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Iran Assassinated over 180 Iraqi Pilots to ensure IQIAF doesn't become a threat again.

Iran's militia's in Baghdad shot over 1000 unarmed people dead, they protested the failed government that can't do anything.

You're enjoying Germany aren't you, maybe live with a basiji rat instead.

Those pilots were great, they did their job. Iraq's Majoos need to wake up and stop being such Persian friends.
And these pilots are now under meters of dust.
And these pilots are now under meters of dust.

We all die, Soleimani is gone too and one day you will be too.

The point is, these warheroes did their job well, today your militia's have turned Iraq into a shithole making even Shias miss the days of Saddam.

Saddam ruled Iraq during the 90's sanctions which are far more strict than those on Iran, yet the country without sanctions ruled by Iran's coons has turned into an even worse shithole. Forget ISIS, Basra which never had any ISIS is the worst shithole of the country.

aXiS 0F rEsIstancE

Tomorrow who knows a strike finds its way to Khamenei, we won't see a response then either. Enjoy Germany.
so tens of thousands murdered by your shia/persian army all had rpgs on their shoulders? even the 2 yr olds? shia mullah feeding you bs?
Because 2 year old children can be protestors LOL
Anyway, the topic of the discussion is how the Iraqi filth that killed Iranian civilians and Kurdish citizens were cleaned. May God bless those who killed those and help them kill more of such people.
We all die, Soleimani is gone too and one day you will be too.

The point is, these warheroes did their job well, today your militia's have turned Iraq into a shithole making even Shias miss the days of Saddam.
Your country deserves to be a shit hole. Do not blame your failure on us. You ignored my question several times. Why don't you have the balls to revolt against the US invasion of Iraq? 17 years of constant humiliation and occupation are not enough for you guys to revolt against the Americans but sectarianism is a good enough reason for revolting?
Iran's militia's in Baghdad shot over 1000 unarmed people dead, they protested the failed government that can't do anything.

You're enjoying Germany aren't you, maybe live with a basiji rat instead.

Those pilots were great, they did their job. Iraq's Majoos need to wake up and stop being such Persian friends. Some bitces saying Hussain will save them are currently ruling the country.
Coward Iraqi army taking advantage from the unrest in 1980 in Iran crossed the border into Iranian territory in a clear act of aggression. Years that followed witnessed Iraqi chemical, scud attacks against Iranian army and civilian population.
Iran is just taking revenge now. Iraqis started this all. Sorry man.
Coward Iraqi army taking advantage from the unrest in 1980 in Iran crossed the border into Iranian territory in a clear act of aggression. Years that followed witnessed Iraqi chemical, scud attacks against Iranian army and civilian population.
Iran is just taking revenge now. Iraqis started this all. Sorry man.

These were Islamic attacks, every Ayatollah should have joined the human wave assaults.
Fucking majoos!
Because 2 year old children can be protestors LOL
Anyway, the topic of the discussion is how the Iraqi filth that killed Iranian civilians and Kurdish citizens were cleaned. May God bless those who killed those and help them kill more of such people.

Your country deserves to be a shit hole. Do not blame your failure on us. You ignored my question several times. Why don't you have the balls to revolt against the US invasion of Iraq? 17 years of constant humiliation and occupation are not enough for you guys to revolt against the Americans but sectarianism is a good enough reason for revolting?

You're angry we doomed you for 8 years and made you escape to the west.

Iraq shouldn't revolt against the US right now, it would play into Iranian strategy, Iraq needs to fight ISIS + militia's.
What nonsense are you talking about? What islamic attacks ?

Stop being a kike
You're angry we doomed you for 8 years and made you escape to the west.

Iraq shouldn't revolt against the US right now, it would play into Iranian strategy, Iraq needs to fight ISIS + militia's.

Stop being a kike
Too upset what Iran is doing to Iraq ha ? It is called Karma...it is very very bad :(
You're angry we doomed you for 8 years and made you escape to the west.

