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INS Vikrant, India's First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier, To Be Handed Over To Indian Navy In May

OK can I end this?

Chinese r really catching up or have almost caught up in experience deptt.
So experience will not have a huge impact on carrier to carrier fight. As computers have made everything a lot easier.
But Indians experience is not gone with the wind also. With new carrier in action, I would assume things will improve immensely.

Also, India is not following the carrier race, and I see within 20yrs china will leave India behind in carriers as China is preparing 4 America.

Its like a diff between player preparing 4 Olympics vs Asian tournament. The money , time & effort spent is on a totally different level.
But but they have more experience wince they had aircraft carrier since their grandfathers time from the older vikrant. Wait their grandfather is dead and new pilots don't need ops training? I bet they think the experience is accumulative. It dies when the pilot retires and the ship retires, so in this regard, chinese ops experience is even higher than the current Indian navy.
Mate, where do you think carrier based pilots are trained and certified? Care to tell us, before we even talk to you seriously?

OK can I end this?

Chinese r really catching up or have almost caught up in experience deptt.
So experience will not have a huge impact on carrier to carrier fight. As computers have made everything a lot easier.
But Indians experience is not gone with the wind also. With new carrier in action, I would assume things will improve immensely.

Also, India is not following the carrier race, and I see within 20yrs china will leave India behind in carriers as China is preparing 4 America.

Its like a diff between player preparing 4 Olympics vs Asian tournament. The money , time & effort spent is on a totally different level.
Errr... Here is trouble with this logic. India never played olympics at all for a long time. People used to go there but with absolutely no expectation of winning. No money was spent in training of olympians. Simply put, Indians were not playing in Olympics but just visiting.

Now, I will love to see Chinese train and build a team of cricket players and participate in ICC world cup and then we can talk.

And thats why Olympic is a stupid anology for this discussion. Take Field Hockey. Chinese play it but are dismal in it even after all the training. They take individual games more seriously. Things like Ping Pong.

Continously you mean your grandad still flies? Lolol. Flying harriers is equivalent go flying migs? Operating modern avionics and electronics equals to operating WW2 era ship, hell then if this is true, US had been operating carriers for the past 109 years, China shouldn't even try then. Lolol
First answer this : Where do you think fresh pilots for carrier operations are trained and certified? Lololol!
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Enough of the pissing contest. Is INS Vikrant operational as stated in the OP?
Again, this like the 30 years plus experience the 1984 Indian Olympic team over the Chinese one. China hadn't competed in the Olympics but still had 32 medals to zero medals for the "experienced" Indians. It is the same in carrier operations.
Try raising a cricket team and then compete with India. India does not plays most of games in olympics. India plays practically only cricket.

India's olympic team is same as your Field Hockey team. They never play seriously.
Mate, where do you think carrier based pilots are trained and certified? Care to tell us, before we even talk to you seriously?

Errr... Here is trouble with this logic. India never played olympics at all for a long time. People used to go there but with absolutely no expectation of winning. No money was spent in training of olympians. Simply put, Indians were not playing in Olympics but just visiting.

Now, I will love to see Chinese train and build a team of cricket players and participate in ICC world cup and then we can talk.

And thats why Olympic is a stupid anology for this discussion. Take Field Hockey. Chinese play it but are dismal in it even after all the training. They take individual games more seriously. Things like Ping Pong.

First answer this : Where do you think fresh pilots for carrier operations are trained and certified? Lololol!
Do you know landing on land and landing on a floating ship are 2 different things. Understand this before talking to me. This seems like a desperate attempt to justify your harbour queen. Lol

0 gold medal is justified with cricket, nobody plays it except South Asians and some ex colonies dude. Might as well ask us if we are good in kabadi. Lol
It's not logic. It's reality. I know little script kiddy fanboys hate it, but it happens. That's when they try to substitute their stumbling baby steps for real experience, when they put videos and photographs and substitute it for military action.

What is this meaningless running up and down worth? Yes, it is necessary when you don't know the first thing about naval operations on a carrier, and don't have anyone to walk you through it, and have to think through every single procedure from the basics.

Otherwise, not.
Ok, pleas continue to parking your harbour queen and stay in the port, suits China well when you are incompetent. Lol.
Pilots are certified in flight school to fly a plane, to be certified to land on a carrier, you need to actually LAND ON A CARRIER. Lolol. No 2 ways around it my yindoo friend.lol
My Cheenee Friend, you never heard of Shore Based Test Facility? :cheesy:. How do you think Soviet used to train their pilots? :woot: Never heard of Novofyodorovka base? LOL! Shows how ignorant you are. :rofl:

Besides, India always has a continuous carrier availability to test and train pilots.

INS Vikrant (R11) 1961 - 1997
INS Viraat (1987 -2017)
INS Vikramaditya (2014 - ongoing)

So where does this lack of carrier comes from? I guess Cheenee brain cannot even accept that they had no Carrier till 2018.

It tells me Cheenee like you have been the most ignorant bunch around here. LOL!

Did it ever sail to Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, or Pacific ocean?
You do know first voyage of INS Vikramditya, don't you?

