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Intelligence indicates Assad building nuclear plant: report

This is totally cooked up, the intelligence community around the world know it is bs, most of the professional guys in the CIA knew Sad had no WMD's - but they were ignored, now we have the ISIS.
well if Israel is such an angel then why did most of the nations vote for "investigation on war crimes committed by israel" in UN?? (except their best buddy US).

business as usual in the uno.

Frankly these days I have stopped categorizing political news as right or wrong. Every country has its shades of grey.

true, and sometimes a detached big-picture view will clearly show what is right and wrong... but most prefer to be brainwashed... and the brain-washers know how to emotionally manipulate someone sitting 3,000 kilometers from a war zone like syria.

what do you think of the pictures in posts 88 and 89??
Most of 'em were Assad's supporters.

and you have recognized most of real syria. :enjoy:

unless of course i post pictures of ikhwaan supporters.

come on, i took about more than an hour to find, analyze and post those picture... not even a thank... :sad:
and you have recognized most of real syria. :enjoy:

unless of course i post pictures of ikhwaan supporters.

come on, i took about more than an hour to find, analyze and post those picture... not even a thank... :sad:
I did thank. :-)
But today I'm at complete loss of words....I dont know which party to choose Assad or the rebels, Palestine or Israel.
If at all I would choose lesser of the 2 evils.
reality.... ( Woman working 4 jobs to make ends meet dies while napping in car between shifts — RT USA )


if you were in britain in late 2011 or later, you would surely have seen such scenes.

I am not speaking of Capitalism or socialism dude.... I am speaking of those anti-democracies where citizens are free to express their views(which aren't meant to harm anyone physically) without the fear of getting picked by "security" agencies... Can you say the same about the middle eastern "democracies"...

there is nothing single called "middle east".

besides, why are the gulf monarchies not invaded yet by western militaries... saudia was established in 1932 or thereabouts... why have iraq and syria been invaded but not the gulf, especially saudia??

I would want to see the people to be the one who rule their respective countries in the "entire" middle east including Saudi Arabia....

the syrian army is composed of syrian peoples... why have they not executed whom you called butcher... why do they still accept his leadership four years after the war started...

Then you must have also known that there is something called FSA, They were also Syrians. Why did they took up arms against this man aka butcher of Homs?

1. the butcher being celebrated by butcher people...


2. russian butchers in syria...


3. the butcher flag and more butcher supporters...


4. the butcher and his evil wife... surrounded by evil people...


5. car bomb in the butcher's capital... wonder why the nato-supported "rebels" couldn't convince the "oppressed people" living under the butcher's tyranny...


6. famous propagandist of the butcher... do you know her??


7. some oppressed ladies about to murder the butcher's wife...


8. the butcher army...


9. evil hench-woman of that prime butcher...


And speaking of the rest of the random pictures you posted, they mean nothing dude. If supporters of Bin Laden or Hitler or Pol pot are to be brought out on Streets, they will easily overshadow these pics... Do you want me to post some pics about the atrocities this so-called mass leader has committed. Anyways as I told earlier, I don't really like writing long posts; Just answer me a simple question. If these so-called beloved leaders are so popular, why do they control the country's armed forces. Why stay in power? Why transfer it down the line to their children. Is ruling a country their birth right?

I did thank. :-)
But today I'm at complete loss of words....I dont know which party to choose Assad or the rebels, Palestine or Israel.
If at all I would choose lesser of the 2 evils.

And how would decide which one is lesser?
I dont know...I just know there're a lot innocents dying in Syria and Palestine.

I don't have to say anything about Palestine and most of us would agree with that. But there are many Pro-Assad PDF posters over here, so I would speak about him. If you go back to 2011, when the revolution was peaceful, this man decided to use force against them much like his father. And what happened after that is for the whole world to see. This gave birth to ISIS, but you see the Pro-Assad posters blaming West for this(Infact everything). Had this man fulfilled his people's wishes, there would never have been an ISIS or deaths of innocent souls....
I would want to see the people to be the one who rule their respective countries in the "entire" middle east including Saudi Arabia...

and what political system will these people follow and how will they achieve power??

Then you must have also known that there is something called FSA, They were also Syrians. Why did they took up arms against this man aka butcher of Homs?

If you go back to 2011, when the revolution was peaceful

sincerely, any other poster and i would have laughed... but will i ask some simple and powerful questions...

- why don't westerm militaries support a "revolution" in saudia, brunei, india, iran, columbia, britain, yemen, holland etc despite there being either need for change or actual people's movments ( occupy, maoists, farc, jklf, mek, babbar khalsa, real ira etc ).

