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INS Vikrant, India's First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier, To Be Handed Over To Indian Navy In May

Only an Indian would compare a dog-and-pony show with allies from two years ago with China launching J-15s off the coast of Japan in front of Japanese ships and aircraft.

Those pictures were taken from the Japanese carrier Izumo.

Chinese carriers fly their aircraft all the time among Japanese and US forces in live near hostile environment.

But since the Vikramaditya only sails once every two years of course the Indians make a big deal out of an "exercise" for picture opportunities.

The real weird part is Indians making a big deal out of their old photo ops when they do not even have a working carrier right now!
Only an Indian would compare a dog-and-pony show with allies from two years ago with China launching J-15s off the coast of Japan in front of Japanese ships and aircraft.
Only an idiot will compare basic function of a carrier and a fighter jet (which india has been doing since 1961, LOL!) with a sophisticated naval exercise involving whole of carrier battle groups.

Those pictures were taken from the Japanese carrier Izumo.

Chinese carriers fly their aircraft all the time among Japanese and US forces in live near hostile environment.
Oh? How many blockades did Chinese carriers have EVER enforced? How many wars have Chinese carriers participated in?

Indian carrier enforced a blockade of east pakistan and participated in real war. Chinese carrier did anything like that? Or just "near" hostile environment -- whatever that supposed to mean.
But since the Vikramaditya only sails once every two years of course the Indians make a big deal out of an "exercise" for picture opportunities.
Lets face it. Chinese carrier Liaoning was commissioned in 2012 or so. It only entered the active combat duty in 2018 AFTER a mid-life refit. What kind of carrier needs a mid-life refit before first deployment in naval fleet? Lol a chinese one! What a joke!
Lets face it. Chinese carrier Liaoning was commissioned in 2012 or so. It only entered the active combat duty in 2018 AFTER a mid-life refit. What kind of carrier needs a mid-life refit before first deployment in naval fleet? Lol a chinese one! What a joke!
You have been unfair to this old hull.
The comparison is another old hull which is Indian Aircraft Carrier called INS Vikramaditya. Its fairly old as well.
Fair enough. So what is wrong with the mid-life refit?
I think, Chinese are catching real fast, and right now they have better numbers with same or more quality.

Yes India currently has more experience but I doubt it will be of that a huge deal if we ever faced Chinese.

Instead of defending that Russian rust bucket, accept chinese are running far ahead of us in navy carrier dept. And we can never catch them when it comes to carriers.
I have high hopes from our new carrier. India will not deploy 3rd carrier 4 sure unlike China Who is building them like local buses lol. Hope navy goes 4 more submarines instead.
Yes India currently has more experience but I doubt it will be of that a huge deal if we ever faced Chinese.
To face Chinese, Chinese will have to bring CBG in Indian waters. India is unlikely to go and fight China in its waters. It will be a totally different game then.

Instead of defending that Russian rust bucket, accept chinese are running far ahead of us in navy carrier dept.
If they are saying their Russian rust bucket is better then we need to tell them that its a rust bucket after all.

accept chinese are running far ahead of us in navy carrier dept. And we can never catch them when it comes to carriers.
They have America and Japan to account for as well. India China do not exist in vacuum.

I have high hopes from our new carrier. India will not deploy 3rd carrier 4 sure unlike China Who is building them like local buses lol. Hope navy goes 4 more submarines instead.
First let China build its 3rd carrier then we will talk about building them like local buses.
Only an idiot will compare basic function of a carrier and a fighter jet (which india has been doing since 1961, LOL!) with a sophisticated naval exercise involving whole of carrier battle groups.


Oh? How many blockades did Chinese carriers have EVER enforced? How many wars have Chinese carriers participated in?

Indian carrier enforced a blockade of east pakistan and participated in real war. Chinese carrier did anything like that? Or just "near" hostile environment -- whatever that supposed to mean.
I pointed out earlier that the Liaoning participated in the North Sea Fleet's live-fire exercise with the battle group in 2015, and the entire battle group fired a large number of missiles.

To face Chinese, Chinese will have to bring CBG in Indian waters. India is unlikely to go and fight China in its waters. It will be a totally different game then.

If they are saying their Russian rust bucket is better then we need to tell them that its a rust bucket after all.

They have America and Japan to account for as well. India China do not exist in vacuum.

First let China build its 3rd carrier then we will talk about building them like local buses.
INS Vikramaditya seems to be an older rust barrel? ?
To face Chinese, Chinese will have to bring CBG in Indian waters. India is unlikely to go and fight China in its waters. It will be a totally different game then.
Nothing is sure in case of war.
If they are saying their Russian rust bucket is better then we need to tell them that its a rust bucket after all.

They have America and Japan to account for as well. India China do not exist in vacuum.

First let China build its 3rd carrier then we will talk about building them like local buses.
With every iteration the building time reduces, its an established fact, just like if we want to build another carrier immediately after this we can easily cut 2-3 yrs, More will be in case of china cause of thier better infrastructure.

I think u brush all Chinese toys like they r inferior copy but quantity has its benefits especially when it's almost double. And I seriously doubt they r that inferior to Russian stuff. Experience is good but it doesn't make it a 2 Carrier strong. To face 2 carrier u need more subs or 2 carrier or far better flotilla accompanying the carrier.
And we will be lacking in all within 10yrs , at speed the Chinese r going g.
With every iteration the building time reduces, its an established fact, just like if we want to build another carrier immediately after this we can easily cut 2-3 yrs, More will be in case of china cause of thier better infrastructure.

I think u brush all Chinese toys like they r inferior copy but quantity has its benefits especially when it's almost double. And I seriously doubt they r that inferior to Russian stuff. Experience is good but it doesn't make it a 2 Carrier strong. To face 2 carrier u need more subs or 2 carrier or far better flotilla accompanying the carrier.
And we will be lacking in all within 10yrs , at speed the Chinese r going g.
Okay first thing first : When faced with a knife, you don't bring knife to that battle. You bring a spear and hit your enemy from a little distance to take him out. Its that simple. When faced with a strong column of tanks, you use your attack helicopters to take them out. When faced with Aircraft carriers, you use long range supersonic and hypersonic missiles and anti ship ballistic missiles to deny them access.

Battle is fought with tactics. Chinese have been resisting American power for so long how do you think they did it? It was not a parity in their arsernal for most of the time. It was simply counters to what americans brought. India needs and is doing the same. You don't fight 10 carriers by building 11 carriers. You build 30 ASBM and a squad of 30 Su-30 MKIs each with a Brahmos ALCM finally few diesel electric boats with Klub missiles. Hit such an armada with these and watch them melt. Simple.

Asymmetry is the key to defence.
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