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Anoa versi 20mm yang ini udah gagal ya berarti?


Kalau bisa sih Anoa gk nambah lagi deh pesenannya, selesain batch yang ada aja. Anoa bahkan gk V-Hull, mau ditambah armornya jug audah mentok. Mending bikin basis kendaraan 6x6 baru yg lebih modern dan proteksi lebih mumpung (katanya) udah dapet ToT banyak dari Sanca, Pandur, ama Harimau

Anoa to our Army and defense industry (PINDAD) is like bread, a necessity until there is more advanced but simple to produce Armored vehicles they will still be ordered
Anoa versi 20mm yang ini udah gagal ya berarti?


Kalau bisa sih Anoa gk nambah lagi deh pesenannya, selesain batch yang ada aja. Anoa bahkan gk V-Hull, mau ditambah armornya jug audah mentok. Mending bikin basis kendaraan 6x6 baru yg lebih modern dan proteksi lebih mumpung (katanya) udah dapet ToT banyak dari Sanca, Pandur, ama Harimau
Saya merasa tidak begitu perlu untuk buat platform 6x6 yang sama sekali baru, karena lebih boros dan juga bukan investasi yang "strategis" dalam hal kita sudah punya Anoa berikut tim riset pengembangannya dan lini produksinya, akan merepotkan apabila harus mengakomodasi lini 6x6 model baru, lebih baik berinvestasi pada platform 8x8 saja berdasarkan Pandur II.

Lebih baik mengembangkan Anoa ini lebih lanjut dengan teknologi proteksi yang lebih up-to-date saja, mungkin bisa mengambil teknologi desain mine-protection dari Harimau MT? ataupun mengintegrasikan komponen proteksi anti-RPG/ATGM dengan sangkar ayam, RPG-defeater seperti diatas, add-on armor seperti di Anoa 3 gurun, atau kalo bisa sekalian APS. Saya sih membayangkan Anoa dibuat menjadi platform 6x6 yang modular, bisa di modifikasi dan dipasang komponen tambahan dan persenjataan tergantung dari misinya, ataupun role-nya sekalian seperti Anoa 2 amfibi misalnya? Apabila Anoa bisa dibuat menjadi platform yang modular, akan sangat menggiurkan baik di pasar lokal maupun internasional, juga sekalian untuk memacu kualitas produksi kita agar lebih kompetitif lagi (semoga).

Saya sih setuju kalau Pindad mesti menggunakan ToT yang didapat semaksimal mungkin agar momentum perkembangan industri militer Indonesia akan terus kuat. Kita bisa dibilang 20 tahun lalu memulai dari 0, berangkat dari modif chasis truk sipil menjadi kendaraan lapis baja APS-1 a la Daesh, lanjut mengembangkan kendaraan tempur dari model punya Renault dan dimodif sesuai selera, sampai sekarang kita akan memproduksi Medium Tank, masih banyak lagi yang perlu kita capai dan masih banyak potensi yang bisa diraih.
Is integrating advanced 30mm turret like rheinmetall lance possible in an anoa?
Anyway, since we all agree that AWACS will be very useful for our AF, how about command ships for our Navy (similar role like USS Blue Ridge)? Perhaps it can also be used as a'spy' ship? (not necessarily to spy on other countries but can be used for electronic warfare)
Anyway, since we all agree that AWACS will be very useful for our AF, how about command ships for our Navy (similar role like USS Blue Ridge)? Perhaps it can also be used as a'spy' ship? (not necessarily to spy on other countries but can be used for electronic warfare)

Still far, need enough good surface combatant with good AEW capability. If you got large fleets like US or China maybe in league of France at least then we can starting to talk about electronic warfare support ship
Anyway, since we all agree that AWACS will be very useful for our AF, how about command ships for our Navy (similar role like USS Blue Ridge)? Perhaps it can also be used as a'spy' ship? (not necessarily to spy on other countries but can be used for electronic warfare)
Maybe, KRI Multatuli do need a replacement in the future, as we currently uses the LPDs as a command ship placeholder.
Still far, need enough good surface combatant with good AEW capability. If you got large fleets like US or China maybe in league of France at least then we can starting to talk about electronic warfare support ship

Maybe, KRI Multatuli do need a replacement in the future, as we currently uses the LPDs as a command ship placeholder.

