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Iran before Khomeini

Who do you mean by you guys are ýou seriously throwing an India joke with the toilets and throwing Pakistan's way?:lol:

There is a Toilet everywhere in Pakistan on the contrary and they insult India with not having one..

This is Pakistan in the flesh

Iran is a shithole and not a developed country. Nor first world and the only first world in the Middle east is the 6 Gulf, Turkey, Malaysia, Brunei, Kazakhstan
No offence man, but anyone who has visited both countries will tell who is more advanced. What the h, it is not even comparable. Anyway, these talks are really time wasting. You guys need to spend your time more better than hating on Iran. The hate must come from somewhere i guess.
No offence man, but anyone who has visited both countries will tell who is more advanced. What the h, it is not even comparable. Anyway, these talks are really time wasting. You guys need to spend your time more better than hating on Iran. The hate must come from somewhere i guess.

It was just a response to that fallacy. I don't dislike Iran. I agree Iran has slightly better Infras compared to Pak that is the truth but not by much. I am not one to lie or take honor in that
It was just a response to that fallacy. I don't dislike Iran. I agree Iran has slightly better Infras compared to Pak that is the truth but not by much. I am not one to lie or take honor in that
Man, it is like comparing Vietnam to South Korea. Difference of HDI level is too much. Anyway, i do not care at all. These talks are really a waste of time. Anyway this thread is about Iran, so i do not know who started compare Pakistan with Iran. Must be some complex i think.
Man, it is like comparing Vietnam to South Korea. Difference of HDI level is too much. Anyway, i do not care at all. These talks are really a waste of time. Anyway this thread is about Iran, so i do not know who started compare Pakistan with Iran. Must be some complex i think.

Vietmam to South Korea that is to far fatched lmao and I have been to both countries and seen it with my own eyes. I do admit that Iran has slightly better infras and the gap is small. Central Asia all of them have better infras then Iran. I know you pro-Iran but it is not some fancy economical tiger or anything of that sort yet that is just basic truth
Vietmam to South Korea that is to far fatched lmao and I have been to both countries and seen it with my own eyes. I do admit that Iran has slightly better infras and the cap is not huge at all. Central Asia all of them have better infras then Iran. I know you pro-Iran but it is not some fancy economical tiger or anything of that sort yet that is just basic truth
Not really, i am just stating the truth. I am not a blind nationalist. For example i admit that Turkey currently has a better rate of progression compared to Iran.

Central Asia? Are you kidding? Kazakhstan, Tajik,Uzbek, Mongolia etc? Most of them look like they are still stuck in the soviet times. They are dirt poor. Perhaps Pakistan can compete with Tajikistan, yes but that was not the discussion. It was about Iran vs Pakistan human development, infrastructure etc and it is not even a fair comparison.

Dude, lol.
Not really, i am just stating the truth. I am not a blind nationalist. For example i admit that Turkey currently has a better rate of progression compared to Iran.

Central Asia? Are you kidding? Kazakhstan, Tajik,Uzbek, Mongolia etc? Most of them look like they are still stuck in the soviet times. They are dirt poor. Perhaps Pakistan can compete with Tajikistan, yes but that was not the discussion. It was about Iran vs Pakistan human development, infrastructure etc and it is not even a fair comparison.

Dude, lol.

All of the central asian states have better infras then Iran and it is not even close bro..

Asgabat - Turkmenistan



I have seen majority of Iran's cities with my own eyes
All of the central asian states have better infras then Iran and it is not even close bro..

Asgabat - Turkmenistan


So you are showing me 3 videos with a few landmarks built by their dictators in their capital to impress the Western tourists and journalists when on official visits? Man, you are even more childish than i thought. Grab a few stats, charts etc and compare the overall picture. All those Central Asian countries look like ancient Mongolian tent infrastructure beyond their capitals.
So you are showing me 3 videos with a few landmarks built by their dictators in their capital to impress the Western tourists and journalists when on official visits? Man, you are even more childish than i thought. Grab a few stats, charts etc and compare the overall picture. All those Central Asian countries look like ancient Mongolian tent infrastructure beyond their capitals.

I have travelled thru out Central asia including Iran and the only country I would say Iran has better infras out of all of them would be Kygestan the remaining have all better infras including Tajikistan on average has better infras.

Iran is on the lower end when it comes to Infras and you would understand what I am saying if you travel thru out Tehren and Isfahan plus some of the south western cities including the Azeri areas in the north west
I have travelled thru out Central asia including Iran and the only country I would say Iran has better infras out of all of them would be Kygestan the remaining have all better infras.

Iran is on the lower end when it comes to Infras and you would understand what I am saying if you travel thru out Tehren and Isfahan plus some of the south western cities including the Azeri areas
You being a globetrotter does not change the fact that you are talking out of your arse. All those countries you mentioned have a worse HDI compared to Iran. Check it here, http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI

Only nation that can be compared is Kazakhstan but that is mainly due to heavy Russian and Chinese investments. Other than their Capital Almaty (past) now Nur sultan, there is not much going on. Kazakhstan is basically 2,3 cities, outside of that is just a huge barren wasteland.

