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I think the Torpedo tubes are Mk-32 but yes, the tropedo is A244/s. So perhaps Mk.32 can also fired A244/S?View attachment 559009 View attachment 559010
You're right, all those "BAE System triple torpedo tubes"-specs all over the net made my brain associate them with B515 somehow (I know that they were made by WASS). And yes, they could also fired the A244/S from Mk-32.

Thanks for correcting me btw.

Also, still remember this 2012 BCM project?

Here's some picture I found:
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Cmiiw, but to me from those picture that ship looks rusty or neglected, is it because of "dana"?

Doubt it, looks like fucking management or incompetent of vendor. BCM from other companies finished as per contract
Cmiiw, but to me from those picture that ship looks rusty or neglected, is it because of "dana"?

Doubt it, looks like fucking management or incompetent of vendor. BCM from other companies finished as per contract
Agreed, while both of them indeed miss their deadline, this one was worse.

The basic hull form itself already done long ago (2013 I think?) explaining the rust,

(Pics during MinDef inspection in 2013)

Then the progress grounds to a halt until January 2017, when folks from MinDef came and they both agreed to work their "commitments" to finish the ship. By August 2017 they already fitted the loading arm/crane and RAS control room amidship and painted the hull white. And they working on that unfinished bridge throughout 2018.

Here's pics from January 2018 btw,

The project number for this ship is BCM-1, which means that it's supposedly the older sister of BCM-2 (now KRI Tarakan 905), although the BCM-2 has slightly bigger dimension and capacity, with keel laying of BCM-1 on April 2012 and BCM-2 on August 2012.

News at the time for BCM-1 construction time,
Aslog Kasal Laksamana Muda TNI Sru Handayanto mengatakan, kepada Berita Cilegon Online (BCO) bahwa untuk membuat kapal tersebut dibutuhkan waktu selama 18 bulan (1,5 tahun)

Also they planned to named this ship KRI Dumai, if the news about the ship name during handover of KRI Tarakan are to be believed.
Doubt it, looks like fucking management or incompetent of vendor. BCM from other companies finished as per contract

Agreed, while both of them indeed miss their deadline, this one was worse.

The basic hull form itself already done long ago (2013 I think?) explaining the rust,

(Pics during MinDef inspection in 2013)

Then the progress grounds to a halt until January 2017, when folks from MinDef came and they both agreed to work their "commitments" to finish the ship. By August 2017 they already fitted the loading arm/crane and RAS control room amidship and painted the hull white. And they working on that unfinished bridge throughout 2018.

Here's pics from January 2018 btw,

The project number for this ship is BCM-1, which means that it's supposedly the older sister of BCM-2 (now KRI Tarakan 905), although the BCM-2 has slightly bigger dimension and capacity, with keel laying of BCM-1 on April 2012 and BCM-2 on August 2012.

News at the time for BCM-1 construction time,


Also they planned to named this ship KRI Dumai, if the news about the ship name during handover of KRI Tarakan are to be believed.
Damn this poor management, but at least our gomerment can see which company has a good and not good management system for future project.
Daya radar utama should be Navy main vendors beside Citra Shipyards in Batam they got proffesionalism and hardworking ethics
Agreed, while both of them indeed miss their deadline, this one was worse.

The basic hull form itself already done long ago (2013 I think?) explaining the rust,

(Pics during MinDef inspection in 2013)

Then the progress grounds to a halt until January 2017, when folks from MinDef came and they both agreed to work their "commitments" to finish the ship. By August 2017 they already fitted the loading arm/crane and RAS control room amidship and painted the hull white. And they working on that unfinished bridge throughout 2018.

Here's pics from January 2018 btw,

The project number for this ship is BCM-1, which means that it's supposedly the older sister of BCM-2 (now KRI Tarakan 905), although the BCM-2 has slightly bigger dimension and capacity, with keel laying of BCM-1 on April 2012 and BCM-2 on August 2012.

News at the time for BCM-1 construction time,


Also they planned to named this ship KRI Dumai, if the news about the ship name during handover of KRI Tarakan are to be believed.
It seems like we got a lot of local shipyards and shipbuilding companies isn't it? feels like we sometimes sign contracts for support vessels like these to some, yeah small shady shipyards, just like a multi-billion company that's not only got their IT manpower solely on professional IT service contractors, but also outsourcing the job to some broke college students.

Local competition and large number of private industries in the local shipbuilding business is good for us for most of the time, but sometimes (always) this kind of thing do happen cause every company simply can't have the same quality standard nor have the best track record around.

Anyone knows what is that 'thing' on top of Komodo?

