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Insurgent & Secessionist movements in India

Balochistan is not a disputed territory - Indian Occupied Kashmir is.

Indian support of terrorism in Balochistan, which is internationally recognized part of Pakistan is sponsoring and supporting terrorism.

There is no comparison.

Whatever happened to the United Nations Freedom Charter and right to self determination eh:lol:
Encounter in red corridor and Kashmir are necessary and your own people also use it as some terrorists gets free pass due to technicality.

You won't understand. I have friends in Armed forces and that's why I know what it feels like when someone plays politics on our dead soldiers. You are just an attention seeking person, lived with silver spoon, trying to find meaning of your life in a extremists movement which is based on lives of innocent.

MODs, transfer this thread to Kashmir war section.
why dont you ask the same question to the families of those maoist killed.or the families of those whose sons,father,,brother went missing in kashmir probably lying in some unmarked grave.Why dont your humanity cry for them.Its not that maoist or kashmiris took up arms overnight.Where was this your humanity when the were being oppressed.
Let's talk about NE India and atrocities committed by Indian security forces there:

We arrived in Darzo (Mizoram, India) about ten in the morning. My orders were to get the villagers to collect whatever moveable property they could, and set their own village on fire at seven in the evening.

Night fell, I lit a torch myself and set fire to one of the houses. I knew I was carrying out orders, and would hate to do such a thing if I had my way. My soldiers also started torching other buildings, and the whole place was soon ablaze. Women were wailing and shouting and cursing. Children were frightened and cried. But the grown men were silent; not a whimper or a whisper from them. When it was time for the world to sleep, we marched out of Darzo .

We walked fifteen miles and the morning saw us in Hnahthial. I hated myself that night. I had done the job of an executioner. I called the Darzo Village Council President and his village elders and ordered them to sign a document saying that they had voluntarily asked to be resettled under the protection of the Security Forces as they were being harassed by the insurgents and that no force or coercion was used by the Security Forces.

They refused to sign. So I called them in one man at a time. On my table was a loaded revolver, and in the corner stood two NCOs with loaded sten-guns. This frightened them, and one by one they signed the documents.

(Lalkhama 2006. A Mizo Civil Servant’s Random Reflections. Ghazaibad:
Express Print House, pp.177-180)

India: Democracy Soaked In Blood Of Her Own People - OpEd Eurasia Review

Whatever happened to the United Nations Freedom Charter and right to self determination eh:lol:

If one looks at Nehru’s speech in the Lok Sabha on June 26, 1952, he said, “It just does not matter what your Constitution says. If the people of Kashmir do not want it, it will not go there.” If the plebiscite went against India, he would accept the verdict “and we would change our Constitution about it”. This he tells his people in the Lok Sabha.

However, the two faces of India were revealed in Nehru’s Note of August 25, 1952. He made a startling revelation about his change of mind by the end of 1948.

He wrote in a Note (Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru; volume 19, pages 322-330), “Towards the end of 1948…. it became clear to me then that we would never get the conditions which were necessary for a plebiscite… so I ruled out the plebiscite for all practical purposes.”

He was lying to his own people, he was lying to the Kashmiris and at the same time he was also lying to the United Nations as well as the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) in December 1948.
Please good sir, spare me Rupee News kinda tripe. We were talking about Balochistan and the UNN charter of freedom and right to determination, now that I have caught you out and you have nothing to say there is no need for your quibbling.

I ll let you be now.
Sure only TOI-Let like tripe works with indians.
why dont you ask the same question to the families of those maoist killed.or the families of those whose sons,father,,brother went missing in kashmir probably lying in some unmarked grave.Why dont your humanity cry for them.Its not that maoist or kashmiris took up arms overnight.Where was this your humanity when the were being oppressed.
I know about those families and the extremists. I know those unmarked graves, the graves of terrorists which has cost over 50,000 people since 1990s.

Those who have picked arms are actually against the cause of peaceful protestors which work hard to get justice for local people. As I said, you don't know anything about these extremists.

If Indians start paying homage to every BLA soldier and TTP, will that be acceptable ? Then we will talk about humanity.

Putting Indian soldiers and Maoists in the same basket, this is how low one can get.
Ya..logic sure works with indians.....................:rolleyes:
Yup...logic work in India but not for few ungrateful people who use facilities provided from our tax money, of patriotic people while they disrespect our soldiers our motherland.

If you guys have any problem, then why do you live here. Leave this nation. We don't need people like you.
I know about those families and the extremists. I know those unmarked graves, the graves of terrorists which has cost over 50,000 people since 1990s.

Those who have picked arms are actually against the cause of peaceful protestors which work hard to get justice for local people. As I said, you don't know anything about these extremists.

If Indians start paying homage to every BLA soldier and TTP, will that be acceptable ? Then we will talk about humanity.

Putting Indian soldiers and Maoists in the same basket, this is how low one can get.

Yes they are. That is what every Indian discussion forum does. And this is exactly what are doing in a stealthy snide manner.
I know about those families and the extremists. I know those unmarked graves, the graves of terrorists which has cost over 50,000 people since 1990s.

Those who have picked arms are actually against the cause of peaceful protestors which work hard to get justice for local people. As I said, you don't know anything about these extremists.

If Indians start paying homage to every BLA soldier and TTP, will that be acceptable ? Then we will talk about humanity.

Putting Indian soldiers and Maoists in the same basket, this is how low one can get.
You are right there is no comparioson between indian soldiers and maoist or those fight in kashmir. Darma says to fight against injustice and remove adharma .so thats why we are not gonna leave.we will make adharmik leave.

maoist and those fight in kashmir are robinhoods ,good Samaritans coz of their cause ie they fight for people against oppressor.
And indian security forces fight for oppressor regime against people.
Maoists and kashmiri fight for justice and soldiers fight for injustice.

So there can be no comparison between them.

Yup...logic work in India but not for few ungrateful people who use facilities provided from our tax money, of patriotic people while they disrespect our soldiers our motherland.

If you guys have any problem, then why do you live here. Leave this nation. We don't need people like you.
There is difference between yours type any ours type.You are on the side of oppressor injustice,adhrama and we are on the side of justice,freedom truth dharma.
You are right there is no comparioson between indian soldiers and maoist or those fight in kashmir.

maoist and those fight in kashmir are robinhoods ,good Samaritans coz of their cause ie they fight for people against oppressor.
And indian security forces fight for oppressor regime against people.
Maoists and kashmiri fight for justice and soldiers fight for injustice.

So there can be no comparison between them.

Robinoods are for the movies, freedom can be achieved with other means.. using violence only shows that their cause is weak, that it is not in the fiber of people...
Balochistan is not a disputed territory - Indian Occupied Kashmir is.

Indian support of terrorism in Balochistan, which is internationally recognized part of Pakistan is sponsoring and supporting terrorism.

There is no comparison.

it takes nothing to make Territory "Disputed" , Just claim today by india that "Baluchistan was part of india and We won't accept it as Pakistan" will make Baluchistan Disputed territory.

so don't serve us Bullshit of "Disputed territory" it doesn't allow u to kill you Baluch people and hold their land by power of army.
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