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Iran before Khomeini

What surprises me most is that the separation of religion and state affair is constantly associated with nudity, prostitution, and some other similiar sins. But from an intellectual point of view, this has a history of almost 1000 years in Islamic culture. The Great Seljuk civilization, which grew out of today's Iran geography, is one of the first examples of this.
When we talk about Human develop index then that includes infrastructure too willingly or not. It contains everything related to human progress. But that is not what it is about. You are just getting impressed because of that Turkmen dictator building few marble palaces meant for Western journalists and you get impressed and calls it ''even more developed than Iran''


It is an entire city not just some palaces but a freaking futuristic city that expands miles upon miles and there are other cities not only that one everything is top notch.

Infras is small portion of the HDI it is entirely irrelevant in relation to infras because it doesn't measure but focusses on other things.

If I had to do one strictly for infras it would look entirely different no Western country would have entered the list until around top 15...
It is an entire city not just some palaces but a freaking futuristic city that expands miles upon miles and there are other cities not only that one everything is top notch.

Infras is small portion of the HDI it is entirely irrelevant in relation to infras because it doesn't measure but focusses on other things.

If I had to do one strictly for infras it would look entirely different no Western country would have entered the list until around top 15
According to your logic Pyongyang would triumph over cities such as Copenhagen,Berlin etc Holy crap, North Korea is more advanced than Germany. Do you see how stupid it sounds?

According to your logic Pyongyang would triumph over cities such as Copenhagen,Berlin etc Holy crap, North Korea is more advanced than Germany. Do you see how stupid it sounds?

If it was city to city and if it has better infras it tops them that is only fair but if it is country to country one must measure the whole country and take average into the account obviously.. I was not only talking about one city but the whole country.

Example Tajikistans capital is not all that but Tajikistan is very beautiful in the inferior and when you travel outside the city you run into fancy communities and really beautiful suburbans unlike anywhere else. It has it's own charm they are even villas build around flowing rivers running in their backyard garden it is bulit such way that the river flows past your back garden something you only see in Tajikistan.

Besides I just noticed You are actully based in the Netherlands and you understand when I say the shitty 19century buildings and I believe my country and yours share something in common that only me and you can understand here when I say 19-century buildings :lol: and they are everywhere
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Sums up with. I have been saying here many times: A Happy Middle Ground. And Pakistan had it for most of Pakistan's history until Zia ul Haq took upon himself to 'Islamize' Pakistan and by the time he died in 1988 he had ruled for 1/4th of Pakistan's history by then and had changed the complexion of the Pakistani society. He was called by the West as 'the Benevolent Dictator'--of course it suited the West to have him in power then.
So a Happy Middle Ground is the way. In Islam it is called 'Miyana Ravi' and called 'the Golden Medium' by Aristotle. Iran and Afghanistan followed the two extremes and paid the price--one followed extreme religiosity and the other followed communism, respectively. Completely ill-matched for their populations. Thank God, despite all Pakistan's faults, Pakistan has never followed such modes and even Zia ul Haq was not an extremist compared with some nations.
Pakistan doesn't need a 'revolution'. Pakistan needs rapid education and evolutions. But I digress.
In all 3 countries (Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan) the Islamization exploded because of the tyrannic policies of the other side, that is drastic economic policies by Bhutto, Shah's suppression of religion and poor economy, bloody communists in Afghanistan. Turkey on a lesser level the same case, Erdogan's party became popular when kemalists were banning hijab and economy was on a nose dive.
Sums up with. I have been saying here many times: A Happy Middle Ground. And Pakistan had it for most of Pakistan's history until Zia ul Haq took upon himself to 'Islamize' Pakistan and by the time he died in 1988 he had ruled for 1/4th of Pakistan's history by then and had changed the complexion of the Pakistani society. He was called by the West as 'the Benevolent Dictator'--of course it suited the West to have him in power then.
So a Happy Middle Ground is the way. In Islam it is called 'Miyana Ravi' and called 'the Golden Medium' by Aristotle. Iran and Afghanistan followed the two extremes and paid the price--one followed extreme religiosity and the other followed communism, respectively. Completely ill-matched for their populations. Thank God, despite all Pakistan's faults, Pakistan has never followed such modes and even Zia ul Haq was not an extremist compared with some nations.
Pakistan doesn't need a 'revolution'. Pakistan needs rapid education and evolutions. But I digress.
In all 3 countries (Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan) the Islamization exploded because of the tyrannic policies of the other side, that is drastic economic policies by Bhutto, Shah's suppression of religion and poor economy, bloody communists in Afghanistan. Turkey on a lesser level the same case, Erdogan's party became popular when kemalists were banning hijab and economy was on a nose dive.
If it was city to city and if it has better infras it tops them that is only fair but if it is country to country one must measure the whole country and take average into the account obviously.. I was not only talking about one city but the whole country.