The outlines seems to look like an RCWS to me, particularly this type:

EKSKLUSIF, Dirut Pindad: Hingga Kini 400 Unit Anoa Telah Terjual
Dicky Zulfikar Nawazaki
Ryan Maulana
9 Mei 2019 10:00 WIB


EKSKLUSIF, Dirut Pindad: Hingga Kini 400 Unit Anoa Telah Terjual
Kendaraan tempur Anoa tak hanya dikirim Pindad ke TNI namun juga ke PBB.
Sejumlah hal dibahas Direktur Utama PT Pindad, Abraham Mose saat ditemui Tempo untuk wawancara khusus di kompleks PT Pindad, Bandung, Jumat, 26 April 2019. Mulai dari bisnis industri, pemasaran medium tank, Harimau dan panser Anoa, hingga laba yang diperoleh PT Pindad pada 2018. Simak videonya disini.

Videographer: Dicky Nawazaki
Editor: Ryan Maulana

Anyone knows what is that 'thing' on top of Komodo?

The outlines seems to look like an RCWS to me, particularly this type:


Dari jaman Anoa sampai Sanca, selalu nyoba2 berbagai RCWS tapi gk pernah keliatan ada pemakaian massal yet alone standarisasi jenis. Antara masalah dana buat buka lini produksi RCWS atau gk ada ToT?

EKSKLUSIF, Dirut Pindad: Hingga Kini 400 Unit Anoa Telah Terjual
Dicky Zulfikar Nawazaki
Ryan Maulana
9 Mei 2019 10:00 WIB


EKSKLUSIF, Dirut Pindad: Hingga Kini 400 Unit Anoa Telah Terjual
Kendaraan tempur Anoa tak hanya dikirim Pindad ke TNI namun juga ke PBB.
Sejumlah hal dibahas Direktur Utama PT Pindad, Abraham Mose saat ditemui Tempo untuk wawancara khusus di kompleks PT Pindad, Bandung, Jumat, 26 April 2019. Mulai dari bisnis industri, pemasaran medium tank, Harimau dan panser Anoa, hingga laba yang diperoleh PT Pindad pada 2018. Simak videonya disini.

Videographer: Dicky Nawazaki
Editor: Ryan Maulana

Agak gimana gitu kalau baca berita "Produk Militer Indonesia dibeli PBB". Erghhh, memenuhi standar PBB sih iya, dibeli? No, kita ikut misi perdamaian, butuh kendaraan, kita punya dan pake anoa, ya itu yang dibawa, as simple as that
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Dari jaman Anoa sampai Bushmaster, selalu nyoba2 berbagai RCWS tapi gk pernah keliatan ada pemakaian massal yet alone standarisasi jenis. Antara masalah dana buat buka lini produksi RCWS atau gk ada ToT?

Agak gimana gitu kalau baca berita "Produk Militer Indonesia dibeli PBB". Erghhh, memenuhi standar PBB sih iya, dibeli? No, kita ikut misi perdamaian, butuh kendaraan, kita punya dan pake anoa, ya itu yang dibawa, as simple as that

Yang penting udah pake 400 unit, Wikipedia harus diedit lg
Haruskah Anoa diupgrade baik dalam segi armor-pertahanan ataupun persenjataanya? mungkin minimal dipasang RCWS? mungkin paling gak pakai RCWS yang masih mirip-mirip punya Komodo, terutama Cockerill CPWS Gen 2?
Kayak gini tapi di Anoa :

Terus gimana perkembangannya ini RPG-defeater?
Haruskah Anoa diupgrade baik dalam segi armor-pertahanan ataupun persenjataanya? mungkin minimal dipasang RCWS? mungkin paling gak pakai RCWS yang masih mirip-mirip punya Komodo, terutama Cockerill CPWS Gen 2?
Kayak gini tapi di Anoa :

Terus gimana perkembangannya ini RPG-defeater?

Bottom pic is nexter group VAB
Haruskah Anoa diupgrade baik dalam segi armor-pertahanan ataupun persenjataanya? mungkin minimal dipasang RCWS? mungkin paling gak pakai RCWS yang masih mirip-mirip punya Komodo, terutama Cockerill CPWS Gen 2?
Kayak gini tapi di Anoa :

Terus gimana perkembangannya ini RPG-defeater?
Anoa versi 20mm yang ini udah gagal ya berarti?


Kalau bisa sih Anoa gk nambah lagi deh pesenannya, selesain batch yang ada aja. Anoa bahkan gk V-Hull, mau ditambah armornya jug audah mentok. Mending bikin basis kendaraan 6x6 baru yg lebih modern dan proteksi lebih mumpung (katanya) udah dapet ToT banyak dari Sanca, Pandur, ama Harimau

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