Lastly, enough about Indian Carriers, lets see how many Pakistani carriers exist? :rofl:
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My Cheenee Friend, you never heard of Shore Based Test Facility? :cheesy:. How do you think Soviet used to train their pilots? :woot: Never heard of Novofyodorovka base? LOL! Shows how ignorant you are. :rofl:

Besides, India always has a continuous carrier availability to test and train pilots.

INS Vikrant (R11) 1961 - 1997
INS Viraat (1987 -2017)
INS Vikramaditya (2014 - ongoing)

So where does this lack of carrier comes from? I guess Cheenee brain cannot even accept that they had no Carrier till 2018.

It tells me Cheenee like you have been the most ignorant bunch around here. LOL!

You do know first voyage of INS Vikramditya, don't you?

Lastly, enough about Indian Carriers, lets see how many Pakistani carriers exist? :rofl:
Shore based training is just one step, real training is on the ship, where all teh subsystems are operating as one. Be my guest, and continue your 'shore based' carrier program for the next decade. Lololol

Unless you have 60 to 70 year old pilots flying, your experience is really fruitful. Lolol. Again as I was saying, what relevance is operating 2 WW2 era carriers? How does flying harriers become relevant to mig 29s? How does operating a WW2 junk be equivalent to operating modern carter's? Where does the relevance of the experience come in. You might as well tell me your. Mechanics servicing WW2 cars can also service modern Toyotas with ecus fuel injection and sensors.
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Shore based training is just one step, real training is on the ship, where all teh subsystems are operating as one. Be my guest, and continue your 'shore based' carrier program for the next decade. Lololol
LOL! And you source for this claim? Your ugly Cheenee posteriors is not a valid source! lolololol.
LOL! And you source for this claim? Your ugly Cheenee posteriors is not a valid source! lolololol.
Dude, are you telling me AIRCRAFT CARRIER pilots don't need to train on AIRCRAFT CARRIERS? LOLOLOL. You Indians are self delusional mate, you create so many excuses to cover up incompetence, no wonder your country is a mess.
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Unless you have 60 to 70 year old pilots flying, your experience is really fruitful. Lolol. Again as I was saying, what relevance is operating 2 WW2 era carriers? How does flying harriers become relevant to mig 29s? How does operating a WW2 junk be equivalent to operating modern carter's? Where does the relevance of the experience come in. You might as well tell me your. Mechanics servicing WW2 cars can also service modern Toyotas with ecus fuel injection and sensors.
Pffft. India always had a carrier for training and certification. So you point is worthless and invalid. But we all know, my Cheenee friend is a mixed egg.

Dude, are you telling me AIRCRAFT CARRIER pilots don't need to train on AIRCRAFT CARRIERS? LOLOLOL. You Indians are self delusional mate, you create so many excuses to cover up incompetence, no wonder your country is a mess.
All I am asking is where you found this that
1. you need carrier to certify pilots to fly on carrier?
2. India did not have a carrier.

Just this much. What are the sources of this claim, Cheenee arse don't count :rofl:

Yes your charcoal face and curry urea armpit smell is so beautfyl
Well, you mixed Chinese-Japanese heritage tells us how you came into being :rofl:
Han-Mixed-Egg LOL!
Hilarious. In India, you don't need an actual working carrier to be a carrier force.

That's why it is perfectly fine for Indians to have a broken carrier that stays in port for month after month after month and a broken service that can't fix that carrier and has to sit month after month after month . . .
Hilarious. In India, you don't need an actual working carrier to be a carrier force.
India always had a working carrier. And NO you do not need a working carrier to train and certify pilots to fly on deck. A shore based test facility can and is used for this.

China on the other hand, did not have a carrier before 2013 in any role. and no combat role before 2018-19.

But then Panda are know to be lazy and stupid.
Pffft. India always had a carrier for training and certification. So you point is worthless and invalid. But we all know, my Cheenee friend is a mixed egg.

All I am asking is where you found this that
1. you need carrier to certify pilots to fly on carrier?
2. India did not have a carrier.

Just this much. What are the sources of this claim, Cheenee arse don't count :rofl:

Well, you mixed Chinese-Japanese heritage tells us how you came into being :rofl:
Han-Mixed-Egg LOL!
Always had, now your carrier is just sitting in the harbour rusting. Lolol. Why is my point worthless, since when do pilots need to only train once? You meant to tell me once you are certified, you don't need to train anymore? Chinese pilots routinely train during voyages, not once and then sit in the dock and rot, all subsystems, marine and naval must work in tandem and ensure ops readiness.

Yes, in China we require pilots to fly from a carrier and land on it to be a certified carrier pilot. If you are talking about just a pilot, anybody can train from an onshore base. And certification means nothing if you don't continously train from it. That is REAL EXPERIENCE.

WTF is Han mixed egg? Are you sure your are not from the dalit caste?

Hilarious. In India, you don't need an actual working carrier to be a carrier force.

That's why it is perfectly fine for Indians to have a broken carrier that stays in port for month after month after month and a broken service that can't fix that carrier and has to sit month after month after month . . .
He is like saying we don't need to train on a tank, we just use microsoft tank simulator to be in the armored Corp. The Indian mind doesn't cease to amaze me.
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