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Iran Assassinated over 180 Iraqi Pilots to ensure IQIAF doesn't become a threat again.

I doubt you really want to learn our perspective because you continue to repeat the same accusations like a recorded message, but here's our perspective:

1- Even if we assume that people who revolted in Syria were actually Syrian protestors (which is not true), we do not believe that every revolution should be respected. If today the Germans make a revolution and try to bring to power another person like Hitler, their neighbors will surely intervene and stop it. If today someone in Pakistan wants to raise to power that believes people of other faiths should be killed or sent to other countries, expect intervention from others. It's just a fact.

2- We do not know how many Syrians support the Assad regime inside the country. And we do not know how the Syrian Civil War has changed their views towards him. History proves that leaders in our region that were toppled were later admired and missed because the promises that had been given to their people turned out to be false and fake. Ghaddafi wasn't a popular leader, but as soon as he was killed, people realized how his presence had positively changed Libya and how his absence led to chaos, long-lasting destruction and foreign meddling. Saddam was possibly one of the most brutal dictators in the region, but Iraqis lived better under his rule as it was mentioned in this thread.

3- The Syrian Civil War was never peaceful, nor Syrian. Other Arab nationalities were involved in the protests from the first day and they were armed. It was a coordinated semi-coup. The point of the Syrian Civil War was to weaken Syria and change the balance of power in the region in favor of Israel (which was achieved thanks to the Arabs that have now befriended Israel), not to bring a democratic regime to Syria. The Syrian regime was and continues to be one of the most progressive and democratic systems in the Arab world, particularly compared to other Arab nations in the region.

4- I don't see you cry for the thousands of truly peaceful (and truly unarmed) Bahraini protestors that were crushed and tortured in Bahrain when Saudi Arabia intervened in there with tanks and armored vehicles. Sectarian much?

5- The best proof for what happened Syria, is the fest of terrorist groups during the war like Al-Qaeda and ISIS. We all witnessed how Saudi Arabia and Qatar exposed each other for supporting terrorism in Syria when their relations soured.

6- We believe that people who started the Syrian Civil War and caused all this mess and misery for the Syrians, solely for their regional interests, are to blame. Not the ones who tried to end it and bring order to the country again. We strongly and truly believe that we are on the right side of history in this war.

7- As for your other accusations, the Syrian Army did a fine and accurate job of fighting against terrorists and like any professional army, they focused their power and resources only on killing armed people, not civilians. Most civilians that were killed in the war were actually killed by the innocent Sunnis you try to support for sectarian reasons in hideous ways that sent the worst image of Muslims and Middle Easterners to the world. If by innocent Sunnis, you mean the people who wanted to establish an Islamic caliphate and preyed on minorities like Kurds, Armenians, Alawites and others, then we have very different views of innocence and war crimes.

8- I am an atheist/agnostic and I don't really care much for any of this sectarian stuff on either side. I am against the strong presence of Islam in the Middle Eastern culture.

And I am not really interested in discussing the matter, particularly on this thread which is off-topic, but I shared our perspective with you as you requested. You can discuss the matter in the Syrian Civil War thread in the Middle East section of the forums.

all points might be true i am not doubting that i am always against killing of innocent civilians be it shia sunni jew hindu or any human murdered so a tyrant can satisfy his small ego or serve some interest is not right! and from the start i never defended iraqi pilots if they were involved in bombing innocent shias and kurds in iraq may they rot in hell! my point is Iran like KSA is a cancer for Muslim Ummah (yes i am a ummahish) these pests are fighting not for their sect or Islam (which should be our main concern glory of Islam) there are fighting for their own interest Mullahs of Iran inciting hate all over so they could revive their persian Empire ,KIngs of arabia inciting hate because they are arrogant turds and think every muslim is their slave and should only serve them! my argument with you my brother (i dont hate any shia) is how can you people see the suffering of millions of your own Muslim brothers and sisters at the hand of Iran proxies or Asad and not feel their pain!!! how can anyone justify what happened to syrians!