Hmm I see, so with the current fleet structure, our LPD is enough to handle all the C4ISR

Ah, I forgot we have KRI Multatuli. Does she still have the "kapal markas" capability? There's almost no news about her participating in any TNI AL major exercise.
Hmm I see, so with the current fleet structure, our LPD is enough to handle all the C4ISR

Ah, I forgot we have KRI Multatuli. Does she still have the "kapal markas" capability? There's almost no news about her participating in any TNI AL major exercise.

If we got something in the class of Alvaro De bazan or horizonte class we will got tremendous upgrade in command of C4ISR and AEW capability thus let the Navy to do more roles in combat
Better to focus on the corvettes and frigates' replacement program so that the Navy will have the majority of surface combatant ships being Sigma-class derivatives, and the rest will be filled with a good mix of Dutch, Korean and local Indonesian designs, i think it will be an "ideal" structure as we'll be able to maintain them more easily or even produce their parts.

I think a command ship is not an utmost priority for the Navy, considering that it's just another kind of support ship, good addition to support the fleets' operation, but not a crucial element. I presume, 1 new command ship will be there someday and most likely the hull will be a local design while we're just gonna import the sophisticated sensors and communication devices. Maximum there will be 3 command ships if the Navy is ambitious enough about their "World Class Navy" dream, even then, i think building/buying LHDs with a strong C4ISR capability will make more sense for the Navy instead of building multiple command ships that don't have any combat capability.

Delegation from Indonesia Visited PCO and PIT-RADWAR

12 Mei 2019

Delegation from Indonesia (photo : PGZ)

On May 9, 2019 representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia visited two companies forming part of the Polish Armaments Group: PCO SA and PIT-RADWAR SA The Indonesian delegation got acquainted with the offer of companies in optoelectronic equipment, anti-aircraft, artillery and radiolocation systems.

PCO SCT Rubin thermal imaging sight (photo : PCO)

The delegation was headed by the Director General of Strategy at the Ministry of Defense of Indonesia, Major General Rizerius Eko Hadisancoko. Also attended by the Attaché for Defense of the Indonesian Embassy in Warsaw, Colonel Hilman Zaeni.

PCU MU-3M Koliber night-vision monocular (photo: PCO)

Southeast Asia is an important area of engagement for Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (PGZ). Our companies run several significant projects in this region. We participate in the arms trade fairs in Asia, last year we were in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, for example. I am glad that our offer meets the interest of the Indonesian armed forces. We are fully open to talks and closer cooperation - said Radosław Domagalski-Łabędzki, member of the board of PGZ SA.

A/AG-35 towed anti aircraft artillery (photo : Radwar)

At PCO SA, the guests watched the presentation about the company's activities, got acquainted with the offer for military vehicles, as well as thermal imaging cameras for tanks and anti-aircraft systems. In the optoelectronic tunnel, among other things, they saw the MU-3M night vision monocular and the SCT thermal imaging sight - one of the company's flagship products.

PET/PCL passive location system (image : Radwar)

The Delegation from Indonesia also visited the Warsaw headquarters of PIT-RADWAR SA. The guests were presented the main areas of the company's activity and current development projects. Among the presented devices were fire systems, including the self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system POPRAD and towed anti-aircraft guns A/AG-35and radar solutions, including a PET/PCL passive location system.


Delegation from Indonesia Visited PCO and PIT-RADWAR

12 Mei 2019

Delegation from Indonesia (photo : PGZ)

On May 9, 2019 representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia visited two companies forming part of the Polish Armaments Group: PCO SA and PIT-RADWAR SA The Indonesian delegation got acquainted with the offer of companies in optoelectronic equipment, anti-aircraft, artillery and radiolocation systems.

PCO SCT Rubin thermal imaging sight (photo : PCO)

The delegation was headed by the Director General of Strategy at the Ministry of Defense of Indonesia, Major General Rizerius Eko Hadisancoko. Also attended by the Attaché for Defense of the Indonesian Embassy in Warsaw, Colonel Hilman Zaeni.

