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Iran claims it hacked and controlled US drones, shows footage from missions as proof (VIDEO)

So the Trumps claims about two Iranian satellite launches that allegedly failed was doing by US not by lack of Iranian expertise in developing these SLV. General Hajizadeh said Trump failed in sabotaging Iranian ballistic programme and this was done in retaliation to Trumps claims. Hm I just wonder what shit trump has in space where he made these launches to fail?

Iran imports certain parts of a missile or even raw materials. All it takes is a small sabotage of supply chain. It could take a long time for the sabotage to appear or it might never appear if the part/material is never used.

Other options include hacking SLV at launch pad or during launch and giving abort instructions or the such.

and now this....

Iranian-backed hackers have stolen vast amounts of data from a major software company that handles sensitive computer projects for the White House communications agency, the U.S. military, the F.B.I. and many American corporations, a cybersecurity firm told NBC News.

The hackers are believed to have penetrated the software giant Citrix years ago and have remained inside the company's computer network ever since.

"So it's a pretty deep intrusion, with multiple employee compromises and remote access to internal resources," Yoo said.

has reason to believe that Iridium broke its way into Citrix's network about 10 years ago, and has been lurking inside the company's system ever since.

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and now this....

Iranian-backed hackers have stolen vast amounts of data from a major software company that handles sensitive computer projects for the White House communications agency, the U.S. military, the F.B.I. and many American corporations, a cybersecurity firm told NBC News.

The hackers are believed to have penetrated the software giant Citrix years ago and have remained inside the company's computer network ever since.

"So it's a pretty deep intrusion, with multiple employee compromises and remote access to internal resources," Yoo said.

has reason to believe that Iridium broke its way into Citrix's network about 10 years ago, and has been lurking inside the company's system ever since.


Citrix!, unbelievable
A recent related post:

"Some good and quite significant news from the Eghtedar 40 exhibition:
In the field of ESM we should soon see important developments.
Iran has already at least two generations of passive DF and triangulation systems, famous is the IRGC-ASF Alim mast mounted system.
But a new generation of assets is been developed:

An Avtobaza-M like system seems to add up to the Russian original and previous Iranian "passive radars".

The SPN-4-like Saeghe jammer will get a two companions, resembling the Krasukha-2 and Krasukha-4.

So the ELINT "passive radar" capability of the overall IADS will be further improved and in the fields of ground based jammers three potent will degrade enemy capabilities via soft means.

A high capability and serious IADS needs all those assets and Iran is working towards that."

Note that the Russian Krasukha series is non-export internal Russian grade technology.
Those ELINT/SIGINT and electronic warfare technologies could have been the ones used to capture/control those drones.
Irans capability rise in this field and those technologies similar to non-export Russian equipment may have played a important role here.

Btw. It might have been a nasty joke by Hajizadeh to the Americans that the drone just had a malfunction and it was a unnecessary thing to do by them to destroy it. Like "hey guys, no worries, this time your drone was not controlled and just had a malfunction, it was not necessary to destroy it due to fears that this was our project..." :)
@PeeD do you mean iran produces by itself the avtobaza, spn-4 and krasukha?
With all that bragging Iranians do, I wonder why they couldn't imagine, predict and prevent the assassination of Iranian Army Chief in a drone strike.
With all that bragging Iranians do, I wonder why they couldn't imagine, predict and prevent the assassination of Iranian Army Chief in a drone strike.

Yes, because having technological prowess such as in the hacking domain is the same thing as being able to predict the future.

I hope for your sake that these comments you're making in this forum are satirical and not a true representation of your intellectual capacity.
Yes, because having technological prowess such as in the hacking domain is the same thing as being able to predict the future. ...

Well, could Iran not hack the drone that took out the Iranian Army Chief?

What I mean is, is the Iranian military so dumb that it didn't realise their Army Chief was being monitored for his activities in Iraq despite the US had publically labelled IRGC as a terrorist organisation just a few months earlier?
Well, could Iran not hack the drone that took out the Iranian Army Chief?

Unless Iranians are psychics and could have predicted the incident then obviously they would have not hacked a UAV over the airspace of another nation for no reason.

What I mean is, is the Iranian military so dumb that it didn't realise their Army Chief was being monitored for his activities in Iraq despite the US had publically labelled IRGC as a terrorist organisation just a few months earlier?

The Americans could have assassinated Soleimani many times in the past, the reason why no one predicted this is because such assassination is not something sane nations would do. Designating IRGC as a terrorist organisation has nothing to do with anything. IRGC is all over Iraq and the Americans do nothing.

The fact that I have explain something so simple and obvious is quite strange, if you lack the capacity to understand the realities of these topics, then stick to something on your own level.
With all that bragging Iranians do, I wonder why they couldn't imagine, predict and prevent the assassination of Iranian Army Chief in a drone strike.
well as a matter of fact he was not Iranian Army chief , he was the Commander of IRGC, Quds Force branch.
and the assassination didn't happened in Iran . it happened while he was Guest of Iraq Government on a mission to deescalate the tension in middle east . and as you knew USA Terrorists don't want any deescalation anywhere in middle east other wise how they can convince the others to buy their old weapons or how they can justify their presence in middle east.

Having good knowledge, experience and ............ in Citrix. I am not amazed.
Knowing the vulnerabilities after designing and creating scores of Citrix infrastructures from ground up.

Same goes for Windows platforms. Knowing the different windows operating systems to the architecture, registry and shell level, I wasn't surprised to find Gary penetrated Pentagon, by using most elementary method.

Duh, I shouldn't say anything further.
Always had been the right side of the law.
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