**** politics cant we just think of them as Humans! irrespective of their faith!
all points might be true i am not doubting that i am always against killing of innocent civilians be it shia sunni jew hindu or any human murdered so a tyrant can satisfy his small ego or serve some interest is not right! and from the start i never defended iraqi pilots if they were involved in bombing innocent shias and kurds in iraq may they rot in hell! my point is Iran like KSA is a cancer for Muslim Ummah (yes i am a ummahish) these pests are fighting not for their sect or Islam (which should be our main concern glory of Islam) there are fighting for their own interest Mullahs of Iran inciting hate all over so they could revive their persian Empire ,KIngs of arabia inciting hate because they are arrogant turds and think every muslim is their slave and should only serve them! my argument with you my brother (i dont hate any shia) is how can you people see the suffering of millions of your own Muslim brothers and sisters at the hand of Iran proxies or Asad and not feel their pain!!! how can anyone justify what happened to syrians!

**** politics cant we just think of them as Humans! irrespective of their faith!
I personally feel sympathy with Syrians on both side of the ongoing civil war. Their country was ruined and destroyed by regional and international powers and it won't return to the pre-war conditions for decades. However, I disagree that the people of Syria are suffering at the hand of our proxies. Maybe we should ask the people of Syria whether they prefer to live under Assad with conditions like before the Civil War or after it. We have witnessed the fall of ruling regimes in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. It never worked as expected.

The reason that the Iranian revolution did not lead to a civil war was mostly because of Iranian patriotism and strong sense of national unity at the time. And the fact that the Iranians at the time did not trust the Westerners and believed that they always plotted against us. After the Iranian revolution, I can hardly find any example of a successful revolution or regime change in the Middle East. But even the Iranian revolution led to an 8 year war with a neighboring country.

There's no doubt that the Iranian regime like any other regime seeks to further her own interests in the region. No Iranian has ever denied that we went to Syria for our regional interests and national security. It is some people on PDF who think we went to Syria for sectarian reasons, but that is not true. We went there because the people who were likely to replace Assad were dangerous and anti-Iran. They openly threatened Iran and Iranians in their video messages even before the rise of ISIL.
I personally feel sympathy with Syrians on both side of the ongoing civil war. Their country was ruined and destroyed by regional and international powers and it won't return to the pre-war conditions for decades. However, I disagree that the people of Syria are suffering at the hand of our proxies. Maybe we should ask the people of Syria whether they prefer to live under Assad with conditions like before the Civil War or after it. We have witnessed the fall of ruling regimes in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. It never worked as expected.

The reason that the Iranian revolution did not lead to a civil war was mostly because of Iranian patriotism and strong sense of national unity at the time. And the fact that the Iranians at the time did not trust the Westerners and believed that they always plotted against us. After the Iranian revolution, I can hardly find any example of a successful revolution or regime change in the Middle East. But even the Iranian revolution led to an 8 year war with a neighboring country.

There's no doubt that the Iranian regime like any other regime seeks to further her own interests in the region. No Iranian has ever denied that we went to Syria for our regional interests and national security. It is some people on PDF who think we went to Syria for sectarian reasons, but that is not true. We went there because the people who were likely to replace Assad were dangerous and anti-Iran. They openly threatened Iran and Iranians in their video messages even before the rise of ISIL.
iranian proxies or proxies of puppet kingdom KSA are all same for me! evil murderers!

see now you are understanding my point Iran KSA are okay with death and destruction to protect and serve their interest then one shouldnt complain when west does the same they murder to protect their interest you (iran and ksa) murder to protect or further your interest! then why give it a religious angle why recruit based on sect are Muslim minds sheeps and cattles for you (again by you i dont mean Iran also including KSA) thats what i am against! to further your political interest you are using and abusing religion and dividing already disjointed Ummah! how is that justifiable!
iranian proxies or proxies of puppet kingdom KSA are all same for me! evil murderers!

see now you are understanding my point Iran KSA are okay with death and destruction to protect and serve their interest then one shouldnt complain when west does the same they murder to protect their interest you (iran and ksa) murder to protect or further your interest! then why give it a religious angle why recruit based on sect are Muslim minds sheeps and cattles for you (again by you i dont mean Iran also including KSA) thats what i am against! to further your political interest you are using and abusing religion and dividing already disjointed Ummah! how is that justifiable!
All countries do that. Don't they?

If Pakistan and India put aside their religious differences, why should you two countries remain enemies? I can't think of any good reason for Pakistan and India to be sworn enemies had they not been of different religions.
All countries do that. Don't they?

If Pakistan and India put aside their religious differences, why should you two countries remain enemies? I can't think of any good reason for Pakistan and India to be sworn enemies had they not been of different religions.
so just because everyones killing everyone you can also kill millions thats some bs logic my friend!

what Pak and India doing to each is also stupidity because both sides are not mature enough to resolve their issues! its all politics and nothing to do with religion! Modi using hindu hate for Muslim is politics Pakistan doing the same is politics!!

