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Btw PRC and ROC is almost the same shit with different clothes regarding their claims over Natuna water and nine Dash line (in which the ROC seemed more crazier than their communist counterpart), so the motion of one China policy is still same to me and somewhat better to preserve the current status quo and let USA to re arming but with limited capability of Taiwan to draw the attention of their communist brethen from the South China Sea.
Both are nasty to us, the difference is the bigger one has luxury to try enforcing on us the smaller one doesn't and yes i'd rather keeping the current situation. 66 F-16V and 100 M1 Abrams MBTs aren't going to win anything for them yet enough to draw the attention elsewhere
Now that's the basic reality in this world not just in broader state to state politics but smaller at community life politics

We all need to be working more smarter and harder to catch up with them. Building a proper Navy and Air Force needs a lot of money, without money you can only depends on donation and other interest to arming you (in which we had the cases of several Nation to become the mercenary dogs of the more powerful countries). This money Will not come from heaven, God grief, trying to be rich is actually the greatest Jihad we can ever try.
We all need to be working more smarter and harder to catch up with them. Building a proper Navy and Air Force needs a lot of money, without money you can only depends on donation and other interest to arming you (in which we had the cases of several Nation to become the mercenary dogs of the more powerful countries). This money Will not come from heaven, God grief, trying to be rich is actually the greatest Jihad we can ever try.
To elevate our status, to rebalance US$ - ID Rp exchange, to increase foreign investment, creating jobs and living here, boosting our GDP. Those are necessary efforts to grow strong military thus a strong fair, free independent state, all of these which lead for the improvement on the next generation so they can live in much better situation than us, esteemed honourably in the world.
Why some observer can't do their jobs properly and doing some research


Kendaraan militer Pindad: Pembelian 500 Rantis Maung - antara 'tidak mendesak di tengah wabah virus corona' serta mendorong 'industri dalam negeri
16 Juli 2020


Keterangan gambar,
Prabowo dan tim dari PT. Pindad mencoba kendaraan Rantis Maung 4x4.

Pengamat militer mengkritik kebijakan Kementerian Pertahanan yang membeli kendaraan taktis (rantis) Maung buatan PT Pindad sebagai kebutuhan "tidak mendesak" dan perlu dialihkan ke dana kesehatan, namun Kemhan menyebut pembelian itu perlu untuk mendukung industri dalam negeri.

Kementerian Pertahanan di bawah Prabowo Subianto akan membeli sebanyak 500 unit dalam tahap pertama seharga Rp600 juta per unit dengan total pembelian mencapai 3.000 unit.

"Saya kira pembelian dalam jumlah hingga 500 unit ini tidak mendesak untuk segera dilaksanakan. Kita butuh memang rantis untuk peremajaan, tapi apakah harus sebanyak itu di tengah Indonesia fokus menghadapi wabah corona?" kata pengamat militer dari Institute for Security and Strategic Studies ( ISESS), Khairul Fahmi, Rabu (15/07).

Senada dengan itu, pengamat militer dari Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) Muhamad Haripin memandang pembelian rantis lebih didorong oleh pertimbangan pemulihan ekonomi nasional yang terdampak virus corona, dibandingkan pertimbangan strategis kebutuhan alat utama sistem pertahanan atau alutsista.

Menjawab pertanyaan BBC News Indonesia, Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Wahyu Sakti Trenggono menegaskan pembelian rantis ini memang untuk mendorong industri dalam negeri yang kini tengah lesu akibat dari wabah virus corona."Kalau PT Pindad bisa produksi maka diharapkan ekonomi sekitarnya akan tetap berjalan karena dampanya kan bagus untuk ekonomi kita," kata Wahyu kepada BBC News Indonesia.Wahyu pun menambahkan pembelian Rantis juga merupakan dukungan kepada industri dalam negeri, "agar Pindad bisa melakukan rancang bangun kendaran rantis, dengan membeli produk mereka."

Dalam akun Instagram, Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto yang terlihat tengah mengendari kendaraan Rantis 4X4 yang diberi nama Maung menulis, "Kementerian Pertahanan akan terus mendukung upaya peningkatan produksi alutsista dalam negeri, serta mendukung program penelitian dan pengembangan, agar nantinya seluruh hasil produksi dalam negeri dapat mandiri secara utuh".

