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Indonesian President inspects JF-17 fighter aircraft

Well will really have to see how Indonesian Airforce plans , but for a thinking man it is simple that every airforce maintains a home front with ample number of defensive Units, and JF17 is Prime exmaple of Weapon moulded with the intension to be used a Primary Defensive Airspace protector.

Armed with Exceptional 1 vs 1 encounter performence , it is easy to see that any Airforce that makes Thunder a Choiced platform for Air Space defence , will be in good shape. Investing in numerous platforms becomes time consuming and costly overtime. So general strategy folks employ is pick a model that does the Job and gives you flying hours

Two points
a) Get the Job Done
b) Flying hours

That is the main objective for Workhorse platform , the Missiles on board Thunder are second to None, and most peopel know JF17 Flying / Handling is really second to none

When paired with a SAM defence strategy , you have a very healthy outlook for future defensive needs for nation

Indonesia are generally better off to plan as follow

  • 45 - Sukhoiss)
  • 150 - JF17 Thunders (Single/Double Seaters)
  • 30 - K8 (Training Platform)
  • 10 - Super Mushak (Basic Trainer)

This is a far better defensive scenario

Donate to Training school as Agressor craft simulation
Retire KA-50 i.e get rid of odd 10-11 planes or convert to trainer
Retire F16 Block A i.e get rid of older technology
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JF17 Production line expands to multipe partner countries so that is not an issue the industrial base will kick in when needed

But Important thing is approval etc I am not currently familiary with Indonesian / Chinese day to day relations and provided there is no objection it could be a nice deal
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Tebrekler, mazel tov, subhan Allah, mabrook

When it was announced he is coming to Pakistan. My mind only strayed towards thunders.

It is a capable fighter for light/medium multi role requirement and is good for making quantitative force for Indonesian Air Force.
Indonesia are generally better off to plan as follow
  • 45 - Sukhois
  • 150 - JF17 Thunders (Single/Double Seaters)

Are u out of your mind? 150 JF-17 :D
Unless we want to produce that plane ourself, there's no way we'll take that many units..

Furthermore our defense industry will be geared toward production of IFX

Adding more shukhoi and F-16 is just a natural progression for us, since our pilots are already familiar and and we have the maintenance facility and capability to keep them flying and ready for combat.
:big_boss: You know what they say

"A bird in hand is worth two in bush"

It applies in this case, dreaming about a conceptual plane / fighter jet will not protect your airspace now if Trump goes bananas, every one knows he is Lunatic , suffering from Schizophrenia , he sees , imaginary people

This Protect Lives (Inducted 2-3 years)

  • 150 - JF17 Thunders (Single/Double Seaters)
  • 30 - K8 (Training Platform)
  • 10 - Super Mushak (Basic Trainer)

Conceptual PERFECT PLANE (10 -15 year wait)
  • Will need to pass test to fly , manufacture in 10 years , then inducted
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He was shovin his wife into his plane. Hehehe. Seems like a cool dude tho.
:big_boss: You know what they say

"A bird in hand is worth two in bush"

It applies in this case, dreaming about a conceptual plane / fighter jet will not protect your airspace now if Trump goes bananas, every one knows he is Lunatic , suffering from Schizophrenia , he sees , imaginary people

This Protect Lives (Inducted 2-3 years)

  • 150 - JF17 Thunders (Single/Double Seaters)
  • 30 - K8 (Training Platform)
  • 10 - Super Mushak (Basic Trainer)

Conceptual PERFECT PLANE (10 -15 year wait)
  • Will need to pass test to fly , manufacture in 10 years , then inducted

Trump is a non factor.. Oprah will replace him in the next election :D

Let's be honest here, F16 is still superior fighter than JF-17, this we have to admit. With similar price Indonesia can get modernized F16 C/D upgraded to block 52+, just like we did before in 2011. With additional 3 sqn, we'll get enough number to fulfill the workforce role for the next 20 years.

Adding Sukhoi fighter jet family is necessary to secure our vast territory from advance fighter jets intrusion owned by our neighbors. We already have 1 sqn, adding 1 sqn SU-35 will do the job for now.

Developing our own advanced fighter is important, Because there's no guarantee US, Russia or even China will allow us to get their Gen 5 fighter jets in the next few decade, since we won't build any alliance with any of them. Hence the IFX project. We'll get at least 50 of them.

FA-50 is on the table as the candidate to replace 2 sqn Hawk 209 in the future, since we already use their T-50i to replace Hawk Mk 53 (the trainer version) to simplify the logistic and all.

But i think, JF-17 could be considered instead if it can compete with FA-50 and win.. :tup:
JF-17 can be very useful for low intensity combat such us bombing ISIS terrorist in the border region.
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Can JF-17 do this ?

Launch 1000 KM ALCM which capable of both surface and Sea targets which Indonesia looking ?

Can Launch Battle proven PGM or carry this amount of armament or has POD integrated as of now ? What PGM Pakistan can offer to Indonesia with JF-17 ? BVR? WVR ?


Can carry Recee Pods or Electronic Warfare Pods ?



or any HMD ?


