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Influential Cleric Tells Khamenei Iran's 'Current Situation Cannot Continue'

Agree with you to some extent.
But your view on China is quite typical American views. Sigh, always with color glass, close to the truth, but just close to.

What hogwash. I’m actually Iranian, my geographical location has no bearing on my analysis or it’s validity. So save the “East” way of thinking.

China has a lot of potential moving forward in establishing a bi polar led world order, but the issue is China excels at certain things, but fails in others. It also has a “don’t shake the boat” type mentality when it comes to geopolitical issues that collide with US interests.

China at this time is not a exhibiting a leader mentality. They are content not stirring the pot and hiding in the shadows rather than leading from the front or making the tough choices. This helps keep an order of calm in the party. Because you only see a governments true colors and ability when the chips are down and things aren’t easy and rosey. That’s when factions and splintering can appear.

Hong Kong and Taiwan represent constant reminders of the shackles of Western Imperalism that ties the hands of Mainland China. Add the fact you have millions of restless Muslims in the Western provinces and you have a pain points that can be easily exploited by the West.

Iran has been at a constant state of pressure and war since 1980. US has been in a constant state of war (hot and cold wars) since WWI. Recently, US has fought several wars since 1990.

China has not seen major conflict since Korean War. It’s armed forces largely unproven. The question isn’t the capability of Chinese forces as demonstration of military tech has been impressive. The real question is the ability to make tough choices that need to be made during a course of cold and hot war that China has largely never had to make in recent times. It’s current handling of US violation of South China Sea is a clear indication of that lack of ability.
What hogwash. I’m actually Iranian, my geographical location has no bearing on my analysis or it’s validity. So save the “East” way of thinking.

China has a lot of potential moving forward in establishing a bi polar led world order, but the issue is China excels at certain things, but fails in others. It also has a “don’t shake the boat” type mentality when it comes to geopolitical issues that collide with US interests.

China at this time is not a exhibiting a leader mentality. They are content not stirring the pot and hiding in the shadows rather than leading from the front or making the tough choices. This helps keep an order of calm in the party. Because you only see a governments true colors and ability when the chips are down and things aren’t easy and rosey. That’s when factions and splintering can appear.

Hong Kong and Taiwan represent constant reminders of the shackles of Western Imperalism that ties the hands of Mainland China. Add the fact you have millions of restless Muslims in the Western provinces and you have a pain points that can be easily exploited by the West.

Iran has been at a constant state of pressure and war since 1980. US has been in a constant state of war (hot and cold wars) since WWI. Recently, US has fought several wars since 1990.

China has not seen major conflict since Korean War. It’s armed forces largely unproven. The question isn’t the capability of Chinese forces as demonstration of military tech has been impressive. The real question is the ability to make tough choices that need to be made during a course of cold and hot war that China has largely never had to make in recent times. It’s current handling of US violation of South China Sea is a clear indication of that lack of ability.
in more simple words : china has been absent in the fight against US hegemony during the last decades. very unfortunate. russia is much more active in that regard.
Gutsy letter....but he's right.


One of Iran's most high-ranking and politically prominent clerics has warned the Islamic Republic's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei that his regime's popularity and legitimacy has been seriously damaged mainly because of injustice as well as economic and cultural problems.

In a letter to Khamenei on Saturday June 27, the 79-year old cleric from Qazvin, Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi Khoeiniha said that "What many people think and say, and their living standards are not consistent with a political system known to the world by its Islamic nature."

Khoeiniha, a former Prosecutor General, and an ex member of the Majles and the Assembly of Experts, is known for masterminding the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979 and taking over 50 U.S. diplomats hostage for 444 days.

Khoiniha said he is sharing the letter with the nation, hoping that his account of the country's situation would prompt Khamenei to contemplate and do something good for the people.

He said in the letter to Khamenei, which was published by Ensaf News and re-run by many other Iranian websites on Saturday, "Increasing inflation and declining incomes have created backbreaking problems for the people that have led to abnormal behaviors and have given way to many concerns for the people about the future of their children."

"At the same time, many others are also unhappy about the country's political and cultural situation which are marked by undeniable injustice," said Khoeiniha.

Characterizing Khamenei as "the main player" in Iran, Khoeiniha implicitly pointed at Khamenei's responsibility over problems and shortcomings, adding that the current problematic situation are not simply the outcome of decisions made by managers who are transitional.
He stressed that "From the point of view of the people”, the highest authority is the main player in all or most of the country's affairs, adding that the continued that "the current situation cannot continue."

Khoeiniha said elsewhere in his letter that that "the people believe the highest authority in the country's management should have prevented the cultural, economic and social chaos the country is facing today."

Khoeiniha said at the end, "If the current way of running the country's affairs is based on conventional calculations and known views about governance, there are numerous other experts who should be allowed to criticize this method of government and call for reforming it without fearing possible consequences."

