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yeah i just noticed it

if it was la fayette , i don't think it was more capable than our current SIGMA 10514 .

To be able to gain more platform at speed at this kind of condition is always a welcoming progress, to build more Sigma you need at least three to four years meanwhile our platforms is at streched limit if i must say
the latest alman post about "advanced country" offering their used frigate .

most logical rumour list yet.
-La Fayette
-Type 23

Anzac have the most powerful sensor overall , the one that fitted with CEAFAR AESA radar would fitted well as our stopgap frigate waiting for iver to be done , and perhaps our pamen pati in TNI will be "Kepincut" with CEAFAR performance .

Based on what I heard from certain WA groups and forums, I think its the La Fayette-class. If it is, is it possible to add a VLS on that thing since it looks like it still has the space.

To be honest, I can see Chestnut's point, both F-16V & KFX is/going to be 4.5 gen fighter and the only difference is the F-16V is the more mature & proven platform out of the two. Other than because of hubris, it's a no brainer to emphasize our investment in more F-16 variant for our air force.

To be fair, the KFX has more growth potential since Block 2 and Block 3 are planned on being 5th gen while the F-16 airframe is basically already pushed to its potential. Its the maturity and the relevant capability for the timeframe I'm worried about. Since manufacturing is going to only start in 2026 so that means operational capability is by 2030's but by then you'll have more countries operating more mature and probably more advanced 5th gens like the F-35 as well as 6th gen development like FCAS and Tempest rolling out. Meanwhile we might still be at it with the 4.5 gen KFX if we only have that as the sole option. That's why I still support KFX as a lower tier or twin-engine complement, but it's not a good idea if its the only sole option, let alone sacrificing more necessary acquisitions like F-16V that we need in the short term for an uncertain long-term project like the KFX. I am actually hoping for a possible future fleet of F-16V + KFX + F-35A/B for the 2030's and beyond.
Based on what I heard from certain WA groups and forums, I think its the La Fayette-class. If it is, is it possible to add a VLS on that thing since it looks like it still has the space.

To be fair, the KFX has more growth potential since Block 2 and Block 3 are planned on being 5th gen while the F-16 airframe is basically already pushed to its potential. Its the maturity and the relevant capability for the timeframe I'm worried about. Since manufacturing is going to only start in 2026 so that means operational capability is by 2030's but by then you'll have more countries operating more mature and probably more advanced 5th gens like the F-35 as well as 6th gen development like FCAS and Tempest rolling out. Meanwhile we might still be at it with the 4.5 gen KFX if we only have that as the sole option. That's why I still support KFX as a lower tier or twin-engine complement, but it's not a good idea if its the only sole option, let alone sacrificing more necessary acquisitions like F-16V that we need in the short term for an uncertain long-term project like the KFX. I am actually hoping for a possible future fleet of F-16V + KFX + F-35A/B for the 2030's and beyond.

as far i know we only built kfx for block 1, have we renegotiate the MoU? IMHO if south korea plan to make block 3 as 5th gen then we should renegotiate the MoU so we have bigger share not just a junior partner, but that should happen if block 1 real mature platform and proven

yeah i just noticed it

if it was la fayette , i don't think it was more capable than our current SIGMA 10514 .

that is anzac class in picture,

alman said frigates, if they're la fayette how much number precisly since they build only 5 hulls?
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OK then keep importing weapon until Indonesia reach the year 2100. Did we ever learn the mistake of our ancestor in the past that only think about buying rifle and never think about making one ???? On the other hand there is Japanese with Meiji restoration that make Japanese can surpasses many western countries.
And this is my point exactly.
as far i know we only built kfx for block 1, have we renegotiate the MoU? IMHO if south korea plan to make block 3 as 5th gen then we should renegotiate the MoU so we have bigger share not just a junior partner, but that should happen if block 1 real mature platform and proven

