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Influential Cleric Tells Khamenei Iran's 'Current Situation Cannot Continue'

@SubWater i see this guy has stolen your heart. Why dont you Ask this Western Double Agent to free our freezed properties in West? These thieves are not only stealing our Foreign reserve but also they insist their daylight robbery is the mistake of Iranian leadership. Its like someone robs your property and then blames it on your father for being a crule person that has limited you to your House. How dare you Take care of your House? Leave it open for Western thieves, British thieves have established a free BBC press out of the goodness of their hearts. American bullies who overthrew Mosaddegh did it because of their Pure humane attitudes. How dare Iranians have their oil as their own property? How dare Iranians want to have nuclear energy? Iranians have no right to be in Iraq and its absolute right of American white snows to move their Army thousands miles away to liberate people from tyrant rulers. Americans supported Saddam and West provided him with every kind of Mass murdering weapons including chemicals weapons only out of goodness of their hearts. They want us free as it seems and me being a paid Agent or a retard can not understand the Pure humane feelings of Western colonialists.

You become totally different from past. I don't know where were you, Syria or Sarbazi? but that trip make you aggressive, I remember you calm and tolerated member. Nobody here won my heart, but I try to be kind with Iranian members.
I am agree with katsor in some areas and disagree in some others. And I don't know what this topic have to do with me.

listen to sardar

Mousavi Khoeiniha is an arch mother fucker !
Says so our resident AFPAK analyst with a false flag.
تو واقعا یکی از شوت ترین آدم هایی هستی که تو این فروم ثبت نام کردن، 24 ساعت شر و ورهای رادیو فردا و وی او ای و بی بی سی و اسکلهای داخلی رو اینجا تفت میده میگه ما باید آبجکتیو باشیم بعدن 3 4 ماهه به این نتیجه رسیده من آنالیزر مخفی اندیشکده های آمریکایی ام به خاطر شیر کردن توییتهای اعضاشون تو اینجا خخخخ. کشتیمون با این آبجکتیو بودنت. پمپئو و بولتن منتظرن مملکت دست اسکلهایی مثل تو بیفته تا فرداش دودمانمون رو به باد بدین. حالا بگو ببینم اصلا می فهمی من چی چی میگم بهت؟

@Kastor BTW, From Tehran with love:
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My problem with likes of @Homajon @sha ah @Kastor is that they come out like an Iranian patriot but they don’t know Farsi.

If you claim to be an Iranian you should know Farsi or leave PDF right now and spend the time on learning Farsi.

Language is identity.

I am not here to defend the individuals you name, but I like to make a rebuttal to your claims of “identity”.

How many members of your family fought on the frontlines of the Iraq war? You should be careful making assumptions about people on this forum. Some of us have a lot more connections in Iran than the entire neighborhood you live in! Be careful being so ignorant that is all I will say.

Language doesn’t demonstrate patriotism. I can show you millions of Iranians that you would consider “patriots” or “true Iranians” selling out their country to the West or vatan foorooshes. France’s foreign legion just goes to show you how true patriotism is not exhibited by silly arbitrary things. The criteria you establish is almost as ludicrous as Neo Nazi ideology on the “perfect race” (which term they stole from Iranian history)

You are a dangerous individual that has been stirring up problems on this forum under a fake name. I really wonder what the real name you are operating under is because I been here a long time and before that on IMF and have never heard of you before.
You're wrong again....look at your post, you said Kastor doesn't know Farsi.....I just proved you wrong. I guess it's too much to understand that I've never had to need to type Farsi in English. I speak with my family, I read it enough and I write it pretty badly. But open your mind, if my kids are brought up in America and are Muslim and speak Farsi but cannot type this chicken scratch it doesn't disqualify them to identify as Iranian...at least not to most rational people.
wrong. language is nr.1 in identity.
Nice post....too bad it's not a reply to what I said. :unsure:
well since you were trolling under my posts before i have the right like other iranian members here to ask you what the hell you are doing here ? is it just to create trouble or you really want to discuss something ? you have a a bad record dude, on top of that you cant even speak persian properly.
wrong. language is nr.1 in identity.

Ironic coming from someone with the name Darius the Great. The language you speak has no resemblance to the language during Dariush’s time. Modern day Farsi and it’s islamification since the fall of the Empire has made the current Farsi language far from the old Imperial language of ancient times.

And in another 1000-2000 years the language will look much different. Such is the way of life.

Real identity to ones race is continuing the traditions and customs that has identified the race since its earliest days as well as supporting ones country and having love for ones country above all others.

