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Indonesia Defence Forum

I thought they have their own, better "indigenously developped APS, akkor? Not this "pulat" zaslon copy. Correct me if im wrong, so if they have better aps system, why put in the worse one into harimau mt?

Money? What else?
Ummm...Kodam aren't "units", it's a regional command, like garrisons assigned to particular provinces, and under it, there are "units" that mostly Battalion level commands. Most Kodam personnel is just like your everyday soldier neighbor, who is stationed to a certain region semi-permanently, often along with his family. It's the central command units that's often prioritized, like the Kopassus and Kostrad, who gets all the fancy stuffs before everyone else in the Army, as they are the tip of the spear, frontline units that will do most of the works in real confrontation, unlike Kodam regular units that will mostly be used to occupy an area and being a garrison force.

Indeed. Facing a sophisticated enemy (insurgencies like GAM up to full scale invasion), IMO, Kodam maximum capability is to holding the line and containing/slowing down the enemy as long as possible until the PPRC arrives

How do they survive until PPRC arrives? Only God can tell
Indeed. Facing a sophisticated enemy (insurgencies like GAM up to full scale invasion), IMO, Kodam maximum capability is to holding the line and containing/slowing down the enemy as long as possible until the PPRC arrives

How do they survive until PPRC arrives? Only God can tell
I propose to make all soldiers "sophisticated" in itself, all equipped with adequate gear and strong support assets without exception, while PPRC will only have to be the one packs more firepower and rapid movement. Even thought in raw firepower, Kodam forces can't be compared with central unit commands, with the right structuring, arming and modernizing, even Infantry on APC (carrying ATGMs!!) can be deadly and could hold the ground on it's own, but then we are not there yet, and let's hope that we indeed going in that direction.

Actually, since Orba time, that's the exact strategy in repelling strong outside threat, and it's so ingrained in Orba era strategic thinking that if you ask any older officers, they would answer the same thing and reach the same conclusion regarding what's the best strategy for Indonesia's symmetric warfare. I'd say that it need to change, not completely, but more in evolving the idea that it will fit in with the stronger, fight-smarter, more-budget, modernized, and network-centric TNI, and not the outdated Orba's ABRI. It has never been done before, but we are used to drastic change to the better isn't it? but only if there's more "transparency" and less ego getting into the decision-making.
I propose to make all soldiers "sophisticated" in itself, all equipped with adequate gear and strong support assets without exception, while PPRC will only have to be the one packs more firepower and rapid movement. Even thought in raw firepower, Kodam forces can't be compared with central unit commands, with the right structuring, arming and modernizing, even Infantry on APC (carrying ATGMs!!) can be deadly and could hold the ground on it's own, but then we are not there yet, and let's hope that we indeed going in that direction.

Actually, since Orba time, that's the exact strategy in repelling strong outside threat, and it's so ingrained in Orba era strategic thinking that if you ask any older officers, they would answer the same thing and reach the same conclusion regarding what's the best strategy for Indonesia's symmetric warfare. I'd say that it need to change, not completely, but more in evolving the idea that it will fit in with the stronger, fight-smarter, more-budget, modernized, and network-centric TNI, and not the outdated Orba's ABRI. It has never been done before, but we are used to drastic change to the better isn't it? but only if there's more "transparency" and less ego getting into the decision-making.

Kodam recently is in transformation as they will hold more "battle" infantry unit with Raider as their spearhead, several large Kodam formation will get organic mechanized formation including mechanized infantry and cavalry (especially the ones in Java and Kalimantan) , the ones with prominent watery character like Pattimura will get landing assault craft and LCU to support them instead of cavalry. For punch element, actually NLAW itself distributed into KODAM units along with armburst and instalanza especially the ones with land border. Kodam based organic cavalry or detachments eventually projected to getting medium tank units or wheeled vehicles with cannon (just like on how Tarantula is now based in kodam cendrawasih Papua) . Well the transformation is going at snail pace and keep interrupted by political meddling...
BTW, since we're talking about TNI AD

Did anyone follow the news about Kostrad's new composite battalion called "Mandala/Cakra Battalion"?

