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Indonesian President inspects JF-17 fighter aircraft

Indonesian air force indeed have a plan to add 3 fighter squadrons in the future aside from current negotiation on SU-35 to replace F-5, although the leading contender is F-16.

Any comparison between F-16 and JF-17?
The F-16 is comparatively a better aircraft, an aircraft that is such an excellent design that it has matured into from the Block 1 all the way till Block 70.

The JF-17 is a newer aircraft, and still needs some working on to reach on level with the F-16. It is a good aircraft and it is going at a moderate pace. However the presentations by PAC are piss-poor from what I saw yesterday.......selling fruits on a stall on a Friday afternoon would yield a better presentation than a JF-17 team presenting to an audience.

The JF-17 would be a good replacement for the F-5s, not the F-16s. But if they can get Su-35s....then hats off to that as well. A fleet of F-16A/B/C/Ds, Su-27s, Su-30s, Su-35s and BAE Hawks....is still a potent force.
@pr1v4t33r can you plz translate this?

What I can under stand from google translation that JF-17s escorted hi Jet while departing Pakistan?


Presiden Joko Widodo menyempatkan diri naik ke kokpit pesawat tempur JF-17 Thunder hasil kerja sama industri kedirgantaraan Pakistan dengan Tiongkok di Pangkalan Udara Nur Khan, Islamabad, Pakistan, Sabtu, sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan ke Bangladesh. (Biro Pers Setpres.)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Presiden Joko Widodo sempat naik ke kokpit Pesawat Tempur JF-17 di Pangkalan Udara Nur Khan, Islamabad, Pakistan, Sabtu, sebelum melanjutkan penerbangan ke Bangladesh.

Deputi Bidang Protokol, Pers dan Media Sekretariat Presiden Bey Machmudin dalam keterangan persnya yang diterima di Jakarta, Sabtu, menyebutkan Presiden Joko Widodo sempat menyaksikan atraksi pesawat tempur JF-17 saat mengikuti upacara kenegaraan di Prime Minister's House di Islamabad, Pakistan, Sabtu.

Ketika Presiden dan Ibu Negara Iriana Joko WIdodo tiba di Pangkalan Udara Nur Khan, Islamabad, Pakistan, untuk melanjutkan penerbangan ke Bangladesh, ternyata pesawat tempur JF-17 tersebut sudah berada tidak jauh dari Pesawat Kepresidenan Indonesia-1.

Presiden pun menaiki kokpit pesawat tersebut dan memperhatikan panel-panel yang ada di pesawat tempur itu.

JF-17 Thunder adalah pesawat tempur ringan mesin tunggal. Pesawat multiperan ini dikembangkan bersama oleh industri kedirgantaraan Pakistan dan Tiongkok.
Pewarta: Agus Salim


I'm not Privateer, but let me try it . Be warned, I 'm bad at grammar and will avoid using Past Tense, etc. My English is rusty and I'm not a translator. So please spare me if there is some wrong meaning in my translation here.

President Joko Widodo takes the opportunity to enter the cockpit of JF-17 Thunder - the result of military industry cooperation between Pakistan and China at the Nur Khan Airfield, Islamabad, Pakistan, Saturday, before he continues to flight into Bangladesh.

Jakarta (Antara News) President Joko Widodo has time to enter the cockpit of JF-17 jet fighter at the Nur Khan Airfield, Pakistan, before he continues to travel into Bangladesh.

Deputy of Protocol, Press, and Media President Secretary Bey Machmudin in his press release that obtained in Jakarta, Saturday, that President Joko Widodo has time to watch JF-17 attraction when he attend the state ceremonial at the Prime Minister's house at Islamabad, Pakistan, Saturday.

When the President and the First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo arrives at the Nur Khan Airfield, Islamabad, Pakistan to continue his flight into Bangladesh, The JF-17 Jet fighter has been parked not far from the Indonesian Air Force One (it is actually Indonesia-1 Presidency airplane in the real translation).

President then enter the cockpit and pay attention to the panels inside the jet fighter.

JF-17 Thunder is a single engine light fighter. This multi-role fighter is developed together by Pakistan and China Avionic Industry.

Writer : Agus Salim.

Not a good news writer I guess. he just repeating the same meaning again and again just to make his article longer.
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yea SU 35 seems odd replacement for a light single engine aircraft

It's not an odd replacement if you know that Indonesia didn't has any heavy fighter nor medium one at the era of '80. F-5 was our backbone of air superiority back then. So we won't call the F-5 replacement as a light single engine fighter role needed.

We seek the first line of air defender here. Who will become the first to face the enemy if our air defense is breach by the enemy. So we look for the best. Not a Light Fighter to Light Fighter.

To be honest, I prefer Flanker as the heavy fighter role, F-16 for the medium fighter role, and JF-17 for the light fighter role. Because FA-50 is dependent to US avionic industry. IF US put us into an Arm Embargo again, FA-50 will be effected too. But if Russian embargo us, We can still ask Pakistan and China to put a Chinese Engine into JF-17 and Flanker. If China embargo us, we still have Russia to replace, so we still can manage to avoid the decline of our air superiority capability.

