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Iran banning the morality police

pretty much, its all about money, control, power, western world order
Like anyone gives a f about Hijab or no Hijab :rofl:

Although Iranian people should be very, very careful of a US-friendly/ corruptible elite class, as Iran is a powerhouse
They'll never let it rise beyond a certain point no matter what

Look at our country, we are a powerhouse too in population, resources, and geography, but the first thing they (the world order)did was impose a corrupt elite class whose sole purpose was sucking off the foreign powers for their petty gains- same in Egypt, Turkey before Erdogan with their military, Arab world at large only now GCC monarchies are showing a semblance of independence
So now we are a joke, Iran should fear this
as the target on their back is much bigger than ours, Iranian people need to be very careful

We don't have oil/gas though so shit all resources? Iran had god given gift to become like Gulfi arabs, instead they became like Venezuela/Iraq.

Gulfis toke full advantage by selling oil/gas at higher price and turning desserts in to world class cities.
I dont get the need for morality police. Is Iran a Family oriented Society like India Pak ?

IF Yes, than girls are smart enough to wear what is OK with their families. Ofcourse there are always some lunatics, but overall, family oriented societies rarely need policing when it comes to nudeness etc.

There's massive amounts of propaganda such as Iran International (funded by Saudi Arabia), Manoto (funded by Israel), BBC Persian (funded by the UK), VOA Farsi and Radio Farda (funded by the United States) working round-the-cloud trying to get Iranian girls to copy Western culture. It's highly dangerous and any country would react the same way.
We don't have oil/gas though so shit all resources? Iran had god given gift to become like Gulfi arabs, instead they became like Venezuela/Iraq.

Gulfis toke full advantage by selling oil/gas at higher price and turning desserts in to world class cities.

God-given gift? You think if you have oil and natural gas the world would be your oyster? No, bro. Got bad news for you. When you're natural resources rich, the Western hemisphere would come down on you to occupy your soil and steal your natural resources. Nothing good comes of it.
the morality police was subsidary of social safety police . from several year ago . i wonder what you are talking about ?
Well when you said "more than 1 month ago they removed the tableau in the front of the headquarter" you were talking about this right?

You can read about it here, Nothing is changed.
its not
Kafir is an Arabic and Islamic term which, in the Islamic tradition, refers to a person who disbelieves in God as per Islam, or denies his authority, or rejects the tenets of Islam.
hijab is not tenets of Islam

Muslim belief/doctrine is often summarized in "the Six Articles of Faith",[60] (the first five are mentioned together in the Quran 2:285).

  1. God[61]
  2. His angels[61]
  3. His Messengers[61]
  4. His Revealed Books,[61]
  5. The Day of Resurrection[61]
  6. Al-Qadar, Divine Preordainments, i.e. whatever God has ordained must come to pass[61]
According to the Salafi scholar Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali, "kufr is basically disbelief in any of the articles of faith.
dude has his own made version of Islam and is sitting here like Allah is directly calling him from up on high.
Morality police?

While they are actually immoral!

That's why they don't get respect from people, and eventually, it backfired on them.

The problem is not in the headscarf.

If the morality police is a good people, a fine example, people will voluntarily wear a headscarf, because they also want to be good as well, they are impressed.

If the morality police is bad, in their conscience, they want to rebel, to escape suffering, mistreatment, disrespect, and the headscarf is one of the reasons why they are being mistreated, the reason why they are humiliated, the reason why they are so suffering.

What if the table is turned? What if the moral police are surrounded by an angry mob who want to punch them, kick them, make them suffer, humiliated them, and be life-threatening? Does these moral police are going to save themselves from misfortune, running away from the angry mob, abandoning their duty? Abandoning their duty??? More likely!

