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Iran Assassinated over 180 Iraqi Pilots to ensure IQIAF doesn't become a threat again.

as soon as Iraq gained an upper edge, Iran was supplied with weaponry (contra affair).
Are you this stupid? You are literally citing just one event! Are you saying that because a single US arms shipment to Iran, Iraq did not win ? What happened to 8 years of constant political,financial,military support from the entire western world to Iraq? US,UK,France,Italy,Germany,Netherlands and practically the rest of the world except Libya and Syria ? The Western countries i mentioned provided Iraq with everything.. from precise satellite data (movement of iranian troops, precise coordination of targets) to bullets and chemical weapons. Iran on the other hand got abandoned since early 1980, there was a total embargo on even the slightest tomcat part.. had to get it with difficulties on the black market.. in sharp contrast to Iraq who had acces to everything on the arms market.

When you are talking about history you should be honest, if not, you will be stuck in the vicious cycle of karma like a quaqmire.
Are you this stupid? You are literally citing just one event! Are you saying that because a single US arms shipment to Iran, Iraq did not win ? What happened to 8 years of constant political,financial,military support from the entire western world to Iraq? US,UK,France,Italy,Germany,Netherlands and practically the rest of the world except Libya and Syria ? The Western countries i mentioned provided Iraq with everything.. from precise satellite data (movement of iranian troops, precise coordination of targets) to bullets and chemical weapons. Iran on the other hand got abandoned since early 1980, there was a total embargo on even the slightest tomcat part.. had to get it with difficulties on the black market.. in sharp contrast to Iraq who had acces to everything on the arms market.

When you are talking about history you should be honest, if not, you will be stuck in the vicious cycle of karma like a quaqmire.

Where am I dishonest?

I admit Iraq received support, more than Iran.

The difference between you and I, I know Iran had a major edge in terms of technology (American weapons) as the Shah was receiving all the nice shiny stuff. Iraq needed all the arming to get on the same military level as Iran. After all, Iraq was facing a larger foe with access to more manpower which allowed you to do use human-wave assaults. Iraq cannot stop that with manpower as it had about 15-17 million people in the 80's of which many Kurds and Shias whom weren't always loyal.

Here's the difference, you make it look like Iran fought the world. The reality is, Iraq was armed only to counter Iran, they wouldn't let Iraq win. And this is evident as once Iraq took Kuwait, the world stood against it.

However does that change anything of today, today Iran is a big cancer to Iraq. Ask anyone in Baghdad or the south, anyone with half a brain that hasn't surpassed the age 40.
Where am I dishonest?
You are being dishonest mate, making very laughable claims.

The difference between you and I, I know Iran had a major edge in terms of technology (American weapons) as the Shah was receiving all the nice shiny stuff.
There is not much of a edge anymore if the entire chain of command collapsed/changed due to a revolution. Right ?

Iraq needed all the arming to get on the same military level as Iran. After all, Iraq was facing a larger foe with access to more manpower which allowed you to do use human-wave assaults. Iraq cannot stop that with manpower as it had about 15-17 million people in the 80's of which many Kurds and Shias whom weren't always loyal.
It does not matter, Iraq with such a large army and backed by the entire West should have defeated Iran.. and i am being honest now. Iran was in a total chaos, we had a situation where there was a professional government with a large army suddenly disappearing and instead having a anarchaic situation with many rebels popping up (Something like Libya). Iran was in a chaos when it got attacked. You should have won that, perhaps the Iraqis were too incompetent also. But i guess Iranian patriotism was the main reason for Iraqi failure.

Here's the difference, you make it look like Iran fought the world. The reality is, Iraq was armed only to counter Iran, they wouldn't let Iraq win. And this is evident as once Iraq took Kuwait, the world stood against it.
The world allowed you to fight a country that was fiercely anti imperialist and anti American. The world turned its back on you when you challenged a US puppet. That is the main story brother.

However does that change anything of today, today Iran is a big cancer to Iraq. Ask anyone in Baghdad or the south, anyone with half a brain that hasn't surpassed the age 40.
If you want my opinion, we should leave Iraq except some business dealings etc both countries need to work on their economy and welfare. Especially Iraq.
You`re [deliberately?] confusing the law of unintended consequences with deliberate intent I`m afraid.There is a literal vast difference between taking advantage of someone elses repeated mistakes,as iran has often done with the wests countless idiotic mistakes in the region,and deliberately intending to help another with your actions.
Only a complete fool,a blind idiot or a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist could ever believe that the west and iran were "natural allies",whatever that means,or that the west had ever done anything to help iran.Only someone who was completely ignorant of the last 40+ years of history in the mena region could even attempt to make such a stupid claim with a straight face.
Just out of curiosity which one of the above are you?

My monies on this one......
Bring some better gibberish.
Where am I dishonest?

I admit Iraq received support, more than Iran.

The difference between you and I, I know Iran had a major edge in terms of technology (American weapons) as the Shah was receiving all the nice shiny stuff. Iraq needed all the arming to get on the same military level as Iran. After all, Iraq was facing a larger foe with access to more manpower which allowed you to do use human-wave assaults. Iraq cannot stop that with manpower as it had about 15-17 million people in the 80's of which many Kurds and Shias whom weren't always loyal.

Here's the difference, you make it look like Iran fought the world. The reality is, Iraq was armed only to counter Iran, they wouldn't let Iraq win. And this is evident as once Iraq took Kuwait, the world stood against it.

However does that change anything of today, today Iran is a big cancer to Iraq. Ask anyone in Baghdad or the south, anyone with half a brain that hasn't surpassed the age 40.
Actually world Zionistm are the biggest cancer for you & dictatorship Islamic countries. Since americans invaded your tiny country 1.5 million Iraqis have been killed for shopping and walking by wahhabis.
Actually world Zionistm are the biggest cancer for you & dictatorship Islamic countries. Since americans invaded your tiny country 1.5 million Iraqis have been killed for shopping and walking by wahhabis.

Isis succeeded in Iraq only because a large number of Iraqis support it.

Which Iran's doings helped contribute to.

I see the thread is full of shit.
Last and not least, Khamenei should thank the US military. Otherwise we would have done some major damage after 1991 with Kuwait's oil funds. Khamenei himself would've been Pirouz Nahavandi the second.
Indeed Saudi must thank Americans , because Saddam was on verge of occupying Saudi within 48 hours ... So masters came and saved their milk pets
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