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Influential Cleric Tells Khamenei Iran's 'Current Situation Cannot Continue'

So why are you so worried about me a posting a letter...? It's freedom of speech, like you said. If it's a lie, say why it's a lie...if you don't agree, state a reason why you don't....why attack the source of the news and try to shut down a discussion about it.

My friend you may not know this, but you are the troll here.
No i dont try for shutting it down nor could do it. But you calling Iranian members Zionists is a sad joke. I am just exposing you to my countrymen, a troll that talks ill of our country and insults Iranian members, repeats BSs of anti Iranian sources. You are not Iranian Thats all matters at this moment.

My friend you may not know this, but you are the troll here
Yeah Iranians are trolls and Zionists and you are the only innocent lucky bastard.
Okay guys....what is even happening anymore?

Why have we all of the sudden devolved into paranoid sycophants resorting to needless accusations?

What are we gaining here exactly? As a group our numbers are already small (comparatively speaking) and we might totally destroy what numbers we have currently by stratifying and labeling various members based on largely unsubstantiated reasons or one-sided assertions.

If the over-arching goal is the dissolution of the IranianPDF section, then bravo gentlemen, we're right on track....
Alright Blue. as an Iranian-American, you're not allowed to call yourself Iranian and don't ever post anything negative about the regime, cause you have no right.
Okay guys....what is even happening anymore?

Why have we all of the sudden devolved into paranoid sycophants resorting to needless accusations?

What are we gaining here exactly? As a group our numbers are already small (comparatively speaking) and we might totally destroy what numbers we have currently by stratifying and labeling various members based on largely unsubstantiated reasons or one-sided assertions.

If the over-arching goal is the dissolution of the IranianPDF section, then bravo gentlemen, we're right on track....
I get your point dear bro. I have known you for a Long time now.

The only troll claiming of being Iranian is that @Kastor that calls Iranians Zionists the irony.
Everyone, just remember who is using profanity and personal attacks here first. I'm begining to think you are someone else who registered under the different name...it's pretty obvious.
He thinks he is the chosen leader of Iranians on this forum. :cuckoo:

well , I trained in zanjan university of medical science and had to relay on translators to understand what people who come from villages and elderly were saying.
maybe they were foreigners not Iranians. you knew better . let say you a secret I have been conscripted in Saravan police force and there I saw many people who knew only Baluch language , maybe they were enemy fifth column afte all you knew best .

by the way your "In iran people speak farsi, or if they are minority -their own language first -and second persian. the bottomline every iranian can speak farsi." comment showed you knew nothing about Iran and Iranians and I doubt you have ever been to Iran
I know many Iranians in Iran who does not know how to speak Farsi. Some ignorant people think they know everything about Iran. Iran is not only Tehran, Qom and Mashad
These people are precisely the reason we are in the situation that we are......Iran will have a hard time to change for the better as long as these types will mob and lynch people who want something better than the status quo.

So the idea is...Don't criticize or you will be jailed, hurt or worse. Just stay quiet while they deliver our country to ruin.
He thinks he is the chosen leader of Iranians on this forum. :cuckoo:

I know many Iranians in Iran who does not know how to speak Farsi. Some ignorant people think they know everything about Iran. Iran is not only Tehran, Qom and Mashad
Hey dear One, you are giving reputation to @Kastor from your own very Credit. So you have the responsibility. Im out. Good luck you all.
These people are precisely the reason we are in the situation that we are......Iran will have a hard time to change for the better as long as these types will mob and lynch people who want something better than the status quo.

So the idea is...Don't criticize or you will be jailed, hurt or worse. Just stay quiet while they deliver our country to ruin.
zer nazan baba martike. tahrimha ke arbaab haye to bar iran gozashtan sad barabar badtar az hamechizaye digaast. kheyli khaarkosde hasti marmulak. ridam be amrica.
Hey dear One, you are giving reputation to @Kastor from your own very Credit. So you have the responsibility. Im out. Good luck you all.
What you mean? There were thousands of non Persian speaking martyrs that died during the war with Iraq. To say they were not patriotic enough, or had no Iranian identity because they didn't know Persian, is an insult like no other.
Hey dear One, you are giving reputation to @Kastor from your own very Credit. So you have the responsibility. Im out. Good luck you all.
dadash, in yaroo faghat narahate ke chera man be heykalesh ridam bekhatere posthaye maskharash dar thread ''iranian man arrested in turkey for british flag towel''
dadash, in yaroo faghat narahate ke chera man be heykalesh ridam bekhatere posthaye maskharash dar thread ''iranian man arrested in turkey for british flag towel''
To dige khare ki hasti? Boro too heykale khodet berin. Bisavad
What you mean? There were thousands of non Persian speaking martyrs that died during the war with Iraq. To say they were not patriotic enough, or had no Iranian identity because they didn't know Persian, is an insult like no other.
, there is nothing as ''persian'' in our language. we call our language as ''parsi'' or more commonly used as Farsi. how can a iranian not speak farsi in iran, tell me you smartass.
which martyrs who were iranian could not speak farsi !? stop being so unclear, bring up their names, tell us who they are. dont just claim something you POS

To dige khare ki hasti? Boro too heykale khodet berin. Bisavad
zer nazan kooni, to hamoon khaarkosde nabudi ke too thread mozakhraf 1 mah tamoom ba memberha tork dashti bekhatere yek zirpoosh bahs mikardi ? maye aberoo rizi hasti koonde. bejaye to budam khodamo miraftam khaak mikardam.

yalla herri koonde.
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bastard, there is nothing as ''persian'' in our language. we call our language as ''parsi'' or more commonly used as Farsi. how can a iranian not speak farsi in iran, tell me you smartass.
which martyrs who were iranian could not speak farsi !? stop being so unclear, bring up their names, tell us who they are. dont just claim something you POS
ziad goh nakhor. This just shows how little you know of Iran. The only reason minorities speaks Persian today is because bureaucracy and education is in Persian. Do you think all the soldiers recruited from the villages were educated and spoke Persian? Think with your brain not your ***
What you mean? There were thousands of non Persian speaking martyrs that died during the war with Iraq. To say they were not patriotic enough, or had no Iranian identity because they didn't know Persian, is an insult like no other.
That was not the Issue of this thread.

We were discussing a different thing. Btw, Persian is our National language and hence everyone with least literacy can easily write in Persian. Speaking Persian properly is not the case. Kastor failed to spell Persian words properly. We have different accents in the country, but someone that has learned English so well must be completely known to Persian anyway as his National language or mother tongue.
zer nazan kooni, to hamoon khaarkosde nabudi ke too thread mozakhraf 1 mah tamoom ba memberha tork dashti bekhatere yek zirpoosh bahs mikardi ? maye aberoo rizi hasti koonde. bejaye to budam khodamo miraftam khaak mikardam.

yalla herri koonde.
Zirpoosh nabood, shorte madaret bood
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