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So which one is correct? Indonesia can't use mechanized assets effectively due to the geography, and therefore better invest in support assets, better equipped infantry and force multipliers, mechanized force is better designed around today's COIN scenario and asymmetric warfare, no more heavy ground assets as using them against the like of insurgents were proven ineffective and already made obsolete by the widespread use of ATGMs by light infantry element.

Or, is it better for the Army top leadership to invest more on the heavy mechanized tank force, as traditionally this element is better suited for rapid movement and firepower, a good mechanized element of the Army is key when fighting peer-to-peer scenario as when such event happened, we would have the upper hand from the very beginning and more options in both taking the offensive and deterrence factor, and in Asymmetric warfare scenario, would still be a boost the strength of the army as it will left the insurgents having less options and chance in fighting off the Army.

I don't have any capacity to say whether one is more correct than the another, but i'm leaning on the first one if at least there are program to upgrade the existing ground assets.
The correct answer is to prioritize the air force and navy hehe.
Btw i think the army should lean on equipping the infantry with more support weapons such as ATGM's,AGL,RPG's,squad machine guns,portable drones etc. Wich we lack, most of the time (at least based on my observation), our infantry fire team consist only of riflemen and few machine gunner.
Heck a syrian rebel in idlib is probably more heavily armed going to the battlefield, than our regular soldier

Np:this is just my opinion thou
The correct answer is to prioritize the air force and navy hehe.
Btw i think the army should lean on equipping the infantry with more support weapons such as ATGM's,AGL,RPG's,squad machine guns,portable drones etc. Wich we lack, most of the time (at least based on my observation), our infantry fire team consist only of riflemen and few machine gunner.
Heck a syrian rebel in idlib is probably more heavily armed going to the battlefield, than our regular soldier

Np:this is just my opinion thou
The context is the Army only here, and yes i agree, but that's perhaps also due to the decades of peace and the lack real military threat, which made the current fireteam composition only contains rifles and machine guns, and lacking in heavier weapon such as rocket launchers and the like, as other weaponry is not so needed against the like of OPM. There are stocks of RPGs, AGLs and ATGMs like the Javelin for example, but that' not enough, and there's no real incentive to convince the higher ranked officers to procure more of them, let's hope that they did (or will did) realize the importance of these weaponry.

For the past few years, the Navy and the Air Force got higher budget allocation than the Army for armaments procurement, but that's still not enough considering our gigantic needs. It'll be interesting if in the next few years we will see the Indonesian Army infantry be modernized and equipped with latest equipment and weaponry.
The correct answer is to prioritize the air force and navy hehe.
Btw i think the army should lean on equipping the infantry with more support weapons such as ATGM's,AGL,RPG's,squad machine guns,portable drones etc. Wich we lack, most of the time (at least based on my observation), our infantry fire team consist only of riflemen and few machine gunner.
Heck a syrian rebel in idlib is probably more heavily armed going to the battlefield, than our regular soldier

Np:this is just my opinion thou

credit to: https://www.instagram.com/graphica.mechanica/

agreed, we are lack of firepower even in squad level. 1 machine gun, 2 optics, and 1 grenade launcher per team? that's terrible. We should introduce DMR, RPG, adding more machine gun and rifle optics. More weaponry equals more tactical option for a squad to complete their mission.
View attachment 558441
credit to: https://www.instagram.com/graphica.mechanica/

agreed, we are lack of firepower even in squad level. 1 machine gun, 2 optics, and 1 grenade launcher per team? that's terrible. We should introduce DMR, RPG, adding more machine gun and rifle optics. More weaponry equals more tactical option for a squad to complete their mission.
The context is the Army only here, and yes i agree, but that's perhaps also due to the decades of peace and the lack real military threat, which made the current fireteam composition only contains rifles and machine guns, and lacking in heavier weapon such as rocket launchers and the like, as other weaponry is not so needed against the like of OPM. There are stocks of RPGs, AGLs and ATGMs like the Javelin for example, but that' not enough, and there's no real incentive to convince the higher ranked officers to procure more of them, let's hope that they did (or will did) realize the importance of these weaponry.

