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Indonesia Defence Forum

Sylver VLS is also capable to quad-pack Sea Ceptors, it's an MBDA product after all. I've heard about a VLS module for Sea Ceptor, probably this one right here, other than the more common mushroom module that you could find aboard KRI Bung Tomo

no its something like this one


That's from moroccan tariq bin ziyad sigma 10513 class , also using vl mica .
its not SYLVER either
Diretrofit 3 Tahun di Malaysia Pesawat Tanker TNI AU Pulang Kampung

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Setelah tiga tahun menjalani retrofit di Malaysia, pesawat tanker KC-130B nomor ekor A-1309 pulang kampung, ke rumahnya di Skadron Udara 32 Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh Malang.

Pesawat ini menjalani retrofit di AIROD (Aircraft Inspection Repair & Overhaul Depot) di Selangor, Malaysia sejak bulan Agustus 2016 berupa penguatan struktur, penambahan komponen dan peningkatan kemampuannya.

Dikutip dari Airspace Review, pada pesawat ini juga dilakukan penggantian outer wing, struktur, serta peningkatan atau modifikasi ECS, APU, avionik, dan generator disconnect.

Usai dilakukan retrofit, pesawat ini diterbangkan dari Pangkalan Udara Subang, Malaysia selama empat jam uang dipiloti Letkol (Pnb) Taufik NC.

Begitu tiba di Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh, disambut dengan upacara militer dan penyiraman air bunga oleh Dan Lanud Abd Saleh Malang, Marsma TNI Hesly Paat di lapangan apel Skadron Udara 32.

Bahkan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara, Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna sempat meninjau proses retrofit A-1309 di AIROD, Malaysia pada Agustus, tahun lalu. Ia berharap proses pengerjaan retrofit A-1309 dapat dilaksanakan tepat waktu karena pesawat tanker ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh Indonesia, TNI AU khususnya.

KC-130B A-1309 merupakan satu-satunya pesawat tanker yang dimiliki TNI Angkatan Udara saat ini. Pesawat ini telah mengabdi di TNI AU sejak tahun 1960-an, dan Indonesia memiliki dua pesawat tanker berbasis C-130B. Hanya saja satunya lagi, A-1310, bebetapa tahun lalu mengalami musibah di Medan, Sumatera Utara.

Meski buatan Amerika Serikat, A-1309 ini telah dimodifikasi di Indonesia sehingga memiliki kemampuan pengisian bahan bakar di udara (air refueling) terhadap pesawat Su-27/30 buatan Rusia.

Proses pelaksanaan air refueling terhadap jet tempur Sukhoi juga sudah rutin dilaksanakan sebelum pesawat ini diretrofit di Malaysia.

Saat tiba di Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh Malang, pesawat tanker KC-130B nomor ekor A-1309 yang pulang kampung ini selain disambut dengan upacara militer juga disambut dengan tradisi penyemprotan air menjelang memasuki lapangan apel Skadron Udara 32 Lanud Abd Saleh, Malang. (*)

Indonesian KC-130B tanker returned home after undergone retrofit in Malaysia.
Nafas tua.
Breaking: KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai Juga Pasang Millenium Gun
Berita by aryo - 11 Juli 20190

Hari ini, ARCINC sedang melakukan kunjungan ke area PT. PAL Surabaya untuk mendapatkan update terkini mengenai perkembangan alutsista dalam negeri, demi memuaskan pembaca sekalian.

Saat melihat ke dermaga, ARCINC sudah cukup senang setelah melihat KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata-331 sudah lengkap dipasangi meriam pertahanan udara jarak dekat Rheinmetall Millenium Gun 35mm di posisi depan anjungan.

Tapi lho kok ARCINC melihat kapal perang kedua, KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai-332 juga ada di dermaga, jarang-jarang 2 kapal perang PKR 10514 ini bertemu bersama kembali ke ‘pabrik’ tempat mereka dibuat.

Nah, sama seperti KRI REM-331 dulu, sudah ada ‘kotak ajaib’ berwarna hijau di area depan anjungan KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai. Tidak salah lagi, KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai-332 juga sedang menjalani integrasi pemasangan kanon Millenium.


I still can't understand the decision to buy Mi-35s, they just seems so out-of-place today, it's better for us to have additional Apaches instead.
Lha apache memang mau ditambah sebanyak 6 paket. Nggak tahu 1 paketnya ada berapa unit.

as for h225m , we're going that way

Kelihatannya H225m juga mau digunakan.