Sebelumnya Presiden Joko Widodo memperingkatkan para menterinya untuk membatasi belanja produk luar negeri, dan memberikan penekanan khusus kepada Kementerian Pertahanan.

"Saya minta semuanya dipercepat, terutama yang anggarannya besar-besar. Ini Kemendikbud ada Rp70,7 triliun, Kemensos Rp104,4 triliun, Kemenhan Rp117,9 triliun, Polri Rp92,6 triliun, Kementerian Perhubungan Rp32,7 triliun," kata Presiden Joko Widodo melalui laman Presiden RI, Rabu (08/07).'



Keterangan gambar,
Prabowo dan tim dari PT. Pindad mencoba kendaraan Rantis Maung 4x4.

Jokowi menambahkan, "Misalnya di Kemenhan, bisa saja di DI (Dirgantara Indonesia), beli di Pindad, beli di PAL. Yang bayar di sini ya yang cash, cash, cash. APBN (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara), beli produk dalam negeri. Saya kira Pak Menhan juga lebih tahu mengenai ini".

Direktur Utama PT Pindad, Abraham Mose, menyampaikan Rantis Maung dihargai Rp600 juta per unit. Kendaraan ini menggunakan mesin Toyota Hilux 2.400 cc, 4-silinder dengan turbocharger dan disebut memiliki kecepatan hingga 120 kilometer per jam.

Dilansir dari pindad.com, sistem persenjataan juga dipasang pada Rantis Maung seperti bracket senjata kaliber 7,62 mm dan konsol senapan serbu SS2-V4, perangkat GPS navigasi dan tracker kendaraan serta perlengkapan lainnya.

Perlu alutsista untuk laut dan udara
Pengamat militer dari Institute for Security and Strategic Studies ( ISESS), Khairul Fahmi, mengatakan selain tidak mendesak dan jumlahnya terlalu banyak, kebutuhan keperluan alat utama sistem pertahanan atau alutsista yang diperlukan Indonesia adalah di laut dan udara.

"Apakah mendesak? Saya kira tidak mendesak, apalagi jumlah belanja yang cukup besar 500 unit tahun ini dari rencana 3.000 unit. Ditambah lagi kita tahu kebutuhan terbesar kita bukan di darat, tapi di laut dan di udara," kata Khairul.

Mengapa tidak mendesak? Pertama, kendaraan ini nantinya hanya akan berfungsi sebagai kendaraan operasional mobilitas semata para komandan dan personel karena Indonesia tidak menghadapi ancaman pertempuran jarak dekat yang membutuhkan Rantis Maung. Kecuali, kendaraan ini ditempatkan di daerah konflik seperti di Papua, dan Sulawesi Tengah.

"Kedua, dikaitkan dengan situasi Covid sekarang, lebih baik dana itu digunakan untuk membeli alat kesehatan. Jadi perlu dibeli namun tidak sebanyak itu dan perlu dikaji ulang jumlahnya, di titik-titik mana yang menjadi prioritas. Jangan sampai jadi terkesan mengabaikan situasi saat ini yang sedang berkonsentrasi dalam penanganan wabah Covid-19," katanya.

Ketiga, kata Khairul, adalah karena mesin Rantis Maung berasal dari impor punya Toyota.

"Kalau mesin masih impor kan artinya ada biaya tambahan yang mahal. Sebaiknya kita belanja seperlunya, selebihnya dialokasikan untuk pengembangan riset rantis, sehingga komponen impor menjadi sedikit bahkan sepenuhnya diproduksi di dalam negeri.

Pertimbangan ekonomi nasional


Keterangan gambar,
Menhan Prabowo Subianto saat rapat dengar pendapat dengan DPR.

Senada dengan itu, pengamat militer dari Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Muhamad Haripin, melihat pembelian Rantis Maung didorong oleh pertimbangan "perintah presiden."

"Jadi ibarat kata lebih didorong oleh supply force bahwa Pindad punya maka dibeli oleh Kemhan. Dan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konteks perintah presiden untuk refocusing anggaran dan mendorong ekonomi nasional," kata Haripin.

Selain itu ia juga melihat pembelian Rantis Maung ini lebih condong ke pendekatan "membeli alatnya dulu baru memanfaatkan secara maksimal kemudian" dibandingkan pendekatan "merencanakan dahulu untuk membeli alat apa yang dibutuhkan".

