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Indonesia Aerospace Forum

These are the testing that can be done in this laboratorium for aircraft components development (including avionics) :

Temperature and altitude

Temperature variation

Humidity testing

Vibration testing

Explosion Proofness

Waterproofness testing

Sand and Dust

Salt Spray testing

Magnetic Effect testing

Power input testing

Voltage spike testing

Audio Frequency Susceptibility

Induced Signal Susceptibility

Radio Frequency Susceptibility

Emission of Radio (Frequency Energy)

Icing Testing

Elecrostatic Discharge testing

Fire Flammability testing

Source: Lapan
State owned electronic company, PT LEN Industry, said that it has completed developing HILS (Hardware In the Loops Simulation System) and Ground Control System (almost complete) and currently been developing FCS (Flight Control System) for Elang Hitam (Black Eagle) MALE UCAV. It will have both surveilance and attack capability if any thing goes smoothly inshaAllah.



Indonesian Navy make an amphibious Drone. The drone name is SE-01 which look like the name of the program.

From the news I just know that even graduate from the best STEM university in Indonesia, ITB, see Armed Force as their place to serve the nation. ITB graduates usually can get better salary while working in private/state owned companies or even in foreign companies.


News in Indonesian language.

Indonesia Minister of Transportation visited PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesia Aerospace)




Transport Minister visited PT Dirgantara Indonesia and he also inspected N 219.

N 219


This is CN 235 MPA for Senegalese Navy



Transport minister has said his plan to buy several N 219 during N 219 certification completion ceremony in Desember 2020, he also said that he want to buy 1 CN 235 using next year budget during his latest visit to the company home base in Bandung.
PTDI Ready to Commercialize N219 Aircraft
Sunday January 31, 2021 09:38 WIB
Rep: Intan Pratiwi / Red: Fuji Pratiwi


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) this year is focusing on developing and commercializing the N219 aircraft. Last year, PTDI successfully pocketed a type certificate (TC) and is currently entering the production certificate (PC) stage .

PTDI Communication Manager Adi Prastowo explained, PTDI at the beginning of this year focused on completing the production certificate (PC) stage . However, in parallel, PTDI will begin to enter the commercialization stage this year.

The hope is that the N219 aircraft can help fill the needs of connectivity and pioneer flights in remote areas of Indonesia. "In addition, we hope our contribution can accelerate Indonesia's economic growth more evenly," said Adi to Republika , Sunday (31/1).

Adi explained that currently the production capacity of the N219 aircraft is four units per year. However, the company is in the review stage to upgrade its production facilities.

"So gradually the production capacity will continue to be increased according to market needs," said Adi.

For the commercialization stage, said Adi, PTDI is active in penetrating and marketing not only domestically but also to the international market. "For N219 aircraft, PTDI is currently continuing to penetrate and market both at home and abroad," he said.

Previously, Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the Research and Innovation Agency (Ristek / BRIN) Bambang Brodjonegero explained that the N219 aircraft project was indeed a collision project. The development of the N219 aircraft will be made in an amphibious variant to meet the needs of the tourism sector and disaster management.

"Amphibious N219 aircraft are needed especially to serve transportation to islands which are still difficult to reach, both because of their location and because of the lack of infrastructure," said Bambang.

Head of the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) Hammam Riza also explained that in production practice, BPPT will assist PTDI and LAPAN as PTDI's development partners in producing amphibious N219 aircraft.

This assistance is part of the focus of BPPT 2021 in developing Advanced Indonesia Technology in the transportation sector. BPPT has been involved in developing technology in the field of mass transportation and environmentally friendly vehicles by the end of 2020.

"BPPT is also assisting LAPAN in the development of the N219 amphibious aircraft, which is an aircraft capable of taking off in waters," Hamam said.

N219 is a project that involves many institutions such as PTDI, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Transportation, Bappenas, Ministry of Research and Technology, BPPT, and LAPAN. All related institutions are expected to be able to function according to the duties and functions of each institution to support the N219 design process.

As N-219 program seems to be cruising, are ther any recent developments concerning N-245? Or is N-245 planned as a follow up after N-219?
As N-219 program seems to be cruising, are ther any recent developments concerning N-245? Or is N-245 planned as a follow up after N-219?

Base on recent explanation from DI director (early December 2020), they are going to start the program in 2021 and as I know the budget for the development look like has already been prepared. Yup it will be UCAV MALE, N 245, N 219 amphibious, and further N 219 development until 2024.

When N 245 development is completed then it will be R 80 joint development with PT RAI (base on recent plan). PT RAI is pretty much almost completing the Preliminary design but they lack of engineers to do detail design because they dont have many designers.

UCAV MALE is still undergoing wind tunnel testing as of now

Defense Ministry Certification of Rocket Motor RD 702 Made by PT DI

28 February 2021


Handover of PT DI's RD-702 Rocket Motor Type Certificate (photo: Kemhan)

Signing and submission of RD-702 Rocket Motor military eligibility certificate

The Indonesian Ministry of Defense's Feasibility Center Monday, February 22, 2020, Laksma took place in the meeting room of the 10th Floor of the AH Nasution Laksma TNI Building, Teguh Sugiono, SE, MM carried out the signing and submission of the RD-702 Rocket Motor Military Feasibility Certificate to PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) as a material producer or provider. Activities run smoothly by always complying with the Covid-19 Health Protocol.


The signing and submission of the Military Feasibility Certificate is carried out after the entire process of the Feasibility Certification activities which include Application activities, Document Verification / Document Review and Conformity Inspection and Functional Tests that have been carried out by the IMMA (Indonesian Military Airworthiness Authority) Team.

In his speech, Kapuslaik congratulated PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) and hopes that Puslaik's trust in the form of a Type Certificate is given, in the future it can be useful for the progress of PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) as an Industry in support of National Defense.


This is a rocket made by Indonesian Aerospace to be used in helicopter and plane
The first prototype will use Spain FCS, but later it will use LEN FCS inshaAllah, and based on what LEN official said, indigenous FCS will be ready to be integrated in the MALE UCAV in 2023 (base on plan).
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Maintenance/overhaull job for PTDI look like will be given this year from Indonesian Air Force for CN 235 planes. Currently PTDI is also working to convert 2-3 Malaysian CN 235 from transport into MPA role. Last year the company has also finished to fix 1 Brunei CN 235 that has been grounded for years.

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