I'm curious why they put this battalion directly under Pangkostrad, not under the three existing infantry divisions? What kind of roles will this battalion have? Is this battalion included in today's PPRC structure (since in my understanding this battalion is the heavier element to Kostrad's contribution to PPRC) ?
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BTW, since we're talking about TNI AD

Did anyone follow the news about Kostrad's new composite battalion called "Mandala/Cakra Battalion"?

I'm curious why they put this battalion directly under Pangkostrad, not under the three existing divisions? What kind of roles will this battalion have? Are they included in today's PPRC structure?

Pangkostrad Resmikan Batalyon Mandala Yudha, Letkol M. Asmi Jadi Danyon Pertama
image: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-eCAR5nMa...WVP3NC5VN7d-gCLcBGAs/s1600/zonasatu+small.png

Redaksi 1 year ago Batalyon Cakra, Batalyon Komposit, Batalyon Mandala Yudha Kostrad, Edy Rahmayadi, Hankam, Kostrad, M. Asmi, Nasional, Pangkostrad, Polhukam, TNI, TNI-AD,

image: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_SCmUonMBRM/WifAlxeOwHI/AAAAAAAAd-o/1Df0u00_Kuk4RkhWZITOXh5pSTXXMvCSgCLcBGAs/s640/photo_2017-12-06_16-47-11.jpg

image: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-XvYMmqx-L4g/Vh0XMUhvRzI/AAAAAAAAL8s/2YhBimlfuVY/s200/zonasatu+font.png

Panglima Komando Cadangan Strategis Angkatan Darat (Pangkostrad), Letjen TNI Edy Rahmayadi meresmikan Batalyon Mandala Yudha, sekaligus melantik Letkol Inf M. Asmi sebagai Komandan Batalyon (Danyon) Mandala Yudha yang pertama. Acara peremsian dan pelantikan Danyon Mandala Yudha ini berlangsung di serambi kehormatan, Markas Kostrad, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (6/12/2017).
Dalam sambutannya Pangkostrad menjelaskan bahwa guna mengantisipasi tuntutan profesional dalam setiap penugasan di masa depan, maka dibentuklah organisasi dan tugas satuan Batalyon Mandala Yudha yang merupakan satuan tempur dengan penggabungan berbagai unsur kecabangan di dalamnya.

"Kecepatan manuver dan perlindungan lapis baja adalah keunggulan yang dimiliki Batalyon Mandala Yudha, sehingga diharapkan dalam penyelesaian tugas pokok dapat dilaksanakan secara efektif dan optimal," ujar Letjen Edy Rahmayadi.

Baca juga :Gatot Nurmantyo Merasa Bangga Diberi Kesempatan Memimpin Prajurit Komando
image: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-X45SIz6wrIE/WifAckZeeBI/AAAAAAAAd-k/yMzb00PoQr8YF5p2RuDVmhTBRfyFqMApwCLcBGAs/s640/photo_2017-12-06_16-57-32.jpg

Perlu diketahui bahwa Batalyon Mandala Yudha (yang sebelumnya akan dinamakan Batalyon Cakra Kostrad) dalam proses pembentukannya diproyeksikan sebagai embrio dari Brigade Tim Pertempuran Berat (Batalyon Komposit), dengan komposisi terdiri dari satuan tempur Infanteri, satuan bantuan tempur Artileri Medan (Armed), Artileri Pertahanan Udara (Arhanud) dan satuan Helikopter tempur Penerbad, serta didukung oleh satuan Zeni, Peralatan dan Perhubungan dalam penyiapan operasional batalyon tersebut.

Keberadaannya akan merealisasi konsep “Modular Brigade” yang diharapkan kedepan menjadi satuan setingkat Brigade yang lengkap, kuat, dan efektif serta memiliki Efek Penggentar (Deterrence Effect) terhadap ancaman kekuatan lawan.

