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Sorry didn't know
click on his account , there you got an option to ignore .

There's a lot of seriously misleading info in this article which I'm quite shocked sekelas Jakpost bisa tembus gini artikelnya

1. Our navy has TWO hospital ship and doesn't operate any C-130 or C-295. Even if you mean AF's C-130 and C-295, you cannot use it as comparison simply because air transport is a lot faster than naval transport, hence, it is the best option to deliver medical supplies during a nation-wide pandemic

2. Mistral deployment to the Indian Ocean is an annual and scheduled operation Dixmude and Tonnerre were deployed ONLY for evacuation, not to treat COVID-19 patient--->the same thing that our LPDs have been doing

3. USNS Comfort to leave NY after spending 3 weeks mostly empty of patients while USNS Mercy only treated a handful of patients

4. UK and Netherland sent their ship because of their overseas territory hospitals have limited capacity. For HNLMS Karel Doorman, from what I read in this article, its main role in this COVID-19 deployment is more as logistical support ship, not as Hospital Ship (Anyone knows the medical facility and capacity in both Argus and Karel Doorman?

5. Spain sent its ships because their healthcare system is already overwhelmed. Why do you need to deployed Hospital Ship if our conventional hospital is not overwhelmed yet? Tinggal dua minggu di KRI itu gak gampang loh, mending dirawat di darat kemana mana, bisa-bisa tambah stress itu pasien. Belum ruang kapal yang sempit jadi kru maupun pasien susah buat social distancing

All in all, what are the authors exactly want our navy to do more?
i rather seeing this in other persepective , like .... somehow foreshadowing that mistral could potentially be our future LHD , they were supposed to go a port visit into our country this year , but cancelled due to outbreak .
Because Singapore has the busiest, largest and most capable airport in that region and is also the one that has the most flights operating in and out of it? Flight Information Region has little to do with sovereignty, it's really just a specified region that receives the same flight information (weather, flight hazards, etc) and this is mostly relevant for civilian flights.

I don't get why people are so riled up about the Singapore FIR thing and treat it like its a sovereignty issue when its not, theres not really much justification for us to take over the Singapore FIR when our airports in the region aren't as large, capable or as busy as Singapore's Changi. For example just look at the size of the Jakarta FIR that encompasses the whole of Sumatra, I mean why isn't named it named Medan FIR? and why doesn't Timor Leste have their own FIR named 'Dili FIR' and are under Makassar FIR instead?
During IATA convention in scotland or ireland we didn't participate because we are busy dealing with dutch in west papua thus Singapore (under british control) is given the fir control over batam and natuna. If i am not wrong doe, some one posted the document about it here.

Also ignore that guy.

The last thing we expect is bunch of refugees on our land borders. If that's ever happened better to build fortifications and solid wall on the sides of our border.
Orang timor aja yang dulu milih gabung ke NKRI kesejahterannya masih kurang kalau ada pengungsi ya kasihan yang warga kita.
Wonder .. Why Singapore is still controlling all of your FIR Area over Riau island and Natuna Sea ?


We will take it later inshaAllah, but at the mean time they only can control civilian plane movement, our military planes doesnt give a damn with their control. We dont need Singapore permission when we want to fly our military transport or fighter jet there in that area. Even when Jokowi get to Natuna from Jakarta by our big Presidential plane, our military doesnt abide with the FIR protocol and it is clearly stated by our official and well documented in Youtube.

Any plane also cannot easily fly above our territory in Riau islands and Natuna sea region without our official permission. You can clearly see it by seeing how our fighter can easily intercept your military transport plane who pass the Natuna Sea region from Subang, Peninsular Malaysia into Sabah in 2016. Although the attempt is quite unnecessary since there is agreement if I am not mistaken to allow Malaysia plane to freely pass the region airspace there which separate two Malaysian territory.

News from our respected media with your official quote.


Another example, our 2 F 16 intercept cargo plane who enter Riau island airspace without our permission and force it to land in Hang Nadiem airport, Batam island, in 2019.

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Can we have a law about 'public can have access to classified documents' bla bla or maybe we already have it? , decades old archives only of course, need more info (internal memos, transcript or other documents) about what happened within the government and country in the past. I understand that it could be like opening Pandora's box, but kinda wanna learn history too

Also kinda waiting some books to be published, from Australia (about Timor (operasi seroja and Timor crisis), but it seems there is some delays because so much revision, you know 'need government approval' I guess only the watered down version that will be given acc, so much things to consider after all) the other one is about Netherlands and Dutch East Indies ( there will be delay too, pelurusan sejarah ema ga mudah).

I hope they can deal with it somehow.

Well, for a somewhat related topic, check out the books "Kopassus" and "Intel" by Ken Conboy. They're available in Kinokuniya Plaza Central last time I checked. Those two books definitely helped me understand the subtext and nuance of the Timor crisis. "Kopassus" in particular also shines light on how many of todays big-wigs like Prabowo & Luhut performed during the start of their military careers, and give a quite detailed summary of the entire Timor Invasion and subsequent COIN operations there.