To balance the three side of military industry is very important as a country of non block like us.
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Indonesian air force indeed have a plan to add 3 fighter squadrons in the future aside from current negotiation on SU-35 to replace F-5, although the leading contender is F-16.

Any comparison between F-16 and JF-17?

Our immediate neighbors are: Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, and there's China in SCS. They have F-35, F-18, Gripen, F-16, F-15, Sukhoi, and China have a bunch of Gen 4+ & Gen 5 fighters.

The primary issue for Indonesia would be that JF-17 would pretty much useless against China in SCS as the fighter is developed by China. It may be a good fighter if it is meant to be used against Australia, but for that you already have Sukhois.
The primary issue for Indonesia would be that JF-17 would pretty much useless against China in SCS as the fighter is developed by China. It may be a good fighter if it is meant to be used against Australia, but for that you already have Sukhois.

Sukhoi is expensive in term of maintain because it is a heavy fighter. so we will also need a more economical solution for our air superiority.
Sukhoi is expensive in term of maintain because it is a heavy fighter. so we will also need a more economical solution for our air superiority.

The advantage with Sukhois is that they could be used against all your potential adversaries be it China or Australia with confidence. You will never have this with any other fighter.
To be honest, I prefer Flanker as the heavy fighter role, F-16 for the medium fighter role, and JF-17 for the light fighter role. Because FA-50 is dependent to US avionic industry. IF US put us into an Arm Embargo again, FA-50 will be effected too.

We took dozens of F-16 and still asking for more.. thus dismissing FA-50 for the fear of USA embargo only show confusion and lack of consistency in our decision making process. :D

I say we could choose FA-50 or JF-17 based on their capability and acquisition+operational cost.

The primary issue for Indonesia would be that JF-17 would pretty much useless against China in SCS as the fighter is developed by China. It may be a good fighter if it is meant to be used against Australia, but for that you already have Sukhois.

Yea, we bet on IFX/KFX project and Sukhoi fighter jet to provide some sort of air supremacy inside our airspace..

i don't think Indonesia will buy JF-17 ..

There's still possibility in the future. We'll keep an eye on JF-17 development..

A humble question to you, sir. If Indonesia vs. Australia scenario ever arises in future, do you think the West (and in particular USA) would allow you to use any of their supplied military system (leave alone F-16 planes for a second) against your adversary? I guess Indonesians have also tasted the same pill in not-so-distant past as we Pakistanis have done so many times.

This will depend on our diplomatic strength, growing economic importance and military might in the future. Indonesia with $7 Trillion GDP would have more clout and bargaining power among the great powers than $2.6 Trillion GDP Australia.

Snap 2018-01-28 at 09.50.34.jpg
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Can JF-17 do this ?

Launch 1000 KM ALCM which capable of both surface and Sea targets which Indonesia looking ?

Can Launch Battle proven PGM or carry this amount of armament or has POD integrated as of now ? What PGM Pakistan can offer to Indonesia with JF-17 ? BVR? WVR ?


Can carry Recee Pods or Electronic Warfare Pods ?



or any HMD ?



The 1000 km ALCM is not available to most but only the most trusted---. Indonesia won't be able to get it even if it buys 100 F16's.

The EW pods---the turkish pods will be available for Indonesia---.

Whatever PGm's are available for the Paf will be offered to indonesiaand same with the BVR missiles---.

HMD won't be available to indonesia for the F16's---I doubt that very much.

If indonesia signs the contract now---they will be looking at first deliveries around 3 to 4 years from now---which means that systems / weapons in final stages of integration will be available to them.

So---it would not be a bad deal at all for them---. They will inherit a lot more sanctions free weapons technology than they bargained for with the JF17 than the F16's---.
JF-17 will be a excellent choice between heavy weight SU-35 medium weight F-16 to replace F-5 . with the induction of JF-17 B it will serve as trainer too . the planed Block III upgrade will place near F-16 block 52 with a fraction of cost both political and economical . Indonesia have a decent aviation industry can produced it locally too if large number are required
JF17 , is a easy choice for a Workhorse platform to protect National Interest
Fully Capabale and ideal for Regional superiority role

The Block II (note: Block III is under development)

However the sale of JF17 would also depend on how the relations are between Indonesia / China

The approval for sale has to come from both China/Pakistan
I am not quite familiar with CHINA/Indonesia day to day relations

JF17 - Pack of Brave Wolfpack, GAME OF NUMERICS​



The Physically stronger Sabre Tooth did not Survived for too long away from the den

Premium Defensive Machine



Standardized 150 Units , for Indonesia , provides ample necessary coverage for Own airspace

The few Sukhoi planes they have a good starting point but they need to fill the Workhorse platform and JF17 fill that role excellently
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Standardized 150 Units , for Indonesia , provides ample necessary coverage for Own airspace.​
The few Sukhoi planes they have a good starting point but they need to fill the Workhorse platform and JF17 fill that role excellently

This is my take on future Indonesian Air-force fleet (at least until 2030)

I could see 2 sqn of JF-17 or FA-50 competing to replace BAE hawk 209, but not much more..
We will have around 50 IFX + 2 sqn Shukhoi fighter jet for air supremacy.
And 5 sqn F-16 for workhorse patrol.
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