For the past few years, the Navy and the Air Force got higher budget allocation than the Army for armaments procurement, but that's still not enough considering our gigantic needs. It'll be interesting if in the next few years we will see the Indonesian Army infantry be modernized and equipped with latest equipment and weaponry.
Sometimes i kinda think that these commanders arent really in the bussiness of war. Our war doctrine is based on good enough is enough, while others like lets say the US armed forces doctrine is all about overkill, im not trying to compare our armed forces with the likes of usa but. I think for most of the time our commanders have lost the initiative. Other countries rich and poor alwats come with a way to fill the gap, richer countries like SG uses its wealth to build and train the most sophisticated armed forces in ASEAN while poorer countries like vietnam and myanmar come up with the solution of buying cheaper but still deadly weapons. If we are not rich enough to buy sufficient number of javelins and mbt law, why arent we buying rpg 7's,konkurs,fagots?? They're dirt cheap and they works. We spent much money on 84mm anti tank guns (which didnt even enter service till now) while there is a cheaper options of making a copycat of proven design such as spg-9's.
Didnt these commanders think that these kind of support weapons will be useful in scenarios such as urban warfare (google it and you'll find that urban theatre will be the most likely site of future battles in contrast to battlefield in the jungle and plains, as cities grow in importance and massive urbanization all across the world).
No money+ the army leaders aren't really interested in mechanized warfare either
Or network centric warfare, or force multipliers, or anything that actually provides a credible deterrence and is more than just a big cannon that impresses literally no one but themselves.

Sometimes i kinda think that these commanders arent really in the bussiness of war. Our war doctrine is based on good enough is enough, while others like lets say the US armed forces doctrine is all about overkill, im not trying to compare our armed forces with the likes of usa but. I think for most of the time our commanders have lost the initiative. Other countries rich and poor alwats come with a way to fill the gap, richer countries like SG uses its wealth to build and train the most sophisticated armed forces in ASEAN while poorer countries like vietnam and myanmar come up with the solution of buying cheaper but still deadly weapons. If we are not rich enough to buy sufficient number of javelins and mbt law, why arent we buying rpg 7's,konkurs,fagots?? They're dirt cheap and they works. We spent much money on 84mm anti tank guns (which didnt even enter service till now) while there is a cheaper options of making a copycat of proven design such as spg-9's.
Didnt these commanders think that these kind of support weapons will be useful in scenarios such as urban warfare (google it and you'll find that urban theatre will be the most likely site of future battles in contrast to battlefield in the jungle and plains, as cities grow in importance and massive urbanization all across the world).

Because they don't think. They're boomers. They don't think anything is gonna happen until it's knocking at their door and they they blame the millennials for not stopping it.

But on a more serious note. The hubris of 'seniority' that is prevalent in Indonesian culture is among the leading causes of this phenomena. A lot of the younger officers I work with understand the need for more force multipliers and support equipment. A lot these younger officers have better schooling, better training, and better sense than the older guys. The problem is nobody listens to them. Because apparently in Indonesia being younger than someone else means you know less than them.

And it's not just in the TNI. Even in my old firm, my boss causes a lot of the problems he faces because he didn't want to listen to me that some weapons systems were completely incompatible with certain weapons systems. And when he hits a deadlock, I'm the one that gets blamed because apparently I didn't "warn him enough".

At this point the best we can do is wait for the old farts to die off. Only then can we really clean up the mess that they made.

The future is now boys, and these dinosaurs can either step aside or just drown in their own hubris.
Two alleged terrorist killed in self-detonated blast

The antiterror police were led to two alleged terrorists following arrests in Babelan, Bekasi regency, and Tegal, Central Java, on Saturday.(Persda Network via kompas.com/Bina Harnansa

Two alleged terrorists were killed in an explosion they had triggered themselves to avoid arrest by antiterror squad Densus 88 in Jatikramat, Bekasi, West Java, on Sunday.

Bekasi Police chief Sr. Comr Indarto confirmed the deaths to kompas.com.

Densus 88 was led to the alleged terrorists following the capture of three suspected Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) members in Babelan, Bekasi regency, and Tegal, Central Java, on Saturday.

One of the three had been wanted for terrorism, while the other two were arrested for aiding and abetting him.

National Police spokesperson, Brig. Gen. Dedi Prasetyo told Kompas.comthat during their interrogation, they confessed to knowing about a planned attack on police during the general election.

Last year, the South Jakarta District Court issued a ruling that declared JAD a “forbidden organization”. The police believe that JAD is linked to Islamic State (IS). (evi)

View attachment 558441
credit to: https://www.instagram.com/graphica.mechanica/

agreed, we are lack of firepower even in squad level. 1 machine gun, 2 optics, and 1 grenade launcher per team? that's terrible. We should introduce DMR, RPG, adding more machine gun and rifle optics. More weaponry equals more tactical option for a squad to complete their mission.