Baca juga :Gatot Nurmantyo Pamitan dengan Prajurit Kostrad di Cilodong
“Keberadaan Batalyon Mandala Yudha ini merupakan jawaban dari pembentukan satuan siap gerak TNI, dalam menghadapi penugasan yang bersifat urgen dan dapat dikerahkan dalam waktu singkat meliputi proyeksi tugas Operasi Militer Perang (OMP) maupun Operasi Militer Selain Perang (OMSP), baik dalam skala nasional maupun internasional,” ungkap alumni Akmil tahun 1985 ini.
image: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9jUoIXffMqw/WifAWZ6xGpI/AAAAAAAAd-g/BoRbtjlDQgcvc6mvvkdOghK4Fg69uE5gACLcBGAs/s640/photo_2017-12-06_16-43-11.jpg

Markas Batalyon Mandala Yudha Kostrad dilengkapi dengan perumahan dinas personel dan keluarganya, perkantoran, Markas Komando Batalyon, gudang Alutsista serta lahan latihan tempur dan manuver. Semua berada dalam satu kompleks dan tentunya sangat memungkinkan terakomodasinya pelaksanaan tugas pokok satuan, Markas tersebut berdiri di atas lahan 700 hektar, di Ciuyah, Lebak, Prov. Banten.

Baca juga :Pangkostrad Resmikan Batalyon Mandala Yudha, Letkol M. Asmi Jadi Danyon Pertama
Letkol Inf. M. Asmi sebagai Komandan pertama Batalyon Mandala Yudha ini adalah lulusan Akademi Militer tahun 1997. Dalam karirnya banyak dihabiskan di Yonif Linud 328/Dirgahayu (sekarang Yonif Para Raider 328) Kostrad, Pria yang pernah menempuh Sesko AD di Cina ini pernah menjabat sebagai Komandan Yonif Linud 328/Dirgahayu, Dandim 0503/Jakarta Barat, Kodam Jaya dan terakhir sebagai Kepala Staf Korem 051/Wijayakarta, Kodam Jaya.
image: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-K_q-3yTNwpI/WifA7bwJxTI/AAAAAAAAd-w/pjcAyYKPZhc9kJt7bIBbjjIMg8MEF2SQQCLcBGAs/s640/photo_2017-12-06_16-43-14.jpg

Untuk pengalaman tugas keluar negeri, suami dr. Rina ini pernah memimpin Pasukan Garuda XXIII-H/Unifil ke Lebanon pada tahun 2013-2014 lalu. Bagi M. Asmi, pelantikan ini merupakan promosi dalam karir militernya, karena merujuk pernyataan KSAD, Jenderal TNI. Mulyono beberapa waktu lalu saat mengunjugi pembangunan Mako Batalyon ini dirinya mengatakan bahwa Batalyon Mandala Yudha yang bersifat komposit ini akan dipimpin oleh perwira menengah berpangkat Kolonel.

Turut hadir dalam peresmian Batalyon Mandala Yudha tersebut, Kaskostrad, Panglima Divisi Infanteri 1 dan 2 Kostrad, Ir Kostrad, Koorsahli Pangkostrad, Asren Kostrad, para Asisten Kaskostrad, Kabalak Kostrad serta para Komandan Satuan Jajaran Kostrad. (Noor Irawan)
Read more at https://www.zonasatu.co.id/2017/12/pangkostrad-resmikan-batalyon-mandala.html#73l7MOWKqXMS62Je.99
Pangkostrad Resmikan Batalyon Mandala Yudha, Letkol M. Asmi Jadi Danyon Pertama
image: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-eCAR5nMaY7E/XGWovZg3drI/AAAAAAAAaXI/SSL0Hy1sboIBQ06vsCPXWVP3NC5VN7d-gCLcBGAs/s1600/zonasatu+small.png

Redaksi 1 year ago Batalyon Cakra, Batalyon Komposit, Batalyon Mandala Yudha Kostrad, Edy Rahmayadi, Hankam, Kostrad, M. Asmi, Nasional, Pangkostrad, Polhukam, TNI, TNI-AD,

image: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_SCmUonMBRM/WifAlxeOwHI/AAAAAAAAd-o/1Df0u00_Kuk4RkhWZITOXh5pSTXXMvCSgCLcBGAs/s640/photo_2017-12-06_16-47-11.jpg

image: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-XvYMmqx-L4g/Vh0XMUhvRzI/AAAAAAAAL8s/2YhBimlfuVY/s200/zonasatu+font.png