Iran and Ksa spreading their sectarian bs is politics and nothing to do with religion!
so just because everyones killing everyone you can also kill millions thats some bs logic my friend!

what Pak and India doing to each is also stupidity because both sides are not mature enough to resolve their issues! its all politics and nothing to do with religion! Modi using hindu hate for Muslim is politics Pakistan doing the same is politics!!

Iran and Ksa spreading their sectarian bs is politics and nothing to do with religion!
I think what you're bringing up is a bigger issue that is although valid but it is mostly philosophical and it's not restricted to Iran, KSA, Pakistan, India or the USA.

One may say that the whole concept of nations and countries are unnatural and artificial.
I think what you're bringing up is a bigger issue that is although valid but it is mostly philosophical and it's not restricted to Iran, KSA, Pakistan, India or the USA.

One may say that the whole concept of nations and countries are unnatural and artificial.
exactly! atleast for us Muslims there is no concept of borders or countries and bro nationalism is a stupidity and only divide people into smaller nations! unity is strength!
Isis succeeded in Iraq only because a large number of Iraqis support it.
Sorry, you meant to say:
Isis succeeded in Iraq only because a large number of Iraqi Sunnis and US+ NATO and Saudi Arabia support it

Which Iran's doings helped contribute to.
It would have happened to whoever was/is the top dog in Iraq...if US was top dog, there would be and there was an insurgencya gainst it, now Iran is the top dog, so the haters gonna keep hating with head chopper militias using SUnni parts of IRaq as their rear support base.
I see the thread is full of shit.
and you contribute to it.
what about your hizbus and asad that has murdered thousands innocent?
THis is a bogus accusation, kind of surprised you are making comments like this. Obv you kind of hate Iran, but pls be rational. If you Hezbollah killed thousands, #1 show evidence, and #2 what about the other sides in the war? why single out IRan? so weird bra.
I know Iran had a major edge in terms of technology (American weapons) as the Shah was receiving all the nice shiny stuff

I had to come back to this forum just to reply to this ridiculous comment.

How long do you think that advantage lasted after Iran was denied arms and spare parts? 1 week? 2 weeks? 1 month? 3 months?

The war lasted for 8 years, Iran was denied arms and spare parts from day 1, meanwhile the world, from WG to GCC to France, was doing whatever they could, to make sure Iraq had a fresh supply of arms, spare parts and even chemical weapons. Whatever means necessary to make sure Iran did not win that war. US even provided satellite coverage and gave you coordinates of Iranian troops.
I had to come back to this forum just to reply to this ridiculous comment.

How long do you think that advantage lasted after Iran was denied arms and spare parts? 1 week? 2 weeks? 1 month? 3 months?

The war lasted for 8 years, Iran was denied arms and spare parts from day 1, meanwhile the world, from WG to GCC to France, was doing whatever they could, to make sure Iraq had a fresh supply of arms, spare parts and even chemical weapons. Whatever means necessary to make sure Iran did not win that war. US even provided satellite coverage and gave you coordinates of Iranian troops.
It is all history now....that pain and experience was the motivation for iran to be what it is now...iraq paid hevily for what they did also so in a sense justice has prevailed.
I had to come back to this forum just to reply to this ridiculous comment.

How long do you think that advantage lasted after Iran was denied arms and spare parts? 1 week? 2 weeks? 1 month? 3 months?

The war lasted for 8 years, Iran was denied arms and spare parts from day 1, meanwhile the world, from WG to GCC to France, was doing whatever they could, to make sure Iraq had a fresh supply of arms, spare parts and even chemical weapons. Whatever means necessary to make sure Iran did not win that war. US even provided satellite coverage and gave you coordinates of Iranian troops.

Once you're done listing Iran's disadvantages, have you heard of Iraq's disadvantages?

Also, the black market existed and has enabled Iran
It is all history now....that pain and experience was the motivation for iran to be what it is now...iraq paid hevily for what they did also so in a sense justice has prevailed.

Tell Iraq's Shias, hopefully they can stop worshipping Iran
Arab racism/nationalism was buried with Saddam. I must say this even after many decades, congratulations to all the ones that have suffered from this tribe and its racist attitudes.
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