیر زندگی اندیشه ام

تا بدست آورده ام افکار پنهان شما

مهر و مه دیدم نگاهم برتر از پروین گذشت

ریختم طرح حرم در کافرستان شما

تا سنانش تیز تر گردد فرو پیچیدمش

شعله ئی آشفته بود اندر بیابان شما

فکر رنگینم کند نذر تهی دستان شرق

پارهٔ لعلی که دارم از بدخشان شما

میرسد مردی که زنجیر غلامان بشکند

دیده ام از روزن دیوار زندان شما

حلقه گرد من زنید ای پیکران آب و گل

آتشی در سینه دارم از نیاکان شما​

Especially this one :

مریم از یک نسبت عیسی عزیز

از سه نسبت حضرت زهرا عزیز

نور چشم رحمة للعالمین

آن امام اولین و آخرین

آنکه جان در پیکر گیتی دمید

روزگار تازه آئین آفرید

بانوی آن تاجدار «هل اتی»

مرتضی مشکل گشا شیر خدا

پادشاه و کلبه ئی ایوان او

یک حسام و یک زره سامان او

مادر آن مرکز پرگار عشق

مادر آن کاروان سالار عشق

آن یکی شمع شبستان حرم

حافظ جمعیت خیرالامم

تا نشیند آتش پیکار و کین

پشت پا زد بر سر تاج و نگین

وان دگر مولای ابرار جهان

قوت بازوی احرار جهان

در نوای زندگی سوز از حسین

اهل حق حریت آموز از حسین

سیرت فرزند ها از امهات

جوهر صدق و صفا از امهات

مزرع تسلیم را حاصل بتول

مادران را اسوهٔ کامل بتول

بهر محتاجی دلش آنگونه سوخت

با یهودی چادر خود را فروخت

نوری و هم آتشی فرمانبرش

گم رضایش در رضای شوهرش

آن ادب پروردهٔ صبر و رضا

آسیا گردان و لب قرآن سرا

گریه های او ز بالین بی نیاز

گوهر افشاندی بدامان نماز

اشک او بر چید جبریل از زمین

همچو شبنم ریخت بر عرش برین

رشتهٔ آئین حق زنجیر پاست

پاس فرمان جناب مصطفی است

ورنه گرد تربتش گردیدمی

سجده ها بر خاک او پاشیدمی
That is probably because Azeris have been the weakest part of the Iranian people, since they easily took over the Turkic language, while other Iranians preserved their language, in despite of pressure by all kinds of non-Iranian groups.

Do you wanna bash me? If you remember we had a discussion the last time you offended us. I have tried to act civil about you, but if you start bashing azeris, I will kick your a$$.
Do you wanna bash me? If you remember we had a discussion the last time you offended us. I have tried to act civil about you, but if you start bashing azeris, I will kick your a$$.

I am bashing your ancestors who easily did let themselves to be assimilated into a non-Iranian group, while others preserved their language. This is a historical fact. If you are offended by it, not my fault.
rmi5, Do I have to say anything about his mentality or is it obvious to you ?

Just dry up, since you clearly can't give me anything more than pathetic ad-hominems and your grandpa's stories.
rmi5, Do I have to say anything about his mentality or is it obvious to you ?
Nope, I know it very well bro. I had a discussion with him before, when he tried to bash azeris, and I reminded him about his honorable ancestor Simko Shikak, Simko Shikak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :rofl:
I thought that it has been settled with him, but it seems that it's not.
Nope, I know it very well bro. I had a discussion with him before, when he tried to bash azeris, and I reminded him about his honorable ancestor Simko Shikak, Simko Shikak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I thought that it has been settled with him, but it seems that it's not.

Kurds in which part of the Middle East have all preserved their Iranian language and identity, while you take pride in your neo-Mongoloid identity.
I am bashing your ancestors who easily did let themselves to be assimilated into a non-Iranian group, while others preserved their language. This is a historical fact. If you are offended by it, not my fault.

Do I need to remind you about your terrorism gene again?
Kurds in which part of the Middle East have all preserved their Iranian language and identity, while you take pride in your neo-Mongoloid identity.

Really? Maybe That's why they betrayed us in Iran-Iraq war, and Azeris honorably fought with Arabs?
P.S please do not just mention some few exceptions again.
Do I have to remind you that you're ignorant d.mb that clings to few arguments that answered countless times ? everytime we had the same discussion you repeated same things, get answered and disappeared without saying anything, after a while you started repeating same things, go back to you moma
For comparison, the claimed ancestors of Targon and rmi5:


The resemblance is evident, indeed.
Really? Maybe That's why they betrayed us in Iran-Iraq war, and Azeris honorably fought with Arabs?
P.S please do not just mention some few exceptions again.

Iranian Kurds fought along other Iranians in the Iran-Iraq War. Go to Kermanshah and you will see many graves of martyrs. Even Iraqi Kurds sided with Iran.
Apart from what people are saying here , I like some of Eqbal's poems such as these ones :

Dude - I met one Iranian who was saying than Iqbal is Iranian and i have to swear to make him believe that he was born in Lahore and buried in Lahore and he was not Iranian :cry:
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