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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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This is called a deflection, and a pretty weak one at that. Word of advise, if you're this inept with regards to military technologies, just keep quiet. ...

First of all, the pictures of Saudi oil facilities you posted were hit with drone strikes not cruise missiles.

Second, in retaliation the US took out the Iranian Army Chief in a drone strike. Drone strike for a drone strike.

Lastly, how many more drone strikes have the Iranian backed Houthi terrorists carried out on Saudi oil facilities since General Qassem Soleimani was blown to bits? Because I'm sure the US has made it very very clear to the Iranians, the next time it'll be Khamenei.
First of all, the pictures of Saudi oil facilities you posted were hit with drone strikes not cruise missiles.

The attacks were done by cruise missiles and UAVs. See below and educate yourself a little:

Second, in retaliation the US took out the Iranian Army Chief in a drone strike. Drone strike for a drone strike.

US retaliations was due to
1- An American contractor being killed by Iranian backed groups in Iraq. His name was Nawres Hamid.
2- Iranian backed groups in Iraq were on the verge of attacking the US assets in Iraq, hence the US felt like it had to respond preemptively.
3- The attack on Soleimani had nothing to do with what happened to Saudis

Listen to US intelligence officer, Michael Pregent:

Once again, educate yourself.

Lastly, how many more drone strikes have the Iranian backed Houthi terrorists carried out on Saudi oil facilities

As shown above, attack on Saudi oil facility had no relations to what happened with the Iran-US. You simply are out of depth and have child level understanding of the situation.

Morever, Iran even with the warning gave 100's of the Americans Trumatic Brain Injury, and Trump did not dare to retaliate despite saying if Iran even fired a bullet, he would strike 52 sites in Iran.

Trump vows to hit 52 sites 'very hard' if Iran retaliates over Suleimani killing

The world is much more complicated than your cognition can comprehend.
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125 million TURKS ( Turkiye+Azerbaijan+35/40 million Turks in İran ) will liberate Southern Azerbaijan too

Don't forget the billions of Turks on Mars too. On a serious note, there is no such thing as "Turks in Iran". Iranian Azeris, which I assume you're referring to are an Iranic group and not related to Turko-Mongols:


Interestingly, Turkey itself has 30% Iranic Kurds living in it, and they are growing at a fast rate.
If Russia does not do a ToT to Iran, after this long wait, or sell engines or some deal, Russia is going to be more and more irrelevant to Iran. Iran has tried in the past to buy weapons from Russia and Russia was part of the sanctions on Iran. Do friends do this.?.

I would suggest an under the table ToT of engines.

If Russia does not help out Iran, it means the whole Syrian adventure was not to help out Assad, was to clean up USs ISIS organization and test Russian weapons on Muslim population, which made Netanyahu happy. Netanyahu likes years long civil wars in MENA. Russia and US picked opposing sides and Muslims were killed in the process. Kept Syria weak and divided up. If US put in a Sunni government, that government would immediately arm up to defend from ISreali aggression. A weak Assad puppeted by Russia is a desired goal for Natanyahu. The same reason why the war in Afghanistan does not end, Washington does not want the war to end. They want a divided and warring Syria and Afghanistan. They were angry with Soleimani and the Iranians for defeating ISIS in Iraq. That was supposed to fester much longer. Iran is about freedom in the Middle East. Russia has other motives.

What good is Russia for, if not for helping Iran.

If they can't get engines from Russia, a secret ToT from the JF-17 program would be great. To heck with Modi supporting Russia.

The best part of the deal seems, the ability of Iran to sell to Houthis and Syria and Venezuela. Any other countries brave enough to resist US sanctions. Lebanon with Hezbollah in gov't could have been open to an arms deal. Iraq with a PM open to friendly relations with Iran could have been open to a deal. US couped both Prime Ministers friendly to Iran.
because of some alawites who worked for shia İran .....

ignorant little kid learn history

1) Sallaheddin and his Uncle were commander in Turkish Army .... NUREDDİN ZENGİ sent Sallaheddin and his Uncle to Egypt with Turkishh Army

2) Sallaheddin was Arab , not Kurd .............. Kurds never had State and Army in history

3) There were many Crusades and Turks ( Seljuks - Mamluks ) beat Crusaders

when TURKS ( Seljuks ) beat Byzantine Empire to conquer Anatolia in 1071 , Christian Europe was one unite against the TURKS in 1096 as Crusaders

