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INS Vikrant to be commissioned by 2017: Naval chief

No honest Indians, it’s their culture to boast. No shame, anything they said you at least gives 50% discount

this thing won’t get commissioned until 2040, mark my words
It's Russian fault
It's Chinese fault
It's Pakistan fault
It's American fault
It's Israel fault
It's the whole world fault...

Except the delay is never India fault.......
yaa u have an opponent with 14 Supercarriers and 12 Medium Size carriers aas of now... we have one without a destroyer lol
Likley hood of india going to war with china is several times higher in order of magitude..if war breaks over in south asian sea USA will not intervene ..
Likley hood of india going to war with china is several times higher in order of magitude..if war breaks over in south asian sea USA will not intervene ..

China is a paper tiger
India stood up to them 2019. Over doklam and China backed down we all saw that.

On paper China looks aw3some but they are not the war like nation like USA or Russia.

They fight asymetrucally ie economic war look what covid has done to the west

Chinese disease has devasted.the USA and Europe

A bit convenient don't you think
CPC trolls.....*cringe* o_O

Go back to your "we are invading taiwan soon...we STRONK" + "we will teach vietnam a lesson" threads please :lol:

@Viva_Viet :cool:
Reality must have hurt u badly. :lol:

China is a paper tiger
India stood up to them 2019. Over doklam and China backed down we all saw that.

On paper China looks aw3some but they are not the war like nation like USA or Russia.

They fight asymetrucally ie economic war look what covid has done to the west

Chinese disease has devasted.the USA and Europe

A bit convenient don't you think
Lol... That is all u can explained for INS Vikrant not able to commission on time? I am absolutely right about Indian blaming mentality. They blame everything for delay or whatever except themselves. :rofl:
Reality must have hurt u badly. :lol:

Lol... That is all u can explained for INS Vikrant not able to commission on time? I am absolutely right about Indian blaming mentality. They blame everything for delay or whatever except themselves. :rofl:

Yep it really hurt that nothing happened. AS USUAL. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
Reality must have hurt u badly. :lol:

Lol... That is all u can explained for INS Vikrant not able to commission on time? I am absolutely right about Indian blaming mentality. They blame everything for delay or whatever except themselves. :rofl:

Military projects get delayed
Aircraft's carriers are large expensive and complex
99% don't have the means or know how to even attempt such a project
So kudos to India
But yes the delays are annoying but they will get better over time
Military projects get delayed
Aircraft's carriers are large expensive and complex
99% don't have the means or know how to even attempt such a project
So kudos to India
But yes the delays are annoying but they will get better over time
Nobody will flaw u for delay over such complex project but when one start to brag about unrealistic commission date and start point fingers to shift blame. You know what will happened.
Well the delay of Russian steel came as a blessing in disguise. Indian companies stepped up and developed the steel themselves, a capability we may never have ventured to develop.

These guys find everything in their favor in all circumstances.

Just like a Mig-21 kill told them that they lack in electronic warfare and SU-30 kill told them they lack in BVR range. AND NOT to mention the friendly fire on MI-17 exposed the flaws in their AD.
China is a paper tiger
India stood up to them 2019. Over doklam and China backed down we all saw that.

On paper China looks aw3some but they are not the war like nation like USA or Russia.

They fight asymetrucally ie economic war look what covid has done to the west

Chinese disease has devasted.the USA and Europe

A bit convenient don't you think
Yup the paper tigger has more 20x more equipment and 5x more budget than india..
The paper tiger makes every weapon it need at home vs india which imports everything at escalated price..
You need to be specially delusional to beleive this when even the americans dont believe it...
Yup the paper tigger has more 20x more equipment and 5x more budget than india..
The paper tiger makes every weapon it need at home vs india which imports everything at escalated price..
You need to be specially delusional to beleive this when even the americans dont believe it...

Well the delusional Pakistanis think they can take on India who has ten times their budget .

So who is more delusional

Pakistanis or Indian..

China manufactures everything but nobody buys their hardware except limited budget military power.

Even you can see the rich mid east countries go to USA France and UK
The rest to Russia.

So is there hardware any good

We have no idea never been used

Hence my paper tiger label
Well the delusional Pakistanis think they can take on India who has ten times their budget .

So who is more delusional

Pakistanis or Indian..

China manufactures everything but nobody buys their hardware except limited budget military power.

Even you can see the rich mid east countries go to USA France and UK
The rest to Russia.

So is there hardware any good

We have no idea never been used

Hence my paper tiger label

India supa powa 2012, lca operational 2000, Arjunk tank, send a man to space by 2018 blah blah, can you give me a single example that India realized any project on time but you keep boasting this and that?

like I said there is no shame in Indians boasting, you automatically discount their claims 50% first then start seriously looking
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