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Featured Iran confirms its air defenses shot down foreign drone in East Azerbaijan

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Man, *******************

That's a silly argument just report whoever is insulting and move on. After listening to Trump for past 4 years I can tell you he has used this exact reasoning to justify some of his stupidity. Do you want to be in the same category as Trump?
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That's a silly argument just report whoever is insulting and move on.
In an ideal world where reports are handled quickly and justly, yeah. That works. But we all know how long it takes for moderators to be able to resolve all reports. Sometimes it takes them hours to resolve a report and sometimes they make decisions that don't really end the problem. Things can escalate pretty quickly here.
That's a silly argument just report whoever is insulting and move on. After listening to Trump for past 4 years I can tell you he has used this exact reasoning to justify some of his stupidity. Do you want to be in the same category as Trump?
Just to prove to you that moderators are biased and not fair, I have to tell you that I received a warning for "Insulting other nationalities" for my response to you. Do you see the problem now? Did I insult another nationality in my post that now they've changed it to **** in your quotation as well for others not to be able to see it? LOL
Whoever insults, disrespects, abuses or disparages Pakistan or the Pakistani people again will be put into his/her place.

Take these rabid mob tactics elsewhere. Didn't let them work from the east, won't let them work from the west.
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Just to prove to you that moderators are biased and not fair, I have to tell you that I received a warning for "Insulting other nationalities" for my response to you. Do you see the problem now? Did I insult another nationality in my post that now they've changed it to **** in your quotation as well for others not to be able to see it? LOL

"some of your fellow citizens threw themselves here like Jihadis"....when you pretend to be bigger than you actually are, you should also not complain when you are put back in your place. This won't be the first time you've tried to over-reach. Let you go before, won't again.
Thats funny cuz you guys seem to have forgotten that the us,you know your friend and ally during the cold war,spent 13+ years droning pakistani civilians with barely even a whisper or two of protest,let alone any actual military retaliation,from the various pak governments whos watch it happened on.
The end result of this total and repeated violation of pakistani sovereignty was [depending on who you believe of course] either a minimum death toll of a 158 or a maximum of 969 pakistani civilians killed
I guess being a nuclear power just doesnt get you the sort of respect that it should these days.

Comeon now im sure ur not that stupid to come up with that crap. The US and Pakistan were allied in WOT, those drones were flown from Pakistani bases and bombed indian backed terrorists. Even a stupid street kid knows all were done with Pakistan permission. U saw how we smoked ur drone that crossed border, dont be too arrogant, we know very well ur reality. We dont even consider u in our league, so know ur place n save ur gimmicks for the arabs.
You are very abusive and take my name wherever you go. Stip doing zikr of my name on every thread.

Pakistani brothers, look at the racism on display on this thread against Pakistan and Pakistanis. They deserve an answer.

the same way some of these membwrs ganged up on Arab and Türk members and made them leave, now they turn they attention on Pakistan.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @PakFactor @Dalit @Verve @TNT @PaklovesTurkiye @Areesh @Iltutmish @masterchief_mirza @khansaheeb @313ghazi @crankthatskunk

What audacity these foreign posters have to abuse Pakistan on a Pakistani forum.

Ignore him, bro. We have plenty of tasks at home. He is Iranian troll.

because your country is so broke, you have to export your soldiers for income...to SUnni sheikhdoms that you are beholden to because of all the money they gave you AKA big loans!

because you're their perfect....proxy....thats for your govt and military to answer, but being irresponsible, you are here asking it as a rhetorical question..smh...we dont have answers for why you rent our your soldiers to Sunni SHeikdoms...to assure them against Iran..lMAO.

And Pakistan is the only broke nuclear country on this planet that doesnt have an strong international clout despite having nukes- it doesnt matter bro..live your life and stop biting at Iran from your insecurities. You and Pan Islamic are doing the saaame thing- you try to sound smart but in reality you're either insecure about or/and jealous of Iran.

You can't be broke and be a Nuclear weapons state. Especially when you are fighting an enemy that is more than 7x bigger than you and has the full backing of the West and Russia. Saying you are broke whilst being a nuclear weapons state is like saying you are rich and have no money. Are you sure you are not an indian?
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Figment of imagination, eh?

I wonder why Pakistan has thousands of troops deployed all over the Middle East today when it could've been the super duper armies of important countries like Iran or India?

Not sure why Arabs are always asking Pakistan to deploy their military forces in their countries instead of asking Iran or India?

Iran is probably the only country in the 21st century during peace time who had it's Army Chief assassinated by a foreign power and India is the only nuclear power in the 21st century that has lost territory to a foreign power.

there are many reasons but the highlights are

Arabs are lazy to the core
Pakistani troops are cheap and our leadership is cheaper
our love for Hijaz is just a bonus and exploited by our Arab employers

one of my family friends who served in Border town of Sharurah in Saudi Arabia in early 80s told me that the Arab soldiers they had to train were so much disinterested with training and learning that they will demand ridiculous facilities before deployment like air conditioned tents and trenches during live exercises and had next to no concept of exercise or maintaining any fitness. they would joke that they will pay off the communist Yemeni soldiers if the war broke out.,

Iranians on the other side are clever extremely nationalistic , full of themselves and primed to fight.
granted that we have not regular military deployment along the Iranian border but there is nothing friendly there.

thank your lucky stars that the Americans and Israelis together with their Arab allies have been on Iranian case since the late 70s and degraded them militarily through wars, sanctions, assassinations and sabotage otherwise they would've been a real challenge for us from military point of view and might have gone on a conquest openly
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