Panglima Komando Cadangan Strategis Angkatan Darat (Pangkostrad), Letjen TNI Edy Rahmayadi meresmikan Batalyon Mandala Yudha, sekaligus melantik Letkol Inf M. Asmi sebagai Komandan Batalyon (Danyon) Mandala Yudha yang pertama. Acara peremsian dan pelantikan Danyon Mandala Yudha ini berlangsung di serambi kehormatan, Markas Kostrad, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (6/12/2017).
Dalam sambutannya Pangkostrad menjelaskan bahwa guna mengantisipasi tuntutan profesional dalam setiap penugasan di masa depan, maka dibentuklah organisasi dan tugas satuan Batalyon Mandala Yudha yang merupakan satuan tempur dengan penggabungan berbagai unsur kecabangan di dalamnya.

"Kecepatan manuver dan perlindungan lapis baja adalah keunggulan yang dimiliki Batalyon Mandala Yudha, sehingga diharapkan dalam penyelesaian tugas pokok dapat dilaksanakan secara efektif dan optimal," ujar Letjen Edy Rahmayadi.

Baca juga :Gatot Nurmantyo Merasa Bangga Diberi Kesempatan Memimpin Prajurit Komando
image: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-X45SIz6wrIE/WifAckZeeBI/AAAAAAAAd-k/yMzb00PoQr8YF5p2RuDVmhTBRfyFqMApwCLcBGAs/s640/photo_2017-12-06_16-57-32.jpg

Perlu diketahui bahwa Batalyon Mandala Yudha (yang sebelumnya akan dinamakan Batalyon Cakra Kostrad) dalam proses pembentukannya diproyeksikan sebagai embrio dari Brigade Tim Pertempuran Berat (Batalyon Komposit), dengan komposisi terdiri dari satuan tempur Infanteri, satuan bantuan tempur Artileri Medan (Armed), Artileri Pertahanan Udara (Arhanud) dan satuan Helikopter tempur Penerbad, serta didukung oleh satuan Zeni, Peralatan dan Perhubungan dalam penyiapan operasional batalyon tersebut.

Keberadaannya akan merealisasi konsep “Modular Brigade” yang diharapkan kedepan menjadi satuan setingkat Brigade yang lengkap, kuat, dan efektif serta memiliki Efek Penggentar (Deterrence Effect) terhadap ancaman kekuatan lawan.

Baca juga :Gatot Nurmantyo Pamitan dengan Prajurit Kostrad di Cilodong
“Keberadaan Batalyon Mandala Yudha ini merupakan jawaban dari pembentukan satuan siap gerak TNI, dalam menghadapi penugasan yang bersifat urgen dan dapat dikerahkan dalam waktu singkat meliputi proyeksi tugas Operasi Militer Perang (OMP) maupun Operasi Militer Selain Perang (OMSP), baik dalam skala nasional maupun internasional,” ungkap alumni Akmil tahun 1985 ini.
image: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9jUoIXffMqw/WifAWZ6xGpI/AAAAAAAAd-g/BoRbtjlDQgcvc6mvvkdOghK4Fg69uE5gACLcBGAs/s640/photo_2017-12-06_16-43-11.jpg

Markas Batalyon Mandala Yudha Kostrad dilengkapi dengan perumahan dinas personel dan keluarganya, perkantoran, Markas Komando Batalyon, gudang Alutsista serta lahan latihan tempur dan manuver. Semua berada dalam satu kompleks dan tentunya sangat memungkinkan terakomodasinya pelaksanaan tugas pokok satuan, Markas tersebut berdiri di atas lahan 700 hektar, di Ciuyah, Lebak, Prov. Banten.

