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Featured Iran confirms its air defenses shot down foreign drone in East Azerbaijan

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well done to Mighty Persian Defenders. Teach the Azeri backstabbing zion colluding mongrels a lesson. Erdogan and his cronies, a missile for each of you traitors.
You are very abusive and take my name wherever you go. Stip doing zikr of my name on every thread.

Pakistani brothers, look at the racism on display on this thread against Pakistan and Pakistanis. They deserve an answer.

the same way some of these membwrs ganged up on Arab and Türk members and made them leave, now they turn they attention on Pakistan.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @PakFactor @Dalit @Verve @TNT @PaklovesTurkiye @Areesh @Iltutmish @masterchief_mirza @khansaheeb @313ghazi @crankthatskunk

What audacity these foreign posters have to abuse Pakistan on a Pakistani forum.
The mullahocracy does India's dirty work every now and again. It's difficult to control unfortunately.
Persian pussycats. Their second most popular person after Khomeini got droned and in retaliation they shot down an airliner killing their own people. Joke of a country with big mouth mullahs ruling it.
Thats funny cuz you guys seem to have forgotten that the us,you know your friend and ally during the cold war,spent 13+ years droning pakistani civilians with barely even a whisper or two of protest,let alone any actual military retaliation,from the various pak governments whos watch it happened on.
The end result of this total and repeated violation of pakistani sovereignty was [depending on who you believe of course] either a minimum death toll of a 158 or a maximum of 969 pakistani civilians killed
I guess being a nuclear power just doesnt get you the sort of respect that it should these days.
To be honest no one in the world cares about Pakistan or India LOL. Just 2 backward countries (have you seen their infrastructure) that are polluting this world.

I wish we still had the Roman or Greek empire as our neighbours. What a degradation.

Why are you on PDF then? Obviously you care quite alot.

Iranians seem very bothered by Pakistani support of Azerbaycan. Taliban also keeping you guys up at night?

Best insult u can give is comparing Pakistan to India, which your ally, not ours.
Thats funny cuz you guys seem to have forgotten that the us,you know your friend and ally during the cold war,spent 13+ years droning pakistani civilians with barely even a whisper or two of protest,let alone any actual military retaliation,from the various pak governments whos watch it happened on.
The end result of this total and repeated violation of pakistani sovereignty was [depending on who you believe of course] either a minimum death toll of a 158 or a maximum of 969 pakistani civilians killed
I guess being a nuclear power just doesnt get you the sort of respect that it should these days.

How did Solemani die? Do you remember?
The only reason why they ask Pakistan for troops is because your people are expendable in their eyes. If you think that this phenomenon seriously underpins Pakistan's competence or importance you are deluded. They consider you to be second-class citizens, only good for cheap cannon fodder or labour. They won't ever ask Iran to deploy forces in the same manner because no Iranian would loan itself in such denigrated manner.

Iran is the only country in the 21st century that is actively fighting a (covert) war with history's strongest superpower. There are almost daily raining rockets on US facilities and bases in Iraq, up to the point that the US has already withdrawn its forces from multiple vulnerable bases in Iraq and is now seriously contemplating withdrawing its ambassador from Baghdad. That would be a strategic victory by Iran of the highest order. You see, when Iran retaliates, it just isn't some symbolic attack based on the rules that the US is trying to establish. Iran moves calculated, strategic and patiently.

You would never understand this, because like I said, you lack the spiritual and intellectual depth of Iranian culture.

Whole world respects the Pakistani military, airforce, and intelligence. You are just jealous.

About atomic power too, you wish you had it.

Sunni Iranian culture is older than the Shia one, but most of the Sunnis leftover migrated to Afghanistan and Pakistan when Azeris conquered the region.

My issues with Iran stem from personal frustrations with what has gone down recently really.

All of us Pakistanis are fed up by Iranian backstabbing.
Why are you on PDF then? Obviously you care quite alot.

Iranians seem very bothered by Pakistani support of Azerbaycan. Taliban also keeping you guys up at night?

Best insult u can give is comparing Pakistan to India, which your ally, not ours.
We really do not care. Trust me. Welcome to the ignore list.
We really do not care. Trust me. Welcome to the ignore list.

Please put all 90% of this Pakistani forum's Pakistani members on ignore.

If anyone badmouths my country with their racism and their inferiority complex, I will put them in their place.

Be they Hindu Indians, Iranian nationalists, Eurofascists, or the lone Nigerian Christian Islamophobe.
Iran is the only country in the 21st century that is actively fighting a (covert) war with history's strongest superpower. There are almost daily raining rockets on US facilities and bases in Iraq, up to the point that the US has already withdrawn its forces from multiple vulnerable bases in Iraq and is now seriously contemplating withdrawing its ambassador from Baghdad. That would be a strategic victory by Iran of the highest order. You see, when Iran retaliates, it just isn't some symbolic attack based on the rules that the US is trying to establish. Iran moves calculated, strategic and patiently.

You would never understand this, because like I said, you lack the spiritual and intellectual depth of Iranian culture.

