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Iran delivers medical supplies to Syrian ministry of health

USA looked the other way when Iranians crushed their opposition not too long ago.

Would you rather have USA jump in the Iranian fray?

Each country has its own situation and others around them react to the situation. Your effort to find constipated conspiracy theories is bad bad path to follow.

Just try to see how Iran is behaving instead of diverting discussion towards Israel and America.

Don't you think it is despicable that Iranians would rather see 1000s of Sunnis killed to see one Israeli suffer.

Then one must ask, if Ayaaaaatoooooolahs are more interested in killing Sunnis or Israelis?


Don't you think it's despicable that Wahhabis like you would like to see millions of Shi3as get killed later when Al-Qaeda takes over Syria to see Assad thrown out? From the very beginning radicals in Syria chanted 'Shi3as to kaffins, Christians to Lebanon'. and Al-Qaeda has already said that his mission in Syria is a larger plan against Iraq and Iran.

Then one must ask if Wahha(B's) are more interested in killing Shi3as or Israelis?

On a side note: Why don't you show sympathy toward those innocent people who got executed by shooting by the rebels without a fair trial? Even war criminals do have the right to be tried before getting executed. Being the supporter of a dictator, by no means, makes you a criminal just to add to your incomplete information my friend.
Don't you think it's despicable that Wahhabis like you would like to see millions of Shi3as get killed later when Al-Qaeda takes over Syria to see Assad thrown out?

Absolutely horrible if that happens ever. Shia blood is as precious as those of non-Shias. How could you ever deduce that terrible conclusion?

But you think Iranians can aid and abet killing of 1000s of Sunnis just to stop some perceived killing of Shias.

What kind of depraved logic is that?

You gotta stand for the humanity brother. And sadly Iranians (and their 2-bit followers) are not!
Absolutely horrible if that happens ever. Shia blood is as precious as those of non-Shias. How could you ever deduce that terrible conclusion?

But you think Iranians can aid and abet killing of 1000s of Sunnis just to stop some perceived killing of Shias.

What kind of depraved logic is that?

You gotta stand for the humanity brother. And sadly Iranians (and their 2-bit followers) are not!

Well, Al-Qaeda and radical Islamic groups in there have made it clear that the Alawis need to pay the price of Assad's atrocities when they topple the regime. You could see that mentality even in some members on here. Also, it's pretty unlikely that Al-Qaeda and his followers would like to recognize the rights of Syrian Christians.

Do you think these medical supplies are going to be given only to the Shi3a people? really? LOL. So you are too overly obsessed with Iran that you think even sending medical supplies means to help Assad kill the Sunni people??????? As if none of the Sunnis would ever need medical supplies!!!

I wonder why you don't say anything about Bahrain, or why you weren't making a big deal out of the Yemeni revolution at that time. Didn't the Yemeni dictator shelled his own people and later Saudi Arabia offered him shelter? Hadn't Saleh killed his own people? Didn't the Yemeni people want him to be tried for his crimes? Didn't Saudi Arabia offered shelter to Ben Ali and Mubarak and Saleh?

It's pretty ridiculous that the guys who have become the safe house for dictators in the region are now claiming that they are standing for human rights. I really don't know what kind of rights could be given to the Syrian people by Al-Qaeda or their likes! I can't think of any rights given to Afghan people by the Taliban, so I doubt Al-Qaeda would be any better.

The rebels aren't after the topple of Assad, that theory has been refuted long ago, they are after creating a blood bath to establish a radical Islamic state. You don't like to differentiate between rebels as outlaws and the Syrian people who have political differences with Assad, but aren't walking in streets with guns, tanks, RPG's or bombs. Kofi Annan plan urged Assad to resign and Russia, China and Iran all agreed with it, so Assad would've gotten toppled, it was a peaceful solution to solve the problem, Assad resigned and the power could be transferred to someone else in an election peacefully. But the countries who shout about democracy and human rights, even though that at first they showed interest in Annan's meddling, rejected it. Annan, as the former secretary-general of the UN, and a peace noble prize winner in 2001 who has shown deep concerns about violation of human rights around the world doesn't understand a thing about the Syrian crisis, but a group of countries that are well-known for violation of human rights, violation of freedom of expression, violation of women's rights, violation of international rights are now the most knowledgable guys out there about Syria? give me a break please.

Syria is just paying the price of being in Iran-Russia-China axis. We've witnessed the same scenarios in Yemen, why don't you cry out loud for the rights of Yemeni people that were ignored by the so-called international community? Why don't you support the Bahraini revolution? Why don't you support the revolution in Saudi Arabia?
Well, Al-Qaeda and radical Islamic groups in there have made it clear that the Alawis need to pay the price of Assad's atrocities when they topple the regime......

There will be some Alawis who probably will be punished. But are you implying mass execution and genocide of all Alawis? Nah. This is pure fear mongering on part of Iranians. Just desperate efforts to save a ruthless but dying regime. Killing 1000s of innocent Syrians at the moment is absolutely horrible regardless if they are Shias or Sunnis or Christians.