"Rantis ini akan berguna maksimal jika digunakan sebagai transportasi pengaman perbatasan untuk mengatasi hambatan geografis seperti jalan yang rusak, sungai, dan lainnya," katanya.

Pakai mesin Toyota
Pengamat militer dari Universitas Indonesia, Connie Rahakundini, mengapresiasi keputusan Prabowo membeli Rantis Maung dari Pindad karena merupakan bentuk spin in teknologi sipil yang diterapkan dalam produk militer di tengah sepinya order alutsista militer saat ini.

"Ini bukan saja menjamin kelangsungan operasional kendaraan taktis TNI, namun berpotensi memberikan kontribusi pajak dari penjualan versi sipil ke masyarakat. Namun perlu diingat, ini baru keterampilan menjahit saja karena mesin turbo dieselnya masih mendatangkan dari Toyota (melalui Astra)," kata Connie.

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Connie mendorong Pindad agar menjadi manufaktur otomotif yang mampu membuat komponen utama rantis yaitu mesin diselnya.

"Karena penguasaan mesin diesel adalah salah satu kunci mesin pertahanan, mulai dari jeep, panser, tank hingga kapal perang membutuhkan mesin diesel. Anggap kita berpikir terjadi embargo, mampu tidak kita produksi Maung kalau diembargo misalnya." katanya.

Ia juga mengingatkan jangan sampai perintah presiden untuk mengunakan produk dalam negeri malah menimbulkan 'pemaksaan' yang mengakibatkan kesemuan (psudo) dalam industri pertahanan dan tekonologi.

"Seperti contoh dulu, Angkatan Darat order beberapa drone yang diproduksi swasta dalam negeri dan semuanya jatuh. Pas dicek ternyata beli dari luar dan diotak-atik, lalu dikasih merek seolah-olah buatan dalam negeri. Ini tidak boleh terjadi. Caranya dengan mengaktifkan KKIP, Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan yang diisi oleh orang-orang terpilih dan bersih," katanya.

Alasan Kemhan membeli Rantis Maung
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Terkait prioritas belanja, juru bicara Prabowo, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, menjelaskan bahwa Kemhan memprioritaskan belanja di dalam negeri.

"Dari total Rp117 triliun alokasi anggaran Kemhan 2020 digunakan 55% untuk belanja prajurit TNI dan ASN Kemhan-TNI, 20% operasional, perawatan alutsista dan lain-lain, ditambah fokus back up penanganan Covid-19," kata Dahnil Kamis (09/07) lalu.

Dahnil menambahkan, porsi anggara belanja alutsista yang kurang dari 25% dari total anggaran akan diprioritaskan ke industri dalam negeri, dan jika tersedia akan akan digunakan skema joint production supaya ada upaya alih teknologi, baru sisanya bila mendesak dan harus segera dan tidak ada substitusinya tentu kita beli dari negara produsen alutsista di luar negeri," jelasnya.

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"Jadi, kalau bicara belanja Kemhan secara agregat maka 85% dibelanjakan di dalam negeri," katanya.

Selain Rantis Maung, sebelumnya Kemhan juga memesan 1.000 ventilator, 25 ribu pucuk senjata, dan empat miliar amunisi dari PT Pindad.
It is in fact undeniable there will be flare up north of us and for whatever that is, Indonesia will get the impact and we must be at the situation of full readiness. Indonesia for its national interests must always stand with winning one and the strongest one which so far is US. Indonesia has an issue with China as a " State " not " Ethnicity " somehow some people here often use " racial card " though it's not the case. Indonesia & China have conflict of interests regarding their claim and our EEZ and Indonesia must side with one favours to our interests

We dont know yet who will be the winning one. US is still the strongest now but it is declining, if your bet is wrong then Indonesia will be at disadvantage. US is stronger in term of military and a bit in economy NOW, but we dont know whether it will remain the same 10 years ahead. We have to see far ahead.
Besides siding with the strongest is also not in line with Indonesian principle of foreign affair.

Agree that some of us cannot distinguish between race issue and state issue, thats why I am always harsh to people who drag racial issue.

