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Featured Iran confirms its air defenses shot down foreign drone in East Azerbaijan

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Every Pakistani, please report this racism. He is extreme, even for most Iranians.

Also would be nice if Iranian posters would discredit these people, rather than supporting them.
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Lol your country is a fasadi it destroys everything wherever it goes you kill people in Syria and Iraq cannot even handle a bunch of militants and yes I have my roots in Iran.

We can talk about policies and differences, that is all well and fine, but this racism and desire to compare to India is really a stretch. It should not be tolerated on this forum.

I also advise Pakistanis, please do not abuse Iranians, our conflict is with the policy of this government only, not people of Iran.
Iran supplied US with coordinates of all Taliban bases, without which US could not have taken control of Afghanistan as easily as it did.

Not surprisingly, they also cooperated with the US in Iraq, and later dictated to the Iraqi government. It is causing some Shia Iraqis from Najaf to adopt a harsh line against Iran.

Simple: Iran has no friendly neighboring country left. No Muslim country which is an ally and friend is left, besides dictator Assad (with whom.new problems also have begun.)

Iranian policies are backfiring, they need to step back and re-evaluate themselves. Most of all their notion that Russia (and Orthodox Christian pawns) is a reliable partner.

I want to see Iran pivot back to Turkey and Pakistan, I still see it within a realm of possibility, but obviously some things need to change.

I have no issue with the drone, we shot an Iranian drone over Pakistan too.

The problem is Iranian racism towards Pakistanis, and putting down our state, military, and our civilization.
This is not acceptable on PDF. Iranians are guests here, some (not all) have abused our hospitality.

Relations with Christians is fine, but Iran's motivations is what we need to know. Because they don't seem trust many Sunni Muslim nations always have stance opposite to them. Some will say it's related to interests, and I understand Iran has its interests to look after but lots of the reason for opposing Sunni nations is not about interests more because they see them as unlawful usurpers of their region or ancient territory.

For Azeribaijan/Armenia I'm not taking a stance myself. I am neutral myself. Iran is gonna support Armenia since it doesn't want Turkey in the area or growing Turkish influence there. And they will allow Russia to play big role from their territory if needed. I think that is what would be wrong and taking their stance too far and they would ultimately bear consequences for that.
@waz @LeGenD

Please come in and stop this none-sense.

We should have a strict policy for anyone who abuses Pakistanis in this way. We should never tolerate it.

Otherwise what is the point of it being called Pakistan Defence Forum.

Iranian brothers are free to make their points and disagree without abuse and racial insults.
And the latest for you 17 hours ago.
Yes, CIA, MOSSAD attempts at border areas. Everyone knows this dude...
My point still stands. Iran is a paradise of peace compared to your country by number of terrorist activities and attacks.
Funny that two of the articles you posted are about events close to the Pakistani border :rofl:

Just keep cool and do not insult other peoples country's. Everything will be all right.
Yes, CIA, MOSSAD attempts at border areas. Everyone knows this dude...
My point still stands. Iran is a paradise of peace compared to your country by number of terrorist activities and attacks.
Funny that two of the articles you posted are about events close to the Pakistani border :rofl:

Just keep cool and do not insult other peoples country's. Everything will be all right.
Yes a state sponsor of terrorism which is a paradise.
Alright guys let's cut it out, I don't know why this OP guy opened this thread based on fake news anyway. We are all people of same region in end of day. This is why I personally don't like nations states. I like nation of ideas. Kind of like United States of America.
Alright guys let's cut it out, I don't know why this OP guy opened this thread based on fake news anyway. We are all people of same region in end of day. This is why I personally don't like nations states. I like nation of ideas. Kind of like United States of America.
This is not fake news. Did Iran release a statement denying this?
Put on ignore list brother. The quality of this forum is going down very hard. Just ignore so we can combat the trolls.
didnt realise he was talking about you guys. I strongly disagree since i agree with you ppl for the most part.
Is it ethical for the Pakistanis to be besties with China who put 3 MILLION MUSLIMS ON DEATH CAMPS? Verify it before denying it in ur respose. Your best friends are the world biggest muslim killer and you dont raise a single voice against it. Yet you come here and promote the zion loving Azeri state nd call it muslim state only cuz MR Terror Erdogan supports them.

Stop lecturing Iran on Muslim states and back stabbing. You guys are the biggest hypocrites. You never for once in ur history ever confronted America. You just believe ur own BS non existent imaginary hype. you guys are a poor country with atomic bombs nd thats it.

As far as this whole Islamic things goes. Your Husband China has put 3 MILLION MUSLIMS ON DEATH CAMPs. I repeat 3 MILLION MUSLIMS .stop being a laughable troll. YOU GUYS HAVE NO MORAL RIGHT OR ANY RIGHT WATSOEVER TO LECTURE IRAN. HYPOCRITES
Most of you are just jealous that's it try making a atomic bomb and sanctions would be imposed on your economy would be destroyed oh also try protecting your nuclear plants so they wont get blown up like Israel did with Iraq or else your nuclear scientists would get assassinated.Good luck!
It's fake news from Al-Masdar, only ones reporting it. There are few shells falling inside Iran very close to the border that's all....

Well if its fake then no harm done

I have no issue with the drone, we shot an Iranian drone over Pakistan too.

The problem is Iranian racism towards Pakistanis, and putting down our state, military, and our civilization.

This is not acceptable on PDF. Iranians are guests here, some (not all) have abused our hospitality.

Just report them and tag mods. Mods have gotten better but are still super slow.

Dude, pakistan is a s.hithole literally. I dare any independent person to visit both Iran and Pakistan and share their honest opinion. Iran is like a clean sophisticated paradise compared to your sh.ithole of a country man. Even you country's name is Iranian of origin. Have some shame man. For sure you are a hindu rat worshipper.. a true Iranic pakistani will never talk like that about Iran.

Btw, you live in sewers dude and your nukes aren't even in your hands.. it is controlled by terrorist groups and taliban.

@krash @waz @LeGenD can this thread be cleaned a little? Several examples such as the one above are trash posts.
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