You might fool people who don't follow the ME scene closely but you ain't fooling me. Keep fantasizing about this so called unprecedented strategy by Iran in 'fighting the US'. :rofl::rofl:

I will tell you what it is: Obama was already withdrawing troops from Iraq long before your clown proxies started firing anything. Then they needed his air support again to fight against ISIS in Fallujah and Mosul, and so they fought alongside the US with massive US aerial support. Trump then ripped up the deal, and Iran began commanding their proxies to do light attacks on US targets in Iraq, they got lucky and killed one US contractor and afterwards US struck them in Iraq and they began protesting at the embassy the next day in an organized manner thinking it will not elicit a response.

It wouldn't have under any other US president but Trump is unstable and presented options by Pentagon Jewish employees who wish to see US - Iran war. So he killed your general later that week. Then the rocket attacks came but 95% of the attacks are done with few 107mm rockets and intended to miss. Only once did they actually intend to cause damage. More air strikes came than and Iran was warned. Ever since then they are firing little 107mm rockets and aiming them purposely to fall outside these bases by hundreds of meters. And outside the Green Zone in Baghdad. A few them fell on an Iraqi home the other day killing 5 Iraqi civilians because your so called 'unprecedented' strategy against US is that of one of symbolic attacks intended to not cause any escalation. US was already pulling out of Iraq since Obama term and it has nothing to do with you. It's been hot topic in America since 2008.

So for you to call this 'fighting' and 'resisting' is foolish and you should be embarrassed by it. Your proxies are using very light weapons and missing on purpose. They are scared to even cause some material damage. Even your own people in Iranian chill thread know it. Your leadership enjoys social status/money they make and they not gonna throw it away for some 'resistance'.
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Pakistanis get riled up for no reason sometimes...look at this objectively and Iran did the right thing. Similar thing happened with Turkey shooting down Russian plane and pilot and who was the hatred toward then?
Iran is a failed state which promotes sectarianism in other other countries in order to destabilize others one nuke and the whole of Iran would be wiped off the map or even without nukes we could destroy you easily.

Iran's 40% Azeri population is protesting and fighting against their government's support of Christian fascist Armenia. We have Azeris protesters being attacked by Iranian security forces and Azeris putting spikes on the Iranian resupply route to Armenia.

I asked this question before but I will ask again: is it worth supporting a neo-crusader state against a Muslim neighbor, while almost half your population is Azeri Turk?

I know ___ is Azeri, but it is a larger issue. Iran is making a big mistake here
There is still time to change course.
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Pakistanis get riled up for no reason sometimes...look at this objectively and Iran did the right thing. Similar thing happened with Turkey shooting down Russian plane and pilot and who was the hatred toward then?

It's fake news from Al-Masdar, only ones reporting it. There are few shells falling inside Iran very close to the border that's all....
You stupid clown Surenas you might fool people who don't follow the ME scene closely but you ain't fooling me. Keep fantasizing about this so called unprecedented strategy by Iran in 'fighting the US'. :rofl::rofl:

I will tell you what it is: Obama was already withdrawing troops from Iraq long before your clown proxies started firing anything. Then they needed his air support again to fight against ISIS in Fallujah and Mosul, and so they fought alongside the US with massive US aerial support. Trump then ripped up the deal, and Iran began commanding their proxies to do light attacks on US targets in Iraq, they got lucky and killed one US contractor and afterwards US struck them in Iraq and they began protesting at the embassy the next day in an organized manner thinking it will not elicit a response.

It wouldn't have under any other US president but Trump is unstable and presented options by Pentagon Jewish employees who wish to see US - Iran war. So he killed your general later that week. Then the rocket attacks came but 95% of the attacks are done with few 107mm rockets and intended to miss. Only once did they actually intend to cause damage. More air strikes came than and Iran was warned. Ever since then they are firing little 107mm rockets and aiming them purposely to fall outside these bases by hundreds of meters. And outside the Green Zone in Baghdad. A few them fell on an Iraqi home the other day killing 5 Iraqi civilians because your so called 'unprecedented' strategy against US is that of one of symbolic attacks intended to not cause any escalation. US was already pulling out of Iraq since Obama term and it has nothing to do with you. It's been hot topic in America since 2008.

So for you to call this 'fighting' and 'resisting' is foolish and you should be embarrassed by it. Your proxies are using very light weapons and missing on purpose. They are scared to even cause some material damage. Even your own people in Iranian chill thread know it. Your leadership enjoys social status/money they make and they not gonna throw it away for some 'resistance'.

Iran supplied US with coordinates of all Taliban bases, without which US could not have taken control of Afghanistan as easily as it did.

Not surprisingly, they also cooperated with the US in Iraq, and later dictated to the Iraqi government. It is causing some Shia Iraqis from Najaf to adopt a harsh line against Iran.

Simple: Iran has no friendly neighboring country left. No Muslim country which is an ally and friend is left, besides dictator Assad (with whom.new problems also have begun.)

Iranian policies are backfiring, they need to step back and re-evaluate themselves. Most of all their notion that Russia (and Orthodox Christian pawns) is a reliable partner.

I want to see Iran pivot back to Turkey and Pakistan, I still see it within a realm of possibility, but obviously some things need to change.

Pakistanis get riled up for no reason sometimes...look at this objectively and Iran did the right thing. Similar thing happened with Turkey shooting down Russian plane and pilot and who was the hatred toward then?

I have no issue with the drone, we shot an Iranian drone over Pakistan too.

The problem is Iranian racism towards Pakistanis, and putting down our state, military, and our civilization.

This is not acceptable on PDF. Iranians are guests here, some (not all) have abused our hospitality.
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