This is afterall Pakistani based site and despite their repetitive words on " Islamic brotherhood " their interest with Communist China is way stronger than with Muslim majority Indonesia. We will never have our justice here which is why i care solely in Indonesian thread

They are in cold war with India and India is their permanent threat. They need ally and the feasible ally currently is China which is growing rapidly to challenge US.

To elevate our status, to rebalance US$ - ID Rp exchange, to increase foreign investment, creating jobs and living here, boosting our GDP. Those are necessary efforts to grow strong military thus a strong fair, free independent state, all of these which lead for the improvement on the next generation so they can live in much better situation than us, esteemed honourably in the world.

Thats why we need to focus on economic development, take advantage of relationship with as many countries as possible.
We dont know yet who will be the winning one. US is still the strongest now but it is declining, if your bet is wrong then Indonesia will be at disadvantage. US is stronger in term of military and a bit in economy NOW, but we dont know whether it will remain the same 10 years ahead. We have to see far ahead.
Besides siding with the strongest is also not in line with Indonesian principle of foreign affair.

Agree that some of us cannot distinguish between race issue and state issue, thats why I am always harsh to people who drag racial issue.

They are in cold war with India and India is their permanent threat. They need ally and the feasible ally currently is China which is growing rapidly to challenge US.

Thats why we need to focus on economic development, take advantage of relationship with as many countries as possible.
And back again to my statement of Pro Indonesia. Indonesia doesn't and can't stand with those having conflict of interest on us, in this case Natuna. Indonesia can never sacrifice its EEZ and the whole value inside ( 145 TFC LNG and 10 millions oil ) inside in order in line with those having largest economic transaction, Indonesia will act accordingly and stands with one favour with us. Stop acting as neutral, act as Pro Indonesia. A country with 300 Billions US$ military spending can't compete with one with 700 Billions US$ that's certainty besides how many alliance China has besides the other one with NATO supports and Non NATO major allies in Indo-Pacific ( Name them Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, India, etc ) but these all don't matter back at point being pro Indonesia, Indonesia can't side with one trying to claim from us, to steal from us, to seize from us, to confiscate with us, we stand with the one in favour of us.
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Speaking from a pragmatic sense, we should not let our guard down regardless of who "won" in the end. If we have to do deal with either or both, we should always remember to think more of our own interest rather than any other parties, the bar minimum is protecting our sovereignity, beyond that are for the sake of nation's prosperity, and in my opinion it is obvious which one currently DID strive to control and influence nations in the region to be their "underlings", who are aggressively and blatantly trying to gallop territory out of nearly all of it's neighbor.

And personally, i wouldn't like a world under the control of the CEO of censorship and thought policing, who would buy people's mouth to shut up and shills for them starting from 50 cent a post.
16 JULY 2020

KF-X project on track but concerns grow about Indonesian involvement

by Jon Grevatt

Technicians from Indonesian aerospace firm PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) will soon be rejoining counterparts from Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to undertake work on developing the Korean Fighter eXperimental (KF-X) multirole fighter aircraft, Janes has learnt.

PTDI technicians on the KF-X project – known as KF-X/IF-X in Indonesia – returned to Indonesia from South Korea in March when the Covid-19 epidemic was at its peak in the Northeast Asian country. An industry source has confirmed to Janes that these technicians are now “currently preparing to redeploy”.


An artist’s impression of the KF-X fighter aircraft. The first KF-X prototype is scheduled to be rolled out in April 2021. (DAPA)

Janes understands that at the end of 2019 the total number of PTDI technicians on the KF-X project in South Korea was about 100, with their work mainly focused on aircraft design and manufacturing processes. Their redeployment will be framed against requirements for social distancing and other Covid-19-related guidelines.

The move to re-engage PTDI technicians on the project comes against a background of progress on the development of KF-X prototypes but also continuing delays in efforts to reach a compromise on the scope of Indonesian financial participation in the programme. Another factor that could have an impact on Indonesia’s involvement are some concerns in Jakarta about the strategic value of its involvement.

KAI has confirmed that assembly of the first KF-X prototype is scheduled to be finalised in the second half of 2020, with a view to rolling out the aircraft in April 2021. The schedules confirm that the KF-X programme has not been affected by Covid-19 and is on track to start mass production in the mid-2020s.

Look like Prabowo intend to outsourcing the jobs in "pangan" sector to Sandiaga Uno, LoL.