In my imagination, Indonesian army should have at least two heavy combat aviation brigade and each brigade will contained :

48 apaches
12 reconnaissance drones
30 bell 412 series
8 UH-60 as command aviation
12 Chinooks
12 H225m as medevac unit

Quad-packed Sea Ceptor module would do the job, one PKR could potentially carry 40-48 AA missiles. For now, VL MICA is good enough tbh, what's more important is that we need more PKR.
Nggak usah tambah PKR mase...

PKR khan cuma light fregate

Langsung aja PT PAL bikin real fregat segede Iver, minimal 16 biji aja dalam 20 tahun.

Sedang korvet pakai aja desain opv 80 meter dari teraflux, 5 galangan swasta bisa hasilkan 64 unit korvet dalam 20 tahun!

16 real frigate and 64 corvettes, segitu aja udah punya efek gentar gede.
Lha apache memang mau ditambah sebanyak 6 paket. Nggak tahu 1 paketnya ada berapa unit.

Kelihatannya H225m juga mau digunakan.

In my imagination, Indonesian army should have at least two heavy combat aviation brigade and each brigade will contained :

48 apaches
12 reconnaissance drones
30 bell 412 series
8 UH-60 as command aviation
12 Chinooks
12 H225m as medevac unit

Nggak usah tambah PKR mase...

PKR khan cuma light fregate

Langsung aja PT PAL bikin real fregat segede Iver, minimal 16 biji aja dalam 20 tahun.

Sedang korvet pakai aja desain opv 80 meter dari teraflux, 5 galangan swasta bisa hasilkan 64 unit korvet dalam 20 tahun!

16 real frigate and 64 corvettes, segitu aja udah punya efek gentar gede.
WTF why do people in real life and on internet always call me "mase" :v be it random cilok vendor, indomaret girl, my hot junior and even TN on PDF lol :v

Btw, i'm still skeptical about the additional Apache, i've seen the "6 paket Apache" thing, even though i'm very enthusiastic about the plan for more Apache, i'll wait until someone on the higher up officially announce the plan for it. I'd argue that TNI should prioritize H225 Caracal more, to replace the older Puma and to make it the standard medium CSAR/transport heli for TNI. I wish for Chinooks, we don't really have a heavy transport heli as of now and there's no more suitable candidate than Chinooks , but their price is a bit too unreasonable for TNI to just choose them right away, so expect some complicated shit.

I expect the heli fleet of TNI AD will consist of : Light transport : Bell 412, Medium transport : H225 Caracal, Mi-17, Heavy transport : *Chinook. I don't have any opinion about UH-60, the meaning behind the photo of them Blackhawk in our Apache's hangar remains unclear, perhaps some American was promoting their stuff or some shit.

Pusing aku mikirin VOC boat makers, sampai sekarang kok gak jelas? ini lanjut atau gak sebenarnya untuk PKR ini? Kalaupun batal PKR 3 dan 4, paling tidak jangan membuang waktu dari MEF. Mungkin saja program Iver bisa menjadi alternatif yang bagus, itu kalau nanti jadinya gak se-mbulet PKR Damen, semoga saja tidak.
WTF why do people in real life and on internet always call me "mase" :v be it random cilok vendor, indomaret girl, my hot junior and even TN on PDF lol :v

Btw, i'm still skeptical about the additional Apache, i've seen the "6 paket Apache" thing, even though i'm very enthusiastic about the plan for more Apache, i'll wait until someone on the higher up officially announce the plan for it. I'd argue that TNI should prioritize H225 Caracal more, to replace the older Puma and to make it the standard medium CSAR/transport heli for TNI. I wish for Chinooks, we don't really have a heavy transport heli as of now and there's no more suitable candidate than Chinooks , but their price is a bit too unreasonable for TNI to just choose them right away, so expect some complicated shit.

I expect the heli fleet of TNI AD will consist of : Light transport : Bell 412, Medium transport : H225 Caracal, Mi-17, Heavy transport : *Chinook. I don't have any opinion about UH-60, the meaning behind the photo of them Blackhawk in our Apache's hangar remains unclear, perhaps some American was promoting their stuff or some shit.

