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Iran Army tests combat readiness with surprise drills near Turkey border

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Iran Army tests combat readiness with surprise drills near Turkey border

Oct 9, 2019

Iran's Army has kicked off unannounced military drills near the border with Turkey to test the rapid deployment of its forces in various conflict scenarios, says a top general.

Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari, Commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Forces, said Wednesday that the military exercises were held upon the order of Army Commander, Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi.

The drills were aimed at evaluating the force's combat readiness in the northwestern parts of the country, General Heidari said.

"The Army commander-in-chief's orders were immediately relayed to all units which were promptly deployed to the region with full military equipment," the general noted.

He said the exercise was successful and met its objectives.

"Unannounced drills test the combat readiness and the deployment procedures of the mobile strike forces as well as rapid response units and the teams present in the field did a good job," General Heidari added.

He said by announcing the drills, the Army sought to increase its readiness and strike capability while also boosting the ability of its forces to deploy and defend on short notice.

The general noted that the Army Ground Forces used "the latest domestically-developed" weapons and military gear for their missions.

Some of those technologies were indeed put to the test during the drill, he confirmed.

The exercise comes amid high tensions in the region as Turkey is poised to launch a major offensive in northern Syria to purge the area of Kurdish militants it regards as terrorists.

Iran acting like a chutya once again
its just for show.. even Turkey understand it..
if Turkey wouldnt be there, Iran could have been attacked by US and others already.. Turkey being with Iran create huge questions...
Iran doesnt need an enemy like Turkey.. we have 500 years no war history, which both country would to stick to it.. half iran population are Turkish origin..
one interesting point, When Iran and Irag war happened, Iran used all Turkish origin soldiers in war, but once the 8 year war ended, all the Generals became Turkish origin.. even todays defence minister is speaking Turkish and most of defense guys are Turkish origin..
its just for show.. even Turkey understand it..
if Turkey wouldnt be there, Iran could have been attacked by US and others already.. Turkey being with Iran create huge questions...
Iran doesnt need an enemy like Turkey.. we have 500 years no war history, which both country would to stick to it.. half iran population are Turkish origin..
one interesting point, When Iran and Irag war happened, Iran used all Turkish origin soldiers in war, but once the 8 year war ended, all the Generals became Turkish origin.. even todays defence minister is speaking Turkish and most of defense guys are Turkish origin..

"if Turkey wouldnt be there, Iran could have been attacked by US and others already"
what the hell are you on?!.....
are iranian Mother F***rs being controlled by Israhel?
Iranian army carrying out army drills = controlled by Israel

Your racism is clouding your judgment, come back and think again once you take your meds.

its just for show.. even Turkey understand it..
if Turkey wouldnt be there, Iran could have been attacked by US and others already.. Turkey being with Iran create huge questions...
Iran doesnt need an enemy like Turkey.. we have 500 years no war history, which both country would to stick to it.. half iran population are Turkish origin..
one interesting point, When Iran and Irag war happened, Iran used all Turkish origin soldiers in war, but once the 8 year war ended, all the Generals became Turkish origin.. even todays defence minister is speaking Turkish and most of defense guys are Turkish origin..
Are you living in some parallel universe where Turkey isn't a NATO vassal state that exists as a base for NATO early warning (etc) radars for US deterrence against Iran?
Iranian army carrying out army drills = controlled by Israel

Your racism is clouding your judgment, come back and think again once you take your meds.

Are you living in some parallel universe where Turkey isn't a NATO vassal state that exists as a base for NATO early warning (etc) radars for US deterrence against Iran?
you all can tell anything, but, if Turkey wouldnt be with Iran, there would be a Kurdistan, there would be a Kurdish corridor, there would be a enemy right next to Iran, and there would be 35 million Turkish people against Iranian government... Iran woulnt have much option.. They will start internal war first.. Imagine Iranian regime would fire bullets to Turkish demonstrators from Tabriz like Irag did recently. Immediately, Azerbaijan, Turkey, even Pakistan would supply those forces..
What i mean is if Turkey really was a mad person, or against Iran, it could damage it and also itself.
are iranian Mother F***rs being controlled by Israhel?
Go show your poor parenting some where eles ..
its just for show.. even Turkey understand it..
if Turkey wouldnt be there, Iran could have been attacked by US and others already.. Turkey being with Iran create huge questions...
Iran doesnt need an enemy like Turkey.. we have 500 years no war history, which both country would to stick to it.. half iran population are Turkish origin..
one interesting point, When Iran and Irag war happened, Iran used all Turkish origin soldiers in war, but once the 8 year war ended, all the Generals became Turkish origin.. even todays defence minister is speaking Turkish and most of defense guys are Turkish origin..
The americans wouldn't attack Iran not because "Turkey would be there" ...
رومی آمد بر در تبریز از خود رید و رفت // ریده ریده از در تبریز واگردید و رفت
Go show your poor parenting some where eles ..