Baca juga :Pangkostrad Resmikan Batalyon Mandala Yudha, Letkol M. Asmi Jadi Danyon Pertama
Letkol Inf. M. Asmi sebagai Komandan pertama Batalyon Mandala Yudha ini adalah lulusan Akademi Militer tahun 1997. Dalam karirnya banyak dihabiskan di Yonif Linud 328/Dirgahayu (sekarang Yonif Para Raider 328) Kostrad, Pria yang pernah menempuh Sesko AD di Cina ini pernah menjabat sebagai Komandan Yonif Linud 328/Dirgahayu, Dandim 0503/Jakarta Barat, Kodam Jaya dan terakhir sebagai Kepala Staf Korem 051/Wijayakarta, Kodam Jaya.
image: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-K_q-3yTNwpI/WifA7bwJxTI/AAAAAAAAd-w/pjcAyYKPZhc9kJt7bIBbjjIMg8MEF2SQQCLcBGAs/s640/photo_2017-12-06_16-43-14.jpg

Untuk pengalaman tugas keluar negeri, suami dr. Rina ini pernah memimpin Pasukan Garuda XXIII-H/Unifil ke Lebanon pada tahun 2013-2014 lalu. Bagi M. Asmi, pelantikan ini merupakan promosi dalam karir militernya, karena merujuk pernyataan KSAD, Jenderal TNI. Mulyono beberapa waktu lalu saat mengunjugi pembangunan Mako Batalyon ini dirinya mengatakan bahwa Batalyon Mandala Yudha yang bersifat komposit ini akan dipimpin oleh perwira menengah berpangkat Kolonel.

Turut hadir dalam peresmian Batalyon Mandala Yudha tersebut, Kaskostrad, Panglima Divisi Infanteri 1 dan 2 Kostrad, Ir Kostrad, Koorsahli Pangkostrad, Asren Kostrad, para Asisten Kaskostrad, Kabalak Kostrad serta para Komandan Satuan Jajaran Kostrad. (Noor Irawan)
Read more at https://www.zonasatu.co.id/2017/12/pangkostrad-resmikan-batalyon-mandala.html#73l7MOWKqXMS62Je.99

So, if I'm reading (and predicting) this right, this new composite battalion will be developed up to full-scale brigade and will be used as a pilot project for other existing brigades (???)

Btw, I have some thoughts that if Kogabwilhan already exists, the army territorial commander (Kodam) should be re-organized in which their unit will be merged to form division level unit similiar to Kostrad. Therefore, each Kogabwilhan will have at least 1 infantry division directly under its command structure (not under Kodam anymore)

Actually, I will vote for the total elimination of Kodam and transfer all of its units and command structure to Kogabwilhan.

But since the Army has a strong "territorial background/history," maybe the government can start by limiting Pangdam's command role in combat and making Pangdam's role similiar to chief of staff, only to administration, training and equipping roles.
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So, if I'm reading (and predicting) this right, this new composite battalion will be developed up to full-scale brigade and will be used as a pilot project for other existing brigades (???)

Btw, I have some thoughts that if Kogabwilhan already exists, the army territorial commander (Kodam) should be re-organized in which their unit will be merged to form division level unit similiar to Kostrad. Therefore, each Kogabwilhan will have at least 1 infantry division directly under its command structure (not under Kodam anymore)

Should be, thats why Kodam actively forming raider infantry units within their territorial as a core for the formation of Rapid assault brigade and they would have organic support units like cavalry, armed, penerbad squadron and so on
So, if I'm reading (and predicting) this right, this new composite battalion will be developed up to full-scale brigade and will be used as a pilot project for other existing brigades (???)

Btw, I have some thoughts that if Kogabwilhan already exists, the army territorial commander (Kodam) should be re-organized in which their unit will be merged to form division level unit similiar to Kostrad. Therefore, each Kogabwilhan will have at least 1 infantry division directly under its command structure (not under Kodam anymore)
Sounds good, but yet it will not be an easy task do so, perhaps you can take TNI out of ABRI, but you can't take the ABRI out of TNI just as easy, the civil-territorial function of the Military still persist in one form or another even to this day. Of course the TNI wanted to preserve the doctrine of Sishankamrata in case of a Total War, but sometimes it's a hindrance for a more professional TNI, the "territorial defense" is more about territorial than about defense.