Despite the criticism, Khoeiniha wrote that "if decisions made in recent decades are based on a knowledge only certain individuals are bestowed with, then what is happening to the country and its citizens is an inevitable destiny to which I shall succumb and surrender."

The call on Khamenei to allow critics voice their concerns comes while almost everyone who has openly criticized Khamenei, including 14 well known dissidents, ended up in jail in 2019.

On the other hand, Khamenei has shown that criticism does not influence his decisions. Saturday morning, during a teleconference with Judiciary officials in Tehran, he praised former Chief Justice Sadeq Larijani who has been widely criticized for financial corruption charges faced by his former deputy and many have also implicated Larijani in the case.

Regardless of the extremely polite tone of Khoeiniha's letter, it is still not known what kind of reaction awaits him. He is a die-hard left wing cleric and the leader of the left wing Militant Clerics Association and a seasoned politician who used to have a following among Iranian left wing students.

When his newspaper, Salam, which was highly critical of the government, was shut down in 1999, thousands of students took to the streets in protest which led to the biggest clash between the police and students in Iran's history as well as leading to one of the biggest political crises the Islamic Republic has ever faced during the past four decades.
Radio farda is the worst source of info, secondly the contents are clearly speaking of a sold out person, who just want to make some political relevance, otherwise the way Aytollah Khamenei has steered Iran in last thirty years in such a challenging region and has successfully put Iran at top of all power equations in the region is outstanding at the least. He is the best leader Iran had in its history. Allah InshaAllah save him for important times coming ahead.
PS: I noticed it's always the same 3 to 4 guys who want to shut down any debate....why? Ask yourself who benefits from not having any debate on any issues regarding our country.
Simply because they are being paid to do so! Have you ever heard about the Cyber Army?
Only with the presence of free speech and debate we can address the root causes of problems, and this is not what those 3 to 4 guys want to happen!
I admire this sheikh's courage and frankness. He seems to be a moderate one, and I am surprised at his views of supporting Iraq against the US invasion. That was kind progressive for his time.

Does anyone know about his views on Afghanistan and Pakistan?
Now freedom of speech makes a country goes backward. Becos there are many malicious lies that aim to even destroy correct moves.

There's nothing wrong with freedom of speech. But there is no country in the world that is actually free speech ABSOLUTIST. I think for a society to function there needs to be a large degree of autonomy of thought, Russia is extremely lenient on free speech IMO. There is actual public inquiry over there, you can openly discuss taboo or banned topics in the west over there without much fear of reprisal.

I admire this sheikh's courage and frankness. He seems to be a moderate one, and I am surprised at his views of supporting Iraq against the US invasion. That was kind progressive for his time.

Does anyone know about his views on Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Probably most of Iran's establishment secretly rooted for Iraq during the invasion. You have to understand Iraq was manageable for Iran during that era, they were mostly neutered after the Gulf 1. The idea of hundreds of thousands of US troops near Iran's borders was understandably a greater threat than Iraq could conceivably pose during that time. Which is why Quds force went into Iraq post-invasion, they needed to establish a buffer zone in Iraq with Iran-friendly militias.
Simply because they are being paid to do so! Have you ever heard about the Cyber Army?
Only with the presence of free speech and debate we can address the root causes of problems, and this is not what those 3 to 4 guys want to happen!
Serioysly? So i am a paid Agent. What an unfortunate it is, that i receive no Fund to Protect Iranian interests. That could be a bless you know.

But its rich coming from a foreigner calling Iranian members of forum paid agents while being in Canada and USA spreading anti Iran propaganda.
What a joke.....everyone has their say, and no one goes to jail for that. As far as my true colors...I'm objective, not brainwashed...or on the take. Regardless of the source, the letter was published in few papers in Iran already, so it's not fake news.

PS: I noticed it's always the same 3 to 4 guys who want to shut down any debate....why? Ask yourself who benefits from not having any debate on any issues regarding our country.
Talk about your beloved USA Kastor. Trump is jailing hundreds of thousands protesters for raising their voice against tyrant asking for their Basic Rights. I havent seen you complaining of that. In France Yellow vests are getting shot in their eyes jailed and massacred in thousands. And again i havent seen you hypocrite Double agent complaining about it.

In Iran everybody has a say and this thread is a Complete evidence showing you the reality of Iranian society where everyone freely exprsses his thoughts. Unless they try to destroy public property no One would Stop them.

The problems is that West being a hegemonic bully wants problems in Iranian society unsolved/exaggerated/continued not solved.

And you are absolutely a part of their propaganda Machine trying to recruit Iranian members and put them in line against Iranian National interests.