Stop wasting time, talk some sense.
You being a globetrotter does not change the fact that you are talking out of your arse. All those countries you mentioned have a worse HDI compared to Iran. Check it here, http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI

Only nation that can be compared is Kazakhstan but that is mainly due to heavy Russian and Chinese investments. Other than their Capital Almaty (past) now Nur sultan, there is not much going on. Kazakhstan is basically 2,3 cities, outside of that is just a huge barren wasteland.

Stop wasting time, talk some sense.

Human development index is not about infras but rather about other things. I am from Denmark and I can tell you easily that Denmark has rusty infras so how is it above UAE and Singepore doesn't make sense right because it is not about only infras and in fact infras contributes to tiny scale in the calculations.

If it was strictly infras no European country would have even entered top 15..

Infras wise Central Asia is far ahead and also having Turkmenistan at 111 is political because of the President being dictator and what not but the entire place is build out of white marble and you can only understand if you see it for yourself it is seriously futuristic and above the European standard let alone Iran There is not one single European city that can compete with Ashgabat it is seriously that outlandish and far above them all in infras
I have travelled thru out Central asia including Iran and the only country I would say Iran has better infras out of all of them would be Kygestan the remaining have all better infras including Tajikistan on average has better infras.

Iran is on the lower end when it comes to Infras and you would understand what I am saying if you travel thru out Tehren and Isfahan plus some of the south western cities including the Azeri areas in the north west

I think Kazakhstan is the only Central Asian country where one can argue has a better economic, infrastructure and HDI standing than Iran. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan all remain very under developed.
Human development index is not about infras but rather about other things. I am from Denmark and I can tell you easily that Denmark has rusty infras so how is it above UAE and Singepore doesn't make sense right because it is not about only infras and in fact infras contributes to tiny scale in the calculations.

If it was strictly infras no European country would have even entered top 15..

Infras wise Central Asia is far ahead and also having Turkmenistan at 111 is political because of the President being dictator and what not but the entire place is build out of white marble and you can only understand if you see it for yourself it is seriously futuristic and above the European standard let alone Iran
So if it is political then why is Iran ranked higher? We should have been at the bottom of the list because of our current political situation with the West. So you are once again, talking out of your arse and i do not appreciate your childish posts. All other Central asian countries are worse off than perhaps even Syria. The countries you mentioned only exist within their capital walls, outside of their capita is just a big underdeveloped barren wasteland.

Not that i say Iran is on the same level of Sweden though. Very far from it, we have room for much improvement and thousands of sanctions put on us make it very difficult but still. It is an insult to compare Iran with Uzbekistan, Takistan, Pakistan etc.
I think Kazakhstan is the only Central Asian country where one can argue has a better economic, infrastructure and HDI standing than Iran. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan all remain very under developed.

You are confusing HDI with infras that is not it believe me. Infras is entirely different beast. HDI is mostly based on politics majority of time where European countries that has houses from the 19century still standing are thrown into the top 10.

HDI has other criteria and infras is just tiny small scale of it...... Anyone and his dog knows that Denmark doesn't have better infras than Singepore otherwise that person would be declared blind and the same goes to Turkmenistan to Iran Comparison and hack I would even say Turkmenistan to Europe comparison
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You being a globetrotter does not change the fact that you are talking out of your arse. All those countries you mentioned have a worse HDI compared to Iran. Check it here, http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI

Only nation that can be compared is Kazakhstan but that is mainly due to heavy Russian and Chinese investments. Other than their Capital Almaty (past) now Nur sultan, there is not much going on. Kazakhstan is basically 2,3 cities, outside of that is just a huge barren wasteland.

Stop wasting time, talk some sense.
Kazakhstan has huge uranium reserves and that makes it valuable to Russia, and previously to the Soviet Union. Russians think of Kazakhstan as part of their extended territory. Their relationship is like that of the United States and Canada. And there are many Russians (Slavs) living in Kazakhstan. Also, some of their infrastructure dates back to the time of the Soviet Union when the Soviets developed Kazakhstan for the aforementioned reasons.

Even Russian to this day is one of the official languages of Kazakhstan. And their dialing code is +7 just like Russia.
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You are confusing HDI with infras that is not it believe me. Infras is entirely different beast. HDI is mostly based on politics majority of time but European countries that has house from the 19century still standing are throw in to the top 10.

HDI has other criteria and infras is just tiny small scale of it...... Anyone an his dog knows that Denmark doesn't have better infras than Singepore otherwise that person would be declared and the same goes to Turkmenistan to Iran Comparison and hack I would even say Turkmenistan to Europe comparison
When we talk about Human develop index then that includes infrastructure too willingly or not. It contains everything related to human progress. But that is not what it is about. You are just getting impressed because of that Turkmen dictator building few marble palaces meant for Western journalists and you get impressed and calls it ''even more developed than Iran''

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