that is anzac class in picture,

alman said frigates, if they're la fayette how much number precisly since they build only 5 hulls?
anzac class are frigates .
To be fair, the KFX has more growth potential since Block 2 and Block 3 are planned on being 5th gen while the F-16 airframe is basically already pushed to its potential. Its the maturity and the relevant capability for the timeframe I'm worried about. Since manufacturing is going to only start in 2026 so that means operational capability is by 2030's but by then you'll have more countries operating more mature and probably more advanced 5th gens like the F-35 as well as 6th gen development like FCAS and Tempest rolling out. Meanwhile we might still be at it with the 4.5 gen KFX if we only have that as the sole option. That's why I still support KFX as a lower tier or twin-engine complement, but it's not a good idea if its the only sole option, let alone sacrificing more necessary acquisitions like F-16V that we need in the short term for an uncertain long-term project like the KFX. I am actually hoping for a possible future fleet of F-16V + KFX + F-35A/B for the 2030's and beyond.
If the projected ordnance load is closer to the Strike Eagle's 23,000lbs load, then by all means continue the program. If not, you're better off just buying into the EX and swapping the F-16's to F-35's.
If the projected ordnance load is closer to the Strike Eagle's 23,000lbs load, then by all means continue the program. If not, you're better off just buying into the EX and swapping the F-16's to F-35's.
KFX is more closer to F-15 in payload than F-16, being a two-engine fighter with comparable weight, but slightly lower payload for the sake of reduced RCS and perhaps future incorporation of internal weapons bay.
Indonesia must side with one favours to our interests

We're all " Pro Indonesia "
I love these two quotes. Basically says everything on how we are suppouse to see things regarding politics in and out of our borderline. The other thing is dont be "baper", poilitcs isnt constant so we have to adjust our direction accordingly base on our own Interest.

Why some observer can't do their jobs properly and doing some research


Kendaraan militer Pindad: Pembelian 500 Rantis Maung - antara 'tidak mendesak di tengah wabah virus corona' serta mendorong 'industri dalam negeri
16 Juli 2020


Keterangan gambar,
Prabowo dan tim dari PT. Pindad mencoba kendaraan Rantis Maung 4x4.

Pengamat militer mengkritik kebijakan Kementerian Pertahanan yang membeli kendaraan taktis (rantis) Maung buatan PT Pindad sebagai kebutuhan "tidak mendesak" dan perlu dialihkan ke dana kesehatan, namun Kemhan menyebut pembelian itu perlu untuk mendukung industri dalam negeri.

Kementerian Pertahanan di bawah Prabowo Subianto akan membeli sebanyak 500 unit dalam tahap pertama seharga Rp600 juta per unit dengan total pembelian mencapai 3.000 unit.

"Saya kira pembelian dalam jumlah hingga 500 unit ini tidak mendesak untuk segera dilaksanakan. Kita butuh memang rantis untuk peremajaan, tapi apakah harus sebanyak itu di tengah Indonesia fokus menghadapi wabah corona?" kata pengamat militer dari Institute for Security and Strategic Studies ( ISESS), Khairul Fahmi, Rabu (15/07).

Senada dengan itu, pengamat militer dari Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) Muhamad Haripin memandang pembelian rantis lebih didorong oleh pertimbangan pemulihan ekonomi nasional yang terdampak virus corona, dibandingkan pertimbangan strategis kebutuhan alat utama sistem pertahanan atau alutsista.

Menjawab pertanyaan BBC News Indonesia, Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Wahyu Sakti Trenggono menegaskan pembelian rantis ini memang untuk mendorong industri dalam negeri yang kini tengah lesu akibat dari wabah virus corona."Kalau PT Pindad bisa produksi maka diharapkan ekonomi sekitarnya akan tetap berjalan karena dampanya kan bagus untuk ekonomi kita," kata Wahyu kepada BBC News Indonesia.Wahyu pun menambahkan pembelian Rantis juga merupakan dukungan kepada industri dalam negeri, "agar Pindad bisa melakukan rancang bangun kendaran rantis, dengan membeli produk mereka."

Dalam akun Instagram, Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto yang terlihat tengah mengendari kendaraan Rantis 4X4 yang diberi nama Maung menulis, "Kementerian Pertahanan akan terus mendukung upaya peningkatan produksi alutsista dalam negeri, serta mendukung program penelitian dan pengembangan, agar nantinya seluruh hasil produksi dalam negeri dapat mandiri secara utuh".