Pusing aku mikirin VOC boat makers, sampai sekarang kok gak jelas? ini lanjut atau gak sebenarnya untuk PKR ini? Kalaupun batal PKR 3 dan 4, paling tidak jangan membuang waktu dari MEF. Mungkin saja program Iver bisa menjadi alternatif yang bagus, itu kalau nanti jadinya gak se-mbulet PKR Damen, semoga saja tidak.

balada kantong cekak
Interesting CIA recruitment tweet

Lha apache memang mau ditambah sebanyak 6 paket. Nggak tahu 1 paketnya ada berapa unit.

Kelihatannya H225m juga mau digunakan.

In my imagination, Indonesian army should have at least two heavy combat aviation brigade and each brigade will contained :

48 apaches
12 reconnaissance drones
30 bell 412 series
8 UH-60 as command aviation
12 Chinooks
12 H225m as medevac unit

Nggak usah tambah PKR mase...

PKR khan cuma light fregate

Langsung aja PT PAL bikin real fregat segede Iver, minimal 16 biji aja dalam 20 tahun.

Sedang korvet pakai aja desain opv 80 meter dari teraflux, 5 galangan swasta bisa hasilkan 64 unit korvet dalam 20 tahun!

16 real frigate and 64 corvettes, segitu aja udah punya efek gentar gede.

Where do you even get those numbers ? We do have plan to acquire more AH-64E however won't be like the number you imagine, immidiate need is to complete 16 units squadron in 11th Squadron Puspenerbad. As for CH-47F & UH-60, at this moment do we really need to introduce new types of helicopters whereas existing budget and planning are focused on already operational Bell-412 ( light lift ), NAS-332 & H-225M ( medium lift ) and Mi-17 ( medium lift ). Just like recent January 2019 procurement on follow up batch for 9 Bell-412 EPI, 8 H-225M, and even 1 NAS 332C+1 ( old reserved airframe ), i doubt in near immidiate procurement we will go to platforms outside those i've mentioned.

Infographic credit to Fb page FSM

As for " Teraflux " do you mean Terafulk design ?

car06.jpg car07.jpg
Again where do you get the numbers ? AFAIK this OPV 80m is the platform for BAKAMLA 80m OPV ( 3 units in service ). The closest/simillar procurement for TNI-AL in immidiate future would be OPV programme to replace Parchim Class but that's still speculative, last year around late April 2018, Damen Schelde hold seminar on SIGMA 10514 and OPV Damen 2400 so everything is still speculative.
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WTF why do people in real life and on internet always call me "mase" :v be it random cilok vendor, indomaret girl, my hot junior and even TN on PDF lol :v

Btw, i'm still skeptical about the additional Apache, i've seen the "6 paket Apache" thing, even though i'm very enthusiastic about the plan for more Apache, i'll wait until someone on the higher up officially announce the plan for it. I'd argue that TNI should prioritize H225 Caracal more, to replace the older Puma and to make it the standard medium CSAR/transport heli for TNI. I wish for Chinooks, we don't really have a heavy transport heli as of now and there's no more suitable candidate than Chinooks , but their price is a bit too unreasonable for TNI to just choose them right away, so expect some complicated shit.

I expect the heli fleet of TNI AD will consist of : Light transport : Bell 412, Medium transport : H225 Caracal, Mi-17, Heavy transport : *Chinook. I don't have any opinion about UH-60, the meaning behind the photo of them Blackhawk in our Apache's hangar remains unclear, perhaps some American was promoting their stuff or some shit.

Pusing aku mikirin VOC boat makers, sampai sekarang kok gak jelas? ini lanjut atau gak sebenarnya untuk PKR ini? Kalaupun batal PKR 3 dan 4, paling tidak jangan membuang waktu dari MEF. Mungkin saja program Iver bisa menjadi alternatif yang bagus, itu kalau nanti jadinya gak se-mbulet PKR Damen, semoga saja tidak.

About UH-60 as command aviation unit.

