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There's no big meaning behind it, I'm just making fun of the fact that Pindad quality is questionable at best.
Gw ya terkadang takjub sama Passus kita, night jump and NOD is nowhere to be seen, kalo giliran parade baru pada di pasang semua wkwkwkw
But they carry bren 805 kwkwkw

Ukraina actually quite advanced in engine technology, starting from Fighter engines, rocket engine, marine engines and so on. Even Turkey and South Korean is several step lacking in some key engine technology compared to Ukraina

View attachment 653356 View attachment 653357 View attachment 653358 View attachment 653359
Turkey is buy ukraine engine for their proven drone.
Doosan make tank engine but not reliable
Did you see that one clip of the soldier shooting the SS1 and then the magazine falls off? Pindad quality at its finest.

About 1:28

More like the soldier doesnt properly insert the magazine into the rifle body.

SS2 V1 Pindad test

SS2 V5 shooting

I have asked one Indonesian ex soldier about his experience using SS2, he just complain about the recoil to me. If I am not mistaken he used SS2 V1.
More like the soldier doesnt properly insert the magazine into the rifle body.

SS2 V1 Pindad test

SS2 V5 shooting

I have asked one Indonesian ex soldier about his experience using SS2, he just complain about the recoil to me. If I am not mistaken he used SS2 V1.
SS2's Buttstock is similar with SS1, so when fired, it will be felt on the shoulder. To overcome this, SS1 and SS2 must require folded and retractable Buttstock, and this should also be the standard for SS2 rifles late production
I got this feeling that Polri infantry recently got better gear than average TNI soldier these days, perhaps cause Polri budget is nearing that of TNI but with much less necessities, so they could spend more money "per-capita" for their soldiers.

Let alone for Brimob even units like Sabhara got adequate gears and equipment
Unit Sabhara
WhatsApp Image 2018-09-27 at 15.05.56.jpeg
so, this implies that we should be more careful about procuring local arm products like maung, because we need to make sure the quality first ? and Prabowo need to make sure the quality of maung before buying in bulk ? how does that implies Prabowo doesnt know his job as menhan ?
am I getting it right or you meant something else ?
Well he has some recorded track as being lose canon in the past. And looking at the Indonesian alutsista purchase history there were/are also some "weird" assets acquisition that is/was not "approved" by the designated matra. So yeah, Cornie has a good reason to question it. Its nothing personal.
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There's few interesting comments from the parliament members in the Tempo newspapers regarding potential sales of Austria's Typhoon, especially from Lord TBH and Dave Laksono.


TBH said:
Sejumlah anggota Komisi Pertahanan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat menyatakan penolakannya terhadap rencana Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto membeli pesawat tempur bekas asal Austria. Pembelian pesawat tempur jenis Eurofighter Thypoon itu dianggap berisiko merusak peta jalan kerja sama pembuatan pesawat tempur dengan Korea Selatan.

Anggota Komisi Pertahanan dari Fraksi Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, Tubagus Hasanuddin, menyatakan pemerintah Indonesia berpotensi diembargo sejumlah negara jika meneruskan ambisi membeli pesawat bekas dari Austria. "Kita sedang merintis prototype pesawat tempur melalui kerja sama KFX/IFX (Korea Fighter Xperiment/Indonesia Fighter Xperiment) yang seharusnya bisa dikembangkan," ucap Hasanuddin kepada
So TBH said apparently we are at risk of being embargo if the purchase goes ahead? What and how exactly? Does anybody know?

Dave Laksono said:
Anggota Komisi Pertahanan dari Fraksi Partai Golkar, Dave Laksono, menyatakan pembelian pesawat bekas tersebut baru wacana dan belum masuk Rencana Strategis Kementerian Pertahanan 2020. "Itu masih dalam penjajakan. Pesawat itu didapatkan nyaris gratis, tapi perlu di upgrade, seperti mesinnya, kemampuan tempur, dan dilihat kelayakan pakainya sejauh mana, kata dia.
Meski demikian, setiap pembelian alutsista mensyaratkan transfer teknologi ke Indonesia. Hal ini untuk mendukung rencana kemandirian pertahanan di Indonesia. Jika hal itu ada, pembelian pesawat tempur bekas bisa dilakukan, tentunya atas persetujuan parlemen. DPR juga perlu melihat teknis klausul kerja sama jual-beli antara Indonesia dan Austria. “Yang terpenting hal itu tidak menyebabkan kerugian negara,” kata dia.
According to Dave Laksono, the 15 Typhoon could be acquired "almost free" however, an upgrade program is needed. So this confirms a few things. Firstly, the airframe is indeed being available very cheap. Secondly, we do plan to implement upgrade program on the aircraft, perhaps similar to Spain's program if the purchase were to go-ahead. And thirdly, DI will need to be involved, along with Airbus, for the purchase to go ahead.

But they carry bren 805 kwkwkw
That reminds me, I rarely spot our SF carrying LMG on exercise.
Kalo dipake pas latihan gitu takut rusak doi, LoL.
LOL I'm just thankful that this past couple of years the standard personal equipment for our premium units have greatly improved, hopefully, it will get upgraded even more
Yes, they want to revive Wing 300 sq, the plan for this appeared around 2014, even tho i thought the plan was scrapped

idk for sure but this sqn doctrine are looks like soviet-russian with their MiG 25-31, which was dedicated interceptor, while we now seems like "berkiblat" to western doctrine with multirole aircraft, but idk for sure about this

the next long range SAM and anti ballistic missile procurement project most likely going to be given under the responsibility of army , some source said it will be under Kodam arhanud or Kostrad will create new unit for this .

wait, the radar operator are kohanudnas but the missile operator are kostrad? that's two different chain of command. i still understand if it's fall to arhanud coz they will have "regimental" size radar, but kostrad?

I understand your point. But introducing new fighter platform and not intended to add some more in a future really make this Typhoon more expensive to maintain. And how long does it take to upgrade to tranch 2 for all 15 of them? 1-2 years? And how long does it take for Pilot and technicians to be trained before that low tranche typhoon able to perform at it best? How much is needed to build infrastructure and parts for it? Unless we are going to take some more typhoon with the the same tranche/block in a future then this purchase is not right.

how long to take EF from signed to ready combat? i don't know but surely be faster than new aircraft. the future of this EF and Su-27 are same, use them up until end of their life time, which is maybe about 2040-ish while Su-27 up about 2030-ish. let's be fair in this case, with all the rapid advancing technology, we surely need f-35 to fill this role but we not ready yet.
so i think the most viable option are force this Su-27 up to his retirement and replace it with F-35, and because we only use second hand EF, they can be retired relatively fast, then do the same, replace it with F-35. yeah i know this is just opinion, but come on
So TBH said apparently we are at risk of being embargo if the purchase goes ahead? What and how exactly? Does anybody know?
Indonesia berpotensi diembargo sejumlah negara
Well, several country is involved in the EF project after all.
Tetep aja potensi embargo selalu ada mau beli senjatanya dari mana, karena yang ada itu ya kepetingan abadi bukan teman abadi.
how long to take EF from signed to ready combat? i don't know but surely be faster than new aircraft.

Likely depends on the level of overhaul and upgrade work done on the aircraft.. If it's a complete up-to-tranche 3 level upgrade then it can easily take 2 - 3 years... I think it's going to take at least a similar amount of time to when we get our F16 block 52ID... Although it might take longer if the upgrade work is done in PTDI facilities instead of EADS facilities..
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