Sebelumnya Presiden Joko Widodo memperingkatkan para menterinya untuk membatasi belanja produk luar negeri, dan memberikan penekanan khusus kepada Kementerian Pertahanan.

"Saya minta semuanya dipercepat, terutama yang anggarannya besar-besar. Ini Kemendikbud ada Rp70,7 triliun, Kemensos Rp104,4 triliun, Kemenhan Rp117,9 triliun, Polri Rp92,6 triliun, Kementerian Perhubungan Rp32,7 triliun," kata Presiden Joko Widodo melalui laman Presiden RI, Rabu (08/07).'



Keterangan gambar,
Prabowo dan tim dari PT. Pindad mencoba kendaraan Rantis Maung 4x4.

Jokowi menambahkan, "Misalnya di Kemenhan, bisa saja di DI (Dirgantara Indonesia), beli di Pindad, beli di PAL. Yang bayar di sini ya yang cash, cash, cash. APBN (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara), beli produk dalam negeri. Saya kira Pak Menhan juga lebih tahu mengenai ini".

Direktur Utama PT Pindad, Abraham Mose, menyampaikan Rantis Maung dihargai Rp600 juta per unit. Kendaraan ini menggunakan mesin Toyota Hilux 2.400 cc, 4-silinder dengan turbocharger dan disebut memiliki kecepatan hingga 120 kilometer per jam.

Dilansir dari pindad.com, sistem persenjataan juga dipasang pada Rantis Maung seperti bracket senjata kaliber 7,62 mm dan konsol senapan serbu SS2-V4, perangkat GPS navigasi dan tracker kendaraan serta perlengkapan lainnya.

Perlu alutsista untuk laut dan udara
Pengamat militer dari Institute for Security and Strategic Studies ( ISESS), Khairul Fahmi, mengatakan selain tidak mendesak dan jumlahnya terlalu banyak, kebutuhan keperluan alat utama sistem pertahanan atau alutsista yang diperlukan Indonesia adalah di laut dan udara.

"Apakah mendesak? Saya kira tidak mendesak, apalagi jumlah belanja yang cukup besar 500 unit tahun ini dari rencana 3.000 unit. Ditambah lagi kita tahu kebutuhan terbesar kita bukan di darat, tapi di laut dan di udara," kata Khairul.

Mengapa tidak mendesak? Pertama, kendaraan ini nantinya hanya akan berfungsi sebagai kendaraan operasional mobilitas semata para komandan dan personel karena Indonesia tidak menghadapi ancaman pertempuran jarak dekat yang membutuhkan Rantis Maung. Kecuali, kendaraan ini ditempatkan di daerah konflik seperti di Papua, dan Sulawesi Tengah.

"Kedua, dikaitkan dengan situasi Covid sekarang, lebih baik dana itu digunakan untuk membeli alat kesehatan. Jadi perlu dibeli namun tidak sebanyak itu dan perlu dikaji ulang jumlahnya, di titik-titik mana yang menjadi prioritas. Jangan sampai jadi terkesan mengabaikan situasi saat ini yang sedang berkonsentrasi dalam penanganan wabah Covid-19," katanya.

Ketiga, kata Khairul, adalah karena mesin Rantis Maung berasal dari impor punya Toyota.

"Kalau mesin masih impor kan artinya ada biaya tambahan yang mahal. Sebaiknya kita belanja seperlunya, selebihnya dialokasikan untuk pengembangan riset rantis, sehingga komponen impor menjadi sedikit bahkan sepenuhnya diproduksi di dalam negeri.

Pertimbangan ekonomi nasional


Keterangan gambar,
Menhan Prabowo Subianto saat rapat dengar pendapat dengan DPR.

Senada dengan itu, pengamat militer dari Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Muhamad Haripin, melihat pembelian Rantis Maung didorong oleh pertimbangan "perintah presiden."

"Jadi ibarat kata lebih didorong oleh supply force bahwa Pindad punya maka dibeli oleh Kemhan. Dan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konteks perintah presiden untuk refocusing anggaran dan mendorong ekonomi nasional," kata Haripin.

