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INS Vikrant, India's First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier, To Be Handed Over To Indian Navy In May

No need to explain him much. He is "Han" ... More like a Wu-Mao-"Hen".
I know.

But they take their own misreading of a situation, or their ignorance, and run it through every single member posting it.
But but they have more experience wince they had aircraft carrier since their grandfathers time from the older vikrant. Wait their grandfather is dead and new pilots don't need ops training? I bet they think the experience is accumulative. It dies when the pilot retires and the ship retires, so in this regard, chinese ops experience is even higher than the current Indian navy.

Damn... You serious?

Nope, perfectly serious you can see that they do not have a carrier operating right now and didn't in the past year. And if you do searched for satellite pictures, their one "operational" carrier appears once or twice in all the years since its commissioning in 2014!

That's why they are posting MiG-29K trials videos but no normal operational ones like you see in the Chinese clips.

Indians do all kinds of insults and blustering with trial videos (which were flown by Russians) to hide the fact they do not have a carrier that works right now and which had not worked much even in the best of time.

China's carrier is exercising near Okinawa with photos taken by Japanese defense forces right now while Indians are posting Russian flown SU-33 and MiG-29 trial videos to prove something about their harbor queen that hadn't moved in over a year. That tells us everything we need to know.
All they had to do was get a bigger lift.. and the Rafale M would have easily come in, combined training, reducing costs and improving commonality

That would make too much sense, we don't do that here.
When India's new carrier pitches up and down at speed because they can't build a bulbous bow.

When Indians cannot post clips of normal night time carrier operations.

When the Indian Navy does not have a carrier that is actually operating for over a year and had only gone to sea only a handful of times over its entire life time.

They resort to calling names! lol

BTW, this is happening right now:

No amount of semantics can change the fact that China operates its carrier far more than India.

The Liaoning is off Okinawa on the frontline confronted by the Izumo right now. While the Vikramaditya is harborqueening in Karwar. That should tell you everything.


They've been training - and flying - continuously. Read up before you try these, you poor sod.
Continously you mean your grandad still flies? Lolol. Flying harriers is equivalent go flying migs? Operating modern avionics and electronics equals to operating WW2 era ship, hell then if this is true, US had been operating carriers for the past 109 years, China shouldn't even try then. Lolol

We are doing carrier operations since 1960s, we do not need to keep a count like you do. LOL!

Let me know if PLAN has one single real combat experience with carriers. Or even a single exercise with any major navy doing carrier operations.

As if he can be. He talk out of his arse. He was insisting that bulbous bow are a MUST. without even knowing what the hell they are. LOL!
An experience 50 years ago, why don't you tell me India has experience from WW2. Your pilots and ops crew are either dead or retired mate, wake up. Most likely died due to covid, 6 mil dead remember?

If your ships sit in the harbour most of the time, your pilots and ops crew don't get trained, you have essrntually a toy carrier there my friend. Lol
Nope, perfectly serious you can see that they do not have a carrier operating right now and didn't in the past year. And if you do searched for satellite pictures, their one "operational" carrier appears once or twice in all the years since its commissioning in 2014!
You are right, in terms of publicity, and in terms of photographic evidence of their achievements in naval aviation, the PLA N and their apologists are far ahead.

What is your point? That unless we start with a casino, re-model it and start doing baby steps, photographing every new tooth, we don't exist? What does it matter that you have flashy new toys? You are just finding out what carrier operations are; something that former chiefs of naval staff have been through in our country.

Some idiot started getting aggressive - I love the way ignorance is paraded with a goose-step - about the Indian Navy never having operated a supersonic plane on a carrier, and I found that was a good moment to smile and tend to serious people with serious points. Even if someone doesn't know personally, and I have been personally linked to naval aviation from 1961, when I was 11 years old, there are records. And pictures.

To make a stupid statement like not having a picture is really the limit of inane trolling.

Please do your homework, stop thinking that you are responsible for omelettes because you laid an egg, and go away.

China shouldn't even try then.
The one useful statement in all this noodle soup.

An experience 50 years ago, why don't you tell me India has experience from WW2. Your pilots and ops crew are either dead or retired mate, wake up.
Why don't you read for yourself rather than re-warming and reproducing what you've been given to spout? You'll find out for yourself.

China's carrier is exercising near Okinawa with photos taken by Japanese defense forces right now while Indians are posting Russian flown SU-33 and MiG-29 trial videos to prove something about their harbor queen that hadn't moved in over a year. That tells us everything we need to know.

Is that a promise or a threat?

Does that mean that you have solved the problem and will go away and bathe yourself in glory? That would be a promise.

Does that mean you will form a dung-heap here and do your crowing here? That would be a threat.
Continously you mean your grandad still flies? Lolol. Flying harriers is equivalent go flying migs? Operating modern avionics and electronics equals to operating WW2 era ship, hell then if this is true, US had been operating carriers for the past 109 years, China shouldn't even try then. Lolol

An experience 50 years ago, why don't you tell me India has experience from WW2. Your pilots and ops crew are either dead or retired mate, wake up. Most likely died due to covid, 6 mil dead remember?

If your ships sit in the harbour most of the time, your pilots and ops crew don't get trained, you have essrntually a toy carrier there my friend. Lol

Exactly, they have nothing to fall back on except some lame excuse for "experience" which is probably not even useful.