It's not about JFT can do it, it's about US will not sell that full weapons and sensor package to Indonesia and F-16 will come with strings attached mean no upgrade or customization without US approval.
Trump is a non factor.. Oprah will replace him in the next election :D

Let's be honest here, F16 is still superior fighter than JF-17, this we have to admit. With similar price Indonesia can get modernized F16 C/D upgraded to block 52+, just like we did before in 2011. With additional 3 sqn, we'll get enough number to fulfill the workforce role for the next 20 years.

Adding Sukhoi fighter jet family is necessary to secure our vast territory from advance fighter jets intrusion owned by our neighbors. We already have 1 sqn, adding 1 sqn SU-35 will do the job for now.

Developing our own advanced fighter is important, Because there's no guarantee US, Russia or even China will allow us to get their Gen 5 fighter jets in the next few decade, since we won't build any alliance with any of them. Hence the IFX project. We'll get at least 50 of them.

FA-50 is on the table as the candidate to replace 2 sqn Hawk 209 in the future, since we already use their T-50i to replace Hawk Mk 53 (the trainer version) to simplify the logistic and all.

But i think, JF-17 could be considered instead if it can compete with FA-50 and win.. :tup:
JF-17 can be very useful for low intensity combat such us bombing ISIS terrorist in the border region.

Well to be Honest JF17 is a superior Machine becasue at end of day it is much newer and includes newer technology , becuase it was made later then F16

Do you buy iphone1 or iphone 7? Same idea , F16 is iphone 1 technology or even consider it like Blackberry

Sukhois are more suited as a Lead in craft for squadron and certainly with

45 Sukhois
150 JF17 thunders
30 K8
10 Supermushak

I think the Lead role can be shared by Sukhois however the Man power really does comes from Numbers and that is something only JF17 can provide
i dont expect indonesia to get free hand either
looking at history and smaller sale

you cant compere UAE who funded whole block 60 program and turkey which is actually a partner country in falcon to pakistan and indonesia!

UAE spending on block 60 program will be higher than what we will spend on whole thunder program

Most of Asean countries more likely to spent 90 % of their state budget to salary of their gov. Employee, education, healthcare and infrastructure. Very different with what oil rich states , Russia and US A do in the last two decades. Even Chinese and Japan only spent meagre percentage s of their budget toward defense sector
Donate to Training school as Agressor craft simulation
Retire KA-50 i.e get rid of odd 10-11 planes or convert to trainer
Retire F16 Block A i.e get rid of older technology

No way. The T-50 is an excellent jet and it has been recently inducted. It is a great light attack platform and an excellent LIFT. Also they ordered 16 aircraft and are in the process of trying to get more.

Their F-16As will be going through an upgrade program.
The advantage with Sukhois is that they could be used against all your potential adversaries be it China or Australia with confidence. You will never have this with any other fighter.

Current airchief of PAF have flown SU30 and he's is not impressed by his experience and he candidly mention about it.
Indian Airchief has already declared SU30 an empty shell.
jF17 and J11 has much more development potential than F16 and SU30.
Nobody knows better than PAF who has been operating F-16s since the 80s and PAF has been actively involved in the JF-17 project. So rest assured all that knowledge of operating F-16s have been incorporated within the JF-17. As a result today JF-17 performs as good as an F-16 and even supersedes F-16 in certain aspects.
As for the upgrades i highly doubt more updates will be available for the F-16. Lockheed is struggling to find a customer for F-16, they last attempt was India with block 70 but India knows well that the life of this plane is over. If no orders come F-16 plant will shut down anyway. JF-17 on the other hand in entering block 3.
I hope Indonesia makes the right choice keeping in view their requirements.
You have elucidated your view very clearly and logically. A Presidential visit is generally not for requesting sales but a diplomatic one. PAF has a habit of getting any and almost every potential foreign dignitary into the JFT. Arms sales on the other hand are a different kettle of fish. There are pressures of the like which you cannot imagine. There are other factors.
Indonesia is a natjon composed of islands. They will go for twin engined fighters which as you mentioned they have in SU35. If they want a single engined fivhter they will want something with no strings long legs and fully developed. A JFT with 10 HPs AESA and possibly CFTs might be a better bet than block 2. So if at all they will come back when block 3 is there. That said the F16 is a mighty and matured plane. Block 70 with AESA will tick all the boxes and their armaments are top of the class. Price maybe a factor and one has to see where Indonezia sits in long term US plans and vice versa.
Aussies if I have understood correctly are not all that keen to leave their continent but want tp preserve the integrigy of it. So I dont know how much of a threat they might be. Being closer to China the Indonesians might perceive China as a greater threat than the US. Therefore depending on threat perception both F16 and JFT stand a chance.
Cost is another option and whereas the Indonesians may not get anything out of the US they might get local assembly and unhindered supply of arms for JFT. But realistically do you want an assembly plant for 3 squadrons? The last factor is integration of armaments existing in the Indonesian armoury. PAC might not have any objections but US will.
So all in all an interesting option. I think all one can say is that a seed has been planted. Whether 8t matures or not needs to be seen.
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