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Iran ex-president says country can’t stay ‘angry with the world’

I think normalization of ties between Iran and US, is very far away. Not that I am opposed to it. But right now there are so many issues and problems that are entrenched.

I think the best that can be accomplished for now is some kind of detente and deescalation of tension.
How many sanctions did Iran get under Rafsanjani? anyone remembers?
This must be a fake article.
Détente will never arrive, until the sanctions are lifted, they are the fake means of others who suffer from apparent complexes and sicknesses to show they have control or even dominance - threats of war and destruction - on others; in this case USrael against Iran.
When worldwide justice becomes real and fair justice again like in any judicial system worthy of the name, than the world might see the light; When the whole world -UN- will take Zionism accountable for its illegalities, above all laws actions and behaviours, and sanction it for its illegal weapons of mass destruction, than half justice will be done, the other half will be achieved when a solution will be found for the occupation of Palestine and a way will be figured out for where the Jews will live peacefully with others if ever.
It will require Iran to scale back its NUCLEAR AMBITIONS before the West will agree to de-escalate the Economic Embargo. I think the ball is pretty much in Iranian Court.
How many sanctions did Iran get under Rafsanjani? anyone remembers?
This must be a fake article.
Détente will never arrive, until the sanctions are lifted, they are the fake means of others who suffer from apparent complexes and sicknesses to show they have control or even dominance - threats of war and destruction - on others; in this case USrael against Iran.
When worldwide justice becomes real and fair justice again like in any judicial system worthy of the name, than the world might see the light; When the whole world -UN- will take Zionism accountable for its illegalities, above all laws actions and behaviours, and sanction it for its illegal weapons of mass destruction, than half justice will be done, the other half will be achieved when a solution will be found for the occupation of Palestine and a way will be figured out for where the Jews will live peacefully with others if ever.
no ,it's not fake.
but the addressee of his words are Iranian to attract them, foreigners may confuse that he really want to change something.
Rafsanjani is criticizing the government because he is opposed to it, because Ahmadinejad era revealed his hypocrite face, if he reach the power his policies would be the same.
first of all there is not majority, Rohani hardly managed to get more than 50%, secondly many of Iranian voted to him because he is a cleric and had a background in revolution, while jalili didn't have any background.
Rohani and his economy promises :lol:, which now he is withdrawing one by one. in the other hand jalili didn't claim for anything.

anyway this topic was about Hashemi.
I suggest to close the presidential election thread and open a sticky thread for politics, what's your opinion.

That is actually incorrect, Rowhani won overwhelmingly and he would win with even a greater margin if the election had gone to second round, considering Jalili's hardline policies had less than 4 million supporters and he couldn't even get into the second place, Jalili voters would certainly have voted for Ghalibaf and other votes would have been distributed between the two, and I would say the majority of voters who had voted for Rezaei, Velayati and the funny guy would still vote in favor of Rowhani.

Assuming that all of them had voted for Ghalibaf that would still leave 51% of the participating voters + 30% who didn't participate because current policies.
It will require Iran to scale back its NUCLEAR AMBITIONS before the West will agree to de-escalate the Economic Embargo. I think the ball is pretty much in Iranian Court.

The ball is in no one's court and these 'nuclear ambitions' are our undeniable rights under NPT, which has done us more harm than good.Iran and west should sit and talk.They wanna make sure we don't want a bomb? No problem, but they should lift the sanctions in return.A win-win deal.
if egypt and israel can talk why cant USA and iran. you need good leaders from both sides.

They talked after Egypt and Israel fought several wars in which it was clear to Egyptians that they cannot defeat Israel and Israel was holding Egyptian territory.

Iran is full of arrogance just as the Arabs were before 1967. So an Iranian defeat at the hands of Israelis would really humble them into improving relations with Israel.
They talked after Egypt and Israel fought several wars in which it was clear to Egyptians that they cannot defeat Israel and Israel was holding Egyptian territory.

Iran is full of arrogance just as the Arabs were before 1967. So an Iranian defeat at the hands of Israelis would really humble them into improving relations with Israel.

The guy was talking about USA and Iran and you bring up Israel...
What you are saying is far from the facts; Prior to 1967 Egypt had the most powerful armed forces in the region, they had a big fleet of fighter aircraft, and they could defeat Israel easily would have they chosen to attack first, but Israel or should I say its zionist supporters at that time took the first step and did what they call a pre-emptive strike on all military airports in Egypt, do you honestly think that Israel on its own could have all those satellite photos?
Than came the period between 1967 and 1973 where the Egyptians defeated the Israeli air forces, many times, but the US and other Israeli allies kept sending new fighter jets to replace the lost ones, the proof of this is the total surprise of Israel and its allies in the Ramadan war of 1973, and its total collapse in the few first days of the war - see the comments of the then prime minister of Israel Golda Mayer-, this time again it was the huge intervention of the US and its threat to send in its own soldiers to defend Israel and the Russian response to send in its own military if that happens, bringing the world the the verge of a nuclear war - see history of that period; red button (fingers on the button) nuclear alert in both the US and Russia -, this is what really stopped the war. Egypt won anyhow and got back its Sinai, which was the main objective of its attack. Syria could have done the same if it wasn't held back by Russia, and Jordan with the help of Iraqi troops could have taken back its own territories, weren't there the American nuclear threat and huge supplies of men (American and European Jewish volunteers) and weapons -including nuclear ones- (one can find the pictures if he searches for them,; F-4s with nuclear bombs attached to them). These are the facts from history from both sides of the Arab Israeli conflict.
Iran today can not be taken by surprise, neither defeated by Israel or the US or both, it is humble enough to have best relations with the majority of the nations, and to be honest about its dislike of an apartheid like state that thinks it is above all human laws, and behaves criminally.
Iran does not need USrael to to have a good life, just remove the sanctions and the threats and Iran will become yet more advanced, and yet better than most countries who claim they live by democracy.
Iran is full of arrogance just as the Arabs were before 1967. So an Iranian defeat at the hands of Israelis would really humble them into improving relations with Israel.

I recommend this book highly. Look at some the blurbs. CIA folks saying they value his "predictions" more than their own!!! There is a similar mention of Iran there too. To humble/humiliate them so they will get some sense.

How Civilizations Die: (And Why Islam Is Dying Too): David Goldman: Amazon.com: Books
Iran is full of arrogance just as the Arabs were before 1967. So an Iranian defeat at the hands of Israelis would really humble them into improving relations with Israel.

Your sentence would be right if you replaced Iran with Israel.
It's Israel who will be humbled by a major defeat, because they think they can execute hit and run operations on everyone they like, without being punished for it, or start wars, without being chased for their war crimes. Israel is too small to defeat Iran on its own, without outside help from U.S. Otherwise it would have launched attacks on Iran years ago to destroy its nuclear facilities. Even U.S is tired of Israel's arrogance, but it can't betray its greatest ally in ME, so they have to keep quiet as much as possible.

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