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Indonesia Defence Forum

In the growing of a potential conflict between US and China in Indo-Pacific theatre, the choice will be obvious for China: they need to destabilize US allies (mostly ASEAN countries which have significant population of China diaspora), to the extent toward possibility of creating a civil war in those countries.

By creating chaos and thus weakening US allies in the region, China may still have a chance to buying time, delaying a direct conflict with US led allied forces.
Cmon, that is too much of a prejudice. Between him and Daniel, he is a lightyears away from being a „traitor“. Also, traitors are those who openly support khilafah in my opinion for the moment.

FYI, khilafah is a form of government, not ideology
Ga yakin klo altay.. kayaknya leo lg..
Deutscher Berater nempel trus
If the government wanted altay they better of buying the K2 or ask the turks for a long list of TOT below the turret.

It's better to stick with leopard though but we will see.
Sorry I am new was wondering if Indonesia produces radar?
you should be specific of what kind of radar .
or you could visit KKIP.go.id website to see indonesia defense product .

if it was surveillance radar , we had Len-S200 which i still highly doubt about the capability.

we don't have much supporting upstream industry to developed current advanced radar technology which use MMIC , still lack on investment of semiconductor industry (or even worse ,i doubt if we even have one).
Sorry I am new was wondering if Indonesia produces radar?

LEN radar 200 surveilance, there is Indonesia strategic industry sticky thread, you can find many information about Indonesia defense industry there

I dont think any MBT (if there is even consideration for it) will go thru this year. We will see confirmation in next month or so, but I think so far AU and AL will get the biggest pie.
FYI, khilafah is a form of government, not ideology

Yes and no. Yes Khilafah is not necessarily an ideology, No because a form of government represents an ideological background. It is impossible that an ideologically democratic nation has an absolute monarchy for instance, the same way secular country is almost impossible to have a form of government that is Khilafah.
Singapore and taiwan not aggresive to Indonesia..and theyare not comm who always be 1st nation enemy

From where you got understanding that country with comm ideology/principle is Indonesian enemy?? No! they are not.
Indonesian Communist Party is Indonesian enemy, but country like China, Vietnam, Russia, north Korea is not our enemy. Indonesia geopolitical stand is making friends will all nations.
Singapore and taiwan not aggresive to Indonesia..and theyare not comm who always be 1st nation enemy

First, you shouldn't mixed "sinophile" with political stance/war between Indonesia and China, they are separate things.

Second, I dont see China view Indonesia as enemy nor they are hostile toward Indonesia. Dispute sometimes happen, and could be settled via diplomacy/negotiation. China and Russia also have dispute but they are friends.
But you defended the CCP's actions going as far as attacking other members for it especially the indian & never criticized the CCP for obvious things it's the same thing.

Admitting yourself as a sinophile means you're admitting your narrow-minded mess.

First of all, show me the comment of mine that you claim as my defending CCP's action against any nation. Can you? :girl_wacko:

Even if so, so what? does Taiwan/India/Japan/US/Vietnam make a defense pact with Indonesia? :coffee:
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