Indonesian Army awards contract to Scytalys for its Interoperability Command and Control System
Defense News July 2020 Global Security army industry
Posted On Thursday, 16 July 2020 14:27

Scytalys announced it has received a 49$ M contract award from the Indonesian Ministry of Defence, through an open competitive tender, for the provision of the Indonesian Armed Forces’ Interoperability Command & Control System.
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Interoperability Command & Control System (Picture source: Scytalys)

The system, which Scytalys undertakes to implement and deliver within a 3-year time frame, includes the following elements:
• Design and development of the Indonesian National Data Link system
• Design and development of a centralized state-of-the-art C4ISR system and related new facilities, synthesizing the Common Operational Picture and increasing Situational Awareness
• Integration of Command Centers from all branches (Army, Navy and Air Force) to the C4ISR system
• Design and development of an integrated remote Surveillance and Monitoring system, further enhancing the Situational Awareness and Interoperability.

The program will establish the National Interoperability Framework for the Indonesian Armed Forces and will pave the way in realizing their Network Centric Operations requirements and objectives, so much needed in modern warfare. This will in turn prove to be a Force Multiplier for the Indonesian Armed Forces, reinforcing their capabilities and effectiveness. “We greatly value this contract award, which we consider of strategic importance, as it will enable the Indonesian Armed Forces to acquire the necessary National Data Link, C4ISR systems, technologies and facilities in order to build their Interoperability Framework and conduct their inter and intra-service Network Centric Operations into the future. Scytalys is committed to delivering a turnkey solution that will fully satisfy the Indonesian MoD’s requirements”, said Dimitris Karantzavelos, CEO of Scytalys.

“This success has been preceded by other contracts awards for Scytalys in the Far East, not only in Indonesia but also in S. Korea and Japan. The company is poised to take advantage of the global trend in multiplying the value-added of different defense assets by linking them together” said Nick Papatsas, Member of the Board of Scytalys, representing EFA Group, the main owner of Scytalys. “We believe that Scytalys will repeat the success of THEON Sensors, our other global leader company in night vision and thermal imaging systems”, Mr. Papatsas added.

Scytalys S.A. (ex. Interoperability Systems International Hellas) specializes in the design, development, integration, installation, testing, and follow-on support of Tactical Data Links and Interoperability solutions, Mission and Command & Control systems and Mission and ISR solutions.


I am forgot Indonesia is Theon user right now
And back again to my statement of Pro Indonesia. Indonesia doesn't and can't stand with those having conflict of interest on us, in this case Natuna. Indonesia can never sacrifice its EEZ and the whole value inside ( 145 TFC LNG and 10 millions oil ) inside in order in line with those having largest economic transaction, Indonesia will act accordingly and stands with one favour with us. Stop acting as neutral, act as Pro Indonesia. A country with 300 Billions US$ military spending can't compete with one with 700 Billions US$ that's certainty besides how many alliance China has besides the other one with NATO supports and Non NATO major allies in Indo-Pacific ( Name them Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, India, etc ) but these all don't matter back at point being pro Indonesia, Indonesia can't side with one trying to claim from us, to steal from us, to seize from us, to confiscate with us, we stand with the one in favour of us.

Agree, of course Indonesian must pro Indonesia. Being neutral could be also pro Indonesia as long as it is beneficial or give more benefit to Indonesia, rather than unneutral.

For north case, of course we can't and shouldn't sacrifice EEZ. We should try with diplomacy; also strengthen our military presence there while being happy with the presence of US military in LCS but without necessarily taking hostility toward China while still continuing diplomacy with her. But if they start to take military action then it will be different story we could stop being neutral and start to be on US side.

That is IMHO regarding pro Indonesia's interest where Indonesia need to take careful though delicate actions.

And personally, i wouldn't like a world under the control of the CEO of censorship and thought policing, who would buy people's mouth to shut up and shills for them starting from 50 cent a post.

Neither do I.

Personally I prefer balance of power. Too strong China is not good, neither is too strong US; let them always compete.

World military influence and dominance are a bit toward US side is still fine, but in term of technology I prefer Asia/China to be strong as it would prove that we are on par with west/white breaking many wrong stigmas and giving good example for many developing countries who want to pursue wealth status.
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16 JULY 2020

KF-X project on track but concerns grow about Indonesian involvement

by Jon Grevatt

Technicians from Indonesian aerospace firm PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) will soon be rejoining counterparts from Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to undertake work on developing the Korean Fighter eXperimental (KF-X) multirole fighter aircraft, Janes has learnt.