- why were western militaries supporting the "rebels" in syria and libya if those were civil war between brave rebels and dictatorial regimes.

- how did hundreds of "rebels" suddenly appear in syria and libya at the same time in early 2011.

- why did regime-change events happen in venezuela in 2011, around the same time as in libya and syria.

- why are the gulf monarchies supporting these "rebels" in syria who are of course bringing "democracy".

- why did hillary clinton come to tripoli right after its fall and said laughingly "i came, i saw, he died".

- why did the rebels need to kill 200,000+ libyans if all the rebels were bringing is democracy... why do syrians still refuse to accept the ideology of these "democracy-bringing rebels".

- why were nato nations and allies ( incl. india ) conducting "friends of libya" and "friends of syria" meetings in 2011 where they were inviting the leaders of the "rebels" in those two places.

- why were nato leaders seen inaugurating the post-jamahiriya ikhwaan/qaeda "government" in libya.

... i can spend the next hour writing such questions... these are for other members to answer.

But there are many Pro-Assad PDF posters

a few, really... and we keep trying to make people see the big-picture, and often fail.
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and what political system will these people follow and how will they achieve power??

Democracy in its true sense where people elect, rule and decide...

sincerely, any other poster and i would have laughed... but will i ask some simple and powerful questions...
Thank you for considering me worthy enough to be asked and answered...:toast_sign:

- why don't westerm militaries support a "revolution" in saudia, brunei, india, iran, columbia, britain, yemen, holland etc despite there being either need for change or actual people's movments ( occupy, maoists, farc, jklf, mek, babbar khalsa, real ira etc ).
- why were western militaries supporting the "rebels" in syria and libya if those were civil war between brave rebels and dictatorial regimes.

Why do you have to bring West in everything? I don't want west to interfere into any country's internal affairs. But I can't see the innocents dying either in the hands of their beloved leaders, Western militaries only interfere when it suits their interests. They quickly supported revolutionaries in Libya. The reason was simple... Oil supply was in shambles... I am no Pro-Western apologist, so please let's not get into that...

Civil war is something Assad turned it into when it started out against injustice and many other things... You tell me, Was it a civil war in Syria when this started out....

- how did hundreds of "rebels" suddenly appear in syria and libya at the same time in early 2011.

Well they appeared the same way, as revolutionaries appeared in Egypt, Tunisia and else where...

- why did regime-change events happen in venezuela in 2011, around the same time as in libya and syria.

No idea....

-why are the gulf monarchies supporting these "rebels" in syria who are of course bringing "democracy"

They want to progress their own personal interests(Having influence) as simple as that...

- why did hillary clinton come to tripoli right after its fall and said laughingly "i came, i saw, he died".

I don't know, you explain me with proper source...

"- why did the rebels need to kill 200,000+ libyans if all the rebels were bringing is democracy... why do syrians still refuse to accept the ideology of these "democracy-bringing rebels"."

Do you have a source to support this claim of yours? And can you also tell me, who are Syrians? Are the Syrians languishing as refugees not Syrians or those living under ISIS control not Syrians?

- why were nato nations and allies ( incl. india ) conducting "friends of libya" and "friends of syria" meetings in 2011 where they were inviting the leaders of the "rebels" in those two places.


- why were nato leaders seen inaugurating the post-jamahiriya ikhwaan/qaeda "government" in libya.

That's your personal view...

... i can spend the next hour writing such questions... these are for other members to answer.

But you are yet to answer my questions.... I post them again for you to answer...

"If these so-called beloved leaders are so popular, why do they control the country's armed forces? Why stay in power? Why transfer it down the line to their children. Is ruling a country their birth right?"

a few, really... and we keep trying to make people see the big-picture, and often fail.

Keep trying and all the best from my side...:-)
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Where is your voice?
I'm in the minority, majority of the people will cry and be anti-war but like sheep to the slaughterhouse they will vote for the very people that are for creating wars. The minority has no real voice.

i had read your thread in 2013 when i was not a member... you calmly answered to people who were receiving information about syria war only through western government mainstream media and their allies.

the points you made in the op there still stand... i request @The_Showstopper to go through your thread... he will find many answers to his own questions.

everyone on pdf should watch your videos, even thrax.

i knew that "syrian girl partisan" ( mimi ) lived in australia but your syria support video from australia showed me that i didn't know that there were so many syrians there.

by the way, i think you collaborate with "syrian girl" and bring more real syrians to pdf.

showstopper, mimi is in picture# 6 in post# 88.
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I'm in the minority, majority of the people will cry and be anti-war but like sheep to the slaughterhouse they will vote for the very people that are for creating wars. The minority has no real voice.

Why do you think such a thing happens? mass media?

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