I preferred to preserve the Military Districts structure AKA Wehrkreis as it did suit the geographical condition of Indonesia, but also, just like what you said, the Kodam should be more focused purely on defense, act more like a shield aimed towards outside threats, and not a dagger pointed towards the inside. One way to make this happen is through restructuring the Kodam so that it will behave more like an Division if needed as the peacetime Battalional structure while excellent for COIN/Asymmetric warfare scenario, will make it harder to consolidate the various elements inside the Kodam into a single fighting force packing large firepower.
Sounds good, but yet it will not be an easy task do so, perhaps you can take TNI out of ABRI, but you can't take the ABRI out of TNI just as easy, the civil-territorial function of the Military still persist in one form or another even to this day. Of course the TNI wanted to preserve the doctrine of Sishankamrata in case of a Total War, but sometimes it's a hindrance for a more professional TNI, the "territorial defense" is more about territorial than about defense.

I preferred to preserve the Military Districts structure AKA Wehrkreis as it did suit the geographical condition of Indonesia, but also, just like what you said, the Kodam should be more focused purely on defense, act more like a shield aimed towards outside threats, and not a dagger pointed towards the inside. One way to make this happen is through restructuring the Kodam so that it will behave more like an Division if needed as the peacetime Battalional structure while excellent for COIN/Asymmetric warfare scenario, will make it harder to consolidate the various elements inside the Kodam into a single fighting force packing large firepower.

Kodam system with army roles as guides of life for civillian is actually quite important for our National building process in the past and until now. In far away and remotes provinces Army personnel is the only available nation aparatus, that's why they are multi tasking capable to do policing roles, become spiritual leader, teacher for children's and so on and that's simple things is quite crucial to hold the Nation together in the past. Actually we are pacifying a large area into one Nation identity although at the beginning is quite impossible task considering we are very different, multi ethnicity, languages and separated by unforgiving terrain and vast oceans. Not even proffesional and modern Army of Yugoslavia and Soviet Union who had glorious past and much longer history than us able to hold their Nation together when crisis is happened upon them
I thought they have their own, better "indigenously developped APS, akkor? Not this "pulat" zaslon copy. Correct me if im wrong, so if they have better aps system, why put in the worse one into harimau mt?

AKKOR is not ready yet. We are using to PULAT on our tanks too.

Polisi Tetapkan Eks Ketua GNPF Ulama Bachtiar Nasir Tersangka
CNN Indonesia
Selasa, 07/05/2019 05:52
Bagikan :

Eks Ketua GNPF Ulama Bachtiar Nasir. (CNN Indonesia/Andry Novelino)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Tokoh gerakan 212 Bachtiar Nasir ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus tindak pidana pencucian uang (TPPU) dana yayasan Keadilan untuk Semua

Penetapan Bachtiar Nasir sebagai tersangka itu dibenarkan oleh Wakil Direktur Tindak Pidana Ekonomi dan Khusus Bareskrim Polri Kombes Daniel Silitonga.

"Betul (Bactiar ditetapkan sebagai tersangka)," kata Daniel kepada CNNIndonesia.com, Senin (6/5).

Penetapan ustaz yang pernah menjabat sebagai Ketua Gerakan Nasional Pengawal Majelis Ulama Indonesia (GNPF MUI) sebagai tersangka itu dilakukan setelah penyidik melakukan gelar perkara. Namun, Daniel tak merinci kapan gelar perkara itu dilakukan.

Lihat juga:
Bachtiar Nasir: dari Solo Mereka Mulai, dari Solo Kita Akhiri
"Ya dulu sudah (gelar perkara), kita melanjutkan," ujarnya.

Rencananya, Bachtiar akan dipanggil oleh penyidik Tipideksus Bareskrim dalam kapasitasnya sebagai tersangka. Dalam surat pemanggilan yang diperoleh CNNIndonesia.com, Bachtiar akan dipanggil untuk dimintai keterangannya pada Rabu (8/5) mendatang.

Pada pengujung 2016, nama Bachtiar ramai diperbincangkan di media sosial setelah akun Facebook bernama Moch Zain mengunggah informasi bahwa yayasan pimpinan Bachtiar, Indonesian Humanitarian Relief (IHR) diduga mengirim bantuan logistik untuk mendukung kelompok pemberontak pemerintahan Bassar Al-Assad, Jaysh Al-Islam di Aleppo, Suriah.

This animal should be sent towards Al Assad supporter in Syria

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