The americans wouldn't attack Iran not because "Turkey would be there" ...
رومی آمد بر در تبریز از خود رید و رفت // ریده ریده از در تبریز واگردید و رفت
i simply explained what i meant.. if you have anything to say extra to show the otherwise, please go head.
i simply explained what i meant.. if you have anything to say extra to show the otherwise, please go head.
1. we do not have "500 years no war history" ... the last war was back in 1821.
2.Well it was Iran which foil the plot last time when america/israel and Saudis were after independent Kurdistan in Iraq ... go ask Kurds ....
3. The americans not attacking Iran has got nothing to do with Turkey .. americans have almost occupied all countries in the region or have troops deployed there and never asked for Turkey permission ... the reason they don't attack us is simple, besides the fact that Iran is the most stable country in the region which is considered as anchor of stability which obviously slightest instability in Iran could bring enormous reverberation in the region, war with Iran would be a costly war with no ending in sight that could endanger all amercians and their allies interests in the region permanently ..
4. Furthermore after 8 years of war none of your objectives in Syrian has been achieved that's why you are after war in this country again to not leave it empty handed... so ....
5. The poem I wrote was a part of Shah Tahmasb letter to Soltan Soleiman which was written by the Shah himself so if as you claim in case of war "35 million Turkish people against Iranian government" would stand by you then you gotta be able to read what Shah sent as message to your Sultan too but it was written in Persian..
6. Moreover base on latest official statics number of Turks is in Iran is in no way close to aforementioned figures at best it would be near 13~15 million people whom first take themselves Iranian like any other ethnic minorities in Iran .. like Shah Tahmasb like all those whom fought Othman empire in the past 500 centuries ..

1. we do not have "500 years no war history" ... the last war was back in 1821.
2.Well it was Iran which foil the plot last time when america/israel and Saudis were after independent Kurdistan in Iraq ... go ask Kurds ....
3. The americans not attacking Iran has got nothing to do with Turkey .. americans have almost occupied all countries in the region or have troops deployed there and never asked for Turkey permission ... the reason they don't attack us is simple, besides the fact that Iran is the most stable country in the region which is considered as anchor of stability which obviously slightest instability in Iran could bring enormous reverberation in the region, war with Iran would be a costly war with no ending in sight that could endanger all amercians and their allies interests in the region permanently ..
4. Furthermore after 8 years of war none of your objectives in Syrian has been achieved that's why you are after war in this country again to not leave it empty handed... so ....
5. The poem I wrote was a part of Shah Tahmasb letter to Soltan Soleiman which was written by the Shah himself so if as you claim in case of war "35 million Turkish people against Iranian government" would stand by you then you gotta be able to read what Shah sent as message to your Sultan too but it was written in Persian..
6. Moreover base on latest official statics number of Turks is in Iran is in no way close to aforementioned figures at best it would be near 13~15 million people whom first take themselves Iranian like any other ethnic minorities in Iran .. like Shah Tahmasb like all those whom fought Othman empire in the past 500 centuries ..

You can say stories here as you wish... but as an Azerbaijani, i know way better what is going on in Iran... just type traktor futbol team in youtube and you will understand what i mean
You can say stories here as you wish... but as an Azerbaijani, i know way better what is going on in Iran... just type traktor futbol team in youtube and you will understand what i mean
No stories , google it all ...
Even Azarbaejan is a Persian word ... Azar (fire, ninth month of Iranian calendar ) + Bayegan(Guardians, custodian) which means guardians of holy fire so please stop it .. I've seen them and I know in all countres there are such a people ...
No stories , google it all ...
Even Azarbaejan is a Persian word ... Azar (fire, ninth month of Iranian calendar ) + Bayegan(Guardians, custodian) which means guardians of holy fire so please stop it .. I've seen them and I know in all countres there are such a people ...
if they fight against EU or US or Saudis, you are right, they will accept themselves as part of Iran, but not against Turkey, lets just agree here... especially when Iran starts a war from out of nowhere, lets say Iran attack Turkey tomorrow. everybody will think why? or think sned your Persians to fight the war then...

Azerbaijan is just a name, even Armenia call us Turks and others too. There were no Azerbaijan in History, but there was Safavids which was ruled by Turkish people for centuries...
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