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Influential Cleric Tells Khamenei Iran's 'Current Situation Cannot Continue'

Yes, lots of so-called reformists have been in power under the Rohani administration, namely, in the position of vice president, but also and more importantly in various ministerial functions.
Name them

2) The distinction between reformists and moderates (formerly led by Hashemi Rafsanjani) is no longer fully operative, insofar as these two blocks have coalesced ever since the Ahmadinejad presidency. Which is why Mousavi's proposed reformist cabinet in 2009 was already incorporating a lot of so-called moderates, and why Rohani's cabinet promptly integrated numerous reformist figures. In fact, Mousavi's proposed 2009 cabinet and Rohani's initial administration were almost identical in their composition.
you are wrong here

Long story short, nowadays it would reek of foul word play to try and portray reformists and moderates as profoundly distinctive currents within domestic Iranian politics.
again wrong
both are secularist and ready to embrace (though not always openly) Noahide, judeo-centric fusion of world religions into a unified post-messianic faith, both are submissive to the US, to NATO and to the zionist regime (seeing how their leading intellectuals, and followers including on this website are calling for an end to Iran's staunch support of the Palestinian cause), both are submissive to the UN, World Bank and the whole array of bloodsucking multilateral globalist institutions, both are anti-patriotic, anti-national, and willing to ready Iran for dissolution into a zionist-/bankster-/mason-led world government, both have a problem with Iranian national identity, supportive as they are of infra-national ethnicization of Iranian society (whereas upwards of 50% of Iranians have at least two grand-parents hailings from different sub-national linguistic groups, these liberals are encouraging the impossible categorization of Iranian citizens into "ethnicities", clearly a most hazardous move backwards in terms of political development and nation-state building), both are demographically malthusianist except when it comes to linguistic and confessional minorities (in line with the globalist goal to undermine Iran's social uniformity and engineer communal divisions among Iranians), both are more preoccupied with the "sanctity" of the so-called WWII Holocaust while displaying skepticism towards the historic veracity of the Rothschild-/Sassoon-controlled British Empire's genocide of 10 million Iranians during WWI, both intend to rehabilitate Baahaai, zionist and freemasonic secret-society dominance over Iran (which the Islamic Revolution totally uprooted and crushed to this very day), both are homosexualist, trans-genderist and attempt to instill sexual identity confusion, both appear allergic to the integrity of the Iranian family as the basic, traditional cell of social life, both seem open to the transhumanist anthropological leap projected by masonic lodges (along with its produce, i. e. the twin abominations of the promethean "super-human" and its slave-like "manimal"-chymera counterpart), both are subservient to the global usurious banking mafia, both are subservient to the global food industry mafia with its cancerigenic GMO, both are subservient to the criminal global pharmaceutical mafia which transformed public health into an enterprise primarily motivated by profit-maximization and not by patient well-being, both are subservient to the global pornocratic and sex-slaving mafia (a female reformist MP from the outgoing Majles advocated, in vain, the legalization of prostitution and the opening of bordellos in, I cite, "every neighborhood of Iran's cities"), both would certainly refrain from opposing globalist directives to undermine marriage while criminally encouraging early out-of-marriage sexualization of school children and then even of pre-mature children (which can be observed in the west right now as we speak), and so on and so forth.
Did you yourself understood what nonesense it was what you were talking about
Did you yourself understood what nonesense it was what you were talking about
If you don't understand then please tell us why, if you don't agree to what he says out of honesty, then please tell us your reasons.
If you don't understand then please tell us why, if you don't agree to what he says out of honesty, then please tell us your reasons.
I disagree with all those nonsense about embracing those jeudo nonsense claims.
in fact the most beneficial government in Iran for Israel as Ahmadinejad government with all his nonsense. in all his government time he managed to score own goal after own goal
I dis agree with all those nonsense about embracing those jeudo nonsense claims.
in fact the most beneficial government in Iran for Israel as Ahmadinejad governmet with all his nonsense.
Seriously? Is that what you believe?

Why then?
Seriously? Is that what you believe?

Why then?
because of what happened and what I saw in those 8 year, his nonsens claims , his out right lies and outlandish claims . he had more money than all government before him , what was his achievement ?
because of what happened and what I saw in those 8 year, his nonsens claims , his out right lies and outlandish claims . he had more money than all government before him , what was his achievement ?
What money Dude? The same money that Zarif tried to free by signing JCPOA nonsense? Sorry to tell you that 150 bn never was released. You are repeating BSs OF Trump when he blamed Obama for helping Iran.

