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look what US offers , that's clearly a go .

No one in Indonesia or maybe i can said on ASEAN had engineering experience with Vertol Osprey like this one, this Will be a valuable experience much better when they are working with Boeing to do maintenance jobs and routine assembly process. That's Priceless, if we got the maintenance center far ahead of possible competitor in the region we will catch a lot of possible future customer of this type of Aircraft (like Bell Valor and Osprey) in the region (such Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, India) not to mention private operator.
Don't be suprised if they're going to put brahmos to iver later


Boeing ready for US-RI Osprey deal
  • Novan Iman Santosa
Jakarta / Sat, July 18 2020 / 01:00 am

An air crew walks around a V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft in a pre-departure check in this file picture. Defense and aerospace giant Boeing said that it was ready to move forward with the possible sale of the aircraft to Indonesia.(Courtesy of/Boeing)
Defense and aerospace giant Boeing said it was looking forward to working closely with the United States and Indonesia to finalize a possible US$2 billion deal for Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft.

“Congressional notification is an important step in the United States’ Foreign Military Sales [FMS] process, so we’re pleased that a potential V-22 acquisition by Indonesia has entered this phase,” Boeing said in a statement to The Jakarta Post dated July 15.

“Currently, the US military is buying the V-22 under the Multiyear Procurement III [MYP III] contract. Completion of this sale in 2020 will allow Indonesia to receive the MYP III pricing already negotiated by the US government for its aircraft.”

An agency of the US Defense Department, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), announced on July 6 that the US State Department had “made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Indonesia of eight MV-22 Block C Osprey aircraft and related equipment for an estimated cost of $2 billion”.

“The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today,” the DSCA said in a statement dated July 6.

After the DSCA announced the US State Department’s approval, many in the Indonesian defense establishment said they were unaware of any plan to acquire Osprey. The DSCA announcement of an FMS, however, can only be made after a letter of request is sent by a potential buyer.

In an FMS, a potential buyer negotiates with the US government instead of with defense contractors. One advantage of this method is that the purchase can be included in a US military procurement program that is already underway, often reducing the price for the buyer and increasing interoperability with the US.

Another path to acquiring US primary weapons systems (Alutsista) is through direct commercial sales, in which a foreign buyer negotiates directly with a defense contractor.

In its statement, Boeing identified the Indonesian Army as the Osprey’s potential user.

“The V-22 would enable the Indonesian Army to reach those areas and rapidly respond to crises across Indonesia and the region at large with its own organic aviation assets,” the company said.

“Bell Boeing has been in ongoing discussions with the Indonesian government and Indonesian companies to develop the best possible approach to address requirements pertaining to this Foreign Military Sale in support of TNI-AD and local industry.”

The Osprey was designed and is manufactured jointly by Boeing and helicopter maker Bell.

“The Bell Boeing V-22 has speed, range and vertical lift capabilities unlike any other production aircraft, making it the ideal aircraft for operations across Indonesia,” said Boeing.

“The tilt-rotor’s unique ability to reach areas inaccessible by airplanes while traveling at twice the speed of helicopters is a force multiplier in any type of military operation.”

When asked on Friday about Boeing identifying the Army as the branch of the military that would be using the Osprey, Army chief spokesman Brig. Gen. Nefra Firdaus said he was not aware of the possible procurement of the Osprey.

Separately, Gita Amperiawan, director of technology at state-owned aircraft maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI), said there had been no deals on industrial cooperation with Boeing in regard to the possible Osprey deal.

“However, we did sign a memorandum of understanding with Boeing in August 2018 during the visit of then-defense minister Ryamizard Ryacudu to the US,” he told the Post on Thursday.

“We signed a joint development [agreement] on manufacturing technology, maintenance, support, training and certification.”

Gita added that he wanted to develop engineering work packages with Boeing, in which Boeing would pay PT DI employees to work on some of Boeing’s projects both at Boeing’s facilities in the US and at PT DI’s facility in Bandung, West Java.

“This way we can really learn the process and gain the experience and know-how,” he said.

The participation of local industry in arms manufacturing is mandated by Law No. 12/2016 on the defense industry, which stipulates that all Alutsista should be procured locally.

Foreign arms can only be purchased when the local defense industry cannot produce the required Alutsista. Such procurement must be done in cooperation with local defense firms.