PCU MU-3M Koliber night-vision monocular (photo: PCO)

Southeast Asia is an important area of engagement for Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (PGZ). Our companies run several significant projects in this region. We participate in the arms trade fairs in Asia, last year we were in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, for example. I am glad that our offer meets the interest of the Indonesian armed forces. We are fully open to talks and closer cooperation - said Radosław Domagalski-Łabędzki, member of the board of PGZ SA.

A/AG-35 towed anti aircraft artillery (photo : Radwar)

At PCO SA, the guests watched the presentation about the company's activities, got acquainted with the offer for military vehicles, as well as thermal imaging cameras for tanks and anti-aircraft systems. In the optoelectronic tunnel, among other things, they saw the MU-3M night vision monocular and the SCT thermal imaging sight - one of the company's flagship products.

PET/PCL passive location system (image : Radwar)

The Delegation from Indonesia also visited the Warsaw headquarters of PIT-RADWAR SA. The guests were presented the main areas of the company's activity and current development projects. Among the presented devices were fire systems, including the self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system POPRAD and towed anti-aircraft guns A/AG-35and radar solutions, including a PET/PCL passive location system.


Also some fun fact :

Indonesia was among the nations that requested to buy the A-10 Thunderbolt to the US but was declined.

So what's the highlight of this visit? i personally anticipated more of these infantry equipment stuffs, but apparently the AA gun and the ground radar are their main products? i think we should just stick to the Turks for AA guns as we are already interested in Korkut, so the stationary AA gun will be a better choice as it is pretty much the same thing as Korkut, better for commonality.
Also some fun fact :

Indonesia was among the nations that requested to buy the A-10 Thunderbolt to the US but was declined.

So what's the highlight of this visit? i personally anticipated more of these infantry equipment stuffs, but apparently the AA gun and the ground radar is their main product? i think we should just stick to the Turks for AA guns as we are already interested in Korkut, so the stationary AA gun will be a better choice as it is pretty much the same thing as Korkut, better for commonality.

Don't know, well, polish got license production for oerlikon GDF and this gun is simply their own variant.

Should trying to lobby US again to get A10 thunderbolt, they are the best ground attack aircraft until now. Good for maritime interdiction roles as they can pounding hardy vessels with their cannon and bombs
Don't know, well, polish got license production for oerlikon GDF and this gun is simply their own variant.

Should trying to lobby US again to get A10 thunderbolt, they are the best ground attack aircraft until now. Good for maritime interdiction roles as they can pounding hardy vessels with their cannon and bombs

Honestly, we're better off lobbying for long-term acquisition for more Apaches or even possibly Chinooks rather than the A-10, as even US' high ranking officers hated them, they are so against CAS subsonic aircraft like the Warthog as they thought it is "obsolete" and very vulnerable to enemy's AA assets. The Warthog is planned to be replaced by F-35 (almost all older fighters/CAS in US inventory is planned will be replaced by F-35), but there's many debates regarding the decision and some even pushed to extend their service due to the A-10's popularity among ground troops.

I think the like of A-10 is better to stay above the ground and focus on hard ground targets pounding as a dedicated anti-vehicle/fortification CAS aircraft (presumably stationed at Sumatra or Batam), they have kinda limited range and flight characteristics not to mention they are subsonic and so far have no torpedo or AShM loadout, unsuitable for maritime operation, even CN-235 gunship or MPA with hardpoints for weapons is better suited for the job.

Also, perhaps for the MEF 3 (or even the Ideal Essential Force?) and the daring Air Force's ambition, i think we should try lobbying for F-35. The key technologies for the KFX/IFX is in the hand of Lockheed Martin, so i think jumping into this F-35 bandwagon could help our effort in developing the Fighter, as South Korea also a customer of F-35 and already lobbied the Lockheed Martin to invest in the project, so Indonesia buying F-35 could perhaps further convince LM to give the necessary technologies for KFX/IFX (if South Korean research effort alone still isn't enough )
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