Why not equip all our forces with acog (or any other optic)?

Other country already made it standard issue and our forces still sticking with pinsir...
Why not equip all our forces with acog (or any other optic)?

Other country already made it standard issue and our forces still sticking with pinsir...

No money lah, except for some tier 1 and 2 units like Kopassus, Raider and Marine unit
No money lah, except for some tier 1 and 2 units like Kopassus, Raider and Marine unit
Yeah I know know that is gonna be one of the reason, I know unit like kodam are the priority , but how about kostrad or marinir ??
Yeah I know know that is gonna be one of the reason, I know unit like kodam are the priority , but how about kostrad or marinir ??
Ummm...Kodam aren't "units", it's a regional command, like garrisons assigned to particular provinces, and under it, there are "units" that mostly Battalion level commands. Most Kodam personnel is just like your everyday soldier neighbor, who is stationed to a certain region semi-permanently, often along with his family. It's the central command units that's often prioritized, like the Kopassus and Kostrad, who gets all the fancy stuffs before everyone else in the Army, as they are the tip of the spear, frontline units that will do most of the works in real confrontation, unlike Kodam regular units that will mostly be used to occupy an area and being a garrison force.
Turkish nowadays kinda act like Ukraina products reseller with new package touch
I thought they have their own, better "indigenously developped APS, akkor? Not this "pulat" zaslon copy. Correct me if im wrong, so if they have better aps system, why put in the worse one into harimau mt?
Yesterday morning i went to tj. priok in order to see USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19), but not my luck they already set sail at the first light.
an officer said, the US Navy ship was not the only foreign ship docked in priok. there's another ship from Vietnam Navy docked as their guest. omg i missed them all, lol :hitwall:

Indonesian Navy(TNI-AL) Welcomes Sailing Ship of the Vietnam People’s Navy, Le Quy Don-286





Lantamal III Jakarta Commander First Admiral TNI Denih Hendrata, SE, MM, welcomed the arrival of Naval Vietnam Le Quy Don-286, at Pier JICT Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Wednesday (05/01/2019).

"This is not the first time the Navy received a friendly visit Vietnamese Navy," said Commander of the Navy Main Base (Danlantamal) III Jakarta, First Admiral Denih Hendrata, SE, MM, representing the Navy greeted the ship at Tanjung Priok.

"Indonesia and Vietnam is a country that had been friends for a long time, as well as the Navy two countries that have a close relationship," he said.

On behalf of the leaders of the Navy, I would like to extend a warm greeting and welcome in Indonesia, "said Commander Lantamal III Jakarta.

The vessel Le Quy Don is Sailing Navy Academy Cadets Practice which Vietnam is scheduled to be in Jakarta from 1 to May 4, 2019 to come.

While in Jakarta, the plan they will implement a series of activities in between a cocktail party, a courtesy call to Pangarmada I, Danlantamal III, North Jakarta Mayor, Vice Governor of Jakarta, and will hold sporting activities such as football and volleyball.

When docked in the Ship JICT Vietnam Le Quy Don-286, was greeted with a traditional dance Marpangir of North Sumatra, at the same time also held a procession pengalungan interest to Senior Colonel Nguyen Duc Nam as the oldest officer of the delegation of Vietnam.

Vessel Le Quy Don-286 is a type of ship Bargentin three poles, built by Marine Project Ltd. Gdansk, Poland, and was inaugurated in June 2015.

The ship is currently incorporated in the Base Nha Trang, Vietnam as a Naval Cadet Boat Train those countries.

by Mulyono Sri Hutomo/indomaritim.id

The sailing ship, which belongs to the training ship fleet of the Vietnam Naval Academy, is 67m long and 10m wide. Designed by Poland’s Choren Design & Consulting and built by Marine Projects in 2014, the ship was launched in June 1, 2015. It has a storage capacity that could supply crew members up to 45 days at sea.

The current trip to Singapore – Indonesia is its third ventures outside Vietnam, following the previous visits to the Philippines – Brunei and Cambodia – Thailand.

During their stay, the Le Quy Don crew members will engage in a series of visits and exchanges with the Indonesian side and the Vietnamese Embassy in the country.-VNA

USS Blue Ridge




commisioned 1970, and it will sails for next 20 years:usflag:


the best parts:


home sweet home:omghaha:


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KRI. Sura 802 Undocking at PT. Pasifik Dok Maluku-Ambon
Published on Mar 26, 2019






Fin Stabilizer?



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