Tell me, What is your understanding from JCPOA? A deal deemed to fail
What money Dude? The same money that Zarif tried to free by signing JCPOA nonsense? Sorry to tell you that 150 bn never was released. You are repeating BSs OF Trump when he blamed Obama for helping Iran.

Tell me, What is your understanding from JCPOA? A deal deemed to fail
that 150bilion was never 150bilion its was around 30bilion .
ahmadinejad had no problem returnig money in the first 6.5 year of his presidency . he had problem in last year and even those 6.5 year revenue was more than all the government before him

and jcopa only meant something to give breathing room to iran nuclear program , all my understanding of it are in relevant thread of the time of signing of the deal
that 150bilion was never 150bilion its was around 30bilion .
ahmadinejad had no problem returnig money in the first 6.5 year of his presidency . he had problem in last year and even those 6.5 year revenue was more than all the government before him
That economical system and the deals signed with Western petrochemical companies didn't allow Transfer of all the money. I don't know about details of them but Western companies are known for their contracts that makes their targeted countries a consumer of their products.

Whatever money, it was freezed in West. More over Ahmadi conducted projects in civil sectors that none of reformist Moft Khors could ever imagined. Every Single little Town has his shiny Works, from Building gyms in villages to Maskane Mehr Giant projects. Ahnadi government got sanctioned for asking for its and Iranians' legal Rights in the fields of developing military/space/nuclear/etc industries.

Western colonizer would never allow Iran rise, Grow and thrive. Im sorry for you dear. I hope youre different in your real life
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That economical system and the deals signed with Western petrochemical companies didn't allow Transfer of all the money. I don't know about details of them but Western companies are known for their contracts that makes their targeted countries a consumer of their products.

Whatever money, it was freezed in West. More over Ahmadi conducted projects in civil sectors that none of reformist Moft Khors could ever imagined. Every Single little Town has his shiny Works, from Building gyms in villages to Maskane Mehr Giant projects. Ahnadi government got sanctioned for asking for its and Iranians' legal Rights in the fields of developing military/space/nuclear/etc industries.

You as a reformist who thinks that West is the whole World, cannot Digest that Western colonizer would never allow Iran rise, Grow and thrive. Im sorry for you dear. I hope youre different in your real life
I as what ever they want to call me believe Iran must be the center of the world and I serriously bekieve the mouth must have a zipper and you most think twice before start talking as you can't take back what you talk.
he was a guy who taught and empty sallon are filled with people who were fixated on him , he is a guy who saw mythical light , he believed in mysticism , he was a populist that lied to parliament , he was a crybaby who even went and sat in his home for 10 days when supereme leader didn't support him , he was a تشنگان خدمت that against supereme leader instruction went and signed for candidacy.
he is a guy who saw mythical light , he believed in mysticism
I apology. Please calm down :o:

What you wrote was his personal beliefs and i couldn't care less about it.
he was a populist that lied to parliament
HAHA populist. For Gods sake reformists are the only populists in Iran.

Leave populism and whatever shittism, why don't the reformists conduct some useful civil projects and then i will kick anyone calls them populists in the back. You don't even know the meaning of populism Dude, populism is followed by abandoning your commitments. Populists are liars without actions, only talking big and doing nothing.

Thats exactly the definition of reformists like former mayor of Tehran who killed an innocent Woman in his House and his followers called that poor Woman پرستو.

Thats who these reformists are, and you cannot whiwash them by denying the fact that the internal Layer of Rouhanis government is built from reformists.
he was a crybaby who even went and sat in his home for 10 days when supereme leader didn't support him , he was a تشنگان خدمت that against supereme leader instruction went and signed for candidacy
He was an idiot to do it, i dont Deny. But lets be fair, the amount of pressure and insults that he Received from outside and Inside the country could make any sane guy a psychopath.
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Name them

You already know their names.

That's fine with me though, let's indulge in another round of that word-playing game of yours.

- Eshaaq Jahaangiri: vice president and first aide to Rohani. Active member of the reformist Kaargozaaraane Saazandegi party's central committee.