Example Tajikistans capital is not all that but Tajikistan is very beautiful in the inferior and when you travel outside the city you run into fancy communities and really beautiful suburbans unlike anywhere else. It has it's own charm they are even villas build around flowing rivers running in their backyard garden it is bulit such way that the river flows past your back garden something you only see in Tajikistan.

Besides I just noticed You are actully based in the netherlands and you understand when I say the shitty 19century buildings and I believe my country and yours share something in common that only me and you can understand here when I say 19-century buildings and they are everywhere :lol:
Now you are talking about Tajikistan having cozy communities outside of the capital. Man, just leave it. It is a waste of time. And there is a reason people go to Western countries and not to the East or central Asia. That is what HDI is about and that is what i am trying to tell you.
In all 3 countries (Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan) the Islamization exploded because of the tyrannic policies of the other side, that is drastic economic policies by Bhutto, Shah's suppression of religion and poor economy, bloody communists in Afghanistan. Turkey on a lesser level the same case, Erdogan's party became popular when kemalists were banning hijab and economy was on a nose dive.
In case of Iran, the 1979 revolution was a result of decades of foreign interference in Iran in support of tyrants that secured their interests. Otherwise, the 1905 constitutional revolution in Iran had already established Iran as a secular, constitutional monarchy with independent Judiciary and Parliament and a Prime Minister that acted as the Head of the Executive Body. But unfortunately, the interference of the British and the Soviets, and later the Americans, changed the more rational course of history and led to the Islamic revolution.
The British were sending fake preachers into Iran(along with other countries) since the 1930s. Their impact is now felt throughout the Islamic world.
Now you are talking about Tajikistan having cozy communities outside of the capital. Man, just leave it. It is a waste of time. And there is a reason people go to Western countries and not to the East or central Asia. That is what HDI is about and that is what i am trying to tell you.

People don't go only to the western countries that is another fallacy I mean as in tourist not refugees.

This is the top 10 most visited cities pre-covid 2019

6-Kuala lumpur /Malaysia
5-SİNGAPORE / Singapore

Besides you understand the 19-century buildings inside joke about Northern Europe infras
The British were sending fake preachers into Iran(along with other countries) since the 1930s. Their impact is now felt throughout the Islamic world.
Since the 19th century. Baha'ism and Babism are the heritage of those fake preachers actually.
People don't go only to the western countries that is another fallacy I mean as in tourist not refugees.

This is the top 10 most visited cities pre-covid 2019

6-Kuala lumpur /Malaysia
5-SİNGAPORE / Singapore
Turkish people are finding a way to escape themselves. . Dubai is filled with South Asian people who have no other choice. Southeast Asia is mainly due to holiday etc The rest of your list are Western countries, confirming what i said.
Turkish people are finding a way to escape themselves. . Dubai is filled with South Asian people who have no other choice. Southeast Asia is mainly due to holiday etc The rest of your list are Western countries, confirming what i said.

The rest? there were only 3 western cities New York, London and Paris... Just admit it how hard can it be :lol:

Now you are saying the list doesn't count besides most of the tourists come from the West like 80% of them anyways
The rest there were only 3 western cities New York, London and Paris... Just admit it how hard can it be :lol:

Now you are saying the list doesn't count besides most of the tourists come from the West like 80% of them anyways
Admit what? That people are desperate to go to the West because of their high HDI levels? I told you this myself.
Man you are nuts, you were gloating about Turkmen palaces and now you try to boast about Kuala Lumpur's tourist arrivals or something.
Admit what? That people are desperate to go to the West because of their high HDI levels? I told you this myself.
Man you are nuts, you were gloating about Turkmen palaces and now you try to boast about Kuala Lumpur's tourist arrivals or something.
I added him to my list of ignored people and it was one of the best decisions I made on PDF.
He used to be very insulting as well. At least now he has become soft spoken compared to before.
He just keeps you busy with nonsense and never gets persuaded or can persuade you rationally.
Admit what? That people are desperate to go to the West because of their high HDI levels? I told you this myself.
Man you are nuts, you were gloating about Turkmen palaces and now you try to boast about Kuala Lumpur's tourist arrivals or something.

I am not boasting about it just stating a fact because you said people go to the west only.... Which is clearly a fallacy I point that out but you didn't admit you were wrong but nonetheless it is not that important now.. You also lowkey flatout denied that HDI has nothing to do with Infras..
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