The DCSA’s announcement does not necessarily mean that Indonesia will get the Ospreys soon. The agency will have to get the US Congress’ approval within 30 days of the announcement. If there are no objections from Congress, the sale can move forward to contract signing.

we have to wait until 6th August for US congress approval
Pak Prabowo, Ada APBN Kemenhan Mengalir ke Rekening Pribadi!
Chandra Gian Asmara, CNBC Indonesia

18 July 2020 07:21


Foto: Penyampaian Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2019 dan Penyerahan Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan (LHP) Periode Semester II Tahun 2019 kepada Presiden RI. (Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden/ Lukas)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Dalam Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan atas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) 2019, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) menemukan permasalahan terkait dengan pengelolaan kas dan rekening pemerintah.

Ada 5 Kementerian/Lembaga yang menggunakan rekening probadi dalam pengelolaan dana APBN.

Dikutip CNBC Indonesia, Sabtu (18/7/2020) dari LHP LKPP 2019 pengelolaan dana melalui rekening pribadi ini nilainya mencapai Rp 71,78 miliar.

Permasalahan tersebut terjadi pada:

Kementerian Pertahanan sebesar Rp 48.129.446.085,00 berupa Rekening Bank belum dilaporkan dan atau belum mendapat izin Menteri Keuangan;

Don't be suprised if they're going to put brahmos to iver later

TNI AL Evaluasi Menyeluruh Kondisi Kapal Perang Sudah Tua
Andi Nur Aminah

11 jam yang lalu

https://defence.pk/pdf/sms:?&body=M...a http://a.msn.com/01/id-id/BB16S1Fw?ocid=sms
[emoji2398] ANTARA/M RISYAL HIDAYATKepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Markas Besar TNI Angkatan Laut melakukan evaluasi menyeluruh terhadap armada kapal perang yang dimiliki. Terutama kapal-kapal yang kondisi dan umurnya sudah cukup tua hingga memerlukan penanganan tertentu.

"Evaluasi itu kami lakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan," kata Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono kepada pers usai memimpin upacara Prasetya Perwira 323 orang siswa lulusan Pendidikan Pembentukan Perwira (Diktupa) di Kodiklatal, Surabaya, Jumat (17/7).

Pernyataan orang nomor satu di jajaran TNI AL itu menanggapi peristiwa tenggelamnya Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) Teluk Jakarta-541 di perairan timur laut Pulau Kangean, Jawa Timur, pada Selasa (14/7) lalu.

Laksamana Yudo Margono menyebut KRI Teluk Jakarta-541 sangat laik layar dan sudah melewati prosedur tetap TNI AL sebelum melakukan pelayaran. Bahkan, kapal perang jenis Frosch buatan Jerman tahun 1973 dan masuk jajaran TNI AL pada 1993 itu sudah naik dok pada April 2020.

"Itu sudah persyaratan standar sebelum berlayar, termasuk kapal itu melaksanakan L1 dan L2 (latihan 1 dan 2). Jadi, semua sisi teknis dan kesiapan sudah terpenuhi," paparnya.

Namun demikian, lanjut Laksamana Yudo Margono, kapal perang itu mendapat musibah dihantam ombak besar saat berada di perairan timur laut Pulau Kangean hingga mengalami kebocoran dan akhirnya tenggelam. Sebanyak 55 anak buah kapal berhasil menyelamatkan diri.

"Dari sisi umur, kapal itu memang sudah cukup tua dan ada kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang timbul. Tetapi, saya tidak membela diri dan itu murni musibah yang tidak bisa dihindari," ujarnya menambahkan.

Untuk itu, demi menghindari peristiwa serupa terulang, Laksamana Yudo Margono telah menginstruksikan jajarannya melaksanakan evaluasi menyeluruh terhadap seluruh kapal perang (KRI) dari kelas sejenis dan jenis lainnya yang saat ini dimiliki dan dioperasionalkan TNI AL.

KRI Teluk Jakarta-541 yang sedang melaksanakan operasi dukungan laut pergeseran logistik ke wilayah timur mengalami kebocoran yang mengakibatkan tenggelam pada kedalaman sekitar 90 meter di perairan timur laut Pulau Kangean, Jatim.

Kadispenal TNI AL Laksamana Pertama TNI M Zaenal mengatakan peristiwa itu terjadi pada Selasa (14/7) pagi sekitar pukul 09.00 WIB ketika gelombang laut di sekitar lokasi saat kejadian cukup tinggi antar 2,5 sampai dengan 4 meter. Seluruh anak buah kapal KRI Teluk Jakarta-541 yang berjumlah 55 orang dalam keadaan selamat.