Selain itu ia juga melihat pembelian Rantis Maung ini lebih condong ke pendekatan "membeli alatnya dulu baru memanfaatkan secara maksimal kemudian" dibandingkan pendekatan "merencanakan dahulu untuk membeli alat apa yang dibutuhkan".

"Rantis ini akan berguna maksimal jika digunakan sebagai transportasi pengaman perbatasan untuk mengatasi hambatan geografis seperti jalan yang rusak, sungai, dan lainnya," katanya.

Pakai mesin Toyota
Pengamat militer dari Universitas Indonesia, Connie Rahakundini, mengapresiasi keputusan Prabowo membeli Rantis Maung dari Pindad karena merupakan bentuk spin in teknologi sipil yang diterapkan dalam produk militer di tengah sepinya order alutsista militer saat ini.

"Ini bukan saja menjamin kelangsungan operasional kendaraan taktis TNI, namun berpotensi memberikan kontribusi pajak dari penjualan versi sipil ke masyarakat. Namun perlu diingat, ini baru keterampilan menjahit saja karena mesin turbo dieselnya masih mendatangkan dari Toyota (melalui Astra)," kata Connie.

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Connie mendorong Pindad agar menjadi manufaktur otomotif yang mampu membuat komponen utama rantis yaitu mesin diselnya.

"Karena penguasaan mesin diesel adalah salah satu kunci mesin pertahanan, mulai dari jeep, panser, tank hingga kapal perang membutuhkan mesin diesel. Anggap kita berpikir terjadi embargo, mampu tidak kita produksi Maung kalau diembargo misalnya." katanya.

Ia juga mengingatkan jangan sampai perintah presiden untuk mengunakan produk dalam negeri malah menimbulkan 'pemaksaan' yang mengakibatkan kesemuan (psudo) dalam industri pertahanan dan tekonologi.

"Seperti contoh dulu, Angkatan Darat order beberapa drone yang diproduksi swasta dalam negeri dan semuanya jatuh. Pas dicek ternyata beli dari luar dan diotak-atik, lalu dikasih merek seolah-olah buatan dalam negeri. Ini tidak boleh terjadi. Caranya dengan mengaktifkan KKIP, Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan yang diisi oleh orang-orang terpilih dan bersih," katanya.

Alasan Kemhan membeli Rantis Maung
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Terkait prioritas belanja, juru bicara Prabowo, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, menjelaskan bahwa Kemhan memprioritaskan belanja di dalam negeri.

"Dari total Rp117 triliun alokasi anggaran Kemhan 2020 digunakan 55% untuk belanja prajurit TNI dan ASN Kemhan-TNI, 20% operasional, perawatan alutsista dan lain-lain, ditambah fokus back up penanganan Covid-19," kata Dahnil Kamis (09/07) lalu.

Dahnil menambahkan, porsi anggara belanja alutsista yang kurang dari 25% dari total anggaran akan diprioritaskan ke industri dalam negeri, dan jika tersedia akan akan digunakan skema joint production supaya ada upaya alih teknologi, baru sisanya bila mendesak dan harus segera dan tidak ada substitusinya tentu kita beli dari negara produsen alutsista di luar negeri," jelasnya.

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"Jadi, kalau bicara belanja Kemhan secara agregat maka 85% dibelanjakan di dalam negeri," katanya.

Selain Rantis Maung, sebelumnya Kemhan juga memesan 1.000 ventilator, 25 ribu pucuk senjata, dan empat miliar amunisi dari PT Pindad.
If the aim is to build indigenous diesel engine just like Cornie said then by all means go ahead and do it. Tho I prefer Private sector to handle this kind of project. Our BUMN track record isnt that great in manufacturing area. If the project ended up asking APBN for Penyertaan Modal Negara then we might as well just kill the project now. On the other hand Kemenhan have to see from the manufacture perspective as well, the quantity they going to order must meet the economic scale thus making the Maung engine locally can be economically sustainable and most importantly bankable. Something that we have failed in many prototype project before, expecting big but ordering small.