There will be some Alawis who probably will be punished. But are you implying mass execution and genocide of all Alawis? Nah. This is pure fear mongering on part of Iranians. Just desperate efforts to save a ruthless but dying regime. Killing 1000s of innocent Syrians at the moment is absolutely horrible regardless if they are Shias or Sunnis or Christians.


They have promised and announced this publicly. You can't expect rebels that kidnap Iranian pilgrims or send death threats to Iranian journalists just because they broadcast what they don't like to have tolerance toward people whom they've been blaming for Assad atrocities all the time. Rebels who execute ordinary civilians for being pro-Assad by shooting without a trial aren't ruthless in your opinion?

You didn't answer the rest of my post because they made valid points and you had nothing to say on them. That reveals your hypocrisy I think.
They have promised and announced this publicly. You can't expect rebels that kidnap Iranian pilgrims or send death threats to Iranian journalists just because they broadcast what they don't like to have tolerance toward people whom they've been blaming for Assad atrocities all the time. Rebels who execute ordinary civilians for being pro-Assad by shooting without a trial aren't ruthless in your opinion?

You didn't answer the rest of my post because they made valid points and you had nothing to say on them. That reveals your hypocrisy I think.

Rest of your post makes some points that should be discussed in separate threads. I'd say in summary that I do support Shia rights in Saudi.

In fact it was dishearting to see in Saudi how Shias are mistreated and discriminated against. Their mosques are locked up. I remember on Friday we were out exploring this Saudi city. Jumma prayer time came and we headed towards the nearest building that obviously looked like a mosque. Bunch of Saudi ran towards us saying don't go in that direction don't go. We asked them why, and they said, it is a Shia mosque and it is closed.

For me, it was strange. Mosque is mosque regardless if it is Shia or Sunni. I can and should be allowed to say a prayer in it.

So in essence I do abhor the treatment of Shias in the Sunni majority countries including Pakistan. We in Pakistan have had a terrible record of respecting and protecting Shias especially in the Talib dominated areas.

Coming back to the topic, Syrians should be allowed to replace Assad regime, and no country including Iran should support this ruthless man. It is time to end the use of bogey man (Israel, AQ, Wahabi etc.) just to prolong this dictator.

No Moooolah or Ayatoooooolah should be allowed to dictate our lives. For cryin out loud we are living in 21st centuries. It is time to rid ourselves of the bearded relics from 7th century.


Iran should support deployment of international troops in Syria especially from Iran, Pakistan, Iraq and perhaps Egypt in order to work out a safer transition.
Rest of your post makes some points that should be discussed in separate threads. I'd say in summary that I do support Shia rights in Saudi.

In fact it was dishearting to see in Saudi how Shias are mistreated and discriminated against. Their mosques are locked up. I remember on Friday we were out exploring this Saudi city. Jumma prayer time came and we headed towards the nearest building that obviously looked like a mosque. Bunch of Saudi ran towards us saying don't go in that direction don't go. We asked them why, and they said, it is a Shia mosque and it is closed.

For me, it was strange. Mosque is mosque regardless if it is Shia or Sunni. I can and should be allowed to say a prayer in it.

So in essence I do abhor the treatment of Shias in the Sunni majority countries including Pakistan. We in Pakistan have had a terrible record of respecting and protecting Shias especially in the Talib dominated areas.

Coming back to the topic, Syrians should be allowed to replace Assad regime, and no country including Iran should support this ruthless man. It is time to end the use of bogey man (Israel, AQ, Wahabi etc.) just to prolong this dictator.

No Moooolah or Ayatoooooolah should be allowed to dictate our lives. For cryin out loud we are living in 21st centuries. It is time to rid ourselves of the bearded relics from 7th century.


Iran should support deployment of international troops in Syria especially from Iran, Pakistan, Iraq and perhaps Egypt in order to work out a safer transition.

Thanks for the response.
So let me tell you the Iranian mentality that is usually misinterpreted by many.

Iranians aren't religious people, I mean just see Iranians on this forum like me, IranZamin, Surenas, Persian God King, Kollang, Abii, Bozorgmehr, JEskandari and many others. Most of us don't care about religious issues, and some of us are even agnostic or atheists. So if you think that Iranians support Assad because of sectarian issues and ignore the protests in Syria just because they are Sunnis you're wrong.

The Iranian mentality is much more into nationalism than religious ideology. We support Syria because Syria and Libya were the only Arab states that supported us during the Iraq-Iran war (Algeria and Lebanon stayed neutral and the rest all were against us). Many Iranian nationalists feel threatened by a coordinated US-Israeli attack on Iran, and as Syria is part of the Iranian integrated radar network and Iran has stationed IRGC soldiers in there since long ago in case of an Israeli attack, this gives importance to Syria for Iranians.
But again, believe it or not, there are many Iranians, especially from the opposition groups, that are pro-Syrian rebels. Surenas is one of them, and he is an atheist. So the issue of Syria mostly depends on how Iranians view it politically, not from religious perspective. For example, an agnostic person like me and an atheist like Abii see the Syrian rebellion in a negative way while an atheist like Surenas see it in a completely opposite viewpoint.