@SubWater i see this guy has stolen your heart. Why dont you Ask this Western Double Agent to free our freezed properties in West? These thieves are not only stealing our Foreign reserve but also they insist their daylight robbery is the mistake of Iranian leadership. Its like someone robs your property and then blames it on your father for being a crule person that has limited you to your House. How dare you Take care of your House? Leave it open for Western thieves, British thieves have established a free BBC press out of the goodness of their hearts. American bullies who overthrew Mosaddegh did it because of their Pure humane attitudes. How dare Iranians have their oil as their own property? How dare Iranians want to have nuclear energy? Iranians have no right to be in Iraq and its absolute right of American white snows to move their Army thousands miles away to liberate people from tyrant rulers. Americans supported Saddam and West provided him with every kind of Mass murdering weapons including chemicals weapons only out of goodness of their hearts. They want us free as it seems and me being a paid Agent or a retard can not understand the Pure humane feelings of Western colonialists.

And now these Western thieves have become دایه عزیز تر از مادر
For Iranian citizens. They did the same to Libya with goodness of their hearts. They are doing it with Yemen, Syria, Venezuela etc only because of Human Rights. Why i couldn't see this?
Radio Farda (Persian: راديو فردا‎, lit. 'Radio Tomorrow') is the Iranian branch of the U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. You can also post neocons propaganda from breitbart while your at it, Be "objective" and stuff.
Gutsy letter....but he's right.


One of Iran's most high-ranking and politically prominent clerics has warned the Islamic Republic's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei that his regime's popularity and legitimacy has been seriously damaged mainly because of injustice as well as economic and cultural problems.

In a letter to Khamenei on Saturday June 27, the 79-year old cleric from Qazvin, Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi Khoeiniha said that "What many people think and say, and their living standards are not consistent with a political system known to the world by its Islamic nature."

Khoeiniha, a former Prosecutor General, and an ex member of the Majles and the Assembly of Experts, is known for masterminding the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979 and taking over 50 U.S. diplomats hostage for 444 days.

Khoiniha said he is sharing the letter with the nation, hoping that his account of the country's situation would prompt Khamenei to contemplate and do something good for the people.

He said in the letter to Khamenei, which was published by Ensaf News and re-run by many other Iranian websites on Saturday, "Increasing inflation and declining incomes have created backbreaking problems for the people that have led to abnormal behaviors and have given way to many concerns for the people about the future of their children."

"At the same time, many others are also unhappy about the country's political and cultural situation which are marked by undeniable injustice," said Khoeiniha.

Characterizing Khamenei as "the main player" in Iran, Khoeiniha implicitly pointed at Khamenei's responsibility over problems and shortcomings, adding that the current problematic situation are not simply the outcome of decisions made by managers who are transitional.
He stressed that "From the point of view of the people”, the highest authority is the main player in all or most of the country's affairs, adding that the continued that "the current situation cannot continue."

Khoeiniha said elsewhere in his letter that that "the people believe the highest authority in the country's management should have prevented the cultural, economic and social chaos the country is facing today."

Khoeiniha said at the end, "If the current way of running the country's affairs is based on conventional calculations and known views about governance, there are numerous other experts who should be allowed to criticize this method of government and call for reforming it without fearing possible consequences."

Despite the criticism, Khoeiniha wrote that "if decisions made in recent decades are based on a knowledge only certain individuals are bestowed with, then what is happening to the country and its citizens is an inevitable destiny to which I shall succumb and surrender."

The call on Khamenei to allow critics voice their concerns comes while almost everyone who has openly criticized Khamenei, including 14 well known dissidents, ended up in jail in 2019.

On the other hand, Khamenei has shown that criticism does not influence his decisions. Saturday morning, during a teleconference with Judiciary officials in Tehran, he praised former Chief Justice Sadeq Larijani who has been widely criticized for financial corruption charges faced by his former deputy and many have also implicated Larijani in the case.

Regardless of the extremely polite tone of Khoeiniha's letter, it is still not known what kind of reaction awaits him. He is a die-hard left wing cleric and the leader of the left wing Militant Clerics Association and a seasoned politician who used to have a following among Iranian left wing students.

When his newspaper, Salam, which was highly critical of the government, was shut down in 1999, thousands of students took to the streets in protest which led to the biggest clash between the police and students in Iran's history as well as leading to one of the biggest political crises the Islamic Republic has ever faced during the past four decades.
Radio Farda!?...,really...!?:tsk:
guys consider that he disn't talk to Radio Farda about that . he said what he taught is true and Radio Farda picked up on that. as I said all media have an agenda and prop the news that advance that agenda and silence the ones which is against that.
I dare you guys to show me one news media in all the world that don't do that.
Khoeiniha is the guy who orgenised the US emassy take over, and one of the founders of the Reform Movement.

If there are problems today... the Reformists need to take responsability for a large portion of it.
guys consider that he disn't talk to Radio Farda about that . he said what he taught is true and Radio Farda picked up on that. as I said all media have an agenda and prop the news that advance that agenda and silence the ones which is against that.
I dare you guys to show me one news media in all the world that don't do that.
Thank you for seeing that....once it's verified and published by several Iranian papers I don't know why the reprinted material should matter.

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