Iraq shouldn't revolt against the US right now, it would play into Iranian strategy, Iraq needs to fight ISIS + militia's.
I was born after the Iraq-Iran war. What doom are you talking about? We literally own your *** now. You failed all of your objectives. You failed to take back the 3 islands, you failed to take back your lost share of Arvand Rood (Shat Al-Arab). You failed to annex Khuzestan. You failed to prevent the spread of the Iranian revolution to your country. And now you're basically our bitches and we are coming to Karbala as we initially said. LOL

Yeah. You shouldn't revolt against the US now. You should continue to get humiliated by the US while Saudis send you suicide bombers to blow themselves up among people. Good luck.
I was born after the Iraq-Iran war. What doom are you talking about? We literally own your *** now. You failed all of your objectives. You failed to take back the 3 islands, you failed to take back your lost share of Arvand Rood (Shat Al-Arab). You failed to annex Khuzestan. You failed to prevent the spread of the Iranian revolution to your country. And now you're basically our bitches and we are coming to Karbala as we initially said. LOL

Yeah. You shouldn't revolt against the US now. You should continue to get humiliated by the US while Saudis send you suicide bombers to blow themselves up among people. Good luck.

US trashed Soleimani whilst operating in Iraq and you think you own Iraq, the reality is a large majority of Iraq's Shias have some soft spot for Iran. We can see it with an Iraqi on this forum, unfortunately this means they are very welcoming to you Majoos which I strongly disagree with.
Too upset what Iran is doing to Iraq ha ? It is called Karma...it is very very bad :(

Iran is a cancer, I don't deny they're spreading cancer to Iraq.

What i'm here to say is to remove delusions of people here, Iran is a joke that could do nothing, US removed Saddam easily and then took out Soleimani like it's a joke as well.

Most retards in Iraq truly believe in the Shiite nonsense.

See you later, my fellow Arabized Islamfiied akhoond.
US trashed Soleimani whilst operating in Iraq and you think you own Iraq, the reality is a large majority of Iraq's Shias have some soft spot for Iran. We can see it with an Iraqi on this forum, unfortunately this means they are very welcoming to you Majoos which I strongly disagree with.
What does the US assassination of Soleimani have to do with the meek people of Iraq that live under occupation after 17 years? Nobody doubts that the US is a powerful country. How's that in any way relevant to you subjects of the US occupation?

The Americans literally carpet bombed and flattened Iraq to such a level that if we don't export electricity to you now, people in Baghdad have to sleep at 5 PM after the weather gets dark. Maybe only Dresden had been bombed worse than Faluja in Iraq. And you sand niggers danced like monkeys in the streets, celebrating your submission and humiliation. LOL
What does the US assassination of Soleimani have to do with the meek people of Iraq that live under occupation after 17 years? Nobody doubts that the US is a powerful country. How's that in any way relevant to you subjects of the US occupation?

The Americans literally carpet bombed and flattened it to such a level that if we don't export electricity to you now, people in Baghdad have to sleep in 5 PM after the weather gets dark. Maybe only Dresden had been bombed worse than Faluja in Iraq. And you sand niggers danced like monkeys in the streets, celebrating your submission and humiliation. LOL

There's no US occupation, they're nowhere in the streets and have no say, that's something of the past, just like chemical bombs on you was something of the past. Get ahead with the times, Iran should stop electricity export if you ask me.

You realize many Iranians are darker than Arabs, especially in Iran. Don't bring pictures of Beverly hills fellas.

Once again, thank the US for attacking Saddam, or you would've been breathing gas as of today.
There's no US occupation, they're nowhere in the streets and have no say, that's something of the past, just like chemical bombs on you was something of the past. Get ahead with the times, Iran should stop electricity export if you ask me.

You realize many Iranians are darker than Arabs, especially in Iran. Don't bring pictures of Beverly hills fellas.
Ever heard of the Green Zone of Baghdad? LOL You live under occupation. Everyone knows it. Now go dance like a monkey like your country men for the Americans that are occupying your country.

You realize that most Iranians are lighter than Arabs? Particularly the sand niggers in Iraq? Ever seen people from the northern provinces of Iran, sand nigger?
Ever heard of the Green Zone of Baghdad? LOL You live under occupation. Everyone knows it. Now go dance like a monkey like your country men for the Americans that are occupying your country.

You realize that most Iranians are lighter than Arabs? Particularly the sand niggers in Iraq? Ever seen people from the northern provinces of Iran, sand nigger?

Green zone does not exist anymore, and that location is mainly housing the Iraqis whom worship Iran (government). Your info is outdated.

Green zone being purged would not be the loss of the US, but yours. They've got far less of a stake over there as of today.
You realize that most Iranians are lighter than Arabs? Particularly the sand niggers in Iraq? Ever seen people from the northern provinces of Iran, sand nigger?

Wannabe whites, many are dark. Not that this matters, but looks like you envy the white skin.
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