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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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The US-İsrael lifted arms embargo on İran
because of İran is new play card against Turkiye , Azerbaijan and Pakistan

İran never will buy weapons from Pakistan .... but from Russia ( including hundreds of SU-30 Jets and S400 Air Defense Systems )
I am worried about pakistani airspace. I know Russia and China both can provide jets to Iran but I am thinking about our own position in this region. We are facing ttp from Afghanistan, Baloch in Balochistan who use Irani border and now very soon, jets in Iran. I think paf should think about building more airbases in Balochistan. We are trapped from every side even from Arabian sea.
I am worried about pakistani airspace. I know Russia and China both can provide jets to Iran but I am thinking about our own position in this region. We are facing ttp from Afghanistan, Baloch in Balochistan who use Irani border and now very soon, jets in Iran. I think paf should think about building more airbases in Balochistan. We are trapped from every side even from Arabian sea.

Turkiye and Pakistan should work together to punish İran who is getting as the US-İsrael proxy
I agree that they will buy but there is another thing that we are ignoring and that is security of pakistan. Iran is under indian influence and can use latest fighter jets against pakistan as well. Make no mistake. Iran buying jets means more pressure on paf. Iran has the money. Iran can even afford 100 f-16 but America will not sell and Americans will blacklist companies of Europe if they try to sell jets but China can sell to Iran. Jets in Iran in large numbers will be a headache for paf.

In what universe is Iran under Indian influence? Iranians on here have openly stated they don't give a shit about India jacking off in the corner. This is a stupid myth cooked up Indians, reality is Iran is not stupid to destabilize Balochistan in its own neighborhood no matter how much India begs them. I should not even give this stupid conspiracy theory the benefit of discussion so lets move on. Iran is not a threat to Pakistan in any way, Iran and Pakistan will actually get closer as India gets closer to US and Israel while Pakistan+Iran move towards China. Iran is a big potential JF-17 customer, in no universe are they an enemy of Pakistan. If anything, they may sell us much better air defenses and missiles in exchange for a JF-17 deal. It is a win-win for both sides.
I am worried about pakistani airspace. I know Russia and China both can provide jets to Iran but I am thinking about our own position in this region. We are facing ttp from Afghanistan, Baloch in Balochistan who use Irani border and now very soon, jets in Iran. I think paf should think about building more airbases in Balochistan. We are trapped from every side even from Arabian sea.

Can you please cut this stupid paranoia, we don't need more Pakistanis sucking into the Israeli-American fearmongering of Iran. The sooner Pakistan realizes Iran is a strategic ally, the better. India fears the day that Pakistan, Iran, and China are all on the same page.
In what universe is Iran under Indian influence? Iranians on here have openly stated they don't give a shit about India jacking off in the corner. This is a stupid myth cooked up Indians, reality is Iran is not stupid to destabilize Balochistan in its own neighborhood no matter how much India begs them. I should not even give this stupid conspiracy theory the benefit of discussion so lets move on. Iran is not a threat to Pakistan in any way, Iran and Pakistan will actually get closer as India gets closer to US and Israel while Pakistan+Iran move towards China. Iran is a big potential JF-17 customer, in no universe are they an enemy of Pakistan. If anything, they may sell us much better air defenses and missiles in exchange for a JF-17 deal. It is a win-win for both sides.
agreed 1000% , Iran and Iranians in general do not think about what India wants let alone under influence it just make me go :o: i say Pakistan has alooooooooot more influence on Iranians then India could ever have
Best time for Pakistan to get hands on cheap tech they have developed in recent years...
Best for Pakistan to avoid Iranian gimmick technology.

I mean they fired 26 ballistic missiles at a US military base in Iraq earlier this year and could not even destroy it or cause a single death (but managed to shoot down an airliner with their own air defence).
Best for Pakistan to avoid Iranian gimmick technology.

I mean they fired 26 ballistic missiles at a US military base in Iraq earlier this year and could not even destroy it

First of all, it was 15 missiles, furthermore, you do understand that base is the size of a very small city, don't you? on what planet could you destroy an airbase using 15 missiles with conventional warheads?

You have a history of making some of the most moronic statements I have seen in this place.

or cause a single death

That's because they were pre-warned before the attack, this is basic information that everyone knows by now.

(but managed to shoot down an airliner with their own air defence).

TOR-M1 is a Russian air defence, morever, this topic has been discussed to death already. I would say go do some reading around the topic, but apparently that's beyond your capacity.
Best for Pakistan to avoid Iranian gimmick technology.

I mean they fired 26 ballistic missiles at a US military base in Iraq earlier this year and could not even destroy it or cause a single death (but managed to shoot down an airliner with their own air defence).
I am on about cruice missiles... we can have their tech and reverse it in Desto
I am on about cruice missiles... we can have their tech and reverse it in Desto

Iran can provide Pakistan with technologies in Missiles, Air defence, Radars, UAVs, submarines etc, but, I do not see why Pakistan needs Iran when you have access to China. It will still be nice to see some deals sign between Iran and Pakistan.
We have cruise missiles and our cruise missile technology is mature and far superior than Iranian gimmick missile technology.

This is what "Iranian gimmick" cruise missiles did to your pals in Saudi Arabia:



Reality trumps fantasies.
Was this before or after Iranian Army Chief was taken out in a drone strike like some terrorist?

This is called a deflection, and a pretty weak one at that. Word of advise, if you're this inept with regards to military technologies, just keep quiet.

Now, how many ballistic missiles have the Iranian armed Houthi terrorists had to fire on Saudi Arabia to hit one target?

You can ask the Saudis how many missiles hit their target:

Houthi missile hits Saudi Arabia’s Abha airport
Not bad for a group with access to barely nothing but old SCUDs.
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