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Intelligence indicates Assad building nuclear plant: report

North Korea has already possessed so nuke they don't need Chinese aid, on Syrian although the news is a sheer propaganda it could be Russia.

Without Chinese help , it would be hard for North Korea , Chinese are managing the North Korean economy.

China provides aid directly to Pyongyang. "It is widely believed that Chinese food aid is channeled to the military,"

Since the early 1990s, China has served as North Korea's chief food supplier and has accounted for nearly 90 percent of its energy imports. North Korea's economic dependence on China continues to grow. China's trade with North Korea has also steadily increased in recent years: in 2013 trade between the two countries grew by more than ten percent from 2012 levels to $6.5 billion. "
no matter what u say and what proofs u present ... ur president will always be remembered as the children killer and for his thirst for power like his father ... and for his hate and dislike to islam ...

listen to bbc and al-jazeera, do you??

who is this munafik idiot "sheikh" in the videos??

by the way, i didn't watch the videos... why waste my download balance.

-close down the economny of the country to be in the hands of the ruling family and the family of makhlouf which is the family name of the mother of bashar (they control the telecommunications industry plus other fields and domains)

surely, many top american politicians also run big business groups.
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even if they are making , we already know the fate of them ... soon there will be planes of Israeli Air force , bomb the site to level ...
Someone call Bush, the Christian jihadi. We need another God sanctioned Crusade to save the free world.
Had this Butcher stepped down and let the common man govern the state, it would have been a peaceful place... But dictators would be dictators, like father like son....
For years, it was thought that Israel had destroyed Syria's nuclear weapons capability with its 2007 raid on the Kibar complex. Not so. New intelligence suggests that Bashar al-Assad is still trying to built the bomb. And he is getting plenty of help. Here, a satellite image of the suspected site near Qusayr.

Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad visiting the frontlines near Damascus on the first day of the new year. His regime may be cooperating with Iran and North Korea on the construction of a nuclear bomb.

This satellite image shows the Qusayr site's link to the power grid, one of many details of the site which have intelligence officials worried that it could be a facility for the construction of a nuclear weapon.

This image purports to show the site where a well has been dug. The well connects the facility with Zaita Lake, four kilometers away. Such a connection is unnecessary for a conventional weapons cache, but it is essential for a nuclear facility.

They very much wanted to get rid of them when they were furiously beating the same 'wmd' war drums back in 2013 but they had no public support but could probably have gone on anyway. It was Putin's masterstroke at the time that prevented another intervention. Also, what nonsense, Israel is very much supporting the so called FSA in their fight against the regime, the treat their wounded, they've shot down Syrian planes, they've shelled SAA positions and even taken part in limited airstrikes inside Syria, most recently near Damascus (only country apart from the US to do so)

I have no idea what kind of game they are playing but it's certainly not pro Assad.

and Bashar =/= Hafez
my friend thats why i am asking u to think out of the box ... israel when it bombed the targets ... it did this to prevent the weapons form reaching hz
What capabilities Syrians are having in Nuclear sector ? Can they produce Nuclear fuel rods ?
well they had chemicals ... do u think its gonna be hard to produce nuclear products with russia and iran in the backgroung ?

listen to bbc and al-jazeera, do you??

who is this munafik idiot "sheikh" in the videos??

by the way, i didn't watch the videos... why waste my download balance.

surely, many top american politicians also run big business groups.
well thank u for appearing intolerant and not able to accept others ... no wonder ... well this sheikh is one of the best in Islamic era ... i will respect u and not return the insult ... have a good one
my friend thats why i am asking u to think out of the box ... israel when it bombed the targets ... it did this to prevent the weapons form reaching hz
I know, and who is hz fighting against in Syria ? or are you saying Israel only selectively bombed weapons that were to go to Lebanon ?
Let's hope common sense prevails and, no matter what their wahabbi allies say, the US realizes that pushing for regime change in Syria will only make matters much worse in the region.
US doesn't care about what goes on in the middle east, if regime change, destroying countries, invading nations makes Israel safer they will not hesitate to do anything, even at the cost of their own civilians dying...
US doesn't care about what goes on in the middle east, if regime change, destroying countries, invading nations makes Israel safer they will not hesitate to do anything, even at the cost of their own civilians dying...
then one would imagine a stable Syria is in Israel's best interests, no shots fired, no attempt to retake golan heights for all these years.. but now Israel is helping jihadi terrorists destabilize Syria, why ?
then one would imagine a stable Syria is in Israel's best interests, no shots fired, no attempt to retake golan heights for all these years.. but now Israel is helping jihadi terrorists destabilize Syria, why ?
don't forget Syria and Hezbollah relation, Syria was arming Hezbollah and other anti-Israel groups.. now when the government is toppled, who would it get replaced by? pro-western pro-Israel... do you think Israel would rather have a strong stable Syria arming Hezbollah or weak chaotic Syria with a puppet government and puppet militia... trust me if F$A was anti-Israel the west wouldn't give it a single penny... "Syrian" opposition have visited Israel many times and gave it guarantees that it would be safe, because it would end Iran - Syria - Hezbollah alliance... and don't forget Israel treating the F$A terrorists and sends them back with more weapons...

heck even terrorists from blocked Gaza went to Syria, Israel allowed them to travel to Syria through Golan...
I know, and who is hz fighting against in Syria ? or are you saying Israel only selectively bombed weapons that were to go to Lebanon ?
HB is fighting in favor of the regime against the rebellion (diff kinds) and in the same time they are drawing and changing the demographics of the lebanese - syrian borders (by settling new cities like al qusayr and yabroud ) many shiites families have moved over there and settled ... in addition israel is bombing what it sees her benefit and interest (if shes really with the rebellion) they would have bombed all sites (regime and HB) but they only care abt themselves so they are doing what they think its best for there state ...

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