"54 ABK diselamatkan oleh KM Tanto Sejahtera yang sedang berlayar di posisi 5 NM dari lokasi kejadian, satu ABK lainnya ditolong oleh KM Dobonsolo," tutur Kadispenal.


I will upload the full article, there's so much information needed in this

Boeing ready for US-RI Osprey deal
  • Novan Iman Santosa
Jakarta / Sat, July 18 2020 / 01:00 am

An air crew walks around a V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft in a pre-departure check in this file picture. Defense and aerospace giant Boeing said that it was ready to move forward with the possible sale of the aircraft to Indonesia.(Courtesy of/Boeing)
Defense and aerospace giant Boeing said it was looking forward to working closely with the United States and Indonesia to finalize a possible US$2 billion deal for Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft.

“Congressional notification is an important step in the United States’ Foreign Military Sales [FMS] process, so we’re pleased that a potential V-22 acquisition by Indonesia has entered this phase,” Boeing said in a statement to The Jakarta Post dated July 15.

“Currently, the US military is buying the V-22 under the Multiyear Procurement III [MYP III] contract. Completion of this sale in 2020 will allow Indonesia to receive the MYP III pricing already negotiated by the US government for its aircraft.”

An agency of the US Defense Department, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), announced on July 6 that the US State Department had “made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Indonesia of eight MV-22 Block C Osprey aircraft and related equipment for an estimated cost of $2 billion”.

“The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today,” the DSCA said in a statement dated July 6.

After the DSCA announced the US State Department’s approval, many in the Indonesian defense establishment said they were unaware of any plan to acquire Osprey. The DSCA announcement of an FMS, however, can only be made after a letter of request is sent by a potential buyer.

In an FMS, a potential buyer negotiates with the US government instead of with defense contractors. One advantage of this method is that the purchase can be included in a US military procurement program that is already underway, often reducing the price for the buyer and increasing interoperability with the US.

Another path to acquiring US primary weapons systems (Alutsista) is through direct commercial sales, in which a foreign buyer negotiates directly with a defense contractor.

In its statement, Boeing identified the Indonesian Army as the Osprey’s potential user.

“The V-22 would enable the Indonesian Army to reach those areas and rapidly respond to crises across Indonesia and the region at large with its own organic aviation assets,” the company said.

“Bell Boeing has been in ongoing discussions with the Indonesian government and Indonesian companies to develop the best possible approach to address requirements pertaining to this Foreign Military Sale in support of TNI-AD and local industry.”

The Osprey was designed and is manufactured jointly by Boeing and helicopter maker Bell.

“The Bell Boeing V-22 has speed, range and vertical lift capabilities unlike any other production aircraft, making it the ideal aircraft for operations across Indonesia,” said Boeing.

“The tilt-rotor’s unique ability to reach areas inaccessible by airplanes while traveling at twice the speed of helicopters is a force multiplier in any type of military operation.”

When asked on Friday about Boeing identifying the Army as the branch of the military that would be using the Osprey, Army chief spokesman Brig. Gen. Nefra Firdaus said he was not aware of the possible procurement of the Osprey.

Separately, Gita Amperiawan, director of technology at state-owned aircraft maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI), said there had been no deals on industrial cooperation with Boeing in regard to the possible Osprey deal.

“However, we did sign a memorandum of understanding with Boeing in August 2018 during the visit of then-defense minister Ryamizard Ryacudu to the US,” he told the Post on Thursday.

“We signed a joint development [agreement] on manufacturing technology, maintenance, support, training and certification.”

Gita added that he wanted to develop engineering work packages with Boeing, in which Boeing would pay PT DI employees to work on some of Boeing’s projects both at Boeing’s facilities in the US and at PT DI’s facility in Bandung, West Java.

“This way we can really learn the process and gain the experience and know-how,” he said.

The participation of local industry in arms manufacturing is mandated by Law No. 12/2016 on the defense industry, which stipulates that all Alutsista should be procured locally.

Foreign arms can only be purchased when the local defense industry cannot produce the required Alutsista. Such procurement must be done in cooperation with local defense firms.