After all, many intelligence agents know Farsi, I doubt you would consider them Iranian.
Ironic coming from someone with the name Darius the Great. The language you speak has no resemblance to the language during Dariush’s time. Modern day Farsi and it’s islamification since the fall of the Empire has made the current Farsi language far from the old Imperial language of ancient times.

And in another 1000-2000 years the language will look much different. Such is the way of life.

Real identity to ones race is continuing the traditions and customs that has identified the race since its earliest days as well as supporting ones country and having love for ones country above all others.

After all, many intelligence agents know Farsi, I doubt you would consider them Iranian.
thanks captain obvious. next you are going to claim that italians nowadays speak differently than in the times of the roman empire. ofcourse languages changes, doesnt deny the fact that language is extremely important in defining your culture. your butt buddy cant speak persian properly so i have doubts about him, on top of that he is a known trouble maker and a troll.
تو واقعا یکی از شوت ترین آدم هایی هستی که تو این فروم ثبت نام کردن، 24 ساعت شر و ورهای رادیو فردا و وی او ای و بی بی سی و اسکلهای داخلی رو اینجا تفت میده میگه ما باید آبجکتیو باشیم بعدن 3 4 ماهه به این نتیجه رسیده من آنالیزر مخفی اندیشکده های آمریکایی ام به خاطر شیر کردن توییتهای اعضاشون تو اینجا خخخخ. کشتیمون با این آبجکتیو بودنت. پمپئو و بولتن منتظرن مملکت دست اسکلهایی مثل تو بیفته تا فرداش دودمانمون رو به باد بدین. حالا بگو ببینم اصلا می فهمی من چی چی میگم بهت؟

@Kastor BTW, From Tehran with love:
Oh, so you're Iranian...that's good. Just clarify why you posted a tweet from Millstein in Hebrew?

thanks captain obvious. next you are going to claim that italians nowadays speak differently than in the times of the roman empire. ofcourse languages changes, doesnt deny the fact that language is extremely important in defining your culture. your butt buddy cant speak persian properly so i have doubts about him, on top of that he is a known trouble maker and a troll.
Everyone, just remember who is using profanity and personal attacks here first. I'm begining to think you are someone else who registered under the different name...it's pretty obvious.
not exactly , at the time of war with Iraq we had many martyr who didn't knew persian
what do you mean ''we had martyrs who didnt knew persian'' ? if they did not speak persian then they were foreigner. as far as i know everyone in iran can speak persian, even if they are minority arab,baluch or kord they always know persian. so what ? i am talking about the importance of language in a culture.
can you tell me how you can be a iranian and not know your own language ?

Everyone, just remember who is using profanity and personal attacks here first. I'm begining to think you are someone else who registered under the different name...it's pretty obvious.
thanks for confirming that you are here just to troll and flame. you are a known troll and no matter what you say i will always be here to put you in your zionist chair.
Oh, so you're Iranian...that's good. Just clarify why you posted a tweet from Millstein in Hebrew?

Everyone, just remember who is using profanity and personal attacks here first. I'm begining to think you are someone else who registered under the different name...it's pretty obvious.

lol Kastor, not to instigate any sort of argument here but even I have seen or followed various Israeli-Zionist accounts on Tweeter from time-to-time just to see what they're thinking about or posting regarding Iran or other topics.

In-fact I would go on to say that it shouldn't be viewed as an indictment of treachery when one posts clearly Zionist views if the intent of the post was to present new/differing information for the sake of argument and just conversation.

Sure we can say that Israeli intelligence is here, rummaging amongst our ranks in order to suck up whatever residual information they can (this is undeniable) but going above and allowing paranoia to grip our minds needlessly is dangerous. I mean this for everyone who is accusing another of not being who say they are.

It's a slippery slope that will eventually lead to the fragmentation of the IranianPDF section.
lol Kastor, not to instigate any sort of argument here but even I have seen or followed various Israeli-Zionist accounts on Tweeter from time-to-time just to see what they're thinking about or posting regarding Iran or other topics.

In-fact I would go on to say that it shouldn't be viewed as an indictment of treachery when one posts clearly Zionist views if the intent of the post was to present new/differing information for the sake of argument and conversation.

the person you are quoting is a famous trouble maker and troll. he is just here to create division and create fights among iranians. this guy is no good.
what do you mean ''we had martyrs who didnt knew persian'' ? if they did not speak persian then they were foreigner. as far as i know everyone in iran can speak persian, even if they are minority arab,baluch or kord they always know persian. so what ? i am talking about the importance of language in a culture.
can you tell me how you can be a iranian and not know your own language ?
Do you even live in Iran ?
let me tell you something your information about Iran is as far from reality as it can be .

and Iran is not a homogenous country , we hava many different ethnicity with many difference language

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