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Indonesia Bans Sex Outside Marriage

While I am liberal in most matters, I believe there is a need to penalise infidelity, either through monetary penalty or compulsory social work. There is something very wrong about cheating on your spouse. Marriage is not a 'caveat emptor' kind of purchase. This is not about religion but about rights. If you don't like your spouse, annul the marriage and then do what you want. Don't take someone for a ride. Your spouse has a right to know the truth and taking away that right is stealing.
Well, if a South Asian country was not backward in some way, that would be surprising.

Such primitive views would exist for a few more decades. The coming generations are not going to tolerate such restrictions.
While I am liberal in most matters, I believe there is a need to penalise infidelity, either through monetary penalty or compulsory social work. There is something very wrong about cheating on your spouse. Marriage is not a 'caveat emptor' kind of purchase. This is not about religion but about rights. If you don't like your spouse, annul the marriage and then do what you want. Don't take someone for a ride. Your spouse has a right to know the truth and taking away that right is stealing.
Sure, but I think what they're talking about is sex being outright banned for anyone who isn't married, not about cheating on one's spouse.

Infidelity is either illegal or can get one in legal trouble at any rate in most countries (even non islamic ones) if I'm not wrong.
Sure, but I think what they're talking about is sex being outright banned for anyone who isn't married, not about cheating on one's spouse.

Infidelity is either illegal or can get one in legal trouble at any rate in most countries (even non islamic ones) if I'm not wrong.
Ah ok
Just like the Iranian thread, all foreigners crying their hearts out about the law of a country they have nothing to do with 😹

I would say this law will distinguish between Indonesia Democracy with Western style Democracy profoundly.

Indonesia has been regarded as pariah state in just one day if you see so many Western media cover this LOL

This is the first time we change this criminal law, the heritage of Dutch colonization. This is something historic in Indonesia point of view. The law is not static, it can be perfected further if parliament wants. For the last 2 decades we were busy on reforming other section in our law, like in 1998-2004 the focus is in political system, law related to election, President term, and so on and also economy, defense, oil and gas, mining and others. Last reform is Omnibus Law which is related to ease of doing business

In this December, we will once again holds Bali Democracy Forum. I think the forum will be great if it is meant to show Indonesia's democracy system that is not adopting Western values. I mean having a democratic country doesnt mean you are going to lost your moral value and adopt Western value instead. This will of course strengthen Democratic system idea and weaken authoritarian idea further in similar conservative society. ISIS and AQ ideology will also be weakened further by Indonesian democracy. This can lead into less terrorism action in the West. So this change should be celebrated instead of being condemn by Western countries.

It shows Democracy system can be used by both Conservatives and Liberals society to pursue each own ideals

Last year Bali Democracy Forum. The forum is made annually to promote democracy system

These westerners are complaining about
This but they have banned almost abortions even in most extreme situations? Can someone pls explain?
I would say this law will distinguish between Indonesia Democracy with Western style Democracy profoundly.

Indonesia has been regarded as pariah state in just one day if you see so many Western media cover this LOL

This is the first time we change this criminal law, the heritage of Dutch colonization. This is something historic in Indonesia point of view. The law is not static, it can be perfected further if parliament wants. For the last 2 decades we were busy on reforming other section in our law, like in 1998-2004 the focus is in political system, law related to election, President term, and so on and also economy, defense, oil and gas, mining and others. Last reform is Omnibus Law which is related to ease of doing business

In this December, we will once again holds Bali Democracy Forum. I think the forum will be great if it is meant to show Indonesia's democracy system that is not adopting Western values. I mean having a democratic country doesnt mean you are going to lost your moral value and adopt Western value instead. This will of course strengthen Democratic system idea and weaken authoritarian idea further in similar conservative society. ISIS and AQ ideology will also be weakened further by Indonesian democracy. This can lead into less terrorism action in the West. So this change should be celebrated instead of being condemn by Western countries.

It shows Democracy system can be used by both Conservatives and Liberals society to pursue each own ideals

Last year Bali Democracy Forum. The forum is made annually to promote democracy system

Indonesia seems to be creating the perfect blend of Islam and modern society 👌🏼
LOL see how many show up demonstrating the law, only around 10 people LOL

So you justify something based on numerical superiority of its supporters and less number of its opponents without you yourself considering its rights and wrongs based on your Nature-given reasoning ? Then I must ask you direct : How many Hazrat Muhammads and his Sahabas were existing right in the beginning ? 40 million ? They too were less. Very very less. By your argument you should reject their existence too and their propagation of the ideas they preached, which means you must discard Islam.

Any way Indonesian people put God above all in our state ideology

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"A just and civilized humanity"
"Social justice"

Great words, Indos, but why don't you inform the world that those words have no meaning given the NATO-ordered genocide of up to three million Indonesian Communists, supporters and sympathizers during 1965-66 carried out by NATO's mullah boi, General Suharto, and his mullah militias and in the police and army, and overthrow of the democracy-preaching leader of Indonesia, Sukarno ? A genocide. And you come here and talk nonsense about "A just and civilized humanity" ????

The PKI, the Indonesian name for the Communist party there, was till 1965 the largest non-ruling Communist party in the world with two million members. After the genocide mullah Suharto banned it. And you call this as democracy ?

Any way, there is rain in Jakarta when the law is passed. In Islam, this is a sign of bless from God.