PTDI technicians on the KF-X project – known as KF-X/IF-X in Indonesia – returned to Indonesia from South Korea in March when the Covid-19 epidemic was at its peak in the Northeast Asian country. An industry source has confirmed to Janes that these technicians are now “currently preparing to redeploy”.


An artist’s impression of the KF-X fighter aircraft. The first KF-X prototype is scheduled to be rolled out in April 2021. (DAPA)

Janes understands that at the end of 2019 the total number of PTDI technicians on the KF-X project in South Korea was about 100, with their work mainly focused on aircraft design and manufacturing processes. Their redeployment will be framed against requirements for social distancing and other Covid-19-related guidelines.

The move to re-engage PTDI technicians on the project comes against a background of progress on the development of KF-X prototypes but also continuing delays in efforts to reach a compromise on the scope of Indonesian financial participation in the programme. Another factor that could have an impact on Indonesia’s involvement are some concerns in Jakarta about the strategic value of its involvement.

KAI has confirmed that assembly of the first KF-X prototype is scheduled to be finalised in the second half of 2020, with a view to rolling out the aircraft in April 2021. The schedules confirm that the KF-X programme has not been affected by Covid-19 and is on track to start mass production in the mid-2020s.


have been to def***talk forum in kfx thread in latest post, some poster has bright tought about kfx, related to aquisition cost compare to f35 and fa50, in his/her conclusion next decade f35 will be more cheaper than today cost, but apparantly kfx ability are lower than f35 even after kfx block 2 upgrade and in same time fa50 has upgraded their capability, how much cost disparity between fa50, kfx and f35 still unknown make it a question is kfx worthed for the money when they have upgraded fa50, f35 and also f15 in same time?

this make another question what is kfx technolgical advantage over fa50? and how far is technological leap from fa50 to kfx?

meanwhile i have read not so long ago, some indonesian counterpart little unsatisfied with kfx, they said fkx not significant different from fa50, i dont know who said that but i'm sure someonelse here have read it, perhaps thats why some opinion (bold) in this article emerge.
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have been to def***talk forum in kfx thread in latest post, some poster has bright tought about kfx, related to aquisition cost compare to f35 and fa50, in his/her conclusion next decade f35 will be more cheaper than today cost, but apparantly kfx ability are lower than f35 even after kfx block 2 upgrade and in same time fa50 has upgraded their capability, how much cost disparity between fa50, kfx and f35 still unknown make it a question is kfx worthed for the money when they have upgraded fa50, f35 and also f15 in same time?

this make another question what is kfx technolgical advantage over fa50? and how far is technological leap from fa50 to kfx?

meanwhile i have read not so long ago, some indonesian counterpart little unsatisfied with kfx, they said fkx not significant different from fa50, i dont know who said that but i'm sure someonelse here have read it, perhaps thats why some opinion (bold) in this article emerge.
My main gripe with the KFX program is the fact that people are willing to sacrifice a stable workhorse in our inventory for an unproven design with limited advantage all for the sake of national prestige and egotism.
Agree, of course Indonesian must pro Indonesia. Being neutral could be also pro Indonesia as long as it is beneficial or give more benefit to Indonesia, rather than unneutral.

For north case, of course we can't and shouldn't sacrifice EEZ. We should try with diplomacy; also strengthen our military presence there while being happy with the presence of US military in LCS but without necessarily taking hostility toward China while still continuing diplomacy with her. But if they start to take military action then it will be different story we could stop being neutral and start to be on US side.

That is IMHO regarding pro Indonesia's interest where Indonesia need to take careful though delicate actions.

Neither do I.

Personally I prefer balance of power. Too strong China is not good, neither is too strong US; let them always compete.

World military influence and dominance are a bit toward US side is still fine, but in term of technology I prefer Asia/China to be strong as it would prove that we are on par with west/white breaking many wrong stigmas and giving good example for many developing countries who want to pursue wealth status.
There's a reason why our Foreign Office withdrew the negotiation with them and seeing what's happening to Philippines & Vietnam, i'm pessimistic on negotiating with them. After all they already start sending their greyhull now
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