I've seen that our army still doesn't have command aviation unit. If only H225 has this kind of varian, I prefer we choose H225. However H225 still doesn't have this one and I only see UH-60 as the candidate.
Where do you even get those numbers ? We do have plan to acquire more AH-64E however won't be like the number you imagine, immidiate need is to complete 16 units squadron in 11th Squadron Puspenerbad. As for CH-47F & UH-60, at this moment do we really need to introduce new types of helicopters whereas existing budget and planning are focused on already operational Bell-412 ( light lift ), NAS-332 & H-225M ( medium lift ) and Mi-17 ( medium lift ). Just like recent January 2019 procurement on follow up batch for 9 Bell-412 EPI, 8 H-225M, and even 1 NAS 332C+1 ( old reserved airframe ), i doubt in near immidiate procurement we will go to platforms outside those i've mentioned.
View attachment 568808
Infographic credit to Fb page FSM

As for " Teraflux " do you mean Terafulk design ?
View attachment 568809
View attachment 568810 View attachment 568811
Again where do you get the numbers ? AFAIK this OPV 80m is the platform for BAKAMLA 80m OPV ( 3 units in service ). The closest/simillar procurement for TNI-AL in immidiate future would be OPV programme to replace Parchim Class but that's still speculative, last year around late April 2018, Damen Schelde hold seminar on SIGMA 10514 and OPV Damen 2400 so everything is still speculative.

Do you think our army still use Mi-17 in the next twenty years? I don't think so.

Where do I get the numbers?

By calculating the tonnage producing capacity of our five private building shipyard for the next twenty years, they potentially can build 128 unit of Teraflux OPV design. And half will be used as corvettes, half remain will be used as OPV.

While for the number of real frigate, please calculate the maximum range of iver, divide in two, multiply with two times of range of surface surveillance radar and the result to be multiply with 3.5 ( 1 on duty, 1 on alert, 1 in maintenance and half is for back-up), the final result will be sixteen vessels.

For army's helicopters I don't think as squadrons but potentially to form brigades in the next twenty years.
Do you think our army still use Mi-17 in the next twenty years? I don't think so.

Where do I get the numbers?

By calculating the tonnage producing capacity of our five private building shipyard for the next twenty years, they potentially can build 128 unit of Teraflux OPV design. And half will be used as corvettes, half remain will be used as OPV.

While for the number of real frigate, please calculate the maximum range of iver, divide in two, multiply with two times of range of surface surveillance radar and the result to be multiply with 3.5 ( 1 on duty, 1 on alert, 1 in maintenance and half is for back-up), the final result will be sixteen vessels.

For army's helicopters I don't think as squadrons but potentially to form brigades in the next twenty years.

Wait is the person holding this account " Mr Woof Woof " is the same person as " Tukang Hitung Ph.D " who frequently posts calculation comments in various defence forums' articles ?
If you do then forget about my question asking the numbers
WTF why do people in real life and on internet always call me "mase" :v be it random cilok vendor, indomaret girl, my hot junior and even TN on PDF lol :v

Btw, i'm still skeptical about the additional Apache, i've seen the "6 paket Apache" thing, even though i'm very enthusiastic about the plan for more Apache, i'll wait until someone on the higher up officially announce the plan for it. I'd argue that TNI should prioritize H225 Caracal more, to replace the older Puma and to make it the standard medium CSAR/transport heli for TNI. I wish for Chinooks, we don't really have a heavy transport heli as of now and there's no more suitable candidate than Chinooks , but their price is a bit too unreasonable for TNI to just choose them right away, so expect some complicated shit.

I expect the heli fleet of TNI AD will consist of : Light transport : Bell 412, Medium transport : H225 Caracal, Mi-17, Heavy transport : *Chinook. I don't have any opinion about UH-60, the meaning behind the photo of them Blackhawk in our Apache's hangar remains unclear, perhaps some American was promoting their stuff or some shit.

Pusing aku mikirin VOC boat makers, sampai sekarang kok gak jelas? ini lanjut atau gak sebenarnya untuk PKR ini? Kalaupun batal PKR 3 dan 4, paling tidak jangan membuang waktu dari MEF. Mungkin saja program Iver bisa menjadi alternatif yang bagus, itu kalau nanti jadinya gak se-mbulet PKR Damen, semoga saja tidak.
In my experience, we're better of relying on:
Bell 412/UH-1Y

Also, it is in my opinion that a large fleet of PKR sized ships would be better off for us than full sized frigates/destroyers.

For the most, the Navy's main operational duties are very much prioritized among littoral lines. There's no point having true blue water capable ships when the majority of the naval fighting would be conducted between clusters and pockets of islands instead of open oceans

If anything, I think the Navy should get with the US Littoral Combat Ship program. It's specs is basically perfect for the our Navy's role and responsibilities. Plus if you REALLY wanted full AAW capability, the LCS has the added benefit of being able to mount an AN/SPY-1 AEGIS system.
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