:rofl: But Indos, it is so disappointing to see you convert into a superstition-believing mullah like it is my disappointment with @SalarHaqq who has also turned into a mullah and is supporting the Irani terrorist mullah regime which is being defended by NATO ( and I will reply soon to Salar's replies to me ).

Indos, your statement reminds me of these mullahs who in June this year tried to put out the fires in a super market in Karachi using what they thought was the power of azaan :
They thought they could control Nature's element fire using their human-made "pious" talk. Did they succeed ?

Then tell me, Indos, in the earthquake in Indonesia just a few days ago, were no mosques damaged and demolished ? :)

Their country, their values, their religion and their laws.

If some people don't like it - well, there's the door....

Never saw you say that about the Hindutvadis. At every opportunity you condemn the Hindutvadis. :)

Why is Afghanistan the example? I can go to Pakistan as a Pakistani citizen. What about the European age of colonialism when they stole resources from countries like Qing China and British India?

lol, for a hypocritical modernist Muslim like yourself?

Afghanistan is the perpetual example because you and every other mullah believes that it is the shining-like-diamond example of Islamicity. The revolutionaries of Islam in the name of Taliban ( students of Islam ) fighting wearing only shalwar-kameez and sandals and taking on the might of the Crusader American military and winning and taking control and establishing the supreme "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan.

But reality being that the Taliban was birthed by NATO and last year was allowed to take over control by NATO which would certainly not have allowed a progressive / leftist group like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan to start governance. Mullahs are the favorite go-to bois and gals to impose NATO's systems on Muslim-majority societies. And now the situation is that Afghans don't have money to buy food to feed their children ( becasuse Taliban hasn't made even basic food free ) so they are buying the low-priced anxiety tablets to feed their children, even one-year-olds, to put them to sleep so that hunger is forgotten. The older people have to make do with two breads in a day, the morning one dipped into water as accompaniment. People are selling their kidneys and daughters to get money to survive. And what is the Taliban doing ? Building 400 mosques. But since you find all this irrationality and oppression ideal and you say you could as well go to Pakistan but in Pakistan too you want to bring Taliban rule, and you stone the Aurat March, so why don't you go to the source of your ideal society - the "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan ?
Of course, we are talking about a whole country, there are individual different cases.

But in general, sexual promiscuity damage a society.

And I'd say, even in most liberal societies, promiscual sex is always problematic, because it's not what really women want, they only use sex as bait to start relationships.

My advice to all men of all countries is: Never have sex with a woman you dont like as longterm relationship, and you'll avoid a lot of problems of all kind :lol: .
Agree as well, but imo gov should stay out of peoples bedrooms
Sure, but I think what they're talking about is sex being outright banned for anyone who isn't married, not about cheating on one's spouse.

Infidelity is either illegal or can get one in legal trouble at any rate in most countries (even non islamic ones) if I'm not wrong.
LOL. This law is for any Haram sex. If you married person having sex with other person who is not your wife, the punishment is harder at 1 year. If sex made by unmarried couple the punishment is lower at 6 months.

This law is new addition. We have already had anti protistution and anti p0rn law as well. For anti p0rn law, the punishment can be several years like happening with one Indonesian male singer. Just last month therea are at least one case being brought to Police

See my explanation
The law is not this one. I heard other person who has read the law saying unmarried couple who do sex before married not only can get 6 months in jail, the government also will force them to marry legally.

I havent read the law, so I cannot confirm it.
LOL. This law is for any Haram sex. If you married person having sex with other person who is not your wife, the punishment is harder at 1 year. If sex made by unmarried couple the punishment is lower at 6 months.
That's ridiculous, you're never going to be able to control people, young lovers specifically. I don't think any state should interfere in the private lives of two consenting adults.

Children need to be protected, absolutely. Penalizing cheating on one's spouse (because marriage is a huge commitment).. there should be laws to discourage that sort thing too one could argue (broadly in agreement with those)

but 2 grown ups who are not in a marriage, what business do you have jailing them for anything ? :crazy:

This law is new addition. We have already had anti protistution and anti **** law as well. For anti **** law, the punishment can be several years like happening with one Indonesian male singer. Just last month therea are at least one case being brought to Police
There's plenty of drugs and prostitution that goes on in the tourist hubs, you probably know better than me about what all goes on there.

Be a shame if Indonesia goes all taliban.

unmarried couple who do sex before married not only can get 6 months in jail, the government also will force them to marry legally.
LOL, that is absolute madness.. wtf :rofl:
That's ridiculous, you're never going to be able to control people, young lovers specifically. I don't think any state should interfere in the private lives of two consenting adults.

Children need to be protected, absolutely. Penalizing cheating on one's spouse (because marriage is a huge commitment).. there should be laws to discourage that sort thing too one could argue (broadly in agreement with those)

but 2 grown ups who are not in a marriage, what business do you have jailing them for anything ? :crazy:

There's plenty of drugs and prostitution that goes on in the tourist hubs, you probably know better than me about what all goes on there.

Be a shame if Indonesia goes all taliban.
The enforcement will depend on how conservative the government. For prostitution there are raids to hotels and intelligent gathering information on social media. Police has its own Youtube channel showing their raids on prostitution activity.

But for Haram sex outside prostitution, there are no Police own raid, it should come from reported case. If no report, there will be no raid. So it is like other criminal activity that can only be prosecuted if there is report.
Anyone who doesn’t like the laws can move out and/or not go to indonesia. Respect the local laws and customs.

If you can’t deal with stuff, stay in your basement.

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