BAIBARS KHAN was Turkic origin Sultan of Egypt in the Mamluk Bahri dynasty
He was Commander of the Turkic MAMLUK forces that inflicted a defeat on the 7th Crusade of King Louis IX of France

Turkic origin BAIBARS KHAN also led the vanguard of the Turkic MAMLUK forces at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 which marked the first substantial defeat of the Mongol army and is considered a turning point in history

so India , Iran , Anatolia , Egypt , all Middle East , N.Africa , E.Africa , Hungary , Romania , Greece and all Balkans were ruled by Turkic Dynasties for centuries
Wow...i did not know that Mongols (sorry.. I meant Turks!)...are in the business of inventing history....Sallahedin was a Kurd(e.g.persian for for you).stop forging the the history you Turk.
... 3- The attack on Soleimani had nothing to do with what happened to Saudis ...

General Qassem Soleimani was droned to prevent Iran from establishing a "new normal" when the Iranian state-terrorism apparatus bragged about "driving from Tehran to Tel Aviv" or carrying out large scale terrorist attacks on oil facilities around the world willy nilly to hurt Western interests.

Since the Iranian Army Chief was taken out, the Iranian Government has definitely changed it's terrorist attitude and doesn't appear to be publically chanting death to America like some daily ritual.

You've obviously been educated by the Iranian propaganda machine, hence, you see Iranian fascist supremacy in everything.
General Qassem Soleimani was droned to prevent Iran from establishing a "new normal" when the Iranian state-terrorism apparatus bragged about "driving from Tehran to Tel Aviv" or carrying out large scale terrorist attacks on oil facilities around the world willy nilly to hurt Western interests.

That's your own conjecture based on zero facts and is, quite frankly, drivel. Killing of one individual would never stop the Iranian influence in that region nor stop it's projects of interest. I have already provided you with the intelligence surrounding the killing of Soleimani, if you lack the capacity to study into it, then that's your limitation.

Since the Iranian Army Chief was taken out, the Iranian Government has definitely changed it's terrorist attitude and doesn't appear to be publically chanting death to America like some daily ritual.

Your comments are getting more senseless by each post. At least put more effort into them so I can try to take you more seriously.

You've obviously been educated by the Iranian propaganda machine, hence, you see Iranian fascist supremacy in everything.

The problem with this comment is all my posts so far have been references using non-Iranian statements, such as Saudi, Americans etc. Of course I am not surprised you did not bother to look at them. You have a juvenile mentality when it comes to geopolitics i.e an innate lack of capacity to decipher the true realities on the ground.
in history İran never fought against Christians

The Sassanid Persian Empire fought hundreds of years against Christian Byzantine Empire.

You don't know what you're talking about.

125 million TURKS ( Turkiye+Azerbaijan+35/40 million Turks in İran ) will liberate Southern Azerbaijan too

Keep dreaming.

I remind everyone , İran was ruled by the TURKS for over 950 years between 960s and 1925

Turks who adopted Iranian names, Iranian culture and Iranian identity. They fought in the name of Iran.

I remind you: no Persian army ever got defeated by a Turkic army. In the only two wars the Persians and Turks ever fought against each other, the Persian completely annihilated the Turks.

If Russia does not do a ToT to Iran, after this long wait, or sell engines or some deal, Russia is going to be more and more irrelevant to Iran. Iran has tried in the past to buy weapons from Russia and Russia was part of the sanctions on Iran. Do friends do this.?.

I would suggest an under the table ToT of engines.

Every country has its own calculations regarding its interests. Yes of course we would like to see Russia deliver TOT to Iran for fighter jets and/or jet engines but why should it? what incentive does it have to do this? No nations will just hand over the secrets of these hard earned strategic technologies over, not easily anyway. Morever, the Russians know perfectly well that any systems they give to Iran will be studied anyway, meaning TOT or not, Iran will ultimately decipher that technology, it's just a matter of time. It is because of this time factor that I am not too worried about Iran not getting TOT in a fighter jet purchase. We need a quick and short term solution for airforce as a stop gap until Iran's own fighter jet industry can take over in the mid to long term.

What good is Russia for, if not for helping Iran.