Look the Olympics, India had three decades of experience more than China when the PRC finally attended Los Angeles 1984. China won 32 medals to India 0 medals at that Olympics. Those 30 odd years of India attending the Olympic and China not from 1952 to 1984 didn't help India because having experience doesn't mean that experience is good or relevant over time.

The same thing is happening with carriers. How relevant is that "experience" from decades ago when everyone can see that India couldn't even keep a single carrier running while China is operating two.

How can "experience" help you when you can't fly off deck in over a year? Why didn't that "experience" help you keep your carrier running? This is the same as India's Olympic experience over China in 1984. It is meaningless because China is far better even without the phony "experience" that India accrued. Since 2012, China had operated its carriers at a far higher cadence. There is no comparison.

We see it starkly today. India's harbor queen is in the harbor at Karwar. The Liaoning is launching aircraft off of Japan with a battle group.
You are right, in terms of publicity, and in terms of photographic evidence of their achievements in naval aviation, the PLA N and their apologists are far ahead.

What is your point? That unless we start with a casino, re-model it and start doing baby steps, photographing every new tooth, we don't exist? What does it matter that you have flashy new toys? You are just finding out what carrier operations are; something that former chiefs of naval staff have been through in our country.

Some idiot started getting aggressive - I love the way ignorance is paraded with a goose-step - about the Indian Navy never having operated a supersonic plane on a carrier, and I found that was a good moment to smile and tend to serious people with serious points. Even if someone doesn't know personally, and I have been personally linked to naval aviation from 1961, when I was 11 years old, there are records. And pictures.

To make a stupid statement like not having a picture is really the limit of inane trolling.

Please do your homework, stop thinking that you are responsible for omelettes because you laid an egg, and go away.

The one useful statement in all this noodle soup.

Why don't you read for yourself rather than re-warming and reproducing what you've been given to spout? You'll find out for yourself.


Is that a promise or a threat?

Does that mean that you have solved the problem and will go away and bathe yourself in glory? That would be a promise.

Does that mean you will form a dung-heap here and do your crowing here? That would be a threat.
This is what happens when our Yindian friends here can't comprehend logic. It's just common sense. You only have ONE operational Carrier that has not been operated much for the past 4 years. You are basically throwing money down the drain up keeping those babus there dude.
I can't find a video of the US Navy turning off the deck lights of a carrier for pure instrument landing training.
So, I don't understand what is the practical significance of this training? Under what circumstances does the aircraft carrier need to completely turn off the lights to land?
AFAIK, all carriers with a bulbous bow must keep all the lights on all the time. That way they can immediately know if the bulbous bow detaches accidentally. They even keep a team of expert deep sea divers with a giant screw driver ready to pick it from the ocean floor and reattach it.
This is what happens when our Yindian friends here can't comprehend logic. It's just common sense. You only have ONE operational Carrier that has not been operated much for the past 4 years. You are basically throwing money down the drain up keeping those babus there dude.
It's not logic. It's reality. I know little script kiddy fanboys hate it, but it happens. That's when they try to substitute their stumbling baby steps for real experience, when they put videos and photographs and substitute it for military action.

Since 2012, China had operated its carriers at a far higher cadence. There is no comparison.
What is this meaningless running up and down worth? Yes, it is necessary when you don't know the first thing about naval operations on a carrier, and don't have anyone to walk you through it, and have to think through every single procedure from the basics.

Otherwise, not.
Since India has 50+ years of experience, what is the farthest Indian aircraft carrier ever sailed to?

Did it ever sail to Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, or Pacific ocean?
By lights I mean Landing Deck Lights
Your video does not prove that this is an extreme test of performance, or normal operation of a carrier landing.
the pitch dark landing was probably carried by cats ...lol
The Liaoning (and this is according to the Taiwanese defense minister) had been out to sea 70 times. That's about 7 deployments a year since 2012.

The Vikramaditya in its entire life in the Indian Navy probably had been out to sea less than ten times. It entered the Indian Navy in 2014.

India basically can't operate a functioning carrier program for more than a few weeks every three years so Indians are making the silliest statements possible like "what is the use of going to sea so often?"

When the Indian "operational" carrier is in port for more the past year then I guess they don't have much to say except they are so experienced that they need to go to sea any more. lol

You fight the way you train. The Indian carrier force has been in port for over a year. Which is probably how they are trained to fight. By sitting in port.
Just because you own something longer, doesn't necessarily mean you have more working experience with it. Why can't Indians understand this basic logic?

India Navy has a full decade longer experience with Kilo-Class submines than PLAN, it still managed to blow up one of theirs while sitting at port. With modern war machine, the proper training counts way more than the length of ownership.
Just because you own something longer, doesn't necessarily mean you have more working experience with it. Why can't Indians understand this basic logic?

India Navy has a full decade longer experience with Kilo-Class submines than PLAN, it still managed to blow up one of theirs while sitting at port. With modern war machine, the proper training counts way more than the length of ownership.

Especially if what you own is broken and in the garage all the time. A broken carrier is what the Indian Navy has in the Vikramaditya. It has been sitting in port for over a year now proving this exact point.

The shear amount of missions done by the Liaoning and Shandong versus the handful of Indian exercises means China has a far more viable carrier fleet.

The only counter point from Indians on their plainly unusable, harbored carrier force is "experience." Experience to do what? To sit in harbor.

Again, this like the 30 years plus experience the 1984 Indian Olympic team over the Chinese one. China hadn't competed in the Olympics but still had 32 medals to zero medals for the "experienced" Indians. It is the same in carrier operations.
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