Its also a very good rebuttal of the entire "Suharto was Palpatine, manupulating G30sPKI" conspiracy theory. Ken Conboy researches a lot but keeps his actual writing short and concise.

Please note that both books end their documentaries with the fall of Suharto. While Conboy claims he has more info, he states that its too sensitive for public release at the moment.
We will take it later inshaAllah, but at the mean time they only can control civilian plane movement, our military planes doesnt give a damn with their control. We dont need Singapore permission when we want to fly our military transport or fighter jet there in that area. Even when Jokowi get to Natuna from Jakarta by our big Presidential plane, our military doesnt abide with the FIR protocol and it is clearly stated by our official and well documented in Youtube.

Any plane also cannot easily fly above our territory in Riau islands and Natuna sea region without our official permission. You can clearly see it by seeing how our fighter can easily intercept your military transport plane who pass the Natuna Sea region from Subang, Peninsular Malaysia into Sabah in 2016. Although the attempt is quite unnecessary since there is agreement if I am not mistaken to allow Malaysia plane to freely pass the region airspace there which separate two Malaysian territory.

News from our respected media with your official quote.


Another example, our 2 F 16 intercept cargo plane who enter Riau island airspace without our permission and force it to land in Hang Nadiem airport, Batam island, in 2019.


there's no such thing as 'FIR protocol' as far as i know, flight information services only give out automated info/announcement relating to the weather, possible hazards to mostly civil aircraft like airliners flying in that FIR region, theres not really much protocol or procedure needed to be done when flying within a specific FIR other than flying accordingly as to whats been announced through the flight information services and it just so happens Singapore is given the task of giving out that information since they are the most capable and they have the most at stake since Changi is the busiest airport in that area. Even Indonesian military aircraft flying within Singapore FIR can receive flight information services from Singapore if they want to, in fact if there was an Indonesian air exercise in that area, the flight information services might even have to notify it to other aircraft flying in the area for safety reasons. I don't think we have reasons to take over Singapore FIR unless Batam becomes a bigger and busier hub than Singapore which is unlikely.
there's no such thing as 'FIR protocol' as far as i know, flight information services only give out automated info/announcement relating to the weather, possible hazards to mostly civil aircraft like airliners flying in that FIR region, theres not really much protocol or procedure needed to be done when flying within a specific FIR other than flying accordingly as to whats been announced through the flight information services and it just so happens Singapore is given the task of giving out that information since they are the most capable and they have the most at stake since Changi is the busiest airport in that area. Even Indonesian military aircraft flying within Singapore FIR can receive flight information services from Singapore if they want to, in fact if there was an Indonesian air exercise in that area, the flight information services might even have to notify it to other aircraft flying in the area for safety reasons. I don't think we have reasons to take over Singapore FIR unless Batam becomes a bigger and busier hub than Singapore which is unlikely.

The Airforce effort to build infrastructure needed to taking control FIR in batam and Natuna area better to be used for buying fighter jets or building base in eastern Indonesia area. There is no sense of urgency within Indonesia planner and legislative. Actually to let Singapore's take care the burden of the area is better for us, as we just need to adjust what we are really needed the most and saving money and preserve our resources for better use.
The Airforce effort to build infrastructure needed to taking control FIR in batam and Natuna area better to be used for buying fighter jets or building base in eastern Indonesia area. There is no sense of urgency within Indonesia planner and legislative. Actually to let Singapore's take care the burden of the area is better for us, as we just need to adjust what we are really needed the most and saving money and preserve our resources for better use.
the FIR buzz was not more than a political stunt .
kalau australia NGO mereka yg bnyk main di papua
An NGO is one thing, it's not the same as arming or supporting a secessionist group.

@Chestnut ,Talking about commonality NASAMS will be fitted with AMRAAM ER, looks like basicaly an AMRAAM with ESSM motors. I really think our navy should reconsder mk41 vls and ESSM for our future frigate requirement. Who knows in the future the Air Force will procure this ER version.
It's only if the Navy moves away from it's current Euro-centric mindset. An ESSM is cheaper than its European counterparts and arguably have better performance.

Also was it confirmed that the NASAMS 2 we use will be fitted with the AMRAAM-ER?
Wouldn't blame them. The consensus is that you shouldn't really wear plate carriers in hot and humid locations, it drags you down and would end up killing more people than it protects.
Tell that to vet from Aceh, Poso and Papua. Most fatalities cases happened because they are being ambushed while not using plate carrier or got bleeding wounds and field medic cant stop that. Some got headshot while knocking passanger cars during roads inspection though inside of the car is terrorist. Thats why almost all sentries in Papua keep wearing vest although doing long range patrol in swamps or building roads.
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