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Another NC 212i is ready



This is I believe part of program to make cargo drone, but they are starting from making a small UAV first


From February 9 to February 12, 2021, the LSU-02 VTOL Hybrid flight test was carried out in Pamengpeuk

The stages taken include:

i) assembly of LSU-02 VTOL airframe components
ii) weighing planes with different compositions
iii) endurance test (endurance) of VTOL batteries by hovering for 2 minutes 38 seconds
iv) auto take-off and landing (Hovering) flight test
v) compartment integration on the plane
vi) compartment dropping testing, and finally the activity is continued
vii) aircraft operation training .

The results are as follows:

1) The basic aircraft platform of the LSU-02 VTOL can be flown in full (full flight profile) with automatic control (autonomous mode)

2) The full capacity of the aircraft's fuel tank is 3.8 liters, so the estimated (cruise speed reference is 26 m / s) the total endurance of the aircraft is 3 hours and a total range of 280 km

3) The above parameters can be used as a reference to determine the safety factor of the endurance and range of the aircraft when the cargo system is installed because the weight of the aircraft + cargo system is 20 kg so that if it is filled with fuel with maximum capacity (3.8 ltr), the weight becomes 23 kg.

The addition of this take-off weight takes into account several things, namely related to the strength of the wing structure, the aircraft stall speed, and the power consumption of the VTOL system and its battery capacity.
Elang Hitam (Black Eagle) MALE UCAV ground control station and transporter




1. You reckon we did this work (FEM, CFD, Wind Tunnel, etc) for PAC's UAV?
Absolutely no reason to think that they didn't. Totally within the realm of our already running capacity.

2. You reckon there's opportunity for synergy between PAC and Indonesia?
Hard to say since both PAC and Indonesia sort of are in the same technological tier in my opinion. Perhaps in subsystem/munitions development. We need to see specialization for synergy: Pakistanis are good at X, Indonesia at Y, Turkey at Z. However, how things stand everybody does everything, just to different level of expertise.
Just compare it with final assembly line prepared for IFX

CN 235 next version will use glass cockpit to replace analog system. This is one new CN 235 MPA for Indonesian Navy being manufactured by Indonesian Aerospace at the moment, not yet finished.

In deep talk about CN 235 manufacturing in Indonesian Aerospace with the production manager. It is revealed that CN 235 production is now only done in Indonesia, Airbus Defense is no longer manufacturing the plane and focusing on its derivative C 295.
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The Center for Aerodynamics and Aerospace Technology (BBTA3) - @bppt_ri, since early January 2021 has conducted wind tunnel testing to support the BPPT Flagship program in the field of defense and security technology, namely the innovative aerodynamic testing technology for the Medium Altitude Aircraft Model (PUNA). Long Endurance (MALE) Combatant.

This testing activity was initiated by a request for a wind tunnel test from the Defense and Security Industry Technology Center (PTIPK-BPPT) @hankambppt representing the MALE consortium to complete and confirm and add to the development of a data base for previous test results that were deemed incomplete.

This 1: 5.5 scale full MALE model test is divided into performance, stability, and ventral fin addition studies and 160 new veetail studies. This testing activity uses the Full Black Eagle MALE model (EH-20 with the latest configuration made by BBTA3 using the 2020 BPPT DIPA budget.

Given that PUNA MALE Elang Hitam (EH) -1 'will be carried out in the first flight test in 2021, but it still requires data on hinge moment measurement results from several control plane deflection angles such as Flap, Aileron, and Ruddervator, then hinge moment testing by using the 1: 3.5 scale isolated Half wing model and the 1: 2 scale Isolated Tail model made this year.

It is important to do this as soon as possible in order to complete the wind tunnel test result data which will be used to validate the design results as well as support the piloting of the aircraft. MALE Eagle-1 'in 2021.
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