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Indonesia wind tunnel history

I have put this video before, but this is from an official YT channel managed by one of division in BPPT (Indonesian Research Agency).

BPPT is just one government research agency, it is under BRIN that also managing LAPAN (Space and Aerospace Agency), LIPI (many kind of research), and BATAN (Nuclear Research)

We can see many of indigenous aircrafts, missile, UAV being developed in Indonesia from the video. There are also some foreign country aircraft/UAV (Turkey/Iran) that seek Indonesian assistance in testing their aircraft. Regardless of that they dont show everything and some foreign people seen on the video are customers since it is government facility, only civil servant can work here.

N 250 and N 2130 program seen in this wind tunnel are cancelled due to prohibition from IMF for government to finance both project. We can only pay our debt to IMF in 2008 while N 250 and N 2130 program have already been exist in 1990's. IMF gave Loan to Indonesia during Asian Financial Crisis that started in 1997.

2 N 250 prototype has flown but we need to make more prototype to complete development and certification which is not cheap, N 1230 program though has been started in 1995 intended to challenge both Boeing and Airbus in big jet engine passenger plane market (comparable to Boeing 737 plane and Airbus A 318).

R 80 program is new and intended to make 80-92 passenger class turboprop aircraft to compete with ATR 72. Other seen on the wind tunnel are KFX/IFX C 103 design, Elang Hitam MALE UCAV, and amphibious N 219 planes

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that seek Indonesian assistance in testing their aircraft

If we are talking about the Anka-Aksungur project, the situation in question is nothing but the use of the wind tunnel belonging to Indonesian institution. Because construction and development activities of the 10MW-Big Subsonic/Transonic Wind Tunnel at TAI facilities is continuing. The aim is to make this facility one of the three largest subsonic facilities in the world after Germany(DNW) and the US. For digital data modeling, computers with 20,000 cores are available and computers with 50,000 cores are expected to be installed.

Here, the use of the wind tunnel is important in terms of calibrating the data sets and CFD analysis, but showing this as SEEKing of technical support is extremely wrong. TAI actively leases wind tunnels around the world. If you wanna know some of them, these scale models were taken to Pakistan, Romania, and even to South Africa. TAI often uses UK facilities, but there is a big problem in finding available appointments. TAI solved this problem by leasing or using as subcontracting almost all tunnels in the world. In addition, CFDs are not the only subject of testing facilities. There are many more complex facilities such as lightning testing and radar reflection tests, and all processes are part of the design testing.

Let's talk about the other side of the coin: I did not see any leakage from Romania or South Africa regarding TAI projects before. I did not see a leak from the UK either. However, for some reason, the Aksungur project was leaked in Indonesia before it was introduced. As if this were not enough, in this forum and in the other forum (you know what I mean), it is tried to be reflected as if Indonesia has technical assistance to this project. Moreover, the only tunnel used for Anka is not in Indonesia. If we are to speak in terms of staff support, TAI has technical offices and "company-employed" staff in the UK, Germany, France, and even wider scale including Indonesia. It is even a company that hires new graduates around the world and gave paid leave for their doctorate abroad.

TAI's strategic goal is to become one of the top 10 aviation companies in the world (the head table), by increasing its turnover four-to-five times within 10 years. In this direction, the number of engineers increases by 1000 every year and within 5 years, the number of direct employment engineers will exceed 10000. Its current turnover nearly 3 billion dollars, it is one of the top 50 defense companies in the world. I wanted to make this reminder about the scale and roadmap of the company we are talking about. Of course, I am very happy when TUSAŞ/TAI adds brotherly Indonesia's companies to its subcontractor services. However, the answer to the question of what kind of change will happen in any project of TAI, if there is not one of them, is the -empty set-. So nothing. I ask you to be more careful when producing speculative content about worldwide companies. have a nice day.
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Let's talk about the other side of the coin: I did not see any leakage from Romania or South Africa regarding TAI projects before. I did not see a leak from the UK either. However, for some reason, the Aksungur project was leaked in Indonesia before it was introduced. As if this were not enough, in this forum and in the other forum (you know what I mean), it is tried to be reflected as if Indonesia has technical assistance to this project. Moreover, the only tunnel used for Anka is not in Indonesia

The leaks come from Turkish own media and TAI high ranking official and Anka has been tested in Indonesia wind tunnel since 2008 until around 2017 (newer generation)

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Journey of CN235-220 MPA from Bandung to Dakar
N 219 local content is around 40 percent, beside all fuselage parts are produced by Indonesian Aerospace, other local companies under Indonesia Aircraft Component Manufacturer Association (INACOM) are also making some other components.