- Mohammad Shari'atmadaari: prominent reformist figure, executive assistant in first Rohani administration, successive holder of two ministerial portfolios under the second Rohani cabinet.

- Mohammad Hojjati: Minister of Agricultural Jihaad during Rohani's second term, reformist, used to be a member of the dissolved Moshaarekat party.

- Abbas Aakhundi: Minister of Roads and Urban Development in Rohani's second cabinet, prior to that director of Musavi's reformist election campaign in 2009 as well as Musavi's representative in the Guardian Council among other things, candidate for the reformist camp at the Tehran municipal election.

- Bijan Namdaar Zanganeh: key member of the reformist Kaargozaarane Saazandegi party, not only Minister of Oil under Rohani's administration, but also a former member of both Khatami's reformist and Rafsanjani's moderate governments.

- Mohammad Ali Najafi: adviser to President Rohani in economic matters, another prominent member of the reformist political family, later chosen as mayor of Tehran by the reformists.

- Mohammad Farhaadi: Rohani's former Minister of Science, reformist, suspected of connections to the fitna-mongers of 2009, former Minister of Health under Khatami's first cabinet.

In addition to outright active members of reformist parties or candidates for the reformists in previous elections, some independent cabinet members with reformist ideological leanings can be noted on top of it for their previous participation in the administration of Khatami. We can cite as examples:

- 'Ali Teyyeb-Niaa: used to assist the reformist Aaref at the Planning and Budget Organization under Khatami.

- Farhaad Dejpasand: Minister of Economy and Finance during Rohani's second term, gravitates around both centrist and reformist members of the administration, assistant of commerce in Khatami's reformist government.

And so on. The connectedness between the two camps is apparent.

Following table offers a neat overview of this reality:


We can see there are more reformist-minded members than either moderates or independents (let alone principlists) in both cabinets presided over by Rohani.

you are wrong here

again wrong

The progressive sliding of centrists towards reformist positions during Rafsanjani's final years is well documented and was discerned as such by regular observers of Iranian politics, nevermind the pretty solid alliance binding the two political families in the framework of the Rohani administration.

Did you yourself understood what nonesense it was what you were talking about

Perhaps you require bibliographical references to acquaint yourself with those topics. No nonsense in what I exposed. Those are the broad goals pursued by the criminal global oligarchy and Iran like every other nation and people on Earth, happens to be in their crosshairs. They will not rest until all of us are shackled to the last survivor, or until their genocidal system of oppression crumbles either under its inherent contradictions or under the magnificent strikes of the Mahdi's marvelous army.

By the way, one needn't even be religious nor subscribe to theocratic governance in order to perceive the fault lines and events at play. Anyone with the slightest notion of a natural law as the necessary foundation for the harmonious existence and development of man can join forces with religious folk in this holiest of battles against a global oligarchy that can only be viewed as the penultimate embodiment of abject wickedness in its ugliest form.

Liberals (= reformists + moderates) within the Iranian establishment are busy trying to implement those totalitarian, anti-human agendas dictated from abroad by said oligarchy, which is composed of international zionists, masonic secret-society esoterists and cut-throat bankster criminals. That's what they and their zio-American overlords mean when they talk about "normalizing Iran".

However, there's a huge stumbling block barring their path and it's called Supreme Leader, another one called IRGC, a third one known as the nation's vivid revolutionary forces, made of glorious Basijis, honorable Hezbollahis etc.

Iranians can and should consider themselves extremely lucky to be blessed with a leadership that has placed their country at the forefront of the noble resistance against this global gang of usurpers and bloodsuckers.

I disagree with all those nonsense about embracing those jeudo nonsense claims.

Indeed, it would seem that to you, only Palestinians per se (as if the Palestinian polity wasn't actually as composite and as diverse as any of its counterparts throughout the world) are capable of systematically antagonizing Iran.

The global oligarchic cabal of mass-murdering, genocidal zionists / masons / banksters / corporate mafias and their sickening, perverted designs do not particularly appear to unsettle you.

Because anyone denouncing the oligarchy can only be talking "nonsense", of course...

Only "nonsense" this is...