and now @Indos talking big about to produce indigenous fighter without even creating bigger demands of market from our own Armed Forces and creating the ecosystem for the industry to thrive first. South Korea importing large number of F 5 and F 16 secure their license production and let their own company to become contractor for components of their aircraft which numbered in hundreds. The experience they accumulated let them confidence to finish the KFX WITH OR WITHOUT Indonesia actually.
I couldnt have said it better bruh. We are under the assumption of being able to make our own fighter after this project completed, some of us failed to realize how the reality of our aviation "industri komponen" is scale wise and technology wise and how they going to interact with it. Hell, I prefer we buy 48 Viper and ask them to use our own locally made "Baut" (aerospace grade bolt) for all the viper we going to buy. Which afaik we arent able to make "baut" for aviation industry for now thus making this step crucial as a baby step for our future aviation industry and other industry. BPPT can help making the research then private sector can gain the benefit by being able to produce aerospace grade bolt. No Indonesian in this forum would not love to see our own made fighter, But we need to do the reality check from time to time.
KFX is more closer to F-15 in payload than F-16, being a two-engine fighter with comparable weight, but slightly lower payload for the sake of reduced RCS and perhaps future incorporation of internal weapons bay.

Dunno why not get the F 18 E/F instead as the requirement of KFX/IFX is more closer to the hornets

AESA radar, check
JHMCS , check
Conformal Fuel Tank, check
IRST system, check
Elektronic Attack variant, check
17,750 lbs armament provision, check

Combat range for Super hornets is around 722 km for interdiction roles,

At the current pace look like KFX will be Korean Made fighter solely manufactured and produced in South Korea
Yonif Mekanis 411 , inspection 16 July 2020

Seems those M113 had been through overhaul and repairing process

Dunno why not get the F 18 E/F instead as the requirement of KFX/IFX is more closer to the hornets

AESA radar, check
JHMCS , check
Conformal Fuel Tank, check
IRST system, check
Elektronic Attack variant, check
17,750 lbs armament provision, check

Combat range for Super hornets is around 722 km for interdiction roles,

At the current pace look like KFX will be Korean Made fighter solely manufactured and produced in South Korea
F-16, Sukhois, F-15, F-18, F-35, KFX.....seriously?

Better to just cut it to F-16, KFX and F-35

F-16 : Already large quantity of them, established infrastructure, common spareparts and airframe availability, upgrade package is readiliy available

KFX : Strategic medium-fighter program that could both benefit the air force by it's own and as importantly to the defense industry, no matter how much of a share the manufacturing and design PTDI will do, it'll still be vaulable and not to mention providing us with competitive advantage of advanced fighters that we can maintain by ourselves, reducing our reliance on constant imports.

Really in testing time anyone would think that foreign countries could maintain these weapons as good as if we could master the technology by ourselves? sounds like people are amnesiac of parts embargo that hit us back then well? these people forbid us from using weapons when we need them the most! how ridiculous that is! idk if you guys insist that we should stay being consumer all of our existence so be it, but remember that no strong country in this world cannot manufacture it's own weapons.

F-35 : Nuff said, already a potential customer and that strengthening terms with US and Australia will eventually leads us to F-35 program, but for me it should be beneficial to both the F-16 and KFX program that we have by then, again not just passive consumer of traded goods that only makes us dependent on the supplier.
Dunno why not get the F 18 E/F instead as the requirement of KFX/IFX is more closer to the hornets

AESA radar, check
JHMCS , check
Conformal Fuel Tank, check
IRST system, check
Elektronic Attack variant, check
17,750 lbs armament provision, check

Combat range for Super hornets is around 722 km for interdiction roles,

At the current pace look like KFX will be Korean Made fighter solely manufactured and produced in South Korea

How many units actually given to us to produce locally on PT.DI? And how much percentage contricution on our local content for kfx?

F-16, Sukhois, F-15, F-18, F-35, KFX.....seriously?

Better to just cut it to F-16, KFX and F-35

F-16 : Already large quantity of them, established infrastructure, common spareparts and airframe availability, upgrade package is readiliy available

KFX : Strategic medium-fighter program that could both benefit the air force by it's own and as importantly to the defense industry, no matter how much of a share the manufacturing and design PTDI will do, it'll still be vaulable and not to mention providing us with competitive advantage of advanced fighters that we can maintain by ourselves, reducing our reliance on constant imports.