So does, the people are more likely to abandon their duty as citizens.
Oh have you ever met a Iranian?
A Iranian once told me that irani people are the complete opposite of their government. And apparently it looks like what he said is true.
one Iranian shouldn’t inform your decision on all Iranians. Just like one Pakistani or even a group of Pakistanis can’t be expected to speak on behalf of the country.

better than listening to me or some random Iranians. I would recommend watching some documentaries or maybe even visit the place. If d you actually look you’ll understand most Iranians are conservative religious people.
If the morality police is bad, in their conscience, they want to rebel, to escape suffering, mistreatment, disrespect, and the headscarf is one of the reasons why they are being mistreated, the reason why they are humiliated, the reason why they are so suffering.

What if the table is turned? What if the moral police are surrounded by an angry mob who want to punch them, kick them, make them suffer, humiliated them, and be life-threatening? Does these moral police are going to save themselves from misfortune, running away from the angry mob, abandoning their duty? Abandoning their duty??? More likely!

So does, the people are more likely to abandon their duty as citizens.

1) A distinct morality police has never existed in Islamic Iran. There's only a vice brigade of national law enforcement, like in about every police force worldwide. It's just another department of the police, like the narcotics department, the homicide department and so on.

The correct term would be vice brigade, since that is the common designation in use. Hostile western- and zionist-dominated mainstream media talk of "morality police" when it comes to Iran because of their Islamophobic bias - to them, Islamic ethics are not tolerable, and every nation must align on the decadence that has ravaged societies of the west for some time now.

2) Iranian law enforcement personnel aren't exactly bad. Fact is they usually show restraint like very few counterparts elsewhere. Only in Iran can you resist arrest with impunity on a normal day, disrespect law enforcement with impunity, throw fine tickets they hand you to the ground right in front of them and get away with it, kick police cars and get away with it etc (all these examples are documented, if you wish I can search for the videos and share them here).

In recent events, it was clearly the rioting mobs which first resorted to unusual levels of brutality. Not because they had individually suffered violence at the hands of law enforcement in the past. Rather, it's that these people have been intensely brainwashed by the most extensive propaganda campaign in history, carried out by the soft war apparatus of the zio-American empire, replete with fake news, imaginary atrocities attributed to the Islamic Republic, and other stories specially designed to incite peoples' feelings.

To illustrate what sort of a cognitive aggression we're dealing with, the output of the Persian service of the BBC on Instagram and other "social media" at one point was shown to be several times larger than that of its Chinese language equivalent.

When a nation is saturated with this much propaganda, psy-ops, social engineering from major hostile powers, some elements among the population are bound to be impacted by it and to act accordingly. They are not the majority though, hence why their attempts failed resoundingly.

dude has his own made version of Islam and is sitting here like Allah is directly calling him from up on high.

In matters of hejab it tends to be the other way around. The user you quoted is proposing interpretations not shared by leading Islamic authorities. Among Moslem scholars (Sunni and Shia alike), consensus is wide on the compulsory character of hejab, to the extent that the conditions of ijma are met. If you explore scholarly opinions on the subject, you'll find out.
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I have no interest in engaging in a useless religious debate with you.
All I am doing is pointing out that you could not care less about religion and only want to control people.
Proof is in the bolded part. You hypocrites can't even follow the Quran where it says not to curse others... yet here you are, holy warrior of Islam hypocritically not even following.
In my version of Islam, I don't believe in abusing others for disagreeing with me. Your version is clearly different than mine.
Lol don’t reply to me then. It’s simple.
You can’t provide evidence from the Quran or Hadith proving me wrong. No point is discussing religion with ignorants.
As I said before, don’t reply to me unless it’s Quranic or Hadith evidence to prove me wrong.
Finally, there is only one version of Islam. That is the Islam that was followed by Rasulallah (ﷺ) and the sahaba.
Anyone else trying to change the deen will fail.

what about not lying or don't bribe or usury
and is it really made mandatory ? some argue that it was made mandatory for the wives of holy prophet
Those are sins. Those are haram. Making a haram into a halal after it’s clearly stated in Quran becomes an act of kufr. Otherwise we all sin.
nothing mentioned about hair , I argue it mean they cover their chest

and honestly in Arabic text the first part about their private parts it is mandatory but the second part about veil and it cover chest its not mandatory and its encouraged
it says don't show their adornments except what can be seen and guess what the hair is also is shown and can be seen and is not part of the hidden adornment
again no mention of head and it say tell them to do so it won't say they most do so , it only state if they do so they will be recognized as virtuous people
Go to any scholar and ask them to interpret those verses or Hadith for you. You’ll get your answer.