The DCSA’s announcement does not necessarily mean that Indonesia will get the Ospreys soon. The agency will have to get the US Congress’ approval within 30 days of the announcement. If there are no objections from Congress, the sale can move forward to contract signing.
As long as there's missiles on board I'm good. I ain't picky.
Seems when Kemenhan and Kemendag put option for counter trade with commodities, it seems the said items is not on the hot or prority list anymore

the list for a while
KFX, Brahmos and Su 35
Look like Prabowo intend to outsourcing the jobs in "pangan" sector to Sandiaga Uno, LoL.

Indonesian Army awards contract to Scytalys for its Interoperability Command and Control System
Defense News July 2020 Global Security army industry
Posted On Thursday, 16 July 2020 14:27

Scytalys announced it has received a 49$ M contract award from the Indonesian Ministry of Defence, through an open competitive tender, for the provision of the Indonesian Armed Forces’ Interoperability Command & Control System.
Follow Army Recognition on Google News at this link


Interoperability Command & Control System (Picture source: Scytalys)

The system, which Scytalys undertakes to implement and deliver within a 3-year time frame, includes the following elements:
• Design and development of the Indonesian National Data Link system
• Design and development of a centralized state-of-the-art C4ISR system and related new facilities, synthesizing the Common Operational Picture and increasing Situational Awareness
• Integration of Command Centers from all branches (Army, Navy and Air Force) to the C4ISR system
• Design and development of an integrated remote Surveillance and Monitoring system, further enhancing the Situational Awareness and Interoperability.

The program will establish the National Interoperability Framework for the Indonesian Armed Forces and will pave the way in realizing their Network Centric Operations requirements and objectives, so much needed in modern warfare. This will in turn prove to be a Force Multiplier for the Indonesian Armed Forces, reinforcing their capabilities and effectiveness. “We greatly value this contract award, which we consider of strategic importance, as it will enable the Indonesian Armed Forces to acquire the necessary National Data Link, C4ISR systems, technologies and facilities in order to build their Interoperability Framework and conduct their inter and intra-service Network Centric Operations into the future. Scytalys is committed to delivering a turnkey solution that will fully satisfy the Indonesian MoD’s requirements”, said Dimitris Karantzavelos, CEO of Scytalys.

“This success has been preceded by other contracts awards for Scytalys in the Far East, not only in Indonesia but also in S. Korea and Japan. The company is poised to take advantage of the global trend in multiplying the value-added of different defense assets by linking them together” said Nick Papatsas, Member of the Board of Scytalys, representing EFA Group, the main owner of Scytalys. “We believe that Scytalys will repeat the success of THEON Sensors, our other global leader company in night vision and thermal imaging systems”, Mr. Papatsas added.

Scytalys S.A. (ex. Interoperability Systems International Hellas) specializes in the design, development, integration, installation, testing, and follow-on support of Tactical Data Links and Interoperability solutions, Mission and Command & Control systems and Mission and ISR solutions.


I am forgot Indonesia is Theon user right now
Some people on Facebook and blogs said that this Scytalys product is actually just a rebranding of "a certain country in middle east that we have a love-hate relationship with", is that true?
maybe because of covid19 submarines contract got suspended, we haven't pay advanced payment 1 bio USD

3. kfx
4. wedgetail aew&c
5. tanker?
6. long range MPA
"Kontrak-kontra Alutsista, kontrak senjata di Kemenhan senilai 3,4 miliar dolar. Dia (Prabowo) bilang ke saya, saya tidak mau terlibat korupsi, ini kontrak korup," ujar Hasim di Jakarta, Jumat (17/7/2020).

If the quote is accurate, it would most likely be small arms, light vehicles, support equipment, light vessels, and other stuff. High profile acquisition projects like Wedgetails, Tankers, MPA's, KFX, etc. are pretty hard to corrupt especially if it involves a G2G scheme like the FMS system.
How about our CL 515 amphibious aircraft for TNI AU is the contract being effective yet? Last minister is such jerk
Already effective if i remember correctly, first aircraft to arrive in 2024

Good if it is the case then, there is many projects actually need review and implementation. But the last minister not only he is crippling himself with Deny of Vice minister post and just focusing himself into Bela Negara programme. (Don't know how much money he is squabble for such program)
Some people on Facebook and blogs said that this Scytalys product is actually just a rebranding of "a certain country in middle east that we have a love-hate relationship with", is that true?
no it isn't its greece....so does pandur turet it made in brazil .....
no it isn't its greece....so does pandur turet it made in brazil .....
The greece one is pure greece , while ARES literally cite their own companies as subsidiaries of ELBIT system on their website.
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