We cannot rely on anyone. They will base their actions on what they think serves their interest at that time. History has shown Russia's military transactions can be moulded by geopolitical issues. These transitions are not done in a vacuum. The sale of lets say 100 SU-35s to Iran will cause a shift in the conventional power in the region. Despite the fact I believe conventional might is an overrated concept, regionally anyway, this will still be the perception of Iran's regional foes. Hence there will a pressure on the Russians to not disturb the current balance too much. The only question is, to what extend will be current Russians administration bend.

If they can't get engines from Russia, a secret ToT from the JF-17 program would be great. To heck with Modi supporting Russia.

Jf-17 cannot serve Iran's need. At minimum, Iran requires something with the capabilities of Su35SM or SU-35.

The best part of the deal seems, the ability of Iran to sell to Houthis and Syria and Venezuela. Any other countries brave enough to resist US sanctions. Lebanon with Hezbollah in gov't could have been open to an arms deal. Iraq with a PM open to friendly relations with Iran could have been open to a deal. US couped both Prime Ministers friendly to Iran

Agreed, indeed we are more looking forward to the Iranian exports than imports. There is great potential for Iran here. It can easily become to top regional arm's exporter and the potential for becoming one of the largest in the world in the long term.
Can you please cut this stupid paranoia, we don't need more Pakistanis sucking into the Israeli-American fearmongering of Iran. The sooner Pakistan realizes Iran is a strategic ally, the better. India fears the day that Pakistan, Iran, and China are all on the same page.
After looking at balochistan, any Pakistani can easily realize the intention of Iran. All these talks of weapon procurements from Iran looks good. They are like good ideas but far from reality. Remember irani military threatened Pak military in the past. I don't think that they have good intentions. When they will get fighter jets, you will understand my point. Right now , everything looks good but I don't trust Iran. Iran and India also has secret pact. Remember emergency meeting of India and Iran after pulwama blast. I don't trust Iran anymore.
in history İran never fought against Christians ,
İran always was a pawn of VATICAN to fight Muslims and İSLAM

Do you think İran will fight for İSLAM against Russia or China or Europe or The US or İsrael ? never

The US-İsrael and The EU play new card against Türkiye ..... its İran

They failed to start a war between İran and Turkiye over Syria
this time The US-İsrael and The EU wants to start a war between İran and Turkiye over Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict

RIP İran

125 million TURKS ( Turkiye+Azerbaijan+35/40 million Turks in İran ) will liberate Southern Azerbaijan too

I remind everyone , İran was ruled by the TURKS for over 950 years between 960s and 1925
Iran fought Russia, Georgia and Portuguese. sorry that there are not much Christian in our neighbourhood.
Iran can provide Pakistan with technologies in Missiles, Air defence, Radars, UAVs, submarines etc, but, I do not see why Pakistan needs Iran when you have access to China. It will still be nice to see some deals sign between Iran and Pakistan.
Cruise Missiles and Air Defence SAMs are what we should get from iran just as case studies or reverse engineering... we have other tech matured ones...
because of some alawites who worked for shia İran .....

ignorant little kid learn history

1) Sallaheddin and his Uncle were commander in Turkish Army .... NUREDDİN ZENGİ sent Sallaheddin and his Uncle to Egypt with Turkishh Army

2) Sallaheddin was Arab , not Kurd .............. Kurds never had State and Army in history

3) There were many Crusades and Turks ( Seljuks - Mamluks ) beat Crusaders

when TURKS ( Seljuks ) beat Byzantine Empire to conquer Anatolia in 1071 , Christian Europe was one unite against the TURKS in 1096 as Crusaders

BAIBARS KHAN was Turkic origin Sultan of Egypt in the Mamluk Bahri dynasty
He was Commander of the Turkic MAMLUK forces that inflicted a defeat on the 7th Crusade of King Louis IX of France

Turkic origin BAIBARS KHAN also led the vanguard of the Turkic MAMLUK forces at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 which marked the first substantial defeat of the Mongol army and is considered a turning point in history

so India , Iran , Anatolia , Egypt , all Middle East , N.Africa , E.Africa , Hungary , Romania , Greece and all Balkans were ruled by Turkic Dynasties for centuries
Iran fought Russia, Georgia and Portuguese. sorry that there are not much Christian in our neighbourhood.

He says Iran is controlled by the Vatican, but it´s Toorkey that has the Christian callender, and they also have the Christian weekend!!!!
They changed their weekend so that Saturday and Sunday are their weekend instead of Friday!!!!
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