I personally think that If Syria falls, we would see another Libya or even worse, we'll witness a country that has been ruined by months of civil wars and will continue to get ruined by a new wave of civil war that will be created between different groups to hijack the revolution to be on top of the power and finally parties and groups that are better organized, like Al-Qaeda and Ikhwan-Al-Muslemeen would hijack the revolution and would change a secular state like Syria into a country which is hell-bent on the USA and Saudi Arabia.

A post-Assad Syria might be pretty different than what both of us could think now. I think Kofi Annan's plan was a good one, it urged Assad to resign, but at the same time, it urged the rebels to stop fighting by arms. I'm completely in agreement with you that Assad needs to go, not only Assad, but even his father Hafiz Assad too was a dictator, but this transition of power shouldn't be done this way by rebels that are armed with heavy artillery. That's where I disagree with the current situation.

I hope you would understand that Iranians don't support Assad because of Shi3a/Sunni issues, but because of their concerns and also political views that they have.

On the other hand, medical supplies can't be used to kill Syrians, but it could save them when they need medical help.
Rest of your post makes some points that should be discussed in separate threads. I'd say in summary that I do support Shia rights in Saudi.

In fact it was dishearting to see in Saudi how Shias are mistreated and discriminated against. Their mosques are locked up. I remember on Friday we were out exploring this Saudi city. Jumma prayer time came and we headed towards the nearest building that obviously looked like a mosque. Bunch of Saudi ran towards us saying don't go in that direction don't go. We asked them why, and they said, it is a Shia mosque and it is closed.

For me, it was strange. Mosque is mosque regardless if it is Shia or Sunni. I can and should be allowed to say a prayer in it.

So in essence I do abhor the treatment of Shias in the Sunni majority countries including Pakistan. We in Pakistan have had a terrible record of respecting and protecting Shias especially in the Talib dominated areas.

Coming back to the topic, Syrians should be allowed to replace Assad regime, and no country including Iran should support this ruthless man. It is time to end the use of bogey man (Israel, AQ, Wahabi etc.) just to prolong this dictator.

No Moooolah or Ayatoooooolah should be allowed to dictate our lives. For cryin out loud we are living in 21st centuries. It is time to rid ourselves of the bearded relics from 7th century.


Iran should support deployment of international troops in Syria especially from Iran, Pakistan, Iraq and perhaps Egypt in order to work out a safer transition.

we hammer away usa , ska , qatar and turkey role to point out they are not honest towards this issue ...their hypocrisy ...

what we say ? what annan plan was about ? Stop funding terrorism and let wisdom flow ... do you think in this situation you can hold an election ? surly syrian ppl have this right to make decision by themselves and form their future ...
Thank you for the kind responses.

Sadly, Annan plan looked good on paper, but entirely useless in practical terms.

Syria from day 1 was going to hell. I mean it was terrible to see unarmed protesters, mauled ruthlessly by Syrian security forces. It was going to end up in two ways:

1. Complete dominance of Syrian forces and thus eradication of any dissent from protestors.
2. Opportunists supplying arms to the protestors and to the Assad regime, thus turning a political transition into military one

The only way to avoid this was to have boots on the ground, This is true for Syria and was also true for Libya.

Sadly the so-called large Muslim countries like Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, and Egypt just sat around smoking sheesha, or worse ended up supporting anarchy in the these countries.

Why was it so difficult for huge Muslim armies to supply 4-5 divisions (40-50,000) troops in concert with UN, NATO etc.? Why could not we just setup an emergency response force to stabilize a Muslim country.

No Siree.

We are divided along religious and ethnic lines and thus end up pushing more anarchy, more deaths, and more chaos in our neighborhood.

Look at Afghanistan. NATO has posted 100,000 troops there. Why could not be these troops from Pakistan, Iran and Turkey? We could have stabilized Afghanistan long long time ago.

Same thing with Syria, same thing with Libya, same thing with Yemen, same thing with Somalia and the list goes on and on.

I see that Iranian regime is more worried about Israel than the 1000s upon 1000s of innocent Syrians. They are more worried about some radar station in Syria than the Syrian people.

And guess what? there is something called Karma.

What you do to others, will be done to you as well.

Learn from Pakistani example. We destabilized Afghanistan (others did it . And the result was? Our tribal areas are fully unstable. Thus impacting not only tribal areas, but the settled areas from Islamabad to Lhore to Karachi. Karama got to us.

And so it will to anyone who is wrongly supporting Assad regime, or the one who supported Qaddafi regime, or Saddam regime. and the list goes on.

it is time for us all to end our pettiness and see the big picture and so something for the humanity.

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