Despite pandemic and many current airline experience lost, there is new Indonesian airline emerge and will operate soon. The company will focus on domestic route and low cost airline

Super Airjet

N 250 first flight in 1995.

This plane is developed by Indonesia Aerospace and has gotten around 300 hours test flight and made 2 prototypes and uses fly by wire system.

The plane has even flown to Europe and appear in Parish Airshow in 1997. The program is shutdown after IMF forbid Indonesia government to give any financial support to Indonesian Aerospace.

Indonesia needs IMF loan to be able to survive during Asian Financial Crisis. Indonesia has been able to repay the loan in 2008. Under Indonesia Aerospace new management, the company then pursuit less ambitious program with N 219 plane that requires less money to develop and less competition in its class.

During the journey, Indonesia Aerospace has also lost one of its test flight pilot, Captain Erwin, an Aerospace engineer graduated from Stuttgart University in German, during CN 235 test flight. He is one of test pilots during N 250 first flight.

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This is explanation about CN 235 by the Production Director and you can see some manufacturing process of the plane in the video.

In summary he said :

1. CN 235 is a joint project of CASA Spain (Airbus Defense) and IPTN (Indonesia Aerospace)

2. CN 235 is currently only produced by Indonesian Aerospace while Airbus Defense has already focused on producing C 295 which is a derivative of CN 235

3. All fuselage and even bolt are all produced in Indonesia Aerospace facility where raw material is supplied by other company.

You can use English by changing the subtitle although the automatic translation is really bad

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PT Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi (PT NTP) which is a specialized turbine company under PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesian Aerospace), gets Indonesia military certification for MRO (Maintenance Repair and Overhaul) of T 56 engine for Hercules C -130

There is another BELL 412 EPI ready to be delivered to Army


I dont know how many Bell 412 EPI orders based on recent contract, but what I know PTDI has 9 NC212 orders where 2 are already completed (1 delivered), 8 Caracal Helicopters ( Forget detail but look like 1 has been delivered last year).

I dont know CN 235 order but at least 1 CN 235 MPA for Navy is currently constructed and almost finish. There are also contract for F 16 refurbished and upgrade program but the work is being done in Air Force facility. 2 F 16 has been delivered, while there are 8 more are still being worked.

New order for CN 235 is likely made by Senegal again this year while PTDI is currently busy converting 3 Malaysian CN 235 into MSA/MPA version.

The next potential order is for MRO of Hercules engine (PT NTP) and MRO of around 8 old CN 235 planes from Armed Force (dont know which branch). And around 4 N 219 planes for Aceh province (waiting mass production certificate for N 219 program) will likely become effective contract this year.

What I can say is that PTDI currently relies a lot with domestic demands and N 219 program would probably become the program that will get many foreign orders as MOU shows good demand from overseas market.

Possible several new CN 235 ASW and Gunship order could happen next year IMO from Indonesian Armed Force.

Aviation Technology: Key for Equitable Development and Protecting The Country"

Indonesia has a long history of developing aviation technology. As the largest archipelagic country in the world, Indonesia needs transportation to connect places and islands, where airplane mode is the main choice.

Connectivity is fundamental in realizing equitable development. Research institutes and industries that have become the motor for aerospace technology development have also been formed, namely the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) and Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesian-Aerospace), which in the past was named Nurtanio.

Supported by various research institutions such as Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) and universities as well as other partners, raises various products that are the pride of Indonesia.

One of these products is the N-219 and N-219 Amphibi. The N-219 is designed as a multipurpose transport aircraft that can take-off and landing on short runways, making it suitable for transportation to remote areas, logistics and medical transportation in disaster areas, as well as supporting tourism on small islands. Meanwhile, the N-219 Amphibi has the advantage of being able to take-off and landing on land and on the water, making it very suitable for connecting loose areas and supporting tourism.

The “Elang Hitam (Black Eagle)” Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV was developed by LAPAN, BPPT, and Dirgantara Indonesia to be the eye to monitoring the country from the air. Besides for surveillance purposes, the "Black Eagle" MALE-UAV which is in the MQ-9 USA and CH-4 China classes is also used as a defense tool to protect the country.
LAPAN (Indonesia Space Agency) role in Disaster Migitation

I think it is not complete if we dont bring Lapan role in Indonesian rocket program as well

Just watch an interview with Ilham Habibie, PT RAI President Commissioner, that R 80 program has finished its preliminary design phase (basic design).

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