Really in testing time anyone would think that foreign countries could maintain these weapons as good as if we could master the technology by ourselves? sounds like people are amnesiac of parts embargo that hit us back then well? these people forbid us from using weapons when we need them the most! how ridiculous that is! idk if you guys insist that we should stay being consumer all of our existence so be it, but remember that no strong country in this world cannot manufacture it's own weapons.

F-35 : Nuff said, already a potential customer and that strengthening terms with US and Australia will eventually leads us to F-35 program, but for me it should be beneficial to both the F-16 and KFX program that we have by then, again not just passive consumer of traded goods that only makes us dependent on the supplier.

Quite reasonable, i think our next gen front line Will be like this, except maybe f16 has maximumized their potentials beyond 2030
F-16, Sukhois, F-15, F-18, F-35, KFX.....seriously?

Better to just cut it to F-16, KFX and F-35

F-16 : Already large quantity of them, established infrastructure, common spareparts and airframe availability, upgrade package is readiliy available

KFX : Strategic medium-fighter program that could both benefit the air force by it's own and as importantly to the defense industry, no matter how much of a share the manufacturing and design PTDI will do, it'll still be vaulable and not to mention providing us with competitive advantage of advanced fighters that we can maintain by ourselves, reducing our reliance on constant imports.

Really in testing time anyone would think that foreign countries could maintain these weapons as good as if we could master the technology by ourselves? sounds like people are amnesiac of parts embargo that hit us back then well? these people forbid us from using weapons when we need them the most! how ridiculous that is! idk if you guys insist that we should stay being consumer all of our existence so be it, but remember that no strong country in this world cannot manufacture it's own weapons.

F-35 : Nuff said, already a potential customer and that strengthening terms with US and Australia will eventually leads us to F-35 program, but for me it should be beneficial to both the F-16 and KFX program that we have by then, again not just passive consumer of traded goods that only makes us dependent on the supplier.

No, i don't urge for F 18, just keep wondering why keep the KFX specs actually so close with F 18 and even for further up grade F 18 had option for enclosed weapon pod. Not to mention their engines is the same.

This would be like F 18 with European flavor in it, as there is planning to get European system within...

And you should look at my previous post above. The ridiculous ones is even when KFX is came online there still many many restriction can be imposed upon us, as there is no much (of nothing) sub system actually came from us, even when we are talking about 20 percentage of cost share and the Korean seems confidence to do the research of the critical sub system on their own. What we got and share with them within this project actually?

Missiles system? Nope
AESA radar? Nope
Integrated cockpit system? Nope
Navigation tracking system? Nope
IRST? Nope
Radar warning receiver? Nope
Flare and Chaff? Nope

If you get to Adex 2019 you will find they are very confidence to do it alone and found suitable supplier from other Ally countries of their.

If you are talking about software development they are more than enough to do it alone with their tonnes experience when doing T/A 50 and secure license for F16. There is many still questioning our own worth within the project and how came we joint this one in first place not trying to build upon the foundation first like build light jet attack/trainer in which we are needed them in number.

And to do so why not trying to enlarge our Air Force first, build more fighter squadron to gain economy scale needed for sub system maker can Made profit, Made concession with OEM to do maintenance at Indonesia and further upgrade option with sub system made in Indonesia.

How many units actually given to us to produce locally on PT.DI? And how much percentage contricution on our local content for kfx?

Quite reasonable, i think our next gen front line Will be like this, except maybe f16 has maximumized their potentials beyond 2030

Thats subject of our discontent before, the Korean actually doesnt need us very much and they can dictate the Patent technology clausul over this projects as Indonesia actually very lacking in avionic sub system technology and industrial engineering especially for fighter technology, meanwhile Korean got Hanwa and Lig Next1 as their proponent supplier with international reputation. So what our Air frame maker of PT DI can offer actually? To Made Airframe components and Fuselage!! This actually not much worth for 20 percentage of cost share we are burdened with.
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