its not
Kafir is an Arabic and Islamic term which, in the Islamic tradition, refers to a person who disbelieves in God as per Islam, or denies his authority, or rejects the tenets of Islam.
hijab is not tenets of Islam

Muslim belief/doctrine is often summarized in "the Six Articles of Faith",[60] (the first five are mentioned together in the Quran 2:285).

  1. God[61]
  2. His angels[61]
  3. His Messengers[61]
  4. His Revealed Books,[61]
  5. The Day of Resurrection[61]
  6. Al-Qadar, Divine Preordainments, i.e. whatever God has ordained must come to pass[61]
According to the Salafi scholar Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali, "kufr is basically disbelief in any of the articles of faith.
Exactly. You just proved why it’s an act of kufr.
Burning the hijab goes against number 1), 3) and 4). 1) and 4) because it is clearly made mandatory in Islam. 3) because there is sahih Hadith making hijab mandatory.
So going against those is an act of disbelief.
Thank you for proving my point.
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one Iranian shouldn’t inform your decision on all Iranians. Just like one Pakistani or even a group of Pakistanis can’t be expected to speak on behalf of the country.

better than listening to me or some random Iranians. I would recommend watching some documentaries or maybe even visit the place. If d you actually look you’ll understand most Iranians are conservative religious people.
Forcefully imposing morals and burqas wont make them conservative. Beneath that burqa veil you find a extremely oppressed and open minded irani .Maybe the rural folks are conservative but I am sure urban ones aren't.
For a month or so I have found you contradictory. You were the one posting Punjabi poetry in the status boxes. But now you are a mullah. Also, gaandus are not liberals generally but the mullah bois. :)

And you want to know when PDF had a great run ? Read this thread of mine.
I don't know why you took that so personally it may be because you identify as a libgandu or whatever but ill ignore your stupid remarks and let you be.

As for the Punjabi poetry and you trying to grasp at straws mate am ethnically Punjabi am gonna post and promote my culture its social media as for the mullah part you think calling someone a mullah is going to belittle them then rest easy mate it's not working. Come on Jamahir you can do better twist the OL doll.
Forcefully imposing morals and burqas wont make them conservative. Beneath that burqa veil you find an extremely oppressed and open minded irani .Maybe the rural folks are conservative but I am sure urban ones aren't.
From the start I said Iran as whole. You’re pushing a narrative that’s convenient rather than true
Exactly. You just proved why it’s an act of kufr.
Burning the hijab goes against number 1), 3) and 4). 1) and 4) because it is clearly made mandatory in Islam. 3) because there is sahih Hadith making hijab mandatory.
So going against those is an act of disbelief.
Thank you for proving my point.
but, It actually go against none
its belief in them and you can have belief in God, Messenger and Quran and burn hijab .believing in Hadith is not part of the faith , in Quran its not exactly stated cover the hair and there actually is no punishments for burning hijab . also at most it make you a sinner , name me one person outside the one that clearly its stated they are innocence that is not a sinner, a sinner is not a kafir, otherwise there is no faithful at all
Oh have you ever met a Iranian?
A Iranian once told me that irani people are the complete opposite of their government. And apparently it looks like what he said is true.

Iranian here. What you've seen once is called an "opposition." They number in less than 100,000. The majority of Iranians are in support of their government because they know damn well what their enemies are planning for them.

The number of protesters of Mahsa Amini was not even 100,000 people. By one estimate, it was not even 10,000.

The "opposition" are LIARS. That's like, "Opposition 101" for them. Lie. Make sure you view the entire nation look like they hate the government. At least 50 million Iranians are in support of the Islamic Republic. I am Iranian. Look at the funeral of Qasem Soleimani and see how Iranians participate in protests.
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