To the globalist mafia, Iranians have no right to integrate into a strong and sovereign nation-state, leaving behind their sub-national linguistic identities. Kurds, Lors, Persians, Azaris, Gilakis, and so on must highlight what differentiates them, not what brings them together - forget about the fact that upwards of 50%-60% of Iranians bare minimum have at least two grand-parents hailing from different sub-national Iranian linguistic goups.

But on the other hand, the globalist program promoted in Iran by the Zibaakalaams and other Popperian liberals, stipulates that all people must unite into a single one-world state, and mix accross national borders and continents.

Indeed, one of the criminals from the Rothschild clan aptly stated that the "lock which needs to be blown away is the nation". The existence of strong, sovereign nation-states constitutes an obstacle to the globalist mafia's nightmare project. The more rooted in an ancient indigeneous civilization, as with Iran, the more that nation-state's continued existence will unnerve the globalist mafia, and the more they will concentrate their wrath on bringing it down.

In order to gobble up all nations, religions, peoples on Earth into a totalitarian one-world regime ruled over by the oligarchy, the globalist project prefers to have to deal with small, atomized ethno-confessional entities rather than with large nation-states endowed with a differential identity of their own. Solely one people, which are meant to fulfill the role of moral guides for the rest of a now indifferentiated mankind, are scheduled to retain their particularity: I'll let everyone use their imagination to guess who.

Hence all these simultaneous efforts by the globalists, their echo chambers (BBC Faarsi / Manoto / etc) and fifth-columnists inside Iran to artifically engineer and cultivate sub-national ethnicism but also supra-national sense of belonging to a unified "world citizenry", while relentlessly hammering and vilifying the decisive median level of national identity, as well as the integrity and sovereignty of the central state in Iran.

But it's all just delirious "nonsense", right? Take a deep breath and prepare to voluntarily embrace euthanasia once you're physically no longer able to be exploited as corporate slaves, much like Huxley had predicted in his dystopian novel, the step-by-step implementation of which we are now witnessing in western so-called "democracies" (in fact, the single most genocidal totalitarian systems of governance witnessed throughout history).

in fact the most beneficial government in Iran for Israel as Ahmadinejad government with all his nonsense. in all his government time he managed to score own goal after own goal

Of course, we all saw with our own eyes how immensely effective Zarif's consterning alignment of ridiculous non-stop smiles thought to appease a murderous clique of rabid zionists and their shabbos goys turned out to be... not. While the likes of Wendy Sherman were explicitly taking aim at the Iranian gene pool, Rohani's administration kept digging itself deeper and deeper into submission. What a fantastic, productive way of "containing" zionist aggression against their people. What a great lesson in political ingenuity to emulate everywhere.

It's not as if a "Democrat" US president instead of Trump would have altered this equation in any manner. On the contrary: by strengthening the hand of domestic liberal fifth-columnists and thereby marginalizing the revolutionary forces of resistance inside Iran, a "Democrat" US administration would merely have hastened the implementation of Rohani's suicidal but methodic disarmament plan, meaning that institutional collapse and internal strife in Iran might just have been in full swing as we speak. As said, leading "Democrat" figures reminded their "Republican" colleagues in an open letter that they share the same goals when it comes to Iran. It couldn't be any more explanatory than that.

To all those of you Iranians who rightly consider Trump's policies towards Iran as utterly hostile and destructive, it's high time you realized the so-called "Democrats" represent nothing but the other side of the same coin, aiming as they do by their own admission for the exact same outcome, i. e. the obliteration of Iran along with wanton mass-slaughter of its population.

he was a تشنگان خدمت that against supereme leader instruction went and signed for candidacy.

Since when do liberals care about respecting the Supreme Leader? Their mascot Rohani is known for levelling disparaging jabs if not brazen but veiled insults at Imam Khamenei.

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I as what ever they want to call me believe Iran must be the center of the world and I serriously bekieve the mouth must have a zipper and you most think twice before start talking as you can't take back what you talk.
he was a guy who taught and empty sallon are filled with people who were fixated on him , he is a guy who saw mythical light , he believed in mysticism , he was a populist that lied to parliament , he was a crybaby who even went and sat in his home for 10 days when supereme leader didn't support him , he was a تشنگان خدمت that against supereme leader instruction went and signed for candidacy.
Don't forget the corruption that ensued under his presidency. Not to mention his rhetoric at the UN and other interviews was what gave the biggest boost to our enemies to win the toughest sanctions against Iran.
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